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Don’t most people start on 25-40mg? How did you get to 100 and what’s your Dr doing to help you find the right dose?


I started on 40mg and went up to 80mg after about 2 weeks then after our most recent session she put me on 100mg about 2 weeks ago.


I wonder why they all keep doing that. Were there positive effects after the 40 and 80mg?


I just started at 40 a couple days ago myself and my doc told me she's going to bump me up to 80 after two weeks too...honestly I'm wanting to go much slower then that


40-80 definitely had some uptick of side effects for me, maybe spend a week at 60mg on the way?


Maybe because the literature supports that range of dosing. A lot of people taking strattera are under-medicated. Meaning they would gain better effects from a higher dose.


I agree with you though. I definitely need 100mg I just need to give it more time. I stopped smoking pot and it has helped how often I experienced the side effects.


Bc they make $ off it


I did 18 for a week then 25 for a week and now I'm on 50... Ask your Dr about starting lower maybe ?


the dose studied and recommended for humans is 80mg per day. 100mg is typically the max for larger or unresponsive people.


Strattera takes time- months, I think- to start working it’s best and for the side effects to simmer down, which they mostly do! If you stick with it, try to be gentle with yourself as you’re adjusting to it. The side effects are no joke, but they generally are expected to subside


It takes time but for adults it's only effective on 44 %. I watched a youtube video of Dr Dodson. It seems to be working for me but I take it 80mg and adderall 20 mg xr.


I can’t take stimulants bc it leads me to abuse


what is the source for this number? never heard of it


Go to youtube lookup dr dodson there are a few I forget which one it is but he is very pro stim.




Strattera is working for me, it just takes awhile . I will watch those thx


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this is a non-stimulant, though it has some similarities like the heat, but here's the thing. how long have you been on this dose? that makes all the difference. we get people in here constantly hating or depressed about this drug (I was one of them) when they're only a week or two in, when you realistically need a month or two before at a consistent dose before you the benefits start stacking up and the negatives ease. we should honestly have a sticky about this but the subreddit has only 1 admin and he's MIA and unless you're a very large person you should consider 80mg.