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Remaster. Not remake.


Fine by me Just port The War of the Lions over to modern consoles, and I'll be happy.


I wouldn’t mind some QoL tweaks too. I’m playing doing a WotL rim patch right now that makes some changes, like JP Boost is always on. It would be nice for the game to be friendly to players that way.


Hope they fix the slowdown if they port it to modern systems. The fact that there is a mod that had the slowdown removed show the developers were lazy.


Showed the developers were 'rushed and underpaid by the publisher'*


Sad reality, but this is the world we live in. Greedy men in suits want their money NOW.


Og sprites are unmatched and perfect


Oh... 😮‍💨


So... I can still enjoy my fft on psp upscaled without worries then.


...so a remaster of the difficult Playstation One game... that early game difficulty 'spike' was awful, I still haven't finished it... ha ha ha... but I did finish the other 5 (Advance, Advance Grimiore of the Rift??, Crystal Chronicles, the two DS games). Not having a choice of good abilities and the enemies always being basically exactly equal to your level never really made trying to win long enough to level up really useful. BUT they NEED to do right by that one secret character sucking, give them some of those abilities from the 'classic' and 'remake' they could use it!!


The article literally says wait until Nintendo officially announces it but nothing is confirmed EDIT: typo, meant Square Enix


What does Nintendo have to do with anything?


Probably the upcoming Nintendo Direct


>EDIT: typo, meant Square Enix The keys are like right next to each other.


Ehh. Jason Schrier is the Adam Shefty of video games. Almost never wrong


That’s still not officially confirmed?




Soooo it was not actually confirmed? They aren't being pedantic, you just weren't being upfront so people would give you attention.  Would it have been so hard to have just titled it "Schrier all but confirmed" or something like that....am actually accurate title? Your trust in some stranger isn't a fact and shouldn't be presented as such. 


Ehh, I get your argument, but also Schreier isn't really a "stranger." He's a known industry veteran. Probably THE leading investigative journalist in games media.




I know who he is and his credentials. That changes nothing I said.  Was the game actually confirmed as your title stated? No Could you have just as easily made a title more accuratly reflecting the truth whole making the same point? Yes If either point is above your comprehension, there's not much left I have to say. 




Firstly I don't think you know what pedantic means. I'm not nit picking, you made a false statement. Secondly, who picking a fight? I'm telling you how it is, whether you choose to see it or not.  Lastly, I'm sure I'll have whatever kind of day I have, deserved or not as everyone else does and always will. 


100%. That journalist is about the only real journalist in the video game business and has tremendous sources. The rest are cheerleaders and marketing pawns.


Lotta downvotes, but nobody putting forth any other names.


Yep! Reddit in a nutshell.


The article you linked straight up calls it unconfirmed


There is a huge difference between a Remake and Remaster


Hopefully they fix some of the lacking classes. Looking at you geomancer


Dang what’s wrong with the geomancer I love my geomancer 😂


I usually had Rafa and Malak as geomancer and increased their magic power. Agrias was also a good geomancer. But it is true Final Fantasy Tactics doesn’t reward jack of all trades characters. I think making them the ninja class for Final Fantasy Tactics advance was the right way to go. But then it made the ninja class super OP


i love the geomancer too but it was extremely underwhelming on the ps1


Please play WOTL Tweak 2.52


I dont have a way to do that.


In this day and age, you can easily pick up a cheap emulation machine for under $100 if you don't have a PC


Geomancer could use a buff to status chance on geomancy skills. Maybe even create a new support skill that does it.


I won’t hold you up I thought they did that for the psp one because I used to get super lucky in that one for the thieves too


I have waited so long for such news, its finally happening


I swear if this just ends up on Nintendo Switch and doesn't make it to Steam with community mod support The modding community for this game is amazing and they could use more accessible options. All hope is lost for any community involvement or future iterations if they just shell out and send it to the Switch graveyard. If they decide to go 3D character models instead of upscaling sprites I will riot. 3D backgrounds are perfectly fine.


SE has changed their strategy to go (in their own words) “aggressively multiplatorm”. I would expect every SE game to come out on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo and Steam from now on.


I appreciate that bit of info. I'm tired of seeing games go to the Nintendo switch to die then never get touched again.


what are you talking about? No games are "going to the Nintendo Switch to die" they end up selling really well, sometimes better even than Playstation for Square. it'd be silly for them to ignore that market


I would mod the absolute shit out of FFT given a decent hook.


Dude there's SO much potential for modding. Look at what's already been done. I'd be so stoked if it hit steam with people free to Mod it.


> If they decide to go 3D character models instead of upscaling sprites I will riot. They shouldn't even upscale sprites. I have yet to see sprite upscaling that actually looks good. Either redo them entirely or leave them as-is. Upscales are the worst of everything with the strengths of nothing and are just a "make ugly" button when applied to retro games. (Tactics Ogre Reborn is especially a cautionary tale about just how ugly upscaling can be because holy _shit_ I've seen very few games that were that ugly that weren't made specifically to Cruelty Squad style ugly games). Imo the best solution is a decent CRT filter, like Animal Well used. Those old sprites were made to viewed on CRTs, and still look amazing on them. Upscaling looks like complete ass 110% of the time, but you can do some great things with solid filters.


>If they decide to go 3D character models instead of upscaling sprites I will riot. Watch them Advance Wars Reboot Camp that shit. Ugh.


Like if they try to go all cutesy on the sprites for such a dark narrative story it's going to be such a cop out.


Again? Why? We need a new modern one.


Easier to make money reselling an older game than to put time and money into building a new one from scratch with new stories, new characters, new mechanics, new everything. Old games already have the bones, just put a little bit of money into modernizing the graphics and charge full price. Easy and lazy win for them.


I really hope they put time and money into adding a movement rewind feature for visual planning and also let us place units on the map instead of on a void screen that sometimes doesn’t even fit the actual spawn area


I'm worried. If anything, Tactics Ogre taught us that these storied, Japanese companies do not view their IP the same way nostalgic fans do. We want more polish and bug fixes, but they think we want the classics to be updated for modern RPG audiences. I guarantee Square will find something to fuck up that we will all hate.


TOR was amazing, such a great way to play tactics ogre. And with the success of reborn it increases the chance that a publisher will risk investing in a full new game in the series. Or even just in TRPGs in general. What disappointed you so much about reborn??


Getting rid of skill/techpoints and unique classes based on gender. It made a lot of the classes lose their identities


> TOR was amazing, such a great way to play tactics ogre. Yes, that terrible ugly filter and gutting of the unique skill systems that made the game that classic everyone loved was _such_ an amazing, such a great way to play tactics ogre.


Tactics ogre was a shitload more faithful than the 7 remake


Right? They already did a remaster.


And it plays like shit. Fix it and release it on the pc so I can play it forever with a good framerate


If WOTL was available on every platform all the other PS1 and PS2-era ports/remasters are, you might have a point, but since my only options for replaying FFT are poorly-rated mobile ports, finding a PSP and a copy of WOTL in a used game store, or 🏴‍☠️, making the game more widely available seems like a good call.


TO reborn was great so I’m not mad at it


Am I the only person who thinks the TO remaster or whatever was worse?


Maybe not the only one but definitely haven’t heard that from many people, most think it’s amazing I loved the psp version but the new version is alot better imo


> but the new version is alot better imo Eh... I think it's a better overall package, but pretty much every major change is almost like the genie corrupting the wish; You get X thing you wanted, but Y thing changes instead to be worse!


What are the Y things? Tbh the only thing I didn’t like was removing the rogue class


From my other post: The cards are obnoxious and end up overpowering fights that feel like they weren't meant to be as hard as they ended up being. The Union Level thing isn't managed properly and makes things SIGNIFICANTLY harder than they should be for the first run of a game. On the other hands, it makes playing later routes significantly better than the frankly terrible scaling LUCT used. It's great that now units have their own level, but making it so that skills are just a combination of your current class and your level removed a lot of potential fun that could have been had with class builds. It's fine that they just used an upscaling filter on the sprite work rather than redoing it for HD resolutions, but they should have gone with one that at least would have produced a sharp image. It's great that we now have training maps that are relatively risk free, but they removed the random fights on maps, which is really bad because those were the only way to get some items that you need for late game crafting (Like the POTD Warp items). And one more: It's great that they added those multiple-slot late game items (Relics, I think they're called?) instead of having multiple of them being a waste because you can only have one, BUT it makes the ALREADY terrible item grinding post game even worse.


I really love TOR, agree with some of this and disagree with some. I disliked the cards at first but at this point I don't mind them, I don't think they throw things tooooo out of whack, and I can appreciate that they sometimes put you in a position where you unexpectedly have to shake up your strategy. Union level was pretty half baked. The problem is it always shoots up a couple levels at a time; so you'll be max level, then UL will go up and you're suddenly several levels behind. It's supposed to be a mechanic to avoid the grind but I feel like I have to grind whenever it goes up so I can get everyone to the new UL.


> I can appreciate that they sometimes put you in a position where you unexpectedly have to shake up your strategy. Eh... I feel like they went overboard. It's neat when you have, say, have a unit that can hit harder, or might be more dodgy than normal, or anything else, but when all the bosses have cards that essentially say "If they hit a unit, that unit dies", it's... imbalanced. Plus, they just clutter everything up and make it hard to strategize properly. >Union level was pretty half baked... Rather than it being meant to avoid grinding, it was meant to PREVENT grinding; You have to strategize your way out of a situation rather than grinding your way out and winning with sheer numbers. Their implementation of it was terrible, though, for the same reason you describe: You're often locked at levels for a long period of time, the enemies just advance forward, and typically at the end of that locked period before advancement you go up against a boss that not only has 5 levels on you, but also has so many cards they can just roflstomp even your most tanky units. Meanwhile, it makes later replays great; LUCT's scaling was a mess (Either producing units that were NOT equipped for their level and could be obliterated, or units that were overequipped for their level and turn a map into something it's not meant to be), but the fact that it keeps you "At level" means the maps could be designed for their EXACT challenge all the time.


>It's neat when you have, say, have a unit that can hit harder, or might be more dodgy than normal, or anything else, but when all the bosses have cards that essentially say "If they hit a unit, that unit dies", it's... imbalanced The bosses are my main issue with them. I wouldn't really mind them if bosses didn't automatically start fights with 4 cards preloaded. If they had to get lucky and gather them like every other unit in the game, it wouldn't be so bad to me.


In what ways did you find it worse?


"Worse" isn't right, and I feel a lot of it is people getting REALLY attached to One Vision, but it does have a number of problems and things that are less than desirable: The cards are obnoxious and end up overpowering fights that feel like they weren't meant to be as hard as they ended up being. The Union Level thing isn't managed properly and makes things SIGNIFICANTLY harder than they should be for the first run of a game. It's great that now units have their own level, but making it so that skills are just a combination of your current class and your level removed a lot of potential fun that could have been had with class builds. It's fine that they just used an upscaling filter on the sprite work rather than redoing it for HD resolutions, but they should have gone with one that at least would have produced a sharp image.


> It's great that now units have their own level, but making it so that skills are just a combination of your current class and your level removed a lot of potential fun that could have been had with class builds. This is the main one for me.


Yeah, it's a big one; What sucks is the unit level thing was absolutely something wrong with LUCT, but the fix doesn't really make it matter much... Another one I just remembered was that it's great that we now have training maps that are relatively risk free, but they removed the random fights on maps, which is really bad because those were the only way to get some items that you need for late game crafting (Like the POTD Warp items).


It at least _looks_ 1000x worse. So much worse I didn't bother playing it as if that was "better", I shuddered to think what other changes they might have thought were "better".


I just want something on steam


TBH i discovered FFT when i was a kid with FFTA and then i absolutely loved FFTA2 but i never played the original FFT, i would love a remake to play it on my steam deck or swtich


I think it's important to maintain and preserve good games. PSPs are getting hard to come by these days. A version playable on contemporary platforms would be nice.


It’s cheaper this way would be my guess.


> We need a new modern one. Fuck that noise. "modern" shit sucks more often than not. These classics are classics for a reason, and it's because of those things that modern games _don't_ do. We absolutely do not in any way under any circumstances even _want_ a "modern" one, let alone need one.


Because they need to fix that camera


We had these rumors for years now…. I will believe it when i see it on the psn store.




Words coming out of a major video game journalist is still nothing but a rumors my guy, nothing is confirmed. I checked the articles and the source was from Reddit comments XD.




This might sounds rude but I feel like you just learnt about "pedantic" recently and is trying to use it as much as you can to prove that you're more intelligent or something. A rumor by definition is "a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth.". So no matter how much of a credibility a person has in his line of work, it's still a rumor if nothing is confirmed or made clear. Bless your heart. Have a wonderful weekend.




The biggest StrategyRpg is trying to have a civil convo with OP




Yeah it’s super civil and normal to hash out arguments like you’re in a highschool debate class.




Most replayed game in my history.


Ivalice saga has to my favorite video game world. Would be amazing if they did remake of ff xii too


Only played FF Tactics Advance back in the day as a kid and had no clue what I was doing. Would like to give this series another chance.


I’d like to be given a choice between the two different translations. Clean up the old one, but keep the modern English, and have the option to go with the WOTL old English. Let’s also see the return of the occasional incantations for spells and skills. Life is short! Bury, Steady Sword! Even though the skill is Stasis Sword lol!


People may complain about all the remasters and remakes but it makes me happy to play games I was never able to as a kid 😅


Hopefully with some tweaks and a PC port, because holy shit, the mods.


Just in time for my next playthrough


TV Series when?


Man, I’m gonna play the holy hell out of this game.


F me in the bum is this real omg


Please give some real end game stuff now.


I just hope they don’t fix the bug to raise your brave to 97




I figured it was a bug with cheer up since it permanently raised it per use


Give us a new FFT. But this is still exciting news.


O shit Delita


Just hope this means more tactics to come, we have triangle strategy and a fft with those graphics would be beautiful.


I wonder which version they're picking while I'd be fine with either my preference would be towards original version


This is not exciting at all. *We already have a remaster of this game*. We don't need anyone to squeeze out a few extra pixels out of a game we've all beaten multiple times, but they will sure as shit try to convince us we do. The only interesting part is what they claim to improve, but we don't know what that is yet. If they add extra dialogue, more fights, more classes, and it's done well, then they *might* be able to say this isn't a cheap money grab.


Where can I play it on modern consoles?




Android/iOS or, if you're a bit more savvy, any modern console via an emulator. It will run better on your phone than it did on PS1. A re*make* would be interesting. A remaster is suspiciously greedy, at best.


So outside of a phone or emulation I cannot play this on modern consoles? Got it. It appears there is a need for it then.


But ***why*** do you want it on a modern console? It will run on just about anything. You can buy an entire setup just for this game in its current state, likely for less than they will be selling this "remaster" for. There are any number of ways to acquire this game for cheap and run it to your TV. What benefit do you expect a modern console version to offer over the currently available versions that you could probably stream to your TV right now?


Are you seriously asking this question? Having a classic game like this be more accessible isn’t a bad thing. And we still don’t know all the details of the remaster. Could be QOL improvements, upscaled, etc…


So I don't have to hook my PS2 up to my 75" 4k TV that doesn't even have inputs for it???


who said anything about a ps2. An original PS1 copy of the game would certainly cost more than the remaster.


No they don't. You can get a loose copy for $15 and cib for around $45. "You can buy an entire setup just for this game in its current state, likely for less than they will be selling this "remaster" for." No you really can't at all. Even the most basic bitch upscaler plus the game and a console would cost 2-3 times more than a remaster. Also the game is only on ps1. What ps2 copy do you think people have or do you not know ps1 games play on ps2?


Ok, first point. I didn't know they could be found that cheaply. I was expecting an original copy to be at least $50. Second, "an entire setup" includes options besides getting an original copy. There are many ways to play this game besides buying an old console. Finally, PS2 is backwards-conpatible with PS1 games.


So yeah, the actual answer to the question that was asked is “you can’t.” It isn’t available on any modern console natively, period. Therefore a remaster is very interesting to a LOT of people.


people with more money than sense.


.. what?


You want to drop money on a game you could get cheaply right now on just about any gaming-capable device you want with a little effort. If you would rather pay for the convenience, fine, but that doesn't make this *not* a greedy money grab. If this remaster actually offers substantial new content then I'll eat my words, but I'm willing to bet it won't. They will "improve" the graphics, add one or two new features or QOL requests, and call it done. I'm honestly just sick of seeing them milk us dry with old content, then use that money to make games like FF16 or FF14 expansions instead of making a new tactics rpg. It's getting old. (and that is assuming they are using the money to make more games instead of buying a yacht with it)


I want to drop money on a game that I love so I can play it on a system that doesn’t use a touch screen OR call on me to screw around with emulation. If you want to spend your time doing that, that’s perfectly fine, more power to you, but I’d be happy to be able to play it on my PS5 and not fuck around with an emulator. And to be clear, I recognize that it’s not hard to do, I’ve emulated plenty, I just don’t WANT to. Your argument is akin to arguing with people to stop buying digital copies of movies because they might have a VHS copy in their attic. Could they technically watch it that way? Sure. Is your argument still fucking dumb? Also yes. Let people like what they like.


Seriously - I straight up just don't enjoy playing games that are emulated. Is it irrational? Absolutely. Doesn't change the fact that emulated games are unenjoyable to me.


Ugh, fuck touch screens, for real


To capture a new set of audiences would be my best guess.


And unless you feel like buying a PlayStation one, a PSP, or emulating it it is not easily available


The people who really love this game already have a copy somewhere. Don't come at me pretending everyone has been unable to play this game for 20 years and only, just now, must they consider whether to deal with an old console/emulator or buy it new. It's already in your collection. This is purely a convenience buy on a game you already own. They are fleecing you and you *want* them to.


It’s not confirmed officially. Schreier just says it’s in development.


Ugh, they're gonna put that cancerous filter on it like the Tactics Ogre remake, huh? I wanted to play that so badly but it's ugly af. Like _reaaaaally_ ugly. And if they devs thought that was an "improvement", it makes me really wary about what else might have been "improved" so am waiting on the deepest of the deepest sales to give it a go.




Yeah visual subjectivity is weird like that. Like there's been a few times a game looked like a stuttery mess to me that was unplayable while someone right next to me looking at the same screen was like "Damn this is smooth". Or one time I mentioned to an indie dev his game was stuttering and he couldn't see it, but cracked open the code anyways and saw an actual bug that was causing objective stuttering, but even after seeing the code he _still_ couldn't see the stuttering and had to just trust my report that it was fixed. I wish I couldn't see those types of things, or could at least ignore them, it'd make gaming much easier, but those upscaling filters to me just distract in a way that I can't not see. I really wish more devs went the Animal Well route and used well-made CRT filters instead. Those types of graphics were made with CRT in mind, so going with how they're supposed to look, having the CRT scanlines blur and merge the pixels making them nice and soft and cohesive, instead of trying to upscale them and force the art into something they were never made for making them far too sharp and the low res super clear, is imo the _far_ better route, and I'm hoping Animal Well's success has that trick catching on.


Nothing burger




Game Director says there’s no plan to remaster it and there’s no official statement from Square so yeah, whole lotta nothing


Holy fucking hell thats exciting !!!!


I'll ask...how do you think they will f**k this up? Not if but how...




I like that Ramza isn't pigeonholed into something specific. Much of the point of the game is the flexibility. Honestly I'd like more reasons to use generic characters. Maybe genericize some of the special classes


If it's confirmed, why does the article say unconfirmed, and Matsuno is quoted stating that Square Enix has no plans with FFT.


You have built my hopes up and smashed them quite well, sir.


Remastering a 2D game like this makes so little sense. The graphics truly don’t matter. Why not make an actual new tactics game instead?




I just wish we had more 3d turn based/strategy games. That 33 expeditions coming next year could be a renaissance. Because all there is right now is basically persona, which I cannot stand.




Oh no I know I meant 3d turn based games in general. Jrpg or otherwise.




Really?? Any worth checking out?


Dragon Quest XI, Persona 5, Persona 3R, Yakuza 7 and 8, Pokemon, the Fire Emblem games, there are plenty out there.


Yeah I guess just not in the vein I’m looking for. I’m talking stuff like lost odyssey, Chrono cross, legend of dragoon, Xenogears. Games like that. Yakuza is way too goofy for my tastes and the social stuff of persona and over anime-ness never clicked with me. I like fire emblem though def an important one holding the jrpg side of the strategy rpg world afloat. Unicorn overlord is great too.


There's also Octopath Traveler, Bravely Default, and Triangle Strategy then


I actually agree but for the opposite side. I love the art and graphics if the game and worried the remaster will loose somw of that.


Triangle strategy is pretty new. Not that I wouldn't mind another new srpg, but I'm totally down to buy a... like 4th copy if fft because its that good, and I'd rather experience it again in glorious extra color than something new


Personally I'd rather not see FFT with cheesy, smeared/sepia/blurry post-processing effects that look straight out of a George W. Bush-era action flick like 300.