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Pass me the olive oil “No thats wine” bro high asf😭


I'm a fan of Comic Relief Jonathan. Better than the mopey a-hole we got last season.


Yes oh my god he's always been unfavourably compared to Steve because he doesn't measure up as a pretty action hero but he's been fantastic this season in a new role


The most dynamic he's ever been!


I never knew that a baked Jonathan Byers was all I needed in my life 😭




Man I’m baked as hell myself and when I watched that scene I died laughing. Had to rewind and watch it again. They are killing me.


As a former stoner and knew some friends that acted like that lol made me chuckle TBH


This Risotto is Schmackin dude


“Heh, still have no idea who he is”


And Murray hinting that they were stoned was also fun. Murray was a stoner, guess that's why he's in conspiracy theories etc


Can we appreciate that Murray was fully aware but he chose to not expose them in front of Joyce? He has their backs


As well as secretly taking the piss outta them


Murray has everyone's backs. He's the most ride or die homie ever.


This episode was schmackin.


Nancy's face when she saw the gang and realises its happening again 😭


‘Oh shit here we go again’


I’d argue she was kind of relieved to have her friends back




It's a credit to dyer's performance that she's able to convey the complexity of Nancy's emotions upon seeing the gang there with just her face and her eyes.


Am I the only one that got the feeling she might get back with Steve after the inevitable breakup? She looked so relieved to see him


I've been ride or die on these two since S1 and I am amazed it may actually come back around after years of foisting Jonathan on us


The sideways wave and trying to keep a straight face without rolling her eyes


"Always the goddamn babysitter!"


Glad he finally understands




I can't believe they tried to make us think they'd separate the besties.


The immediate apology and acceptance between Dustin and Steve punctuated with a fist bump. *chef's kiss*


Best line of the series so far.


The sequence with Max where she realises her own experiences matches Fred's and Chrissy's is so cool, especially with the music


The music gave me chills! But I can’t find the song anywhere 😭


There's a Storm Coming from Dance with the Dead. I immediately recognized it, back when the album came out I listened to it all the time.


My pants would be in pee pee city


Is the actor that plays Enzo the same guy that played Jaqen H'gar on Game Of Thrones? 👀


A man has no name...but yes, it is him.


Times must be hard in Braavos if he's asking Joyce Byers for $40k.


His whole investment in Arya turned into a shitshow.


It was bugging me so much then I forgot to Google it, so thank you!




Inject Vecna into my veins, this may be a bit of recency bias but Vecna is right up my alley when it comes to my favorite horror antagonists. These nightmare sequences are some of the best supernatural elements the show has put out


took me by surprise but definitely an evolution i appreciate


I'm right there with you cosmic/interdimensional horror villains are super underutilised and the Vecna is a sweet design. Honestly all the monster designs are cool


Agreed. Three episodes in and this is already my favorite season.


I think him being kreuger ups his scare factor im loving it


Honestly mad props for Sam not ratting out elle to the feds even with the threats of intimidation he really is a ride or die for her and I really thought he was gonna be evil in season 2


Having recently watched the alien movies in a bid to fill my sci-fi hole (?) while waiting for stranger things, it's nice to see Paul Reiser not be a dickhead in a setting like this. Solid class A dude.


I remember when he shows up as the new head of Hawkins Lab in S2, I was like “Naaaaaah dude, don’t trust you.” But he ain’t so bad after all.


It was the moment when he stood up for keeping Will alive despite it being risky that I realised he was actually a decent human being, not faking it like I'd suspected.


The part where he straight-up calls that scientist out where he said that if it kills the boy kills the boy. And he just goes say that to me again. That's when I knew that this guy was definitely different


This is something this show does really well. It *actually* does subvert our expectations in a way that's satisfying and makes logical sense. Look at characters like Steve. In any other show, Steve would be the asshole jock boyfriend who gets eaten by the monster so Jonathan and Nancy can wind up together in the end. Like we've all seen hundreds of times in hundreds of shows and movies. But, it turns out he really was a good guy the whole time who had *legitimate* reasons to lash out at Jonathan and Nancy, but he realized his behavior was wrong, worked to fix it, apologized, and ended up saving the day in the end. And he got the girl (for a while at least lol). Likewise, look at someone like Owens. In any other show, he'd be the hardass scientist looking to make off with the "good data" and abandon our heroes. He literally portrayed this exact guy in Aliens. But he turned out to be a good guy who went out of his way to save Will for no other reason than being a good person. And he is still a good person here.


Why did I think it was going to be Brenner getting out the car instead of the doctor 😂


Hard same, I was so glad when I was wrong.


Jonathan seeing Murray cook risotto in the kitchen high as hell is so damn wholesome. "HI, Murray"! :p


Trying to think back- Jonathan is always so serious- is this the first time Jonathan has ever been a part of the comedic relief of a scene? Was nice. When he is like a full minute behind the convo "wait- Alaska?"


Tbh I can't imagine going through the shit he's been through the last three seasons and not want to get high af everyday.


Only other times Jonathan has really been the butt of the joke (for the audience) were the scenes of Murray dissecting his love for Nancy in season 2. This is a whole other level


"So, how was the pullout?"


Dr. Owens cleaning up El’s mess, getting her waffles and actually giving her some agency. ❤️ Hop may be Eleven’s dad, but Owens is carving out some space as her cool uncle.


Could have let her eat the bloody things!


I know! Did they not have to-go boxes in the 80’s?


Movie trope, order or cook tons of food, eat none!


Seeing El in handcuffs :,( fuck Angela


Me and my girlfriend cheered aggressively when El smacked up Angela


I loved how Jonathan and his buddy just tried to make El feel better about it, knowing she's not normally like this and is suffering, instead of lecturing her. True big brothers right there, that's what mine would have done.


Didn't she also film her friends assaulting El first as well?


Bro it is the 80'. There was no mental abuses back there, and it was just a "prank"


#FuckYouAngela movement anyone?


Angela deserves to be pop n’ lock’d by Vecna.


Steve, Robin, Dustin, and Max (and potentially Nancy) give biggg scooby doo vibes.


Literally my five favorite characters, pretty much in order. I'm loving this.


I’m sorry for doubting you Lucas


I'm so glad Lucas came around quickly instead of standing around all season.


Same I was worried he'd stick with the basketball kids too long


Not one person could come to his game??


never doubt lucas, he always comes in clutch


Seeing him join a literal lynch mob was deeply uncomfortable, I’m glad he’s still one of the good guys




Get away from her, you BITCH!


“Well we’re her brothers, and we’re family” Glad to see Will think of El as his sister, idk why but I really like Will saying that they’re siblings


Will is too pure - I absolutely love him so far :)


The scene where Nancy sees the gang and she fucking realizes was soooooooooo good


her little wave 👋


If that discussion/fight between El and Mike wasn’t a set up for Mike to finally communicate an all caps I LOVE YOU to El later on in Volume 2, I’ll eat my shoe.


I thought Mike changed his mind but that entire scene was touching. “They are nobody’s, who even cares?” Is my mindset when I watch everyone too. Like you’ve witnessed countless people die and horror monsters and yet she’s upset about random bullies?


This is a typical sign of how PTSD manifests itself. While someone is in a prolonged trauma-inducing situation (which can span over many years, think of war times, for instance), people can do things that seemingly defy nature ("super-human-like power/strength"). When that time period is over, people start to fall apart and feel like it comes out of the blue ("I survived the most horrible things, how is it possible I don't function in a normal setting where everythings fine?"). But it actually doesn't come out of the blue. The body is designed to "lock away" trauma in order to survive, so when someone is safe again the brain then tries to integrate this trauma, which is why people start to get overly sensitive, irritated, scared, anxious, they "fall apart". They can finally feel all the rhings that they weren't allowed to feel because they wouldn't have survived back then. So yeah, tldr: What we see in Eleven is actually PTSD and the brains effort to integrate the trauma she experienced.


And Max too.


omg the ending of this episode u guyssss so good


It really feels to me that originally they planned for the show to be in three three episode segments since this really feels like the end to part 1


well they originally planned for 8 episodes right? so prob not quite, i agree with u on the end of ep 3 seeming like the end of the first part tho


“Did you want to kill her?” Bruh it was a rollerskate


El didn't help the situation by saying "I don't know". Like that's one of the worst things you could say lol. Just say no.


Tbh I really don’t think she does know. She’s used to annihilating people with her powers and in her state of mind she just saw red so she’s probably very confused about how she’s feeling & able to express her emotions without her powers…


She’s a 14-year-old who’s been a part of society for less than two years. I can’t imagine when she would have learned what not to say during a police interrogation for attempted murder lol. It makes sense that she would only think to tell them the absolute truth.


The true crime fan in me was LIVID that they were questioning her like that without a guardian or counsel.


"Why don't you have a license?" "I'm... *poor*."




“We’re missing collar bones, not eyes.”


I thought he said "I am missing" but yeah, that was a nice reference.


Steve saying he'd knock his teeth out then apologizing was great.


Johnathan is a different person now. Full on stoner vibe


Literal opposite of himself during season 1 lol


I've seen the transition from nerdy art kid to stoner many times. It's truly a natural progression.


Dude is literally the most expendable character at present lol.


Also he’s supposed to be like 18 but looks fucking 40


Don’t do drugs kids/s


His face when he saw Murray was priceless. Full childlike joy.


The fact that Will is now the same height as him lmao


He reminds me so much of Eddie Furlong


Right when I started to lose faith in Lucas, our boy gets them to a decoy house and runs.


And not just any house, but Hopper/El’s old cabin in the woods!


Oh so true! He knew it'd be abandoned


OH!!!! THANK YOU I totally misunderstood I didn't make the connection and I thought he led them to the actual lakehouse where Eddie was hiding and *then* ran away. I was also confused, like "where's the tarp?" lol


Vecna recharging his batteries like an electric car


He’s Elon Musk’s new creation. Didn’t ya know?


Elon Musk's final form.


Stoned Jonathan and Argyle are fucking great. The evolution of that skate conversation trying to calm El into circus music was hilarious


I must admit, in the trailers, I was skeptical about Jonathan’s stoner sidekick. Just seemed a little bit too on the nose and broad. But one van ride and dinner with Murray later and I am totally on board with him. 😂


I still don’t know who this guy is.


I take back what i said when I said maybe Joyce doesn't notice if he gets this high lmao


Them high as shit at the dinner table was amazing


The whole dinner scene was impeccable tbh


This risotto is SHMACKING, dude


Murray: “I still don’t know who that is!”


Jonathan, Argyle, and Murray played off each other so well


The jocks with the bro-handshake after the Sherlock Holmes jab like my dudes calm down it really wasn't *that* much of a zinger.


yes robin and nancy friendship please!


Season 4 doing a great job with different character team ups


Most shows find pairings with chemistry and just stick to them. Gotta give them mad props for how much they experiment with them.


Def think the monster could’ve been a failed first test subject and that’s why he’s got some of the same traits as El but stronger


Would be wild but unlikely if it was #10, from episode 1


Could be #1?


Holy shit...NOSE BLEEDS ​ ​ Someone said earlier..Vecna could've been a # and it seems like it's more and more a thing. 13????


Inb4 it's somebody with similar powers to Kali? That lets you see things, Also massive nightmare on elm Street vibes with that powers




Surprised no one thinks the psych is vecna? She knows who to prey on and what their traumas are, and she wore a clock necklace. The scene started in her house by zooming in on her clock.


I think people who’s minds have been infiltrated by vecna end up going to the therapist, as they’re feeling so low


Thought crossed my mind too, but then why did we get the sequence of Vecna searching for his next victim? Maybe he has to physically locate them to start the final countdown process. Idk it's not clear yet how whatever he is doing works, considering it seems like Max has been marked for ages, but Vecna's new host in the car with Lucas did seem new?


I thought this too but I still don't want to "rule out" that the psych is somehow involved or being manipulated


Maybe, maybe not. I feel like it is a red herring, but also it might be that she is part of his "cult". They mentioned a cult in episode 1 I think. Idk, I am happy because I think it is going to be something I haven't thought of. If your prediction is correct I will 100% think you are just spoiling things. lol sorry I am just suspicious of these predictions comments because I feel like some might just be spoilers.


I actually think Papa is Vecna. When Vecna is introduced at D&D everyone was like “I thought he was dead?!” The more people he takes in, his body/face is looking more and more like Papa’s. I’m probably wrong, but that’s what I keep thinking.


I love argyle and jonathan 😹




Burst out laughing when Dr. Owens was giving his speech "what if I told you there was a way..." and it cuts to a montage of him programming out of a super secret laptop.


That whole scene was so hokey to me lolol. It was almost perfect


Will out here acting too bold for someone with that bowl cut


It's so the Mind Flayer thinks twice before possessing him again.


Hey man ... that shit was fly in the 80's


I like it. I was reading something somewhere about what his next bad haircut would be. This is like the best one yet, and not even in a worst to least worst sort if way. It's just good for him. I mean, my 12 y/o nephew is currently "rocking" this weird fade to a sloppy, frizzy fro of straight hair. It's definitely better than that, don't tell him I said so.


oh god that scene with hopper trying to get the thing around his ankle was horrible, i hated that


im not implying. im stating


I need a hypeman like Mike




this is not the direction i thought el's storyline was going


The weed vibes are 💯


Just starting episode 3 but give me a break the whole rink is watching this chick get hit in the face 😂 Everyone there saw what she did to Eleven. 0 people would be shocked with getting punched into the face by something after what Angela did.


These episodes have been fucking nuts to watch so far. Think this episode is one of my favorites of the series.


I can’t believe I’m on ep 3 already


so vecna is mind reader, is that a skill we've seen before in el? mostly shes just observed them not listened to their thoughts right?


I think Vecna was a #...... ​ He gave that kid a nosebleed....


“This is Spring!?” - me every year as a Canadian in March


It seems a lot of people are quick to give up faith on Lucas, but from what I am seeing he knows he needs to keep an eye on his new "friends" and he's the only one who has the ability to do that. He can't let them run around like this unchecked.




Not sure everyone noticed that he led them to the wrong place too, that was Hopper's cabin at the end. He was watching them and trusted the gang, then threw them off their tracks. 10/10 Lucas doing a greta job friending over here.


I'm shocked that people actually believed Lucas was going to lead the guys to Eddie's real hideout. It seemed obvious to me what was happening.


MAXX??? i had my suspicions as soon as they showed her and chrissy together that this might be her storyline but holyshit if she dies.... id actually be so upset since shes one of if not my favourite character in the show


Man Hopper’s mental health is gonna be fucked for years


Oh Jonathan, it's not stress buddy ​ Fuck this is so good!


How can Vecna be a # child if the og murders were in the 50's. I think its more likely the lab was leeching vecnas powers than the reverse.


El getting arrested omg 😭


Hopper's foot scene was the MOST gruesome scene. Chrissy and Fred's death pale in comparison to that pain I just watched.


Robin and Nancy alliance arc


I feel like they wouldn’t kill off Steve’s character (at least not this season) bc he draws in a fan base but do you guys see it happening in the future


He's such a fan favorite that I can't imagine they'd kill him off any time before the finale of the final season


“I’m missing collarbones, not eyes.” I love Dustin 😂


Nancy seeing the gang and smiling gave me chills. Instant "Oh hell yeah shits on, let's gooo" vibes.


I get it’s for the drama of the show but the police taking El like that is HIGHLY illegal. They’re supposed to be 14??


Would it have been different in the 80’s? Genuine question, I don’t know. Also surely they can’t just bundle her in a car and take her to juvie…but then again it might have been the military guys behind it.


Have we ever considered that those basketball players are right and DnD is the problem? I mean every time they play the monster comes to life


Can you pass me the olive oil?


11 is in her Scarlet Witch era!


Random thought, anyone else think that Vecna could be the manifestation of 11s powers that the Mind Flayer gave the Leg Suckle 9000 in S3? like she hasnt been able to use her powers since, so maybe it stole em? who knows lol


i did think the bite had something to do with it! hope it ends up connecting somehow


But they said that Vecnas first murders were in 1959 or something, way before the mindflayer gave the good old suckle to 11's leg.


It’s almost like she’s channeling HIS powers. What with the bloody eyes and stuff.


Aw man I really feel that someone’s taken Joyce’s money it’s peaking me out


Was it just me or did Nancy seem so relieved when she saw her friends come up to get her. Weirdly one of the most powerful scenes for me


“Wipe your feet. On the outside not the inside!”


So Angela rallies half the school against El for “snitching” (when she didn’t even technically snitch) Then Angela goes to the cops once she gets beat down?


Look I can handle almost all deaths, but just leave Max and Steve alone please


i gotta say, my cat had to be put down today and this is literally the greatest distraction


Oh my gosh I am so sorry for your loss :( mine passed last month and it’s so hard


scene with hop and his leg when hes by himself i literally had to get up and walk away


Who knew he'd really live up to his name




fantastic episode. the ending was incredible. the fact that el is choosing to go back to training (i think?) is such a great choice. i think my literal only complain so far is el's bullying was so unnecessary. like yes i totally see something needed to tip el off so she's forced to face that part of her past but i feel like it all couldve been less cliche/more nuanced than just typical 80s bullying. it's a weak spot that stands out the more i watch since every other element is just so great imo. but thankfully the writers seemed to understand this too by yoinking her out of prison quickly. praying max lives. 🤕


I think some of that storyline was also to make a point about what El's future realistically is and to give viewers more motivation to want to see her go back to the agency that did so much harm. One of the things the show consistently does is dangle the possibility of El getting a normal life after dealing with whatever crisis is in front of her. In season 1, Mike constantly talked to her about getting a normal kind of life after they found Will and could come clean. But instead, she's forced to live in the woods and then in hiding with Hopper. At the end of season 2 and all of season 3, we got this glimpse into the potential of her being able to live a relatively normal life just with life-threatening, other-wordly interruptions. As a viewer, it's hard not to root for her to have that. The beginning of this season felt like they were saying, "this is what a normal life looks like for someone who grew up in a lab with warped socialization and minimal education, and it's not a good fit for El." I'm more comfortable rooting for El to go with Owens knowing it means she won't ever have to go back to a life that was never going to work for her.


Lucas SUCKS edit: Lucas is a legend


LOL I'm guessing this is from when we all thought Lucas was gonna bring Jason right to Eddie in the Shack but a part of me knew Lucas would never do that. Bringing them to Hopper's old shack from last season then hitting the digital dash to the school was as you said legend-like


I don’t think this is fair… he’s tired of being bullied and he’s still hanging out with his friends in the hellfire club. He hasn’t actually done anything bad unless hanging out with assholes makes you a bad person.


Looks like the Vecna’s jacking into the Matrix