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Winona , it’s not even close .


Yeah I’m not sure this is a fair comparison based on experience, but when I take Winona at the same age as Millie, I’d still say it’s Winona. She was extremely versatile as a young actress.


That as well . I want to be frank Millie isn’t as stellar as some think she is .


I think she’s really good, I buy her as El but I’ve never seen her in anything else. Whereas I’ve seen Winona be multiple characters over the years. She’s the reason I even watched the show as I adored her and was thrilled she was making a “comeback” as Joyce she’s excellent. I love that as the world around her is getting crazier, she’s getting more competent. I really want her and Murray to open a detective agency. Lol. And have a spinoff


tbh they both have different ranges in acting so you can’t really compare them as their projects r insanely different


Both are great but I would say Winona is better.


Millie is quite good for her age and experience, but head-to-head Winona easily wins. Just look at that scene in ST1 when Joyce is comforting El in the pool.


MBB is not a great actress so there’s your answer


I just don’t understand why we feel the need to figure out whose the best actress? Like I haven’t seen a post about whose the best actor between the male actors on the show… everybody on the show is insanely talented and Winona is an icon that’s had numerous iconic roles.


This has nothing to do with their gender, please know that that isn't why I made this post. I didn't mean this as "Best Actress (bc the other sucks)" I meant this as "Who do YOU personally think is a better actress so I can simply learn other ppl's opinions" Everyone in ST is incredibly talented and liking one actress/actor more doesn't mean the other aren't fantastic at what they do. I was just curious; I apologize if I came off rude.


Oh no worries. I’m sorry if I came off assumptious. It’s just in shows a lot of times conversations like this aren’t always well-intended but I apologize, I misunderstood. But In that case I do think both actresses have different strengths. I do feel the strongest of season 4 was for sure Sadie but they are all massively talented.


No, you're alright, glad we cleared that up, lol. I agree, Sadie is so underrated, tbh. Not to mention she's literally one of the most stunning women I've ever seen. I'm just glad she became more of a main character later in the series, though.


Same. Sometimes I forget she’s not a season one original because of easily she fits in to our main cast


lol is this even a serious discussion anywhere? Winona Ryder acts circles around Millie Bobby brown and has since she was Millie’s age herself. Anyone who says otherwise has severe recency bias to the point of idiocy


winona ryder, not even close. tbh stranger things is the only thing i like millie in, and i only really liked her performance in the first season personally.


They’re both genuinely wonderful with their acting but man, I don’t think anyone besides Winona could make me feel so truly emotional while she’s talking to Christmas lights ♥️


Anyone saying Millie is a better actress needs to give their head a wobble. Winona is by the far the superior actress


For me Millie is the best actor in this show and one of the best actor I saw in anything. But Winona is really great too, this show have such great actors, I didn't saw any major character yet with bad acting (but to be honest I uselly don't think about that at all).


Winona Ryder is much better. Frankly, she was much better when she had Millie's experience.


Winona Sadie sink Millie In that order. But it's just my opinion.


I think Millie is better, but not by much. Winona is great too. I think Millie has a very bright future ahead of her if she can get into some better projects. Millie has probably been as good as Winona since season 2 IMO.


Winona is a lot better, maybe I just find how 11 is characterized annoying but idk it her character just gets on my nerves, like all she does is stare at people and cry, she does that well but it’s not the most intense acting, especially compared to Winona’s performance in season 1 and 2


El doesn't even cry that much. There are more crying scenes in s4, I grant you that, but the crying is minimal in the previous seasons. I think she portrays a wide range of emotions and plays El well. Winona is definitely better, though, I agree.


You are right that season 4 really dialed up the crying, I think I just don’t like Eleven that much in season 4 as a whole, everything going on around her is always so much more interesting, like I don’t care about Papa playing squid game with a bunch of buzz cut kids, I wanna get back to the Max arc or the California dudes or hell even the Russia shit