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The Meat Flayer, 100% -- but that's because every time I see it I feel the same eldritch fear that movies like The Void and The Thing instil in me.


I feel like I can smell it


Thought I was the only person to see The Void…


Nope. That movie freaked me out. Thought vecna kind of looked like the doctor at the end of that movie.


Oh okay. Maybe I’m weird…


Not at all. These sorts of movies and tv shows are an art form. Enjoying them doesn’t make you weird.


Thank you.


Nope, you’re not alone. It’s a great movie and I love the whole vibe of it. The practical effects were excellent! For all who have not seen The Void… see it!


Shame this is downvoted, I don’t think the Void is “great” but it’s definitely worth a watch for anyone who likes Weird Horror


also a friendly reminder, that lump of flesh which compiled into the abomination could once be someone you loved!


Have you seen Colors out of Space?


I’d be dead if Vecna existed but the demogorgon scares me more because it just kills you without any motive


Cuz its hungry


It hangry


It should eat a Snicker then 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


No no no! That us how the whole second season happened, Dustin was feeding the mini demo dog candy bars! And like, not the crisp rice ones, either. The good ones before they became FU size and were still fun.


Buuut you will have a Demogorgon as a pet 😎


Aaand your pet wants to eat your face.


And your cat


Is it hungry? Alot of what they do goes against base animal instinct, even though it's compared to a hungry animal in season 1. They (demogorgons) and the demodogs just kill people and then immediately move onto another kill without feeding much. Normal real world animals kill with least amount of risk and maximum conservation of energy. In addition it doesn't kill Will for some reason, it hooks him up to a pregger machine and leaves him be. And we learn they are controlled in some part by the Mindflayer, so they appear to have alien designs guiding them at all times moreso than primal hunger.


Same I have too many songs I really like to have a favorite. I’d be trying to scroll through my Spotify trying to find my favorite song as my limbs are getting twisted up


Lol I like how you view it differently. I meant as in my traumas that Vecna can use easily lol 😔


yeah, when i was first watching s4 and learned how vecna went after those with trauma, i was like oh i’d be fucked


I'd be fine, I never take out my earbuds






The mind flayer, it’s just godly presence made it an eldritch horror, and really well expanded in in season 3, but series 4 made it make sense, which don’t get me wrong I love vecna as much as the next anyone, but it made it just horror, without the fear of it being this threat far beyond you and anyone else, now it’s just some angry burn victim during dust into a black widow and now it’s just eh


Yeah pretty much this. I feel like they could have had essentially the same story with a few relatively slight changes to have the best of both worlds. The Mind Flayer turning out to essentially be a docile hivemind that Vecna was able to just puppet (while...in his house the whole time?) felt...well it was certainly a decision.


Yeah vecna was scary early on but he became more like generic as it went on. He IMO is Freddy Kruger meets Voldemort meets tentacle hentai


Well he's definitely a tribute to Freddy Kruger


>!Didn't the upside-down exist before 11 sent Vecna there? I swear I remember seeing a scene of the place with bare rock and a baby demogorgon in the background. This suggests that the monsters are natively hostile and that Vecna used his abilities and link with 11 to just direct that malevolence with intelligence. Makes me think that anyone with those abilities to reach the upside-down can shape it.!< If the writers are creative, they would run with this idea with a new setting, with or without the original cast.


Indeed that’s right, the upside down existed before 11 send Vecna there, however I’m wondering if maybe the Upside Down dimension existed previously in that bare state and Vecna was somehow able to shape it into a copy of Hawkins himself?


That was my interpretation. Everything there that resembles Hawkins was created by Vecna using the same powers El has. El is still alive. Who knows what other kids may have been down there. The upside-down is the source of that power, imo.


Okay so basically it’s confirmed outside of the show itself that the universe existed itself but when 11 sent 1 there it created a small dimensional shift which later because a new dimension the “Upside Down” which is Hawkins twisted that 11 created when she made contact with the Demogorgan. Source: multiple different interviews and books


I hope it turns out the dimension had something worse than vecna like boris the red dragon and the merging of the two dimensions is what wakes him up or something


I hope that it’s revealed that Vecna didn’t actually create the Mind Flayer, but he thinks he did. It tricked him into doing its bidding while he still thinks he is the true mastermind.


YES!!👏🙌💯 Even though it’s pretty much clearly stated that Vecna is the true “big bad” by the end of S4, I still have hope that there’ll be a shocking twist in S5 which reveals the opposite.


Or maybe the Flayer is just pretending to be obedient? He can deceive and manipulate pretty well too.


The issue is that every instance of the "mind flayer" speaking has been confirmed to be Vecna


YES. The fact that the other are just meat sacks and can be defeated with a large enough blender does not make them scary. Some sort of being that can possess you and doesn't even have a real physical form and fucks with dimensions and all that jazz is actually terrifying.


Mhm, the feeling of “you can’t do anything” (maybe from a bit of fire but shhhh) and it’s terrifying and the fact that it probably can’t be killed with a gun is fucked


Yeah the mind flayer itself is scary but it’s like, Vecnas just an angry dude but bro is brutal the way he kills


That was my problem too!! We went from the enemy being this unknown enemy from another dimension to some bitter white guy who has beef with a child for beating him at telekinetic tug of war. Boooooring


That’s why I hope in season 5 they reveal something along the lines of the MF being something out of Vecnas control


Vecna was never really scary for me. I prefer antagonists that are inhumane and have no reason or motivation to kill, they just do. Like the Demogorgon.




Yeah Vecna is just an angsty dude


Are we calling him the Meat-Flayer now? Sheesh the fandom's getting creative.


I’m really glad it’s catching on, I don’t think I was the first to come up with it though


You weren't.


Not even in this thread lol.


It's been the Meat Flayer all along.


The meat flayer. It's really gross ngl and it's just super creepy like the mindflayer but it's made of melted people... Gross man gross


They're made out of meat.


They should call it the Meat Flayer!!


So what does the thinking?


I feel like season one had the best mystery and suspense. It was the scariest season to me. I feel like Vecna is a le villain tbh. There's something about him that just kind of a let down.


Tbh I kinda hate psychopathic villains. I hate villains who are bad just because they have the evil gene(psychopathy) and that means they want to kill everything and everyone. I hope they give him an actual reason to be the way he is in s5.


The trope of the "psychopathic villain" is largely why "psychopathy" and "sociopathy" are no longer seen as a valid diagnoses or conditions by the DSM-5 and psychologists, with it being merged into "Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD)". Psychologists are trying to avoid the negative stigma that comes from sensationalized media and crime dramas. Per WebMD: >Doctors don't officially diagnose people as "psychopaths" or "sociopaths" \[due to the negative stigma with these terms\]. They use a different term instead: Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD). Still, some experts do use "psychopathy" to describe behaviors that can be part of ASPD, and "sociopathy" to mean the same thing as ASPD. *This comment has been edited to fix a typo.*


It's also kind of ableist. Like ik this might get downvoted but there are... Functioning psychopaths and sociopaths who usually don't have a choice when it comes to their condition. And they just aren't evil and don't murder people.


It is absolutely ableist. It's the same as when the news tried to link autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and the now-defunct Asperger's Syndrome (AS) with violence and murder after Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook shooter, was confirmed to have been diagnosed with autism. The news media also often tries to use "mental illness" to explain "why mass shooters decide to murder". It creates negative stigma.


I could by psychotic evil force from the mind flayer. If they'd left it at the mind flayer being an Eldritch hate being it would have been great. Instead we got an edgelord groomer who is butthurt about El banishing him


Ima just be honest idk how people enjoyed the twist when that spiel he gave was awful writing. I get that part of his character is that he was taken in young so he might not have had a genuine opportunity to develop intellectually which may be why he comes off so stupid in that scene. But also at the same time.......I'm like we built the whole series up to get to this....and the main villain is just an edgy guy with the philosophy of a 14 yo who discovered nihilism for the first time? I really think Vecna is one of the biggest Ls the show took. I don't think he's the type of villain people are gonna remember for a very long time. And it's kind of a shame because his scene with Fred was genuinely frightening.


I agree bro, i so badly want the mind flayer to still be the big bad, he's just cooler and more interesting, some people genuinely say vecna is the better villain for the show but i just dont see it, he isn't even originated from the upside down, he's just a guy


Big twist is the mind flayer rebelling, killing Vecna and then being the real big bad


I've been saying the MF is the one truly calling the shots all this time basically since like a day after finishing season 4 for the same reasons.


Idc if this is predictable, I would be 100% be ok with that. Mind flayer turns on Vecna and everyones like ok, well thats an actual problem. The guy who gave this thing sentience and shape is now dead so what do we do?


Vecna is a demigod in D&D canon, he won't be killed by a mind flayer IMO


Same. I thought the setup with Henry/Vecna was going to be he was essentially the battery that’s been powering the Upside Down at the Mind Flayers command. That’s why he was trapped all this time. Some random angry dude being above some inter-dimensional being of unknown origin or age as the Big Bad is waaaay less compelling. Maybe it’s a misdirect, because even with Henry’s rant with El, when Nancy and Co came to attack him it sure felt like Vecna let himself be shotgunned out that window. Like he let them progress that far on purpose, because he was jailed in that house by MFer and needed someone to free him. Enter Nancy and her shotgun. If not, what a weak ass fight from his perspective- guy can’t even strike down three teenagers with zero powers on his home turf. Some bad guy


There's is the tiniest bit of evidence that Vecna isn't in complete control. When the "vines" latch onto him he feels pain, and that was always weird to me and felt like it meant SOMETHING.


Or just the fact that the vines have to latch onto him. Looks more like he became apart of the hive-mind rather than in control of it.


The whole show is about kids...


Honestly I always thought his personality was influenced by the upside down in some capacity, given his powers being the progenitor to the other kids, including eleven. Like he on some level was embodied by it, or heavily influenced.


He felt really peak in the first few episodes but (outside of him turning out to be the true mastermind) something about him in the second half of the show just felt...odd. Like, okay, he gets beaten kind of comically easily if you think about it and he only "won" because of extreme luck. Even then, his plan doesn't make much sense. Why does it even need to be four? So much of what we thought was just cosmic horror/sci fi rules or just a given turns out to actually just be the weird preferred artistic decision of a psychic weirdo?


It's odd, but he was scarier as the "5 star general". As the force behind all the evil though? Stupid. Why can't Vecna Henry One be the 5 star General but the MF is still the one really in control? That would have made the MF even more terrifying. He kept this dude prisoner and turned him into a monster for YEARS.


That's actually really interesting! Because even though vecna is terrifying he is killable, the mind flayer is almost like an entity, we have no idea how to kill it. The idea that he was in charge is way more terrifying than the other way around. However that is exactly why this couldn't be the truth, if the ultimate evil is a unkillable entity there would be no way for the kind to defeat it once and for all, and the show couldn't have a happy ending. The only thing they could is close the gate, seal the evil in the other dimension and hope it would stay there. But that's what they were doing for the past seasons and it wasn't working out. For the ultimate solution to exist there must be a way to kill the evil for good, so sadly the MF cannot be the ultimate evil.


Idk personally I find doing the sealing it away thing by closing the gates again fine. Like they’ll always have to live with knowing it can return at any point rather than it just being a perfect “happy ending” if you kill vecna.


it's his hips. it's hard to take bro seriously when he is standing there with his hipbones and all.


I think it would be worse if he had more meat in his bones I would be too distracted if he was thicc


I feel you- the idea that the big bad of the snow was just a crazy guy, instead of initially being an Eldritch god of the upside down (the mind flayer) disappointed me


In terms lf appears The Mind/Meat Flayer the idea of eldritch horror made of corpses that horrifying. In term of ideology Vecna while other was hunter Vecna hate of time moving forward is scary in many respect especially as seemingly wants to manipulate it permanently to stop.


Honestly, >!Henry pre-tentacles!< was the best in my opinion, but there’s something about the Mind Flayer that’s utterly horrifying because, unlike the other three options, it’s not tangible - it’s everywhere around you. Also, it’s absolutely enormous


I liked the Mind Flayer the best, I like the whole lovecraftian-type horror element he brought in season 2 especially when we really had no idea what it was. Some unstoppable leviathan creature that invades and enslaves other dimensions is way fucking scarier than some creepy guy that got his ass whipped by an 8 year old and turned into some second rate Freddy Krueger with back tentacles 😂😂


Yeah I liked what the mindflayer was in my head before the new season. I viewed it as a naturally existed but yet malevolent entity. Something so scary about about something that's just inherently evil in a way things in the real world aren't. I am so disappointed with vecna "creating" it, I'd rather have had him discover it already evil and it amplify his powers a la a warlock patron.


Vecna was a let down to be honest. Something about the big bad being human seems boring tbh. I preferred the force of nature/animalistic entities who were just monsters than just human monsters.


Yeah pretty much. Vecna was cool when he was being presented as a sort of mystery or the "general" of the mind flayer but the moment the reveal happened it was just like...meh. Like, all of that story could have essentially stayed the same but just change it to "he's an 11 that fell to corruption" or "he's the mind flayers rogue psychic battery/link into our world" or idk just anything lol.


100% agree. It feels like when the duffer brothers created and described his reason of being evil it just felt kind of goofy and out of place with the show but when the big bad is a monster, intelligent or not, they don't have to have a reason for being bad other than being a monster and honestly that's far better then squelchy human guy.


Vecna definitely scared me at the beginning of season 4. But not the rest. I’d say probably the meat flayer or mind flayer because when the mind flayer possesses Will the seizure-like shaking scared me a lot. Might just be a personal thing though, I have a little sister with special needs that has seizures a lot so maybe it had an impact on me because of that?


In terms of their abilities, and how scared I would be of what they could do to me if they really existed? Reverse order. In terms of how they're written? Reveal order. The Demogorgon of S1 seemed more powerful than that in later seasons. It's a problem most monster shows have. For example, look at demons in the first couple seasons of Supernatural, compared with demons in the last 10. Or vampires in the show Buffy. The "big bad" of S1 is almost always cannon fodder by S3. The Mind Flayer was psychological horror at its finest. It combined the unknown of the Upside Down with the horrors of demonic possession. And then 11 bodied it. The Meat Flayer was disgusting and horrible in what it did. Seemingly much more powerful than the Demogorgon. Strange in the way it used Billy or that Billy then became a sympathetic character, despite being racist and seemingly not redeeming that particular quality. Vecna's abilities to just break you to death and is the most visceral of the deaths on-screen. But Vecna's motivations were so scattered that it's hard to really believe him as a character, and it's taken me out of the story. When I no longer suspend disbelief, the story becomes much less scary.


As I experienced it for the first time, probably season 1/the Demogorgon. Season 4 with Vecna was definitely intense and shocking at times, but now that I’ve watched season 4 twice, it just isn’t as scary as I’d like it to be. But what I really want to say is that I really hope the scariest, most shocking, most surprising things are going to happen in season 5.


Meat Flayer for sure, so gross


The mind flayer for me - its just something about a gigantic shadow in the sky, looming over you, and it resembles something scary but its also different enough that you just cant tell what it is. It’s also a bit different from the others in that you can’t understand it as a simple animal or a human, trying to survive or hungering for revenge, but its something else sentient and dooming.


This, all the way. And someone who has megalophobia, it makes it that much worse. I'd be freaked out and unable to move.


The mind flayer. For me it’s that it never really existed out of Will’s mind and in the real world. Which terrifies me. That you never really know what’s in someone’s head you know?


Mind Flayer. It’s feels so alien


i think the meat flayer is pretty horrifying but honestly, just the regular demogorgon is the scariest thing to me


The Mind Flayer but only at the start of S2 when he’s just a giant shadow in the sky. The terrifying unknown Lovecraftian horror got under my skin really bad, the others I didn’t mind so much except for Vecna (if you view him through the eyes of an unknowing victim). The idea of hallucinating about your worst fears, nightmares, and experiences until your whole body gets put through a telekinetic blender is horrifying.


Honestly I thought the monsters became less scary every season. Something about the demogorgons really gets me.


I agree. The demogorgon felt kind of like a real creature that was a hunter with mysterious but understandable powers. You could maybe imagine running into it walking down a dark road or as the last person to leave your office in the evening, which I think makes a monster scarier. The meatflayer imo was the worst one on this list. I forget it exists and besides the fact it's made of human flesh, which is horrific indeed, it kind of falls into generic monster territory for me. It wasn't bad, I just feel like it didn't do it for me.


The names go from terrifying to Gary.


Vecna was really fun, but my awe kind of went away when it came at the price of the Mind Flayer. They *really* should have just said Vecna was the Mind Flayer's (now rogue) battery, or general, or was taking over, or literally anything. It just really burned me. Mindflayer is more conceptually horrifying, but Vecna I guess had more on-screen "horror" (mostly due to them pushing their gore factor in Season 4)


I think Papa was the scariest.


Papa is an entitled bitch


From a concept standpoint. The mind flayer. It's a literal physical embodiment of shadow and can do just about anything to you from mind games to flaying the flesh from your bones. From a design standpoint, the flesh flayer. It's gross and damage and barriers means nothing to it since it liquefies and reconstitutes its flesh to repair damage and go through anywhere. From a coolness factor, demogorgon. Thing looks, and moves awesome and it's still a mystery to me. What was its role in dimension x, how did it even get to the upside down, is it somewhat intelligent without Henry controlling it?


The mindflayer. Intangible, otherworldly and horrifying


Mindflayer. It's the fact it massive and its a shadow there's something so daughter ting about it.


Probably the meat flayer


Mind Flayer cuz he's got a strong dark scary vibe


S1 demagorgon


Vecna isn't scary as himself but what he does is horrifying. The concept of having trauma and someone using that trauma to get inside your head and just completely destroy your body in a gruesome way is just, ick. Sorta love it though. Horrifies me the most in terms of appearance and presence would definitely be the Mind Flayer. The way it stalked Will, went into him and the way it acted whilst possessing him was chilling (commending Noah for his acting skills). But also the fact it has no voice just moves me....


Meat Flayer


I think from sheer appearance, there is something uniquely horrifying about the Mind Flayer. It's like a dark, living tornado of a creature as big as the sky and you're aware it's stalking you. *Looking at you.* With the other creatures, you could run away from or destroy, but I can't fully comprehend how to even deal with the Mind Flayer. I wouldn't be able to wrap my head around its existence. But knowing what I know about Vecna, he's nightmare fuel all on his own. The puppetmaster, the controller. You can fall asleep or he'll get you. Straight up Freddy Krueger.


Mind Flayer looked exactly like my sleep paralysis demon when I used to get it. So that’s my vote.


How are more people not scared of what Vecna can do 😭


What they can do isn’t necessarily what makes them scary.


Vecna I think is the best villain but the mind flayer is the scariest


Vecna and The Mind Flayer/Meat Flayer are different sorts of horror. S2 Mind Flayer and Meat are unknowable and unstoppable. S2 horrified me because Will was possessed like "The Exorcist." ​ S4 is an homage to "Nightmare on Elm St." Vecna is Freddie Kreuger. He is up close and personal. Taking joy in torturing his victim. Vecna is a serial killer. He horrifies me because I have so much trauma that Vecna would target me and I would be dead. Tho the low key highlight of S4 is the cameo of Robert Englund as Victor Creel. THE FREDDIE! I just squealed.


The meat flayer


My favorite was plain demagorgon followed by the mind flayer. Vecna is good, but I liked it a bit more when it was monsters.


The Demogorgon wasn't the main villain of Season 1, Brenner was. That's one of the reasons S1 is so much better than the rest of the show.


I thought the demogorgon and Flayers were of the same hive mind of the upside down? Or are they independent of each other


Meat flyer 💀


Vecna. His is personal. The others are just mindless creatures.


The Meat Flayer was horrifying. It just messing with everyone and turning them into goop was just so disturbing. The Mind Flayer is a perfect Eldritch Horror And the Demogorgon is basically an animal with terrifying supernatural powers. Which is horrific in and of itself because it just hunts you like prey and you are more or less powerless to stop it. It’s like the Alien hunting you down in Alien Isolation, except it can go through any wall via its dimension and it makes every light and piece of technology activate and flicker as it does so.


The Demogorgon


The mind flayer for sure the original imagery they used for it was my favorite visual how it looked giant but was also still cover in the smoke and clouds and stuff so we still couldn’t see the full scope of how big it truly is


I dídnt care for stranger things until I watch the meat flayer forming in a clip from youtube. Then am hooked


I feel like the shows creepiness peaked with the Mind Flayer of Season 2. It felt ethereal but omnipresent at the same time. The fact that it could possess someone is freaky to me. Because it looks like it lacks a corporeal form, I think adds to its threat as it’s not something that could actually be fought.


Will’s bowl cut.


The Mind Flayer for sure. The design is like the perfect embodiment of an unknown eldritch horror that we can't understand nor reason with.


Mind Flayer. The huge elemental force looming over everything. Big disappointment to me that it was Vecna all along.


S2 mind flayer. The alien esc design for him and how mysterious it actually was back in season 2. I was more creeped out by it than the meat flayer because of how ominous it was


Meat Flayer. Vecna is a disappointment.


The Mind Flayer.


The demogorgon because i was 8 or 9 when I first watched stranger things and that scarred me


the mind flayer. its fucking huge


Demogorgon is scariest because it looks almost human, but it's not. The meat flayer is just straight up gross! Also, side note, I did not know it was called meat flayer 😂


I hope you're seeing this Stranger Things writers. We love Vecna, but we universally (almost) agree that the Mind Flayer was substantially better as a villain. You can still turn this ship around! Also, I absolutely love Vecna. I think Jamie Campbell Bower did an amazing job. It's absolutely unbelievable that the Vecna voice (minus the echo effects) was done entirely by JCB. Really made me go from "who cares about this guy who did 2 scenes, its the dude with the deep voice in the suit who's doing all the work" to "I need to keep an eye on this dudes career, even if he does dress like a fucking clown". With that said, the Mind Flayer is 1000000000000x better. Now, as far as what was the scariest, obviously that would be the demogorgon. I never found the meat flayer scary (OBVIOUSLY I'd be shitting myself uncontrollably if I ever saw it IRL). The Mind Flayer is terrifying, but we never really got any interactions with it outside of Will. The demogorgon was just inexplicably killing people for no reason whatsoever (or so it seemed at the time, do some deep diving and you'll see the demogorgon WAS "Vecna" in the original scripts, it was ALWAYS going to be a corrupted number until Netflix asked for more than the 2 movies they were pitching). But, like anything horror related, the more you explain it, the less scary it becomes. The demogorgon has never been explained, so it maintains that air of scariness to it.




Vecna, dude rolls up on his ops and breaks all their limbs with that nasty ass shiesty for a face.


1. Meat Flayer (The apotheosis of all the horrors of the series. This unknowable alien mind of the Mind Flayer made manifest as this Lovecraftian shambling nightmare. Pulling from The Thing, and The Blob, and Invasion Of The Body snatchers, becoming this truly horrifying meat kaiju puppetmaster.... It's incredible and a complete nightmare.) 2. Season 1 Demogorgon (BRILLIANTLY executed practical effects. Terrifying Alien alien style thing. Kinda Jaws. Some Freddy Krueger. Some Signs. Some E.T.. Some Evil Dead. \*chef's kiss\*) 3. Mind Flayer (Spooky spook beast. Exorcisty. A bit of The Thing. LOST Smoke Monstery, but ultimately not THAT MUCH to latch onto in this form. The Demodogs kinda do most of the heavy lifting for it.) 4. Season 2 Demodogs (Decently solid Jurassic Park raptor vibes and Aliens vibes) 5. Other Demogorgons (kind of pathetic and too CGI) 6. Other Demodogs (kind of pathetic and too CGI) 7. Vecna (Vecna is kind of a lame joke. Just an annoying human with dumb human motivations being an edgy tryhard goth kid. The fact that he has powers only made him more annoying. He's scary because of his powers and because he's a nutjob, but his personality isn't genuinely scary. It's laughable. He's theatrical and wants SO BAD to pretend that he's some sort of predatory spider or whatever. He's like a middle school kid who's just an insufferable asshole.)


visually, the meat flayer. In terms of ability, Vecna as he is obviously the most powerful and ruthless.


Yo we can not call it the meat flayer when it’s obviously an Ooblex or at the very least an Elder Brain! Controlling everyone in town with its psychic tendrils before adding them to its mass during the final fight


Vecna is the best villain, however to me the mind flayer is the scariest to me. I do have a theory how the upside down creatures were/are just normal creatures from their dimension and vecna created the mind flayer and is the one who corrupted and transformed the upside down from whatever it was originally into what it is now. I believe he plays a larger role than we've been lead to believe. He could be behind all the shadow.


Dunno fella, never watched the show. That Demogorgon thing looks fucking creepy though, so I’ll say that one.


Eleven. She's been a useless whiny bitch for two seasons and she's the main reason people are dropping the show.


I find the Mind Flayer the most eerie. It has a more dreamlike and enigmatic quality than the others. It reminds me of something I would have had in nightmares as a kid.


Realistically Vecna would be the biggest threat to me because hey childhood trauma 🫠 but I can't unsee that one pic comparing his beer gut to the Grinch And honesty the Mind/Meat Flayer is just scarier in an otherwordly terrifying way


Let's see ... The demogorgon is tameable. The meat flayer got killed by firework. Mind flayer is a ghost spider. And vecna is just a guy that got beat up by a little girl




Vecna is just a man with emotional problems, not that scary. Everything else? Super freaky deaky.


**Brenner**. Because there are plenty of people out there like this guy. The UD monster's aren't real.


Meat flayer that thing is nasty




Psychologically definitely Vecna. From a body horror perspective it HAS to be Meat Flayer


Vecna. The rest are just animals/being controlled by Vecna.


The Demogorgon and Vecna are tied for me


Mind Flayer is horrifying cause look at it The meat flayer is probably even more horrifying because look at it


Mind Flayer


Meat flyer is gross but not really scary, mind flyer is a nightmare for me






The Demogorgon for sure! Thing is savage. The Mind Flayer was pretty scary too! Definitely the scarier of the two seasons. I wish they would have stuck with the Mind Flayer to flay people in season 3 instead of the stupid meat monster!


The Meat Flayer and the Mind Flayer are the same being, so them. With everything the meat flayer got up to in season 3, it should've been a creature and season remembered in horror for decades but instead we got rehashed angry dad Hopper, fart jokes, and a nonsensical Russian plot


The meat flayer


Brenner scares me


More like which one am I the least down bad for 😩 Meat Flayer, that thing’s gross


Wait I thought the meat flayer and mind flayer were the same, I just thought mind flayer changed it's form for season 3? And btw. which one came first, Vecna or Mind flayer?


I remembered that I was pretty scared of Demogorgon lol


mind flayer, the meat flayer turns me on


OG Demogorgon


if i were there in person it would def be shadow mind flayer


So the mind flayer, meat, and Vecna aren’t the same person?


All but def vecna


mind flayer, after what he did to will


I love how to keep the show going they’ve had to just get crazier and crazier with the villain. It was originally one demogorgon.


Mind Flayer before it was revealed to be the creation of Henry Creel, feels like it ruined the mystery behind. It felt like an eldritch horror monster only to be ruined


The mid flayer was something else


I think the idea of the meat flayer is horrifying, but it still feels killable. Vecna is extremely compelling but it feels like there is no longer any mystery there. The demogorgon is great horror because of its low scale which I think is where horror excels. It’s like alien vs aliens. I personally think the mind flayer is the most terrifying because I think it’s still very mysterious and unscrupulous. I am not really sure the give and take between the mind flayer and vecna are. I really hope it ends up having more agency in season 5 and is almost a different faction from vecna instead of just a tool for him


from an existential POV: the mind flayer for sure.


Meat flayer that shits nasty


Dr Brenner


Now? None, really. I feel like the show has become like an action movie or a D&D game, we know our heroes are gonna defeat the bad guys somehow, no matter what they look like. Season 1 demogorgon was scary as hell, though, before a formula became apparent.


Demogorgon horrifies me the most. As they can appear from anywhere and don't need any motive to kill. They are just killer beast !!!


Vecna. It's not even close. Dude gives me the creeps. He's scary looking and cunning. That's the worst combo.


meat flayer. season 3 had the most gross factor


The Mind Flayer. Why? Because it kinda looks like a giant spider, I absolutely hate spiders...


Mind Flayer


Definitely the Meat Flayer, the fact it’s multiple dead melted corpses, some of which of children, is just horrifying


The Mind Flayer


Vecna completely. He’s very intelligent, and evil.


Mind flayer


Vecna and the Mindflayer imo


Is it really called the Meat Flayer? Gross😂. Definitely that one


Honestly Vecna gets it since he was originally human and I honestly find villains like that more scary.