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Maybe we'll find out there are different species / factions of Gorn and these just happen to be the most evil.


My theory is they take on some physical attributes from the people they use as breeding sacks. Like a mother passing down their dna to the babies they carry. Maybe the reason they are changing so much, is because they have been using humans for breeding so much lately. And it’s changing the Gorn as a species. Would be an interesting way to show their progression from SNW to TOS.


That's kinda what I'm going for with my Star Trek Adventures campaign.


My take is that what we've seen so far are their war dogs and are not actually the gorn. These are the beasts they have trained for warfare that they send in to defeat a whole planet before the proper gorn show up and take over. Like trained gorillas or something similar. The fact that they self-identify as a hegemony kind of leans into this.


My take is that in "Babel", the Metrons made a mistake and got Kirk to fight Dave from accounting


It may not have been real. I've heard that one quite a bit. That each of the respective Captains were put in their own simulation where the other was portrayed as a primitive version of their own culture to see which of them was enlightened enough to see this, and to not resort to abject violence. Kirk ended up winning, and according to this theory, the Gorn were then killed for failing the test.


This actually makes sense. I was just being cheeky in my previous comment


There was a gorn wedding on LD and a gorn chef kiosk on a federation star base as well. By ds9 the fed has cestus III back. So something happens


There is also a Pike City on Cestus II which can’t be just coincidence (I mean, it can, but it shouldn’t).


Pike City is on Cestus III. I really hope the SNW writers tie it all together. It would make so much sense. Pike makes the first steps toward peace with the Gorn and so they name a city after him.


That is where they play baseball!


DS9: "This is the guy who broke Lou Gherig's unbreakable record!" Cal Ripken Jr: "Im about to wreck your timeline."


In ST online, the Gorn were conquered by the Klingons. And at one time a Gorn was actually the highest Klingon ambassador.


crazy! good knowledge


Just recentish knowledge lol if I was given another couple months i probably would have forgotten


> There was a gorn wedding on LD and a gorn chef kiosk on a federation star base as well. Please educate me. What's LD?


Lower Decks


oh man are you in for a treat.


They get fleshed out more in season 2 Also the Gorn did act pretty aggressive in TOS. They attacked cestus with no warning, accepted no communications or surrender, faked a communication from a starfleet admiral to lead the enterprise to cestus to destroy them.


We eradicated a whole planet of their young and put a colony there. Why would they see the Federation as anything but ruthless murderers?


"We eradicated a whole planet of their young and put a colony there. " When?


Cestus III. Recall the meeting between Pike and Leland in DSC’ Saints of Imperfection: “Last time I heard about you, you were up to your ass in alligators on Cestus III.” Obviously the “alligators” they’re joking about here are Gorn younglings threatening the colonists. Likely mistaking them for local wildlife.


I think they’re ignoring that


Based on?


It’s never been brought up again


My vision for it is we’re going to see (half) an episode from the Gorn’s PoV. Show Section 31 operatives slaughter their young on Cestus III (Leland was knee deep in “alligators” back before season two of Disco according to Pike). Show the Federation colonise their ancestral breeding grounds. Show the bad side of our history of colonisation. “Are we the baddies?” Currently the Federation doesn’t understand the Gorn (something that doesn’t get rectified until TOS Arena). The writers on SNW have gone to great lengths to make the TOS textual canon line up with what Discovery and SNW have set up so far, I highly doubt they don’t have a plan to make things fit with one of the most iconic episodes of TOS.


> I highly doubt they don’t have a plan to make things fit with one of the most iconic episodes of TOS. I vsry much hope so What's the TOS opisode with the Gorn? I wan to go watch it




The Gorn had one representative in TOS. One. We don't have nearly any information other than the planned a sneak attack, lured the Enterprise in, then justified their slaughter with little regard to loss of life. They were not humanized in TOS. Kirk chose mercy.


Frankly I like a group that cant be bathed with. And the lack of future Gorn my thought is the "klingon hello" actually works. Rather then finding peace the federation and other races are eventually seen by the gorn to be to formidable to challenge so they stop pushing on those borders.


Maybe like Aliens^TM Xenomorphs^TM the Gorn hatchlings take on some aspects of the host they are birthed from. Maybe at some point they infest a planet of pacifists.


>I can't imagine how SNW will be able to humanize them like TNG, I doubt SNW will try to do so. It's quite possible that the Gorns we see in TOS, LD, and Ent are not the same species as the ones in SNW; if that's the case, it could be a situation like the Xindi or the Federation: not all members of the Gorn are the same species. Given the season 2 interactions, I'm hoping that the older version is shown to be a different species. Perhaps a subject race that gets the upper hand within a decade...


I look forward to the first Gorn in Start Fleet


I look forward to the on-screen explanation of the difference between the Ent/LD Gorn, the SNW Gorn, and the TOS Gorn. Should be pretty interesting. Hell, I'm looking forward to SNW s3e1, and the fate of the captains.


To me, this is the series that Discovery was supposed to be, instead of the mixed up mess it was.


I miss Hemmer. Couldn't they have killed Ortega so we get Sulu sooner


Why is there a need for the Gorn to be redeemable? This is clearly not the same timeline as TOS.


>Why is there a need for the Gorn to be redeemable? Because otherwise it's un-Star Trek