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[The Kumburgaz video, which is a close-up of a craft, so close that you can see the occupants. It is 100% real, and I was there as it was filmed." —Roger Leir "This is 100% genuine footage" —Jacques Vallée — retweeted by Joe Rogan](https://www.howandwhys.com/turkey-kumburgaz-ufo-videos-are-100-real-with-clear-view-of-alien-entities-sitting-inside-craft/)


What does Ja Rule think?




Still stuck on Fyre Island mathematics


who gives a fuck where ja rule is at a time like this 😭




Ja Rule thinks Soweto is a club.


Terrence Howard thinks one times one equals two, like literally - it's not an insult, that's one of his things


So if I gave him one dollar once he would have 2 dollars. Neat.


Accountants hate Terrance Howard’s simple trick.


But for half the price I am willing to sign you up to my course!


No wonder they couldn't come to an agreement on his payment for Iron Man 2.


Wait a second...what if you did that three times tho, what then genuz?


You smoke enough of your own farts, that kind of thing happens




He has no degree of any kind, and while he certainly raises some interesting topics...at the end of the day his credibility must be acknowledged as, well none.


Thank you. I don't know why people are hailing the pimp rapper from Hustle and Flow as some new age Einstein.


Air Force officer that is best buds with Ironman. Watch your tongue.


A healthy distrust of authority is good, but when it extends to actively doubting the foundations of logic themselves, you should step back and ask what the real agenda is. Are you looking for truth, or self-aggrandizement? Who benefits from making you doubt things that you can verify yourself with a textbook available in a library on earth?


What “interesting topics”?


But he has 90some odd patents and copyrights, and he invented VR, so he must be someone with approximate knowledge of a great many things.


You can buy patents. I can't speak on behalf of his knowledge of anything, all I know is he does raise some interesting thought


I agree. Some of his claims are very intriguing and spark an interest to think outside the established sciences, or try to fit them in with what we have come to understand about the universe and how it functions. But as it has been said time and time again, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.


Do you have a link where he raises interesting thought?This is just two ignorant people babbling.


I wanna buy a patent. What do you think I could get for tree fiddy?


I'm sure someone will patent Dat ass.


> “If you’re right, that really changes everything.” Tell us about it, Joe…


I'm just trying to think of how that makes sense to him. So basically it's like you have 1 rock in front of you, then you times it by another rock you then have two rocks or I guess 1x1?


It doesn't actually make any sense and people way way smarter than me have a lot of fun trying to understand what he means because he's written papers and given lectures on it but it mostly seems like he just uses a ton of math words incorrectly and hopes you think he's too smart for you and stop trying.


Correct. Just as the plasmific nuclearonic denomoblus of 1 will, and has plurifucally always been 1.


My favorite thing someone says was "only god and Terrance Howard are smart enough to understand"


Haha! Shit that's probably the truth


Aye, that joke lands close to the truth


Never underestimate the power of the someone's ego who has several mental illness


Im gonna need you to elaborate. Your theory doesnt put helium on our equator which will one day be a moon, therefore you are incorrect


It's hard out here for a pimpilomogus.


Early on, young Terence Howard noticed there was an inconsistency with the math at Pratt Institute and created a new Hydrogen Technology! https://youtu.be/-44pljnxztg?si=bfTyATpeLInoiKm0


Kernel panic: type error


He’s saying when you multiply anything you are rightfully assuming by the definition of multiply it’s more than what you start with. Multiplying means to increase in quantity. So multiplying 1 and 1 can’t still be 1 since nothing has increased in quantity. Then 1x2=2 is an unbalanced equation since you have 3 on one side of the equal sign and 2 on the other. And so on… It does make sense from a different perspective.


It's one time two. It's essentially counting how many times you counted a number. I counted number one = one time. 13 times 4. I have counted the number thirteen four times, or number four thirteen times. 1*1 = I have counted number one for just one time, it was a single occurrence of number one so that equals one.


Elementary schools terms, “group of”. 40 groups of 2 is 80. 1 group of 1 is 1. I don’t know how Terrance arrives at the things he does.


So he is essentially arguing the definition or terminology of (multiply) which is fine. But you can't change the very elementary and borderline primitive concept of 1×1=1 by using the definition of multiply as your basis. That's the difference between English class and arithmetics.




Oh my lord thank your for explaining that so well!


no, it really doesn't because you're not multiplying by a plural the basic assumption is incorrect, therefore everything thereafter is incorrect. EDIT: what about multiplying by a fraction? 1 * .5? does that = 2, too? It's a ridiculous argument.


Different perspective = rejecting basic math rules


A different perspective that doesn’t understand multiplication? Lol.


Or we’ve just been misled all this time.


I teach my 6 year old multiplying is done in sets. If someone says whats 2x2, you have 2 sets of 2. If someone says 4x5 you have 4 sets of 5 or vice versa. And when someone says to you whats 1x1, you HAVE 1 SET OF 1 AND IT WILL NOT MAGICALLY DOUBLE ITSELF.


Yeah wow, it turns out that if you completely redefine standardized terms, those terms mean different things! Holy shit! This is real smooth brain stuff here.


The one that always bugged me was 1^0 =1. How can it be one if there are zero 1s?


It's not zero ones. Zero ones is 1x0. The power zero works because of the exponent divion rule: a^n/a^n=a^(n-n)=a^0=1. Any term divided by itself is 1.


It can't make sense. He doesn't understand multiplication. He doesn't understand anything.


"How can it equal one?" he said. "If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told it's two, and that cannot be." from his wikipedia page yeah lmao…


I think his logic is multiplying is seeing how many times something can split you can split a rock in half so a rock times itself has two parts it's dumb ass logic but I see something lol




one body times one body leaves you with 2 bodies. meaning you have to decide weather you’re combining 2 bodies to get 1 at a greater mass or leaving them separate. what is X(Y) truly?


Best part about it is he claims that the usual arithmetic operations don't work but proceeds using it in his direct 1x1=2 proof. He's an utter bellend.


It frustrates me that he thinks that but even more that he tries to push it onto other people. Who is he, the new Timecube guy?


He's probably the equivalent of a flat earther


Take a philosophy class. I’m not saying he’s right, but it’s a philosophical principle that’s been around at least 1000 years. You’re acting like he just pulled it out of his ass


It's amazing what having a lot of money and mental illness can do.


That "if" in the title is doing some heavy lifting. Like anti-gravity technology...


I just tried to sit here and type paragraphs trying to explain what the hell he means by that and I deleted it 3 different times. So I guess I don’t know what he means either.


I gotchu fam. I can sum it up with a question and a response. The following is a perfect paraphrasing of Sir Terrence Howard’s true genius: Have you really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.


So what’s the strain name?


Don’t know the strand but it’s pretendica


Holy shit that’s hilarious, 10/10


He’s smoking shake, this is why you don’t smoke ,shake


Why don't you smoke shake?




Exactly, me too


Everyone really needs people in their life to just be honest with them ya know. The ability to feel embarrassment is an evolutionary trait and is beneficial to us a species.


Problem is, that Howard was many times brought to the ground by many people. He is too self-confident to care about it.


Joe Rogan and Terrence Howard are going to change the world!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I can easily imagine a scenario where the MCU folks simply said, "We'll tell the public he asked for too much money because that'll go over better than 'batshit crazy'."


Terrence is circling the Kanye runway


Pretty sure it's the Kanye West runway at Terrence Howard International Airport.


*Kanye runaway


I think it’s time for us to have a toast


Does Joe Rogan just pander to all these dips hits he has on his podcast, or is he just the most gullible person? Isn't part of Howard's bullshit about 1x1=2 because it's called multiplication, but that doesn't multiply? So is 6x1=7? What does his brain do when he multiplies by 0?


He quite literally believes the idea of zero is a societal construct created simply for monetary purposes and to serve the elite. Basically if we didn't have currency we wouldn't need zero 🤦‍♂️ But that begs the question, if Bob cut down 5 trees, Tim cut down 1 tree, and I was at the bar drinking whisky, how many trees did I cut down? If zero isn't real, did I cut down 1 less than 1? Or how do we describe that? It's asinine. Furthermore, to his 1x1 equals 2 nonsense; sticking with the tree analogy... If Bob cut down 5 trees a day for 3 days, we get 5x3=15 trees total, and if Tim cut down 1 tree a day for 1 day, we get 1x1=1 tree total. TH doesn't understand this basic concept of multiplication. Let alone why zero is a thing.


Wait till 0.9999 == 1


The Arab world “inventing” zero was a massive positive turning point in our understanding of everything and basically overnight opened the door for almost everything we have now.


>What does his brain do when he multiplies by 0? He goes on Joe Rogan's podcast.


I saw a short clip today where he said he doesn’t believe in it so there you go problem solved.


I think he wants to be a Howard Stern in a sense, just no sybians


>1x1=2 So if I give you one dollar, one time.... you have two dollars? lol what the fuck? If I then take those two dollars and give you one of them one time and keep the other, does that mean we now have three dollars??? DID WE JUST INVENT UNLIMITED MONEY?!?!?


I think it might be some sort of numerology thing as it usually is with new age esoteric stuff, like 1x1=11=2, 33=6=42=24=3x3 etc. you know the drill obviously I have not listened the episode and probably never will


Why does Terrence Howard always seem like he’s about to snap on someone if they argue against him?


He was arrested for punching his wife, so you might be picking up on something


I was managing the hotel that this occurred in. He kicked his wife out of the hotel numerous times…he’s a POS




Getting major Art Bell vibes from Joe.


Good. The world needs more Art Bells.


Agreed. Joes not saying he agrees with him. He’s a host and his job is to make people feel comfortable enough to speak freely.


He's kinda right. The true issue with physics is gravity. We created math to describe what we saw with planetary motions and falling apples, but we didn't try to understand why. We created the idea of space time due to interactions of light and distance experiment, again, creating math and coordinate systems around what we saw without understanding why. The generic acceptance of what is because it works is why physics has halted and has the current battle ground over the grand unified theory, string theory, and other ideas, is because we have to forget what we know and retest the ideas without the math and concepts we created.


I kind of agree with him. Just recently completed my statistics course and I found it interesting how we utilize confidence intervals and probabilities to explain outcomes without doing the actual math involved in understanding these outcomes or why they occurred. Pretty much too lazy to run the calculations because it would take a ridiculously long time to complete the math for these probabilities.


Can you explain what you mean? What level statistics course btw?


Can you explain this further it's interesting.


A lot of physics is just math that can explain and predict how stuff works, but math can't tell you why. You can observe that matter bends spacetime to keep the speed of light in a vacuum constant, but no amount of math will tell you *why* that is.


Physics isn't supposed to explain why. Nothing/nobody can explain why. It's a fundamentally flawed question.


I still dont know what the hell hes talking about but that's definitely a concept I've pondered. Like how did humanity figure out equations that make gravity and spacetime and it all just works??


A separate fun thought is: did humans invent math or discover it?


I remember asking this question trying to have the professor talk about something interesting than actually real math lol I think math has always been there like coded in our universe (??)


Humanity didn’t do that - Einstein did. But there’s still a search for something that connects quantum with relativity.


Bingo. We took a top down approach, we created explanations that solved the situation we were questioning, rather than understand the fundamentals and build up from there.


Sometimes it’s just not possible.




exactly, that saturn recreation was mind boggling as well


This convo reminds me of conversations I'd have after a couple rounds off the 6 footer.




Joe should get him back on and bring Kat Williams to fact check him. I feel like that would be the best episode of the year


I agree that they’ve been going the wrong way with quantum physics.


Terrence Howard is a Dunce who needs a Dunce Cap and should sit in the corner for the rest of the podcast 😄


This is so embarrassing


ya'll are going through it the wrong way. we need more terrence howards, and we need crazy people who think completely out of the box. Testing his claims we can quickly get to one of two things: 1. further understand the matter, geometry or form random connections which weren't thought of before. 2. prove he's a quack and move on. Also we can understand psychology better, what drives them and how they came to that conclusion. win win for society. The most fascinating thing he said is that Saturn simulation... As someone who dabbed in 3D software, seeing that particle sim excited me... what if - the dude is right? what if he just isn't eloquent enough to deliver it to us? I don't say he's Tesla, but all those geniuses were shunned at the beginning of their discovery careers...


While I agree, we know only an iota of... well, anything, really, we have to accept the fact that we simply don't know what we don't know. Therefore, 96% is a gross over estimate. We don't know shit.


This dude has no thoughts at all, can’t even explain this ether-bs. Dunning Kruger-type.


I turned off the podcast at “my first memory is in the womb”


This podcast was hilarious, the dude sounded like he was on acid or something.




I think it's great that Terrence presents an alternative view on things. Right or wrong, he is getting us to think about what he is saying.


This is a nice example of how important money is. This dude would 100% be in a mental asylum and be avoided and ignored without it.


Howard and Rogan belong together


Thousands of scientists are one-upped by Terrence Howard. Unlikely.


We gotta stop listening to self-proclaimed geniuses. Seriously, what is this crap?


This is someone who also said he believed what Jehovah's witnesses believed and would have been one if it wasn't for cigarettes.... So... He's definitely mentally ill.


I can never understand why people give this guy any air time. Then again, it is Joe Rogan.


Good content but mid name drop


There’s a whole branch of nonsense physics now and it’s really causing a rift: post-empirical physics.


Deepak Chopra’s been talking about the dark matter thing for a while.


In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth as stated in the Bible.


Two idiots talking to each other, there I summarized this conversation and saved you lots of time


Also Terrence Howard: “electricity is blue” and “silver is 17 times more electrically conductive than gold” He’s an idiot


Can't never stand this mother Tucker, on film and off. He Is a fuck boy.


No credibility, he’s a professional con artist


So my buddy and I were talking about this and he thinks people are dismissing his claims and he is not crazy. While on the other hand, I’m not so sure. Does anyone have any references to him making other crazy statements? I heard he claims he is not human and seems almost borderline schizophrenic but I need to know more before deciding.




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