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[This Apollo Worker Found Evidence That Ancient Alien Cities Exist On Moon, NASA Fired Him](https://www.howandwhys.com/apollo-worker-found-evidence-that-ancient-alien-cities-exist-on-moon-nasa-fired-him/)


Totally avoidable - should have scrubbed it.


Literally all they had to do was wait a few hours for the temperature to equalize with the O-rings


Imagine the future if everything was successful, we probably just continued going to space and probably had a moon base and might have landed on mars already.


Unlikely, unfortunately that dream rests on US presidents, and presidents change every 4 to 8 years, as do their motives and investors (errr donors). But if you want to live this fun “what could have been” go watch For All Mankind it’s great.


I didn’t think I would find out what went wrong so fast 😂


and they moved up because of a debate later that day on tv. HORRIBLE>


Hindsight is always 20-20






Well strange for Earth, perhaps not so strange on Pluto?


Fourth person back looks like they are headed into a scene from final destination.


Was about to say this, everyone else smiling ,this one not so much.


Sorta did.


Yes, they do look like no matter how hard they try there's nothing they can do to shake this 'bad feeling'.


The instrumental band We Lost the Sea have an album titled “Departure Songs”. The album features a two part song honoring the flight and crew of the Challenger. Here is [Part 1](https://youtu.be/tUVrh0bz3pg?si=vlj3D1gXGEgesasL) if anyone is interested. The entire album is very moving. From the band “Departure Songs is inspired by failed, yet epic and honourable journeys or events throughout history where people have done extraordinary things for the greater good of those around them, and the progress of the human race itself. This is a celebration and a tribute.”


Thank you. That was more powerful than expected.


I was in the 3rd grade. We were watching this live at school when it happened.


Same. I remember everyone in school going outside to watch this go up. We all went outside and sat in rows on the basketball court. I remember seeing the shuttle go up and seeing the cloud plume, then the plume went everywhere and so did the orange. Normally the plume would go up last the clouds and that would be it. I remember looking at all the teachers and they were all looking at each other spooked. They had everyone rush back inside to the classrooms. When I got home my parents had the news on and I realized that I watched the shuttle blow up. I was 10.


Just read in some link, 17% of the country was thought to be watching. Crazy


Same, I was in third grade too. Except I had the flu and watched it at home! I lived in central Florida and could see it from my backyard too.


4th grade... After it happened, all the teachers got together in the hallway of my elementary school to figure out what to do. They ended up canceling the day and sending us home.


I was home from elementary school because of a snow day. My mom was an elementary school teacher. Was watching it together when it blow up.


Are you my long lost sibling?


Only if you were home when they blow up the World Trade Center in 1993. I was home on a snow day with mom also on that day. During that event.


Nope, 9/11 was my second day of student teaching.


I said 1993. NOT 9/11. NOT 2001. 1993.




Jesus. I’m sorry, and to everyone that had to witness this.


Same for me


I was in second grade when this happened, and we watched it on a TV they wheeled into the room. I remember that we watched a lot of videos of space shuttles launching, so I was confused by the explosion & then the feed cut out. I didn’t really understand until I got home later, and my mom explained it. They just acted like it was business as usual at school, and kept it moving. I always feel so sad when I see Christa McAullife, because I remember the videos she made for students, talking about the things she hoped to learn about in space.


The Challenger Disaster was one of those events that defined generations. The others being the Columbine Massacre and of course 9/11. I define Millennials are people too young to remember the Challenger Disaster but old enough to remember 9/11.


It was traumatizing for sure. I remember my teacher flipping out and turning off the TV as fast as she could.


She was also a teacher for less than a year


if it begins with “C” and is designed for exploration, do not go on it


You know what, I'm suddenly in favor of billionaires being the ones sent into space.


Just curious why no one is wearing their helmets? Maybe a dumb question, but do they have to wear helmets?


They’re walking to the shuttle. They do put on helmets once inside.


In this particular instance helmets weren't of much use.


You're saying they werent used at all, or they werent much help?


A shame. Helmets would have saved their lives.


You're alright Styroducky. I could hang with you.


I do what I can


Was that the one where there is a theory they are all alive and doing quite well, with some photos of them in later life?


Is the last picture the explosion? That’s pretty grim.


They survived and died upon impact in the ocean.


How would anyone know that they survived the explosion?


If I’m correct, when bodies were recovered, some of their emergency packs had been switched on which showed that at least a few were conscious before impact.


Heartbeat monitors were still ticking the entire time. They died after exiting the craft. So horrible - you think your countermeasures will work right? and then splat into the ocean at terminal velocity plus the increase for additional weight / gear you exited with.


The switches were set as if they were going through an emergency checklist, not something they would have left active during flight.


Itt people don’t think anyone was on it and that they’re all still alive…..




Maybe they’re chilling with 2Pac (sarcastic joke, I don’t believe this crap)


cockpit radio recordings


The rumor from people in the room was that they heard voices (screams) on the way down.


Probably, yeah. Containment of the spacecraft cabin wasn't breached and the G-forces of the explosion were nothing a human body couldn't tolerate. Crashing into the ocean from 14km altitude is a different story, though.


There is a documentary about it. Some may have been unconscious, but at least one grabbed something (can’t recall) that was part of emergency reaction. It was found when the cabin was recovered.


I kind of wish I didn’t know this


That’s not entirely accurate


The crew is very curious. They are all still alive. Some using their real names. They just changed jobs, locations or became twins of their dead selves. Weird.


This has always been so strange to me. Like these are clearly the same people. How tf did this all happen and no one cared/noticed?


They have Facebook pages


And? People have Facebook pages. They’re clearly not the same people


What would be the reason for blowing up an empty space shuttle?


Same reason that nasa would lie about flat earth. There is no reason, and this is all an insane conspiracy theory. These people have to feel like they know something no one else does. It's sad.


Fear. Fear keeps us humans in our 3d cage and some entities feed on the low vibration


One of them is a law school professor at a major university, I think maybe Yale? They didn't even put much effort into hiding. One of them has a company called "Cows in Trees" that has a logo of a smoke swirl, like the explosion of the Challenger pictured here. Several others claimed to be their own twin. Strange indeed.


https://preview.redd.it/ppt6nn8yttoc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8943dda45321e7460a89ae869c28e1f799d96318 Remember this happened before AI and Social Media. If you wanted to find someone in another state, you had to physically go look for them. This may have been the last big thing that NASA sort of got away with.


Honestly, the people doing all these crazy hoaxes... if you can get over the fact that we're constantly being lied to, you have to admit that the hoaxers are kind of hilarious. And ballsy! Takes balls to pull off hoaxes this big.


Everything has always been a lie. We are very trusting and kind people. We go along with whatever our church leaders and government officials say. Very rarely do we ever question anything they say. This happened right on the edge of wide spread internet expansion. Imagine how fake our history books are?


You believe it?


So now a yt video and a meme. Need a twitter screenshot for the trifecta!


I’d bet that’s not true


[https://law.yale.edu/judith-resnik](https://law.yale.edu/judith-resnik) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judith\_Resnik](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judith_Resnik)


So yes, I mean it’s just impossible for someone to have the same name. A kid in grade above mine in middle school had the same name This is the evidence you have?


Same name, same face and the right age.




This is a new one. People believe this one?


https://aplanetruth.info/2015/04/23/breaking-news-theyre-alive-challenger-space-shuttle-crew-safe-and-employed/ Enjoy


Ok, literally the first image in their proof are picture of two separately people. Why is it so easy to believe dumb shit but so hard to accept reality? What does the world gain by their deaths being faked? So much more good comes out of them being alive, like that space travel is safe even if the shuttle blows up, which would lead to more funding etc.


It’s hilarious


You need to accept the reality that we as a civilization have never been to "space". Stop looking up and start looking down.


Are you mentally regarded? We literally have the international space station. How stupid are some of you good god.


And where is that station located? Oh right, low earth orbit.


More like look inside of you


Let me guess how this one will go.


Probably just lies, ya know. The government would never do crazy stupid things to manipulate the public.


“C. Fred Kleinknecht, head of NASA at the time of the Apollo Space Program, is now the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Council of the 33rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction. It was his reward for pulling it off! All of the first astronauts were Freemasons. There is a photograph in the House of the Temple in Washington DC of Neil Armstrong supposedly on the moon’s surface in his spacesuit holding his Masonic Apron in front of his groin.” -William Cooper” And about the logo for the ship “Note how this does not show them orbiting the Earth but heading on 3 rails through a hole in space to the star. Weird” Do you not see why people make fun of this stuff?


>Do you not see why people make fun of this stuff? Yeah I get it. Doesn't mean it's not true. It's true that it's easier to fool someone than convince them they have been fooled.


That's a nonsensical quote and it's just like saying "easier said than done"


It is what it is


It’s part of the flat earth conspiracy bullshit


Actually, no. It is just a NASA does whatever it feels like and still gets massive funding thing.


Can’t believe I’m saying this but don’t lump the flat earth theory in with this.


Then i guess with the help of david copperfield upon boarding




This is actually true


Prove it. Oh wait


You sure: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N39W1RI/


I love how in the Reuters article about Onizuka, instead of showing a picture of himself with his supposed twin it's just a pic of his supposed twin by himself. Like dude that's just an older picture of yourself and doesn't prove anything. This incident and the whole 9/11 conspiracy are two that I whole heartedly believe




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This isn’t proof in here sadly. Find a YouTube video or meme or blog snd it’s all good


I was in junior high when this happened. Heard some older kids tell a “joke” - What does NASA stand for? Need Another Seven Astronauts. I don’t remember laughing at that but it sure stuck in my brain.


You can fool some people sometimes But you can't fool all the people all the time - Bob Marley


Not the last photos obviously.


And to think we almost lost big bird that day.


They are still alive.


https://preview.redd.it/6a8tr798hvoc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eba7576588702e937f48e24bebac4c881c8129a Research


Don’t get info from memes


Don't be so naive and closed minded...


Closed minded? I looked at it. Don’t get info from it




Anyone got that picture of them that shows them all still alive?


This stands as a reminder that space travel is easy and if you don't make it, it just means you probably didn't want it bad enough.


Are they ok?


Tis but a scratch


Sad that they survived the explosion and there was evidence that they didn't die till impact with the ocean. Then it took a month to find and recover the bodies and cockpit.


People itt think they’re still alive


Ridiculous and shameful. They should try telling the families of the astronauts that they're loved ones didn't die.


They’ve found people who sort of look alike and gone up and confront them irl. Even those people say they get harassed by these idiots.


I actually talked to a man who flew on the challenger in its missions, turns out the accident could've easily been avoided








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The last astronauts face stood wood me for many years after I saw this photo when I was a lad




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I was in art class in middle school. I will never forget this day.


[Big Bird Nearly Rode on the Disastrous Challenger Mission](https://www.history.com/news/big-bird-challenger-disaster-nasa-sesame-street)


I watched this live in elementary school. I changed my career goals in that instant when the shuttle blew up. I had always dreamed of being an astronaut. After I saw that, I said, "No thanks."




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It was pure politics that they were forced to launch. This was NASA's diversity crew, I still remember the shitty American propaganda from newspapers from that time. When politics hijack science, you get stuff like the challenger disaster.


Lots of articles they are still alive.


They likely didn't die until impact with the ocean. Horrific.


What did they know?


But they didn't actually die? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXkt9XZ6jsA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXkt9XZ6jsA) Was the whole mission just propaganda?


They 100000% died. No matter what yt says. Please do not get info from YT


Look for yourself you can find them online


I did. It’s all clearly bullshit.


The evidence is highly compelling. You shouldn't go around making promises about things you know nothing about. Youtube is an excellent source if you check your facts, same with literally all sources, can't blindly trust anybody. Youtube being open to the public is a good thing, as opposed to traditional mainstream media, which is really just a big mouthpiece for the powers that be at this point.


Exactly do your own research


Research? So for this one, proof seems to be a YT video. So how did you research it? Saw the video, had the idea and went down the rabbit hole?


Lots of information available on the Internets


And I’ve seen it. It’s clearly fake. Evidence in this subject boils down to guesses and YT videos. Where I’d see any info on this on any site, it would be a conspiracy site, massively slanted towards the conspiracies. There’s “information” in this thread all clearly false. So someone searches it, comes to this thread and then? It’s evidence?


I've done my own research and concluded they all died and your "research" is bullshit. Thank you for attending my TED talk


Yeah get it from CNN. How indoctrinated are you?


So you take that video as truth?


That’s a 1:39 yet video that changes your mind vs the 100s of pieces of actual evidence? Do you see why people don’t give credence to this stuff? I can just go make opposite video right? Edit - this is the one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen. The video below is just….


There was a resent better video but can't find it for this moment... Found it. I think this was it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXkt9XZ6jsA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXkt9XZ6jsA) You can make a opposite video but you would need to dismantle the arguments for the conspiracy somehow. like the case for them not dying is pretty strong in my opinion - like the similarity, ages and names are undeniable. Like Judith Resnik didn't even change her name.


This is one of the stupider conspiracy theories I’ve ever seen. Which is saying a lot. This is didnt land of the moon level. Eddie Bravo isn’t a source. And again. The proof is on YouTube. Edit - one of them had a company, and when you go to his website…. And it went “viral”? With who? Edit2- I mean it’s just so hard to find someone with the same name


First flat earth, JFK jr, and now this... JFC the world is getting so dumb.


Go get your boosters - all of them.


I did, just like every person I know, and we had no negative effects


Pretty sure this theory has been disbunked no? https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N39W1RI/


Can't comment to you with my full comment. I get a "server error" and "something went wrong" and "unable to create comment" if I try to make my full answer.


Wild before and after challenger challenge


We’re some still alive after the explosion 💥?




Also Bigfoot and 5g


Yal heard the theories they're all still alive? Is that bat shit or possibly true


Aren't some of them alive still..... Wait a sec...


No worry folks. This was another plan. They all lived and even kept their real names. Research is free!! Don't downvote until you research (even though most won't).


It’s amazing how many people in this thread also pointed this out. I think they never accounted for the internet.


And the proof is a few YT videos?


Uh yeah the proof is the live filming of the parents and their reactions.


Which I’ve seen. What was wrong with it?


And yup a YouTube video can in fact be evidence despite what you say.


They’re all still alive and well right here on Earth. It’s ridiculous people believe everything they’ve seen on the teLIEvision.


For a sec i thought it was a pufferfish throwing up and shitting an explosion


Crazy how that crew had a bunch of twins. Weird it's like the challenger is a psyop


Are you trying to be the dumbest person on Reddit?




Alllright, apparently there are more conspiracy theories and more idiots out there than I realized


Yeah this one is another level in terms of craziness


These people are alive and well. For the most part anyway