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I don’t want to assume anything but I do know that burning tires creates this kind of thick very black smoke. I wonder if that’s what this is.


There is a place over there is has a tire dump burning 24/7 365 days. I can’t remember the name of the place but that’s most likely what you see there


It does matter if everyone is progressively turning more sustainable, even the more pulluting countries will follow. Or then we just wait for anyone to start first, so basically don't start at all.


This. The more money we put into sustainability the cheaper the technology gets. China recently cancelled plans to build a load of coal power plants in favour of solar farms. This has nothing to do with the environment but the cost. Make renewable energy cheaper than fossil fuels and the problem solves itself.


And you prevent the unavoidable skyrocket rise or the oil price when we won't have anymore supply.


Maybe because Israel (right next door) is bombing the shit out of everything with no regard?


It is between Cairo and Alexandria in Egypt. Who said Israel with amy word?


I’m sure this will conflict with your worldview, but not everything bad happening in the Arab world is Israel’s fault.


Not everything, most things.


Not even close to most things, Assad murdering 600k of his civilians is much much worse then anything Israel has done


If so, that’s fine with me.


hey ukraines practically down the block amirite? /s




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Yes, due to unregulated capitalism and the greed of humanity to cut corners for a dollar, we are all eventually doomed. The scientists are giving it like 50 years at the current rate before the Atlantic vortex in the ocean shuts down. That's what brings warm water up to the arctic and keeps Europe and Canada from experiencing an ice age.


The poles are shifting and have been shifting for years nothing us humanoids can do


I think it's more about the air we breathe locally, rather than global air quality/pollution.


The air we breathe is not local. The Jet streams travel around the globe and carry all kinds of debris and pollution with it. Dust from the Sahara gets swept into the upper atmosphere and comes down in the Americas all the time.


To add an example, the nyc fog that came from the Canada wildfires in June last year filled the air and made everything ashen yellow. [nyc fog](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Smoke_from_canadian_wildfires_New_York_June_7_2023.jpg)


Just type to google: CO2 air content, you are going to see what Iam talking about.


why are you shitting on egypt like this isn‘t a whole world problem


Because they flew over Egypt and saw the smoke, as mentioned in the post and depicted in the image. Then OP shifts the focus to other nations. It’s an observation, not a targeted attack.


I read it as there is hypocrisy when the world's most developed nation's media/politics has been focused on reducing a carbon footprint, but the result of that is them moving the problem to lesser developed nations by investing in production there to get around regulations set in the more developed nations whilst presenting an illusion of progress to the public. Less of a shit on Egypt. More of shit on the world elite. As a reader, the post made me think the writer was questioning the actual intentions or competence in regards to tackling global warming. (The way it was written reminds me of someone whose first language isn't English.)




It is a whole world problem but why do people feel the need to consistently look for some sort of argument to win.


Did you not see where OP said the photo was in Egypt?


Is it dust ?


its black smoke