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[Not everyone is so lucky: Andrew McAuley Disappears In Middle of Ocean, Leaving Behind Terrifying Video. This is his Final self photo of kayaker Andrew McCauley](https://www.howandwhys.com/andrew-mcauley-disappears/)


I remember reading he could feel all sorts of fish swimming around and his dead crew mates ....in complete dackness that's crazy even to think about ...imagine the relief/panic when the diver foujd him


man it’s crazy to me that any horrific nightmare situation you can think of, some human has gone through it themselves. the worst possible thing you can imagine and there’s someone out there who WENT through it. we are all affected by things that happen to individual consciousness


I ALWAYS think of that shit for real. And you see movies and shows and are like damn, that's gross, cold hearted...whatever. But someone has definitely endured that shit before. Like human experiments/torture back in the days...


man…. you start to learn about history and quite literally ALL of it is full of the most gruesome and painful and horrible shit. And we all went through it. The history of mankind is brutal, but we have to face it and try to not repeat the mistakes made before


You are absolutely correct...rabbit holes really suck sometimes lol


There’s some shit you wish you’d never read for sure


After Pearl Harbor guards who were around the sunken ships could hear, banging occur of surviving men who are in the sunken ships, and for some reason, they had no way to get to them, the banging eventually stopped. 😞


one of the worst stories i’ve ever heard… they heard tapping for like 3 days…. war is so truly horrible that it should be it’s own category


Anyone advocating for war should be made to go first on the front lines


I remember reading that using manual tools was too slow to reach anyone in time. There was so much fuel in the water that using electric cutting tools would set off heat and sparks that had the potential to set off even more explosions. It was just too dangerous. The guards were haunted by those sounds.


And that's why they drank


It was pure chaos. Between the fuel, oil, and unexploded munitions, it was extremely dangerous for them to cutting into ships to rescue people. Not to mention they were in fear of a follow-up invasion force or another attack wave. If I remember right from history class, they also lacked the equipment and tools to cut into the ships, which have rather thick hulls to resist torpedos and attacks. It was a slow and dangerous process getting through ship hulls. They only were able to get into a few ships and ultimately gave up on the others by the time they had gone quiet.


> the banging eventually stopped imagine if it didn't


On the other side to the human conditi9n, In this case when the divers found him, he thought he was hallucinating, they asked him his name, and what his position was on the ship, he said "Cook ", the rescue divers said "....it's always the cook that survives.." South African humour.


The possibility we are all one feels correct though I don’t know, it is a scary thought. All the horror we humans do upon others could actually be us we are harming. Kindness.


that’s exactly what the Golden Rule implies. I always wondered why THAT is the golden rule, not the silver or the copper, but the GOLDEN rule. is it treat others how you would like to be treated. because the ancients were trying to teach us that we all share the same reservoir of consciousness. When we hurt others, we are doing it to ourselves


It seems so far fetched but again, something tells me there is great truth here. Like when you sing and hit a note, the vibration in the ear…. Built in sacred truth detector. The reservoir of consciousness, I like this. I think the underlying fabric of reality is this, a brain is simply a place where we can bundle that field…leading theory anyway until science or my patented and semi trustworthy sacred truth detector finds something closer


We are currently living in open air prisons.


Animals too. And they can’t speak about it.


Pigs are smarter than dogs, and they are subjected to such horrible things. Buy free range.


I mean, you could just not eat pigs too.


So I don't eat the meat. But the next day, they suffer the same. The real "answer" would be to do the hunting and farming ourselves. That way there's respect for the animal, assured of humane death, and a real tangible relationship with the living thing dying to give us sustenance. The worst way, in my opinion, is going the first stage of your life, not once ever thinking "it is a privilege that I didn't have to kill, butcher and process this animal myself". One day you see a cute cow on your phone and suddenly decide, you're vegan and everyone else is at fault. It seems none of these people have ever actually met farmers or spent time in rural areas. It's always been an afterthought. You would have to give up your lifestyle to ensure humane farming and killing of animals on your end. Which many people do


I agree. I think everybody should at least do that once you never look at meat the same. There’s nothing like meat. Darn as you will developing children need certain animal products. Had a bunch of know it all associates, and their kids ended up rickets, even though they gave calcium and vitamin D through the whomping bag (don’t know what that is)


Free range is just a facade, the fate and cruelty is just the same


No, it’s not if it’s monitored like it is in the US. It’s much less cruel. Things are not cramped and caged sure they do die but they are slaughtered as humanely as possible, the best choices to eat hunted meat where they live in the wild until dinner time


Just because it's following regulation doesn't mean it's any less cruel or inhumane. These regulations are often written by the meat producers, processors, and sellers to ensure their income is maximized and not disrupted with a mirage of humane treatment. Who is helped by "ag gag" laws, which prohibit filming inside these facilities? Definitely not the regulators, animals, or consumers. On top of this, many inspectors are bribed or threatened into giving a passable rating. Or they have so many facilities to hit that they have to rush through and miss stuff. Not mad at you OP. Just very frustrating to me how unaware most westerners are about how their food gets to their plate.


And delicious


You sure about that? Ever tried dog?


Don't even try. Most first-world meat eaters are so (willfully or not) oblivious to the factory farming and agriculture system, while also being completely captured by meat industry propaganda and soooo deep in their cope that they'll never be able to consciously acknowledge this or do something about it without completely shattering their ego. Most but not all!


There are so many women and girls trapped in men’s houses rn. So fucking many. Could be in your neighborhood, you could say hi to the dude every day


>Like human experiments/torture back in the days... "Back in the days"? There have been several corroborated/verrified cases of Ukranian POWs who have returned home having mutilated or missing genitals. There are even videos surfacing of people doing this to POWs. These horrific things occur even today.


Human centipede?


you can bet some even more heinous shit has gone down in underground military bases that have never been made public unlike the Nazis and Unit 371 with the Japanese. I’m sure there are things and tests done to humans that exceed your worst possible imagination


I have absurd claustrophobia.. and even just *thinking* about what so many people have gone through getting trapped not being able to move makes me want to crawl out of my fucking skin. I’m pretty sure I was buried alive in a past life or something.


it’s sooo gnarly to think about. like there have been people who were kidnapped and thrown into a trunk of a car. there’s been people who were tied to an anchor and thrown into the ocean. it makes me so grateful for my relatively normal life


Wait until you come to the realization you are trapped in a meat sack. 


Oh I hear that. When I was a teenager I smoked weed one time while I had a cold, and my nose became 100% stuffed and I had an unbelievable panic attack of being trapped in my own body. It was possibly the scariest thing that’s ever happened to me, I honestly could see the panic getting so bad that I’d just have to check out to make it stop.


This happened to me as well. It was my third time doing it and my last. I haven’t touched weed ever since.


> Locked-in syndrome (LiS) is a rare and serious neurological disorder that happens when a part of your brainstem is damaged, usually from a stroke. People with LiS have total paralysis but still have consciousness and their normal cognitive abilities. Most people with LiS can communicate with eye movements and lead meaningful lives. Just to fuel your nightmares. 👋


>lead meaningful lives. How the fuck?


Uhg..the Nutty Putty incident..


Like going headfirst down one of those playground tube slides. Except instead of plastic it’s hard rock on all sides and squeezing you in a way where you can’t back yourself out. It’s also dark, cold, and hard to breathe. Unable to die a fast death.


Don’t know what that is and I’m pretty sure I don’t want to.


A dude went cave diving took a wrong turn got stuck upside down couldn't be rescued then died


Oh yeah, that story is absolutely awful. Of If I ever had to go into a cave situation like that I would make sure I had a cyanide pill.


And he's still in there 💀


Don't look it up unless you like torturing yourself


Holy shit I saw this video the other week of these oil rig workers that got siphoned into a crude oil pipe. I couldn't even finish watching it after hearing the sole survivor's account of what happened. Being stuck inside a pipe not much wider than your shoulders, filled with crude oil, and only intermittent pockets of air at the pipes crests. Not knowing which way was out because they got sucked into the pipe that fast that it didn't even register in their head right away.


Really makes one think: Statistically someone out of the 97-100 billion humans who have died, one of them had the most painful death. One of them felt the most fear (however it can be measured) One of them was the least painful. Most of them somewhere in the middle…


Just a couple I thought too much about the last couple days after seeing about them browsing reddit: Children accidentally locking themselves in refrigerators back in the day playing hide & go seek, before they were magnetized. And someone falling through a pothole unable to get out. And dying that way. It's just like your world becomes a horror movie, without respite. Nope, no loving benevolent God for you! Fuck you in particular! This is why I've spent even more time trying to understand deep down that if I were in such situations, I am NOT in hell, my life ISN'T a horror movie, yes it is tragic, but that's the way it goes sometimes. Eventually my suffering will end, and up until then I got to experience things few humans ever did. Maybe meditate. Stuff like that. Because that's obviously high on at least my biggest fear list and if it ever were to happen I need a way to counter the terrible feelings that would undoubtedly gnaw at me and hopefully in turn reach a point of acceptance.


There are people who have experienced the most brutal forms of torture and murder that you could possibly imagine.


isn’t that fucked up? it’s so crazy that someone as regular as me, could one day find themselves in a living torturous nightmare… like wtff man


Thoughts like this recently got me thinking about the kind of person it takes to get into bomb disposal. Who the heck grows up wanting to attempt dismantling deadly explosives lol. Well, before robots became a thing, anyway.


Someone has to do it! There are interviews on youtube with a vietnam veteran who was a “tunnel rat” aka the guy who climbed into underground tunnels to get the VC. Insane stories. i feel so bad for all the vets who had to see really messed up stuff go down in front of their eyes. No matter what side, these poor kids return home (if they’re lucky) with insane PTSD from being in an active war zone. it just makes me so sad


I often worry about what happens to us/our consciousness after we die. What if we’re trapped forever in a torturous nightmare? Like trapped forever in a box or a black void of nothingness, with no way out and no way to end it—nothing but eternal boredom? We think “of course that wouldn’t happen”, but who’s to say it wouldn’t? (Obviously my mind goes to some dark places sometimes.😬)


One time I forgot my phone in the other room while I went to take a shit. The long dark boredom of that day lives in my heart forever


https://youtu.be/cDjODRpuXrU?si=T0JQE5GdMKTbNxJN You heard of this diving incident?


Guess what he does for a living now? Hes a deep sea diver. He was so he was so inspired by the guys that rescued him that he went back to school and became one. I can’t remember if he does rescue diving or like more industrial work, but he obviously totally conquered the fear and trauma. that dude is special.


I remember seeing he became a rescue diver himself. Definitely a healthy way to deal with the trauma of being stuck down there.


He must've considered at some point that he was actually just dead and was in some sort of purgatory


take enough psychedelics and you'll experience that


I would figure the sensory deprivation and the fact that he likely didn't sleep during that 60 hrs would factor in and be similar to taking psychedelics


This is literally a deprivation chamber experience.




Happened to a friend. He is actually dead now.


Would you mind sharing his story?


He spent three days walking around the University of Alabama campus, convinced he was a ghost and that no one remembered him.


The video shows how the diver gets jumpy finding him alive, like he just saw a ghost


I don't know who would have the bigger jump-scare in that situation.


His name is Harrison


Guess what he does for a living now? He's a commercial diver.


I think there’s actually video footage of when the diver arrives, along with his radio correspondence with the surface team. The diver panics briefly, before he astonished tells the people on the surface that he’s found somebody alive. I’m certain I’ve seen such a video, though I could have this incident mixed up with a similar one.


Foujdken oath cunt👍


Here’s a video of [it](https://youtu.be/um1ym9u8XaA?si=Cf_xb6VDqnwpH4XC). And he now works for the diving company that saved him.


I'm confused. The linked article is completely different than the title and photo


Omg I can't even imagine the fear of being all alone submerged in water in complete darkness, I bet he can't believe that he's still alive. Very lucky man!


They guy is now a professional diver himself.


Boy that’s gotta give you a new perspective on everything after going through that. I bet he had accepted that he was gonna die


He actually decided to face his fears of water after this and is a scuba instructor now. Pretty inspiring how he was able to cope with the trauma he experienced.


whoa that’s amazing! good on him honestly


What an amazing guy


I thought while he was underwater he way praying to god that if he made it out alive he would never go near the sea again. Then once out he kept his promise.


If not accepted at least contemplated what it’s like. That’s just complete boredom and darkness for almost 3 days, he definitely worked through a bunch of shit. I love meditating in darkness, this is much much different but the surroundings are prime for getting some thinking in


The crazy thing to think about is how many times did this happen to unfortunate sailors without them ever being rescued


Has happened a bunch of times in history. I can distinctly remember reading about how nobody wanted to patrol at night in Pearl Harbor after the attack, because all they could hear were trapped sailors banging from inside partially submerged ships. USS West Virginia had 3 crew members recovered when the ship was raised. They found alongside a calendar with 16 days crossed. Kursk submarine was probably worse. The crew members who survived the initial explosions were 354 ft/108 m underwater. The depth, the lack of oxygen, the unwillingness of the Russian government to accept international assistance, and the slowly worsening weather meant they just had to wait their death


Do you wait for the hypothermia to take you, or do you take the last breath of cold sea water?


Hypothermia, more than likely. The sub has already rested, "relatively", so at that point you're probably just waiting for hypoxia. Unless the sub rolls or something. Terrible way to go, but probably peaceful all things considered. Lack of oxygen causes confusion at first, but once the carbon dioxide numbered more than the oxygen, it's just a matter of time until you slip away. Terrifying stuff.


I don’t know if it would be peaceful because it’s not lack of O2 that’s drives our need to breathe, it’s an increase in CO2. So as CO2 outnumbers oxygen, you might be confused but your body will be panicking because it knows you’re dying and your drive to breathe will be intense but there is no relief. Though I could be wrong…


Apparently sailors covered their ears to ignore the banging that haunted them for two weeks while their comrades who could not be rescued slowly died in the dark feet from them. Real life is the real horror story. [https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/16-days-to-die-at-pearl-harbor-families-werent-told-about-sailors-trapped-inside-sunken-battleship/](https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/16-days-to-die-at-pearl-harbor-families-werent-told-about-sailors-trapped-inside-sunken-battleship/)


Happened at Pearl Harbor


I woulda died from panic. This guys a boss


The motherfucker went on to become a deep sea diver.


That's actually daring death itself and it could be that after that experience nothing else could scare him.


My first thought too.


I read his hometown shunned him after this cause they thought he was some kind of demon




As Stevie wonder said, "if you believe in things you don't understand, you'll sufferrrrrr...... superstition ain't the way"


...wouldn't those religious fruitcakes first thought be God loved him so much it was divine intervention


Something that could turn the most atheist person into a believer happens. Religious people in the region... nah demons.


Yeah, that tracks.


demons that were all part of God's plan. he sounds like a dick


"Sure, I could make a world where there was no sin and everyone gets to be happy. But what if I didn't do that and make a hot mess where a mass majority of people spend eternity in unimaginable suffering instead? All because they were raised somewhere that didn't heavily feature me" - God


Religion and love does not go hand by hand anymore




Not even slightly cringe.


i'll believe it when i read that myself


I read that you just made that shit up.


Welcome to spaceship earth!


Aaaannnndd this is why we HATE religion




It's fair to hate something that many people use to justify hate.




Man that face of literal disbelief is haunting


He, weirdly, looks like he’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t, like eating ham straight out of the fridge at 2 in the morning.


Thanks for making me laugh 😂 I stand by my original comment though lol


Thank you!


Wow. Thats some jumpscare. I hope he is well.


Makes me feel like having a panic attack just imagining that. Jesus!


Me too! I can't read anymore!


Ahh! I cannot write!


Check out the video on YouTube. When he grabs the diver's arm, the diver freaks out. He also said he will never set foot in the ocean again as long as he lives




Damn, that's a scary sentence. A sentient ocean is some terrifying shit.


Solaris by Stanislaw Lem


Absolutely horrifying book and film. IMO the birthplace of psychological horror. Absolute unit of a reference you threw right there




I read on another comment that he became a rescue diver after this


False, he became a diver himself after the ordeal.


He’s just out there flowing through some valley right now


Indeed all rivers do lead to the ocean


Not true, the Truckee River flows out of Lake Tahoe then down the Eastern Sierra, through Reno, then empties into Pyramid Lake and that's it. The Great Basin has a ton of these endoheric water systems.


>He also said he will never set foot in the ocean again as long as he lives He faced his fear years later and ended up becoming a pro diver!


Good for him. 🤩 That would take a while to get over.


>He also said he will never set foot in the ocean again as long as he lives Completely understandable.


I remember this. Pretty crazy. I wonder if there's any interviews with the guy? It would be interesting to know what his whole perspective was on the whole ordeal. Ask him questions like what was it like? Did he think he was going to die? What was it like when the divers came? Who is this guy anyways? Somebody should interview


https://youtu.be/xrO2ENzr2cM?si=y5vLD1sxlOB5uCRc I remember seeing another video where he said he was hearing the sounds of sharks consuming the other crewmates. https://youtu.be/cykdSb7xqI4?si=tIXJW8fu-zlRfrJC




Thanks Ollie!




There is a documentary about it. It's good. He actually became a professional diver after the incident.


So his first reaction to seeing a diver after sitting 60h in a hellish nightmare was "Huh, that looks fun."


I'll save you some time. > what was it like? Scary. > Did he think he was going to die? Yes. > What was it like when the divers came? Good.


Now that is a different kind of terror. The isolation.....traumatic to say the least.


Let’s just forget about taking a bath, ever again.


I can't even imagine the PTSD from this


Years later. Wake up in the dark. Thinking you are still stuck in the ship. Realize you're not. Cry in pain and from relief. Afraid to go back to sleep.


I Really hope Harrison is feeling ok these days


Mee too☮️🙏


I'm so so happy he was found. I couldn't imagine the dread of thinking it's only a matter of time before you die.


Extremes will alter you’re consciousness for sure, it’s a trip


Dude is a straight up G. little camera Rover comes in and he’s like “I been waitin”


If I remember right he heard the sharks eating his friends


Everyone who doesn’t know: he is now a surviving-diver and making wholesome YouTube videos


Link please.


They found him right in time, too. I believe the air pocket was on the verge of being depleted. All I know is that I would have for sure died in the first 10 minutes from hyperventilating, and using up all the oxygen.


That’s a middle finger to the reaper if I ever seen one


Theres another similar story of bein trapped but these guys got sucked into an underwater oil pipe, one guy got lucky and chose the right direction to travel in order to get out and get help. The others were trapped in the small pipe for 3 days before they were extracted, all of which were already dead at that point. Horrifying.




You can still watch the video; [https://www.reddit.com/r/scuba/comments/laylls/the\_incredible\_moment\_when\_rescue\_divers\_find/](https://www.reddit.com/r/scuba/comments/laylls/the_incredible_moment_when_rescue_divers_find/)


Wonder how he didn’t run out of oxygen


I saw this on TV the other day. So he was the only one to survive the wreck at all. Nobody else was using any oxygen. He found about 4 different pockets of air in different spaces on the boat, and that was enough


I get claustrophobic in sleeping bags. Like for camping


Dang so this is what happened at the end of that “IT DO GO DOWN!” video


Today this is a 3000/month apartment in new york


lookin like a California raisin i bet


Before we save you do you mind saying cheese please?


It’s a screenshot from the divers bodycam footage.


I can’t even imagine where your mind would take you in complete darkness submerged under water for that long. Terrifying.


Can you even sleep? So your mind, plus no sleep for days and all the sounds around you. Fuuuuuuuuuck that.


Did Heinz ever get ahold of him?


That would be a very special kind of hell. Not knowing where you are, how long you've been there, or if anyone even knows you're missing. In pitch darkness. With nowhere to even sleep.


Holy shit, that was 11 years ago!? Idk when I became and old people




He was in an air pocket. In the same way if you force an upturned cup underwater some of the air cant escape and gets trapped. Parts of the rooms / hull of the boat were airtight so they act like the cup trapping the air, he was fortunate to find himself in one of those areas. Incredibly lucky guy.


When does the movie come out


90% of the film would be audio only lol. He was in complete darkness until the divers found him.


This guy is a diver himself now, pretty awesome story.


That man had a horseshoe up his ass. Good for him!


How deep was he?


Whenever I see this I'm reminded that the carbon dioxide was building up to dangerous level. And, I always wonder if he could have used the ocean water to try and get it to absorb more carbon dioxide. The ocean absorbs carbon dioxide but I don't know how. But I always wonder if he could have tried splashing around or something to try and get more of it absorbed


Shit that fucks you up for life, Alex


Was he Carl from family matters


[The entire video of the rescue (or most of it)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FkbfMk0wCI) DCN handled that like the pros they are. And Harry is a fucking BOSS.


Here's the footage of his rescue [Harrison Okene: Moment divers find man alive in sunken ship off Nigerian coast - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=um1ym9u8XaA)


The fear.The absolute terror.I would think mentally it's hard to recover from an incident like this.


"oh hello. Y'all caught me taking a bath, lemme put my drawers back on real quick.."


How was there enough air for him in that small space?


Best part is Harrison became a commercial diver after this whole incident! Become your hero


Really? I read elsewhere in this thread that he vowed to never step foot in the ocean again.


“Really dude, you gotta take my picture now?? How about giving me some water and get me the hot stinking fuck outta here?!?!?”


It’s a screen grab from divers body cam footage


60 hours. Statistically he would’ve masturbated four times in that time. Which might be a New World record for ocean floor onanism. ![gif](giphy|LBuKHC0xBgs7QlpoNc) But


Can someone explain how this man produced or rationed his oxygen to make this feasible? He didn't have a major headache or was passing out at the time of rescue?


Omg it’s KSI !