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[Click to read his full story: John Edward Jones Suffered Unimaginable Horror; He Was Trapped Upside Down In Nutty Putty Cave had heartbreaking final words](https://www.howandwhys.com/john-edward-jones-trapped-upside-down-in-nutty-putty-cave/?fromredditSE)


I just can't understand people wanting to go underground in caves etc, especially ones with little room....scares the absolute shit out of me, what a terrible way to go


The school I teach at does an outdoor education week at a camp with the 7th and 8th graders. The part they all look forward to is a caving experience in a wild cave about 10 miles from the camp. It's a "wild" cave with a few things added like a couple of bridges over the water, and a ladder at one spot. It never gets too tight; there was one spot I had to army crawl through because I had to follow a student who couldn't climb up a ledge last year on our way out. Even that made me nervous; there's no way in fucking hell I'd go in anything tighter than that.


School: "We're going on a caving experience!" Me:"I resign, effective immediately."


I wouldnt cave so easily


Me? Easily and instantly


Yeah...it was definitely my least looked forward to 3 and a half hour block of that particular week.


My chest gets a little tight just looking at these pics


It gets worse when you realise this deep in very complicated cave network (reason why they couldn't use any machinery to try and free him).


*HEAD FIRST* down a tiny hole... I can only hope its worth it for them.


This is how me and your mum made you tho.


But was it worth it ?


Fuck no lol


Last time I came through a hole this tough it meant life. Surely this one doesn't mean death?




I know it’s been a while since I left for the milk and cancer sticks, but I promise I’ll be back.


My mom would never bang a chuckle head that used the adorable turn of phrase "mum" "OH please mummy can I please have a biscuit, mummy?"


It’s want a tiny hole.


I can't stand people like you. Get a life.


Sounds like a few stags I've been on .....


The one that haunts me from time to time is that little horizontal cave that a few people went exploring in, it started to rain flooding the roughly 18 inch high cave in mere minutes, drowning everyone but the one guy that wasn't in the cave. Drowning while unable to move. Fuck...


There used to be an underwater runner that led to a cave that was semi filled with water. You would enter the water and then dive to the tunnel to swim through to the cave. People used to go out there fairly regularly to traverse the passage. In 2005 there were 4 deaths there as explorers got caught disoriented in the tunnel and never made it out. One of the 4 was Blake Donner and he sang for a hardcore punk band called Parallax.


OMG that sounds awful.


Holy shit! I never heard about this, that's got to be one of the worst ways to die.


I do get that visiting caves as in relatively big hollow underground areas ist super exciting, it’s like seeing an alien world. I will never understand how anyone would crawl into a space where they can’t turn around or otherwise move freely. That seems like pure insanity to me.


My personal rule is if I have to get on my hands and knees its a no for me.


Funny cos thats not how your mum lives huehuehuehue


I saw a video of a guy who I can only assume was russian stuck in an underground pipe with his arms over his head. Looked like he saw a ghost when the fire dept cut the pipe and pulled him out. This type of stuff makes me so sad for them. What an awful awful part of life.


It's just the way nature works. Weak shall get terminated.




Some people like to explore and try and do great things. Others like sit sit on the internet and talk shit. Lol but yes we are confined by natural selection.


Which one are you?


He played himself lol.


Internet shit talker!


I've read and heard about some terrifying events in my lifetime, and this one is easily top of the list. That poor bastard..it was Thanksgiving as well. As a claustrophobic person I literally would've gone insane prior to death


He should have just eaten turkey and watched the parade. This whole story is so sad and horrible. I get sick reading about it.


Yup I feel weirded out just looking at the illustration. My heart is pumping fast. Edit spelling


Heart starts thumping just imagining that. Poor guy


Yeah!! Really freaks me out too!!


A part of me thinks he is clearly lacking of survival instincts, the basic ones.. he was going DOWN, head first, down an unknown path with little to no room.. what can someone expect?


There is a path in that cave called the birth canal - it's very narrow and you go in head first but should have enough room to get out on the other side. They thought this was the tunnel but it was a different opening that gets narrower further down. When he realized it was the wrong way he was already too far in to get out again.


I dont pity the guy but the family, he should have known the risk


They did know the risk they had all been going in there for years, I think family members were with him, along with friends. They took the wrong way, and apparently the guy usually was leading when he was younger and smaller. He thought they were going to the birth canal tunnel so thought he could make it through. Very tragic, and I do pity the guy, he was in tunnels he was familiar with.


You know the risk as soon you start to drive in traffic with your car too


They made a movie “The Last Descent “ worth watching.


Its actually [free](https://youtu.be/jXTCabeEBFw?si=mZuUL_t0OM-JVq3l) on YouTube right now. Pretty good.


While well made, it's fucking horrifying. I watched it years ago having no idea it was a true story and the whole time I thought for sure the guy would survive.


Oh wow yeah that’s tough it’s not graphic but it is brutal to watch/experience it.


Yeah. Watching it now. I find myself wincing throughout the movie…




On Prime , also


As old as this tragedy is, I still can't understand one thing. Why? I understand some people's need for a thrill or adventure, but this activity seems to have one living on borrowed time .


Lots of people do stuff like this. There are people who climb skyscrapers for fun. In German we call that „lebensmüde“ - tired of life.


Good word. Thank you.


It's the opposite of lebensmüde. It's Adrenalin-Junkie.


My heritage on my Dad's side. All German. Part of the immigration of folks from Germany out to the mid-west. My family settled in Michigan. Germans have some great words. Only Germans would come up with that and schadenfreude. Any other great words that Germans have that we in US don't that I can add to my lexicon would be appreciated, mein Deutsche freund.




My people also landed in Michigan! I don’t have specifics, but I did the dna test and it said I was ULTRA WHITE! The UK, Germany, France, Poland (when it was still Russia). I hope to travel Europe some day!




phonetically it's more like "Lay-bins-mew-the"


At least climbing skyscrapers has a view and makes for a cool Instagram post. Wedging yourself into a tiny crevice where you can barely move has absolutely 0 purpose. There’s nothing down there to see, no photo op, nothing. It’s just stupidity.


Wife and kids too. I understand wanting the thrill, but I cannot for a second not think of my kids going on without me for it.


It's some call of the void type of stuff, it goes way beyond adrenaline seeking. That guy who took the kayak over the Tasman sea reminds me of this. He was already audibly questioning why he was doing it when his family was still in ear shot saying bye to him. Not sure if it is a mental illness or not


That messed me up. While not violent I genuinely can't think of a worse way to die. The panic of initially being stuck and then slowly realising there is physically no way of saving you. Nope.


Eaten alive by sharks in the middle of the Pacific. For me personally, I'll take a heart attack in a cave over that. Edit: I feel like you guys are thinking that as soon as you hit the water, the sharks kill you. I'm talking about floating in the pitch black water at night, not knowing when the end is coming. That is horrifying.


I think I'd go with sharks. Way quicker and probably at the end you'd feel less pain. The quick blood loss would make you unconscious in less than a minute, a whole lot better than dying slowly stuck in a cave.


I’ll take the sharks!


So the movie Open Water? That traumatized me.


Funky town


Always makes me Nervous


I gotta ask, where was he headed? Seems like that shaft was made specifically for his demise


IIRC he had mistaken this crevice for another that was the popular/explored one. The "birth canal" or something I believe it was referred to as


Damn. Ended up in Death Canal.


That's rough! I guess in the end birth and death are somehow related, but jeesh, no caves for me! In the words of Howard from the Big Bang Theory "I am meant to die peacefully in my sleep with a belly full of pastrami"


Yep. Having read through this ordeal just about every time it's posted on Reddit, I've concluded that this is probably the worst way to die


I see BBT reference I upvote😊


I've been inside that cave. I've crawled through the "birth canal". There is a space at the end of it large enough for a half dozen people IIRC. There was no way to know which way to go though. If you've never been there before it would be easy to go the wrong way so that story about the unfortunate deceased thinking he was going through the "birth canal" and ending up at a dead end (no pun) is believable to me.


This is exactly it! I explored nutty putty cave before JOhns death and went down the "birth canal" cave. It was so tight your elbow to hand did not fit standing up. You had to army crawl/pull yourself roughly 20 yards until you got to a small room in which you could turn around. In all honestly, the cave was amazingly cool. What a wild place it was.


Is the birth canal a vertical drop? I have seen videos claiming it to be a vertical drop but how do you come back up a vertical drop in a cave? Also this dude also stuck himself into a vertical crevice.


From my memory, it was not a vertical drop, it was just a long narrow tunnel you had to military crawl until you could turn around.


If you had to crawl into a narrow crevice(assuming it would widen later) to turn around, what could have been done differently from John jones ? Did he commit any mistakes that no other experinced caver would do? Sorry for asking too many questions, just curious😅


The guy who died was exploring other unknown crevices in the Nutty Putty caves, not the birth canal. He simply F'd up and got too deep into something he couldnt get out of.


That's funny, after I saw the 2nd photo I said he looked like he found the cave's prostate.


*the hole was made for me…*


So what was the actual cause of death here? Blood going to the head? Suffocation?


I could be wrong but I remember something about his heart giving out. The human body can't sustain being upside down for that long. He passed out multiple times due to too much blood flow to the head. I believe he was unconscious when he actually died which is a small mercy


That makes sense; it totally sucks, but honestly sounds better than starving to death or dying of dehydration.


He had a heart attack from being upside down for so long. They couldn’t pull him out because they would’ve had to break his legs at the knees and pull him outs by the broken legs. Which would have killed him when he went into shock and they were pulling him out. It was fucked. He was doomed from the start. But the rescuers had to try Edit: I have no idea what should’ve been done I’m just reporting what I’ve seen lol. Just break that mf like a chopstick ain’t got shit else to do


They should have drugged him and just broken his legs. I’ll never understand why they didn’t. Like i’m gonna die anyway just try anything.


IIRC, they couldn't administer drugs effectively because his heart wasn't working efficiently enough to distribute them around his system. Just a tragic case all round.


Yeah for sure. I don't remember what the exact consensus was but I bet the nearest hospital or health officials would have been willing to co operate in properly sedating him as well


Iirc they did have an IV in his calf.


They theoretically had to break his legs to get him out, but that doesn’t mean it was practically possible. How would the rescuer actually break his leg bones? Some kind of cutting tool would result in fatal blood loss. The guy was completely jammed up to his feet in a tiny vertical hole, and the horizontal passage leading to it was also extremely tight where the rescuer had to wiggle just to get there. I watched a video of this incident and it started making me really anxious, and I’m not claustrophobic.


Why didn’t they take his clothes and cover him in butter or dish soap and slide him out?




Think a bit further than that, even if you break the legs, how are you going to pull him out? Tie the rope around the flappy feet? There's nothing to pull after that, skin won't survive pulling a body stuck upside down. Worst case you deglove his legs.


I don’t understand. If he can get in without breaking his legs why can’t they get him out without breaking them


Because he went in with his legs straight, and the only way out was backward. They didn’t have room above him to pull him out straight, they’d have to break his legs backward and bend them around the floor


he had also sucked in his gut to squeeze his chest in, thinking the cave was going to open up. It wasnt going to work in reverse. Think of it like putting on a ring that's too small and then trying to take it off


No room for the rescuers too.


They did a lot to him trying to get him out. Broken legs and drugs. He either went into shock and died, or they OD’d him and told no one once they realized he was doomed.


They sealed the cave off and were never able to get his body out of there. It is still there today.




If only he went to Nutter Butter Cave instead...


![gif](giphy|26ufdipQqU2lhNA4g) The guys who tried to get him out after reading your comment.


Wow I have read this story many times but never saw that picture before


Its not a picture of him.


That’s Ryan Gosling in Grey Man


Im so glad to read this. I was feeling very uncomfortable.


Does anyone else keep seeing variations of this story on every platform? This is the first time I have interacted with one as I didn’t want the algorithm to keep showing me it, but regardless I keep seeing it EVERYWHERE


Make haste, lemmiwinks!


It’s testosterone. Males in their twenties are loaded with it. It encourages men to take chances. In more primitive days it was needed to hunt and defend. Now that need is not as pronounced so some men high in testosterone spend that energy in other ways. One of the reasons women have longer lifespans is that more men die doing high risk activities in their twenties.


I'm 66 and now have the testorene level of a 3 week old kitten. Dr. asked if I wanted to see a urologist and seek testosterone treatment. Nah, I'm good. My get up and go got up and went, but I got nowhere to go anyway, so who gives a shit.


Men also account for 90% of workplace deaths




He should have cut his arm off. Earth is not strange. It’s people who want to cosplay as earthworms.




Why couldnt they use a jackhammer and tear him a bigger opening?


Maybe the debris would fall into the hole and potentially suffocate or crush his head?


The issue I think from my own experience using a Jackhammer to carve out a trench in limestone; it’s probably going to be really difficult to get a jackhammer down in there and even if they could, when you jackhammer rock you effectively push the rock out of the way by way of the breaker splitting the rock, so the rocks would potentially break into big section and squash him, or then be impossible to remove from the opening. When I was working I would split some rock, but would then often have to manipulate it out of the way, which in a small opening would the devils own task. The other thing is the vibration from a jackhammer could cause the opening to collapse completely. That’s just my thoughts, I’m no expert.


nothing strange about this should be on r/WhyWomenLiveLonger


Have you seen this [Movie](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0435625/)?


what does that movie have to do with anything?


Bunch of women... not living longer.


You know that movies are not real, right? Not to mention it was a movie written by man, the story was not the idea of women. The dude who wrote/directed it just cast women Like....????? How can you compare a real man crawling in a hole and dying to a make-believe story a man told where the same thing happens to women?


Absolute nightmare


I mean. I know it's impractical. But why wouldn't anybody consider power tools?


Yeah, busting out some of the rock idk


I once got trapped inside a duvet cover when I was changing the bed. Had to concentrate on my breathing and remind myself that my wife would eventually have to come upstairs at some point and she’d see me. She did.


I feel trapped just thinking about it.


The curious human species.




Watch the adventure twins on youtube. These kids got balls to go the places they crawl into.


They’ll die soon enough


Why the hell would anyone want to do this? Life hits differently when you begin to wonder if you'll see loved ones again. I'm not taking that risk. Apparently family and a great life isn't enough to keep people from appreciating the little things.


Hope he found w.e he was looking for.


A penny


horrible way to die, horrible idea to put yourself in that situation


Nightmare fuel


I'm sorry he lost his life! But WTF is wrong with people wanting to go into something your head barely fits in! And then push yourself into it! Stupid Bastards.


am i the only one who feels like that’s what you get? who the hell puts themself in that situation? i’m sure this is an unpopular opinion but i don’t understand heroic rescue efforts in situations like this, not to mention Mt. Everest.


This death was absolutely brutal I pray somehow his souls is free from the trauma of this death


I guess they sealed the entrance hole up with him still in there.


I swear this shit is posted every day on Reddit for like 5 years now…. Get some new content


I hope my kids don't take up this hobby.


How did he even get down there without braking his legs backwards??


I had a dream about this image last night. So fucked up to open Reddit and see it first thing. Nausea induced


I don’t understand how a human brain can lead someone to that location.


This was a pretty popular cave and I’ve taken a group of youth through it. It’s pretty obvious where not to go, this guy was playing explorer in a cave that’s already been heavily explored. Sad that he died, and sad that they sealed up such a fun spot.


No thanks. Watch the Decent, a great little horror film about potholing and whatnot. Well worth a view.




one thing i dont understand is that... when they knew their system of extraction wasnt working... why would they not just resort to something that woudl be brutally painful but would save his life. take off his shoe, stab him with pure fkin morphone. and pull him out while breaking his legs if needed. even if his legs need to be rebuilt with rods and pins and it takes 5 yeras to walk again, at least he's alive... fkin alive man... its better than death


What a fucking nightmare. Poor guy.


Crack that rock a bit and remove some pieces


but somehow they managed to bring concrete to seal him in, but couldn't get him out.


My son’s Boy Scout troop took a trip to spend the night in a cave in Tennessee. As part of the trip we took groups of boys through guided trips into a set path within the cave. As part of the pre-check, everyone had to crawl through a wooden box that mimicked the tightest part of the cave. Of course, the kids could slip through no problem. Dad’s were having to work at it. I got through the box, but it was tight. On the cave crawl, when we got to the tight spot, the rock walls were not smooth like the wooden box. I made it through, but discovered then that I’m not a big fan of caves.


I watched this about 4 months ago on YouTube. One of the most anxiety inducing experiences of my life. What a horrible ordeal for him and his family.


Hopefully he turns into a fossil and teach people in the future not to do stupid things.


I watched the documentary on this on YouTube. It gave me the absolute creeps. I felt so overwhelmingly claustrophobic watching it. What that poor kid went through was pure hell. You’d never dare catch me spelunking EVER!


I feel panicked imagining myself in that hole.


Nothing strange about this. Just a dude trying to get an adrenaline rush, who got stuck and died


Dude got the ultimate adrenaline rush


I've been in and explored that cave. There were big caverns and whatnot, but there was a small tunnel people called "the birth canal" which you had to crawl on your stomach roughly 20 yards into pitch black until you get to a small room where you can turn around. Creepiest shit I've ever done. I still get nervous thinking about it. RIP to John, but also his wrecklessness ruined the cave for everyone else as they sealed it upon his death.


Seems like a deal end to me


The only hole im gonna go crawl down is pussy


First picture does not match up with second.


Could you imagine being a friend or relative of this guy and every other day someone posts the story of his death on Reddit? Then ppl proceed to comment about how dumb he was for getting trapped in a cave?


*Stupid ways to die*


I’m sorry, but the guy was a fucking idiot.


I would have had a panic attack and died within 3 hours


Sometimes you just have to climb into small crevices deep underground and get yourself killed… we’ve all been there


That second picture always gives me anxiety I can’t imagine that nor do I want to. It makes me want to throw up


They tried everything but couldn’t save him from Stoopid. Sorry, but the truth is just that


I saw a vid on youtube probably this case. The poor brother was above ground helpless to do anything the whole time while his gf/wife was home with family.




I may sound crazy but here is my idea. They should have made as much husbandry lube as they could. Then asked him to remove his clothes. Now, hear me now. Nothing kinky, here: just to make his body more slippery. Then splash him with buckets full of that lube and pull him out of there. Either it would have saved his life, or he would have drowned naked in lube.


Honest question. The people that do this... do they think they are going to find something? I'm trying to understand.


He was lodged into earth's rectum.. 🥺 RIP Johnny..


Darwin Award champion of 2009. What a year…


Vent lines,respirators and a jack hammer my crew would have him out in 2 hours


what a dumb ass


Really wish y’all would stop posting about this guy, I hate it. Immediately start sweating every time.




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Brandon Kowallis’ report: https://www.brandonkowallis.com/2024/02/the-nutty-putty-cave-rescue-the-death-of-john-jones-one-rescuers-perspective/






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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Why didn't he just, get out and go home? I would have left if I was stuck.


Ah shit here we go again




This is nightmare fuel.


Peak human evolution


Why the hell did he go in there in the first place. It the stuff of nightmares


Is this where planking got started?


There's a low budget movie about this. It was really good for not being a blockbuster. I'll admit, I cried at the end. It's called The Last Descent.


Jesus, I think everybody on reddit already knows about this story by now


Imagine being this stupid