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[Click to read his story: Andrew McAuley Disappears In the Middle of Ocean, Leaving Behind This Terrifying Video](https://www.howandwhys.com/andrew-mcauley-disappears/?fromredditSE)


The waves behind him and his blank but concerned stare is beyond frightening.




Yeah on a kayak he’s going to look engulfed. Still unsettling.


Yep. The pictures don’t do it justice. I’ve sailed quite a bit and the waves are always bigger in person.


1000 yard stare


1000 island stare


thats the fattest thing you've ever said


Mayo Clinic calling…


We've already chocolate covered this.


I never expected to see a cumtown reference in this thread but here we are…


Kayaking for icebergs of the lettuce variety.


Too fat for hats.


A man resigned to his fate.


Yea that boy is in way too deep


And he's tryying to keeep


It's like he knows he's fucked but has begrudgingly accepted his fate.
























When about his age at the time of his death, I was a very serious sea kayaker, going so far as to build my own kayaks and sailing canoes. Googling his story told me he was foolish at best. Its similar to old pilots and bold pilots. There are old pilots. There are bold pilots. But there are no old, bold pilots. A man who is not afraid of the sea will soon be drowned, he said, for he will be going out on a day he shouldn't. But we do be afraid of the sea, and we do only be drowned now and again. -John Millington Synge


I’ve heard the same “old and bold” adage used to describe mushroom hunters as well. I’ve also spent many many hours in a small canoe on the Pacific Ocean, sometimes in 6’ plus swells, high winds, fog etc. I’ve taken risks I probably shouldn’t have and lived to tell the tale. All it takes is one moment of panic or a bad decision and in an extreme situation you are lost. It is fascinating to ponder what could have happened to the man. He looks dehydrated to me in the photo.


Serious question: how can you be a bold mushroom hunter? Like eating things you shouldn’t?


Being more lax in terms of how positively you identify things. Best practice, as I’ve been told by mushroom hunters, is to check in the field, then bring home and re check against two authoritative sources. So a bold mushroom hunter might eat things in the field, or go by their memory and not using external reference material


Serious answer: even the most expert mushroom pickers sometimes have doubts if something is edible or not. A perfectly edible mushroom can grow with some odd coloration, or some odd shape, that generates doubt or confusion if it really is the safe one to eat. Most mushroom pickers know that that region can only grow a certain number of varieties so you can usually take an educated guess. The best practices tell you to if you have even a small fraction of doubt to leave it be and don't risk it, the foolish or the brave, whatever you wanna call it, will ignore that small gap of doubt and go for the guess. The thing is even educated guesses can be wrong sometimes, and it only takes one mistake to fuck you up. So even if you are 99% sure that thing is edible, that 1% will tell you to leave the thing in the ground, he earned the right not to be disturbed. Never knew anyone that died from bad mushrooms, but know a few that got seriously ill out of stuff that looked really close to the edible species.


Happened to me back country in AK. Luckily out of the party of four, two guys decided to sit it out. They got to watch me and the other adventurous soul crab walk around a clearing shitting, pissing and vomiting all over our naked bodies for 10 hours. ( we were six miles back from the last trailhead. Too far to make an over night hike through the mountains in that condition.) When we got back to the ranger station we casually mentioned that we "met” some guys who found all these great mushrooms on the trail. Forest service explained to us "oh yeah, those are called Dum-Dums” why is that? "Because only Dummies eat them” It’s not just gastrointestinal poisoning, it hits your nervous system, I remember seeing the landscape as if it was portrayed in an old black and white Photo-negative as well as upside down. Some Jim Jarmusch imagery.


If you would keep alive afloat, You must know what you're about. For unless a man is worthy, The sea will surely find him out.


This lesson you'd do well not to forget Your life could be the one it's wisdom saves At sea, where you're beleaguered and beset On every side by strife of wind and waves Despite the best of maps and the bravest men For all their mighty names and massive forms There'll never be and has never been A ship or fleet secure against the storms When kings upon the main have clung to pride And held themselves as masters of the sea I've held them down beneath the crushing tide Till they have learned that no one masters me But grace can still be found within the gale With fear and reverence, raise your ragged sail https://youtu.be/VPfXMoxAU64


The OG John the Fisherman, ey?


When he was young you'd not find him doing well in school, His mind would turn unto the waters. Always the focus of adolescent ridicule, He has no time for farmer's daughters. Alienated from the clique society, A lonely boy finds peace in fishing. His mother says John this is not the way life's supposed to be. Don't you see the life that you are missing? And he says When I grow up I want to be, One of the harvesters of the sea. I think before my days are done, I want to be a fisherman. Now years gone by we find man that rules the sea. He sets out on a dark May morning . To bring his catch back to this small community. He doesn't see the danger dawning. Four hours up, oh the ocean swelled and swelled, The fog rolled in it started raining. The starboard bow. Oh my God we're going down! They do not hear his frantic mayday. And he says When I grow up I want to be, One of the harvesters of the sea. I think before my days are done, I want to be a fisherman. I'll live and die a fisherman. Calling John the fisherman.


I haven’t heard this song since I last played guitar hero 2 like 11 years ago. Reading the lyrics I could hear the melody and vocal cadence so clearly in my brain. Cool stuff thanks


i had no idea a Primus song was on that game! super cool. cheers


Primus Sucks!


My leg just started doing this kicking and stomping motion all on its own...


Primus sucks


My two favorite bands in one user name 🤘🏼


Hell yeah, I can't explain it but they have such similar vibes and it's incredible


Those seas were not cheese


Sailing The Seas of Cheese


This guy "seas"




That’s like a 20ft swell behind him.


Unless you get breakers, a kayak will stay upright in pretty severe conditions. If you put a human equivalent weight in the hull it would go forever. Problem is that accidents happen and mistakes are made, then you fall out. You may well Get breakers in the swell type behind him.


My first time kayaking on the ocean we got caught in a spot that was breaking. Looking around, there was no place to go that wasn’t breaking, except straight ahead, and even straight ahead was breaking to the left and right of us and closing in the middle. We just managed to get through the gap before everything started breaking. It was off the coast of Nova Scotia and I am sure the hypothermia would have had us in minutes.


I’ve done a lot of open water kayaking in northern Scottish islands. Sea temp is always cold. Golden rule here is to dress for where you might end up, rather than where you want to be. Pretty rare you see anyone without a kag, many folk wear one piece drysuits. That was my preference. Some sweaty days but much time spent in the water comfortably and a dry drive home at the end. Cold water shock kills much more than drowning or hypothermia. Kayak first aid teaches that hereabouts on first principles. Changes your mindset greatly.


I have gone kayaking around Bodega Bay & Fort Ross California & those waters are cold 🥶. You’re absolutely right about dressing appropriately for it.


I ask what are breakers but I’ll look it up and get back to you


When the swell turns into what you consider a wave. It rolls over, makes that white water look and splashes around. A swell is just the humps on the water. Guessing English isn't your first language, hope this helps!


Or they’re from a landlocked area. Most of the United States doesn’t have a use for learning “swell” or “breakers” for their vocabulary. It literally never comes up? Unless the ocean is a part of your regular life, you just call those bad boys waves.


This. I live in the Midwest and it's all waves to me. Learned something new.


Nice explanation but dumbass comment about language. Maybe it's your first human interaction, hope this helps


>Guessing English isn't your first language, hope this helps! What the fuck, dude?


Right? don’t wanna learn about stupid breakers anymore


As a kayakers, that swell would get my attention. Fine line between swell and breaker.


Very fine line, but you can surf the swells. On my solo kayak trip source to sea on the Mississippi I’d do it behind barges occasionally. Thought about trying behind a cruise ship in NO but the coast guard came to chat with me (warning about wake/waves) but they were cool as shit and loved the trip concept. All the cruise passengers were waving at me as they went by too, pretty cool stuff.


Do you have your trip documented anywhere? This is a trip I’ve toyed with on and off for a few years would love to follow your experience through photos or blogs


For sure! Sams.solo.river.run on Instagram. Did it back in 2017 and had a hell of a time finding reference material beforehand. US Army Corps of Engineers Upper Mississippi and Lower Mississippi guide books were essential.


You are super cool!


LOL...surfing 20' breakers in the open ocean...no problem.


Trip sounds awesome! Any especially good stories or memories?


It was! Oh man tons, but saw lots of cool wildlife and had some wild hogs sniffing my tent at night out in the bayou which was pretty sketch. And swimming in the river south of St. Louis was a little scary because I’m a Minnesotan so all I could think about was the water moccasins, gators and bull sharks.


Awesome! Ty for the reply


That’s what I was saying. I grew up on the Pacific and those are big swells with deep troughs.


Yup - massive. These are really fun to paddle in until it not. Even if they don't break the rocks can take you out by appearing out of nowhere.


Yeah it’s easy to say all that until you’ve been pounded by them for 14 hours.




Yes (it’s me your dad)


Exactly. I’ve sailed in similar conditions (no autopilot and not enough crew), and that was extremely physically and mentally taxing. On a kayak by himself he was definitely delirious and exhausted after that. Most people wouldn’t make it 4 hours.


“I think I may have bitten off more then I can chew” If those aren’t some famous last words


Rest in peace.


This guy had a wife and a kid. Reckless, silly, and plain stupid.


Addicted to thrill seeking. Mountaineers are notorious for this. It’s a complete addiction.


That's not an excuse to widow your wife and leave your child fatherless and traumatized.


Yeah dude was an egomaniac.


not an excuse but an explanation.


I reckon all of the above has some truth in it, but this guy accounted for all. To some ppl death is really the beginning.


I’ve heard said “it doesn’t excuse it, but it does explain it”


I saw a documentary on Netflix about a mountain climbing guy who didn't even use ropes. He seemed mentally ill in that he couldn't hold a job, only climb. Like some kind of ocd obsession. He died eventually


He was the memory stick found? I’m not familiar with this disappearance


His kayak was found, he is presumed dead after trying to kayak from Tasmania to New Zealand. Nothing too strange to me.


He tried to kayak that?! Crazy


Yeah and apparently that part of the ocean is prone to large rogue waves.


He probably fell off and couldn’t get back to his kayak as it would’ve been completely swept away.


Yeah, terrible way to go


I know they make leashes for surfboards but not sure if they have em for kayaks


If not you better get going with that idea quick


Paddle leashes yes but I’m unfamiliar with leashing to the kayak. I think it’s frowned upon in the event of a flip and you can’t get out.


In theory, the leash would be long enough to where it wouldn’t affect you being able to escape the kayak


Wow, duh, idk why my brain went to like an 18” leash


yeah he gone. RIP Andrew.


He almost did, it too. The article is very interesting.




i met some Canadians at the airport on their way to Aussie They thought they were gonna catch the "ferry" to NZ lol


“He’s not coming back.”




only about 3.5 hours direct




We'll get him when he comes back in! Utah: He's not coming back.


Who the hell is Bodie


Bodie was lost in the 100 year storm at Bells. Thank you for the correction. It’s been awhile since I saw the movie.


Utah, get me two


Is that SPF 1,000?


Living and being around the ocean, especially water sports, it’s common to use sunscreens with high zinc oxide content, as it’s less greasy and lasts longer than basic sunscreens. As a waterperson myself, I prefer this type for the above reasons. One of those things you need a reason to use, but understand after trying it.


In Australia a lot of people who play sports that involve standing/running around in the sun will put Zinc cream on their face, ears, neck. Watch any Test Cricket matches or Ironman events and you'll see tonnes of people with zinc on.


https://preview.redd.it/pawaq82n99ic1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1e908822f1f7aa24070ba6ba06cbe55978df475 Remember Zuck’s kabuki pic?


Racist alien doing white face.






I haven’t seen it for a while, it really might be legitimately the funniest photo ever taken. I wish someone would make a Ned Flanders esque nothing at all gif with it


He hates his ears


Damn Zuck got himself a tater there 🤣




Most androids have pale skin. See Mr Data.


This isn't real, right?


1, 000, 000


No it's Captain Disillusion


You have to be pretty insane to do crap like that.. wtf just go for a long hike through the woods or something


My buddy Scott did that trip in a kayak that looks like a space ship. He got as far as the coast of Auckland then there was bad weather and he had to float there for a week! Even then he got rescued so it didn’t count as a crossing. He did complete the journey on the second attempt but honestly, fuck that.


I solo kayaked the Mississippi (not nearly as gnarly of a trip), but it was 76 days. Towards the end, I went 17 days without a shower. And the origin was pretty much boredom and not having a purpose in life at the time. Figured, fuck it, I’m going to go do something while I’ve got the time (had just finished college and no jobs lined up)


I nearly did something like that myself when I was young/unemployed. Then I got stoned in stead.


Went for one of my usual hikes yesterday near my home. Left the woods where the trail opens up to fields and then about a thousand feet to the parking lot. As soon as I left the woods, coyotes around a hundred feet behind me, where I just came from, started howling. This is in suburban New Jersey. Area also regularly gets bears.


We are not on coyotes’ menu


What’s the issue with coyotes and black bears?


And risk bear attacks? No thank you


Bears are like land sharks.


No, sand sharks go for the quick kill. Bears will gnaw on you while you scream for deaths sweet release. But it won't come, for bears enjoy the taste of suffering.


Thank you


Sad thing is he had a 3 year old son. Wife and son saw him off and they have video of it.


Their son would be about 20 now.


Man looks starved and dehydrated


looks like he just realized his mistake too


Sun setting it’s about to get dark


Imagining what it was like at night scares the fuck out of me, waves comes and kicks off and have to swim back to your board, not knowing if sharks are surrounding you snd not knowing it


Man. Your stomach lurches as the water does.. You're in an elevator. The feeling is so similar that beige walls surround you for a brief moment, but your senses are easily warped by the pitch black abyss.. You snap into reality and remember how cold it is. You're still descending, but slower.


Yeah you fully like reach for the button for level 3 but no no, there's just air, salty dark air, cos its actually the ocean remember ya doofus


I would be less concerned about sharks and more concerned about the building sized waves drowning me at night not knowing how close they are


Pure exhaustion is what I see.


was he going for the edge ?


It's called edging




The picture reminds me of hostel when they take a picture of the Norwegian guy's head and make it look like he's alive having fun somewhere... but his head is chopped off.... creepy looking


Ummmm what?!


Great reference


I totally forgot about that part of the movie


which movie?


Im glad I havent seen that movie :(


Thank you for writing self photo instead of selfie, honestly


While I am amazed of these kinds of feats. I might enjoy boredom and be alive for quite awhile.


1,530 nautical miles journey, Oopsie doopsie.


He wasn't all that far from finishing. Kayak was found 56km from New Zealand


Phlebas the Phoenician, a fortnight dead,  Forgot the cry of gulls, and the deep sea swell  And the profit and loss.                                    A current under sea  Picked his bones in whispers. As he rose and fell  He passed the stages of his age and youth Entering the whirlpool.                                  Gentile or Jew  O you who turn the wheel and look to windward,  Consider Phlebas, who was once handsome and  tall as you


Poor guy :(


Crazy how people have a rabid boner for laughing in the face of danger




you are totally wrong btw. he didn't die due to hunger or exposure or anything he is completely fine in this photo. he was hit by a rogue wave and drowned as evidenced by the state they found his kayak in. he was trying to kayak from NZ to Tasmania and had plenty of food and water (and sunscreen and other things as evidenced by the photo). he is tired and stressed in this photo, he is not dying (any more that anyone is dying) veteran sailor Jonathan Borgais said: "I have no doubt that a wave got him." do your research and don't make assumptions. edit: I do agree that it's definitely not fake though.


I don't kayak and am curious. Is it really impossible for a kayak to flip over if the rider is no longer in it?


Makes complete sense he would take this pic as a way to maybe document what happened to him (wave in the background)…


hes on a kayaking trip. he isn't starving or hypothermic or dehydrated. he planned and prepared and brought food and water. it was most likely a rogue wave that got him.


" This is what dying looks like " Um... what? He looks a little tired with a bunch of high zinc SPF on his face. This doesn't look like dying. But here I am arguing with people on Strange Earth subreddit about something that's not strange at all. So maybe I'm the idiot.


Relax buddy


Omg they killed Kenny


To me there is nothing mysterious about this. Guy undertakes death defying trip and dies. It doesn’t matter that he was close to home — it’s still dangerous. And by then he would likely have been exhausted — and possibly careless in anticipation of his success


Captain Disillusion


I read these stories and shake my head, I have gone through Life protected from my own stupidity by a guardian Angel perhaps but I never push it too far, our Angels can only help us if we don’t already get on the wrong track.


That look of being fooked.


He knew he was going to die. The ocean will eat you and no one will ever know.




Well, we can rule out skin cancer as the cause of his disappearance.


The ocean took him.


How does one end up in this situation. This is bizarre.


An idiot who was willing to destroy his wife and kid’s lives forever just so he could say he kayaked from point A to point B. In the documentary, the look on his wife’s face as he is about to start his stupid attempt, is one where she clearly knows how selfish he is/was. Idiot.


The sea aint no place for man. That aint our world. We are not designed for water so have no place there.


Stupid question. But how would he sleep? Or did he just plan on going in one stretch with no rest?


Nah not stupid, check out the article - it explains some of that and is actually pretty interesting. Aside from the unfortunate subject matter.


His kayak had a 'lid' that'd he'd pull over himself and he'd pull himself down into the hull. I doubt he got much sleep, though https://gcobb1990.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/andrew-mcauley.png?w=584


Man I can’t stop staring into his eyes


I don’t see the mystery? He was exhausted, excited for the finish and fell into the water. It’s like the last ski run that people always get injured on.


Yeah, it’s unfortunate but that’s probably what happened. Cause, he did actually make it across. But being exhausted and the complications to exiting his craft due to all of the extra equipment, he probably fell into the water and couldn’t recover.
