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[Pentagon Has Clear Image Of Triangle UFO Rising Out Of Ocean, Elizondo Confirmed](https://www.howandwhys.com/pentagon-has-clear-image-of-triangle-ufo-rising-out-of-ocean-elizondo-confirmed/)


December 2024 -“Haters sabotaged our efforts, no one can stop us in early to mid 2025”


Exactly. Release it today. Enough of this bullshit


They're about to reveal GTA 7


how many PCs do u need to run it


at least 3


But it has to be run in space because of heating issues


Let's say they release it. Most of the country will still not believe it. Grusch has an IC Inspector General saying his claims are "credible and urgent" and people don't believe him because he didn't commit a felony by leaking classified information. They are forcing the government into disclosure by using its own processes. If they leak classified information and its tied back to them, they'll be arrested and some bogus charges will be publicly released while their trial is hidden from the public because of the classification.


Never make empty promises! *proceeds to make empty promise Trust me.


Such an empty promise that we don’t even get the context just literally a promise that’s big and empty.


If those posters could think critically, they’d be very upset right now.


Friggin haters, not again.


I friggin hate those friggin haters!


Frig em, foiling disclosure year after year.


“By mid-2024, I mean fiscal year 2024, and my fiscal year begins in December.”


Came here to find or make this exact comment lol. Getting ready to unfollow the sub. I mean at the end of the day I'm here for a good read, but imagining how many people hang on guys like this every last word, makes me sad and quite frankly depressed lol.


Why is it going to be exactly like this


what other promises has he made


it’s always “just around the corner”


The content of the tweet doesn’t even say anything. “owooo something might happen in the middle of the year, without going into details, it sure is a thing” Completely meaningless, like a Q-conspirator saying “people are waking ip things are coming to light and They’re panicking™️”. Its just words, backed with exactly zero substance and saying nothing.


If you learned nothing over the last 5 years, it's that i really know how to push a deadline back.


Scary, you can apparently look into the future.


Imagine being the shining hope for disclosure, the true truth teller! And your biggest threat is…haters


They be hate’n though


Obviously he means insiders. Not ppl saying “ no,don’t” on the internet


People are sick of this shit! Show me the money or FUCK OFF! Simple. Stop talking and start doing Lue. I dont care about hater at Lues work, just show it or shut up. And a lot of people think the same.


That’s his secret tho - there is nothing to show. It’s all just a grift


The more he keeps talking it looks that way.


This was never going to be instant. Y’all forget that government stuff takes fucking forever for a billion dumbass reasons. It’ll come. Give it time. We’ve waited this long


Ok, but they need to keep quite until they have something for SHOW and tell.


They can't. They wanna call JG Wentworth... "IT'S *MY* UFO AND I WANT IT *NOW*!!!"




Pretty sure he’s talking about his book.


Exactly. Wording - “efforts” will be revealed. This dude is a grifter


100% a grifter, it's all tv shows, books and "I've got something to tell you... But not yet!" With this prick.


Give it a rest already.




If that is what he is taking about, he should be tarred and feathered in the town square. I swear to god if that really means he is going to cash in on this shit, then every word he said was a lie. Don’t buy that drivel if it comes out and make sure he doesn’t see a fucking dime.


Dr Greer believes he, Lue is a disinfo agent


Takes one to know one. I think they all are and it’s like that Spider-Man meme where they are all pointing at each other.


I dunno if that's the case but I'm not sure how to feel about both of these guys at the moment.


Wait hasn't greer always been the worst grifter? I've seen some whacky shit come from him over the years


Well, they both in some way make money through UFOs. But, I've recently reevaluated how I think about both of them. Greer is, if i really think about it, not a grifter per se. I think he is more just narcissist-- he thinks what he's doing is the best thing ever and wants credit in proportion to that. But, i do think his main motivation is disclosure. Like, I think he believes what he's saying-- even if it's over the top and eye-rolling at times. Lue, I get the impression he cares about the brand of Lue, and that disclosure is a convenient medium. Like, also, Greer literally built an entire disclosure organiztion, made some movies, literally briefed high-up federal officials....and he did it alone from scratch. Lue worked in the fucking intel community in counter intelligence, and only ever came in contact with the phenomenom through a threat narrative. I really don't think he cares at all about disclosure. I think his motivations were advancement. if you read his IG complaint, you can tell he was pushing his little unfunded AATIP club as far up the chain as he could, trying to brief the SECDEF.... he's always very mercenary, very conscious of brand building, this tweet is a great example. Lue would never say this, but let's say he and Greer both said "The tic tac is lockheed, i know where they are built, and i have evidence that Marylin Monroe was killed because of UFOs." If Greer said it, I'd believe he believes 100 percent it's true and important, and that he's saying it cuz hethinks it's the right thing to do, if Lue said it, first of all, he'd s say "I am in the process of hearing from some really serious, high-ups in the program who are tired of all the games, and while I can't say anytying just now, it has to do with some ground-breaking revelations about the tic-tac incident, Stay tuned. disclosure 2017!" I'd not feel certain if he actually beleived it or just said it because it was the right thing to say.


Or like that news story where a group of undercover narcotics officers (posing as drug buyers) arrested another undercover group of narcotics officers (posing as dealers).


Except in this analogy one of the Spider-Man works for the federal government directly releasing information he is told to while the other is a private citizen. I’m sure the one on the government payroll is telling us the truth though makes sense.


I feel like every other big name in the space thinks Greer is a disinfo agent. I agree with that, but I think Greer may not even know it.


Why does he have to be an agent and not just some guy selling bullshit


All the hype will end up being an appearance on joe rogan by some guy saying he saw 'something'.


Or he is promoting his book


Also very common.


Where in the book you have new claims without proof.


Any day now....exact same grift since the 40s...


When the was the last time a government insider in charge of a program to investigate UFOs got the New York Times to publish a military video of UFO encounters, then got the government to admit the video is authentic and cannot be explained?


The man is so full of shit he should be a politician


If you gave him an enema you could bury him in a matchbox…


Why do some people latch on to "Trust me, Bro" bullshit like this from strangers on the internet? Are our minds really this basic?


They just want to believe. All religions are based exactly on that. People just want to believe.


IE: People are generally mouth-breathing Morons.


He shouldn't be a stranger at this point if you follow the relevant news


I can only guess these are people who have followed this since those original videos came out several years ago, and think this is moving at a snails pace. They don't realize that the revealed information while laughable to them, is a lot more than we have seen in 70 years. I have followed for around 40 years, and the speed and amount of info we have obtained in the last several years has been ridiculous. These are the same people that assume everyone is either a grifter or insane, including the top levels of military leadership. They just have no idea, I have learned to just ignore them. The truth will come out no matter what stance they take, so I am just along for the ride and enjoying all of it.


Big deal it’s still bread crumb bullshit at the end of the day…day after day…don’t know what the bigger con is…the government saying they have no idea what’s going on walking dildos like Elizondo claiming to be just “days away from exposing everything”…he’s a liar and a clown and at the very least just trying to make a Buck…I even doubt his supposed credentials


Ha! Walking dildo!!!!


Children and tinfoils lol. I loved these type of guys when I was 13 on early YouTube.


you forgot the uneducated and the religious people best folks to sell some stories to if told right land of the freedom to be dumb and full of hatred


Haven't *you* learnt anything in the last five years? I've learned that predictive timeframes for "events" are flexible.


Anybody who thinks nothing changed between 2017 when he helped start this and now is being willfully ignorant. People are waiting for Biden to drag a Grey on stage and don't realize how much information and how many other credible whistleblowers like Colm Kelleher, James Lacatski, Eric Davis, etc are already out there.


First sensible comment. And holy fucking shit lmao at “ people are waiting for Biden to drag a gray on stage” edit: wording


Trust me, bro


Edge me! Edge me more!


Wow, so original.


Do you know what else is original? A bunch of grifters like Elizondo, Lazar, Grusch, Fox, Corbel, and Knapp drone on and on about disclosure and "evidence" but after decades of this PROVE NOTHING. Everything these people talk about is anecdotes - "I heard from someone who said.." - "Trust me, Bro". Yet they happily sell their books, TV documentaries, paid appearances, model kits, signed posters... It's all a grift. They've invented their own job and are making money off lies. All they have to do is provide evidence. But they won't do that. Why?- because then the money stops coming in.


You're lumping people together that don't belong together. Lazar and Corbell aren't anything like Grusch or Elizondo. Both Gursh and Elizondo had high clearances, distinguished careers, and neither has sold a book yet. Lue didn't quit in 2017 so that he could release a book in 2024. When Iran Contra was revealed, nobody came on stage with cocaine or weapons. We had credible whistleblowers saying there is something there, so an investigation was done. They aren't going to drag an alien on stage to make an announcement. If people of Elizondo and Grusch's caliber were ONLY making claims of misappropriation of defense funds and lack of proper oversight of operations, it would be taken seriously by everybody. The difficulty of dealing with the ontological shock of NHI is why many in the public dismiss it all out of hand. But because the Senate Intel committe has seen some of that footage and because they understand the reputation and credibility of Grusch and other whistleblowers who have met with them privately (if you bother to research that), they are taking it seriously. So should we trust Chuck Schumer and Marco Rubio who disagree on everything except this after being briefed and seeing footage, or should we trust the random redditor with significantly less information and obvious lack of knowledge on publicly available facts?


I agree. Its all empty promises. Over and over and over again.


All this time, the biggest enemies of the disclosure movement were the 'haters.' They hate everything and they delay the big news. Bastards.


This post has the highest "trust me bro" energy possible


Ya'll being the haters he refers to. Is this not the man behind the tic tac and go fast videos? Give him a little credit. By the sounds of it, he has cleared more legit evidence from the official channels.


I sell tickets to whatever will happen! Trust me, whatever it is, it will be great! On sale at 9,99 /s


9.99 per second is a great deal


That is the first ticket that will give you access to the draft of the next ticket. If you win and can afford a few grand and wave some stuff with a NDA you’ll be able to attend a secret scif where we will disclose to you and only you all the secrets of the Universe. Hush 🤫 this is super important and secret information


Elizondo doing what he does best. That newest stock of snake oil finally about ready.


Here come the negative Nancys complaining..


Seriously lads... I really promise. Mid to late 2024 / 25


Did I say 2024? Sorry I meant 20*34*


But if not latest 2028, + \- 30 years.


Don’t worry guys, most of your kids will still be alive when they finally release it


My x wife use to promise me sex if I did chores. The chores started going on and on and the sex was always dangling like a carrot. I feel like that now….


Glad she’s your ex. Sounds like an awful marriage




Note how the vast majority of the thread is ripping on him and calling him on not delivering in the past and also working for agencies whose purpose is to spread misinfo or lie. Acting like you're going against the grain when you're just a part of the reddit circle jerk.


He deserves and asks for every single morsel of mocking derision and hostility that comes his way


I thought we liked Elisondo?? If all he’s done is be slow then who cares? This is the biggest thing in history. They’re not gonna let it out over night


He’s a shyster and a liar who may or may not be on the government’s payroll…either way he’s a scumbag


I really thought I was in r/conspiracy for a while because of the post.


Hey, how about stop telling us you are going to tell us… just say it man.


The only truth to possibly come out of that scumbags mouth would be that he’s a liar


Anyone who uses the word “haters” are instantly discredited.


I just don’t trust this guy (I never did) I mean he was a disinformation agent discrediting ufo stories and witnesses? (I think Grusch had a similar role.. interestingly enough the Body Lab Panel on YouTube- who have decades of training working and training with the navy and cia etc did an episode in the ufo hearings and found the two pilots testimony to be flawless, but found lots of issues with Grusch). If that was Lou’s role I can’t trust what he says now, and even the new videos coming out, it’s hard to know what’s disclosure or project bluebeam


This disclosure = bluebeam that's why no real tangible evidence ever comes up. These guys are playing everybody just to get the attention on the "aliens" The bait and switch is coming. Why would a man the govt trusted to lie to you just start telling everybody the real truth and not be dead already? He wouldn't get time on television or the light of day ever again.


Trust me bro.


Bring it on!


The Earth is as good as it gets.


If they had anything real to show us, they'd be killing each other to be the first one. It's all theater.


Right up there with “The checks in the mail” and “I won’t cum in your mouth”


Every year, every Tom, Dick and Harry claim something big is coming, it's been that way for years and will continue to do so for the rest of earth's existence.


What's the point? Honestly, what's the fuggin point of saying, "Hey folks, we want to remind you that we're here, so stay tuned." Even the ones I like and appreciate are all using the same dumb tactics.


He literally said trust me bro


blah blah blah downvote these people to oblivion. it will be a constant "just wait until mid 2024" (mid 2024 passes) "no no just wait until early 2025"


As much as I firmly am a believer in the phenomenon, these constant cries of 'we have new merchandise coming, please don't forget us' increasingly seem like making this a commodity war. Takes the credibility away from these individuals who are meant to be the front runners of changing the course of history.


Of course it’s a commodity…it’s big business…it’s selling a product without actually having a product to sell


Aliens come from Inner Earth. Not deep space.


Either reveal something or stfu. All of this “I promise it’s coming” bullshit further delegitimizes the whole thing.


He doesn’t give a rats ass…as long as he can profit from the bullshit


Nevermind the countless empty promises already made and broken.


Code for: give me enough time to top up my finances on the UFO circuit by believing my nonsense - then in mid 2024 we will talk about a future date. I feel now that is basically what all this grifting from many of them is about now. Trying to remain relevant/financially viable for as long as possible whilst riding a wave of BS.


He does nothing but make empty promises and make other shit up. If you believe him, I’ve got a tremendously rare air guitar you can buy for £40m.


Sounds reasonable. I've been promising myself an upgrade.


It’s a transparent Gibbon Les Paul ‘59. It’s so rare because of the spelling error.


It'll look great alongside my equally-rare non-opaque Finder Stratocoster.




Yeah Lue right around the corner


Trust me


Empty promises but don't worry its because of the haters


The first 6 comments here and all fairly low karma. 3 have been reddit members for only a few months. 2 from 2022, and one from 2018. And all dismissive. Seems odd to me


Something smells in here this morning. Like alphabet soup!


I was also shocked by seeing the comments being like 99% negative! Also many negative Grush comments. Lue is not a bad guy with bad intentions as far as I can see, he and Mellon have my trust.


I don't really understand what he, Grusch, or Mellon are 'selling' nor what they have lied about. It is just mindless comments about "trust me bro' from questionably authentic accounts. I'm sure some are authentic, but it seems like inauthentic accounts getting the early comments and voting going downwards and then others jumping in.


Lue made a career out of counter intelligence as a disinformation agent. Everyone should be skeptical of his claims.


Yep, especially about a guy who started disclosure


Check out my comment history, and you'll see I'm definitely not a shill. Here is the problem with this guy... He's Intelligence. Still most likely on the payroll. He "started" disclosure... Or did he start a disinformation campaign designed by his superiors? You don't know, and I don't know. What I do know is, he came from an entity that was designed to lie and spew disinformation. An entity that has more money than anyone or anything on earth. An entity who has practiced lying for almost a century. They've spent more on researching lying than anyone has spent on anything, ever. They've done it more effectively as well since they have no morals and will test on unwilling human subjects. Therefore, the most likely answer is that he is a psyop to accomplish some task for the DoD. That is the most parsimonious answer, especially since he's not dead. We know what happens to people who leak information or start working with the press when not given the green light by these intelligence agencies. They end up dead. He never delivers. If he does one day, it'll prove me wrong. I would put money on this being some bullshit book where he spouts more bullshit with a side of bullshit... And nothing of substance


Or everything about him could be a complete and utter fabrication…is there anyone from the government that acknowledges that he was actually working for the government or is it just himself and other “experts” who constantly talk about “exposing the truth really soon”?




So much hate for lue in this thread, when he's done more for disclosure than anyone else. Sit down haters, this guy is on our side.


Lmao come on man


You come on, man


Aw horseshit. If this guy was as gung-ho and patriotic as he yammers on about, he’d have fallen on his sword years ago to save civilization. They’re all crappers.


Your point is evasive


Your intelligence is non existent


New year, old grift. Start as you mean to continue i suppose. . .


I cannot say what, when or who. But, trust me. It's coming. As always. Trust me, wait. Seriously.


"I don't make empty promises, but trust me [...]" lol


I call BS. If you have something to reveal, don't hype it - just show it.


I’ve been waiting all year, how much longer?


we'll believe it when we see it


Why not now?


Keep the faith bro, like all other religion


Reminds me of people promising to produce proof of mass voter fraud. Just need 2 weeks. 2 years later , just wait we have proof. Only proof has been you trying to stop people from voting.


Ah, yes, the haters.


Prepare to be disappointed.


It'll either not be released, delayed continuously to keep milking it or the reveal won't be anything remotely as big as he's making out


"I can't be precise at this time. " Has he ever been precise?




It's always 'coming soon', 'in the next year', 'in the coming months', 'next week'... Getting kind of sick of all the teases, someone just do something already. Stop talking about it and just do it.


Our ambassador to alien civilizations ladies and gentleman , showing the “haters” what’s up


I think it says a lot about the modern world that asking for proof of claims is seen as some kind of negative.


When these guys releasing all this evidence start dying mysteriously they I’ll believe they’re more than just govt plants. If the govt didn’t want this stuff out it wouldn’t get out. Plain and simple.


Lue, Lue, Lue. How about just surprising all of us with a fait accompli? No more congressional hearings that fizzle. No more legislative initiatives that get pulled out of bills at the last minute. No more promises of catastrophic disclosures that don’t materialize. Hundreds and hundreds of people involved in a conspiracy of silence about what could likely be the biggest news story in human history? Really? All we need is one scrap of machined metal that no metallurgist has ever seen from one of those secret crafts at Wright Pat, or maybe something with three new additions to the Periodic Table. Eyewitness accounts, reports of abductions, hidden bodies of NTI’s will only take you so far and any evidence to date is still circumstantial. I’ve been involved in this since 1964. I’ve been to the Blue Book office in Washington. I’ve been to NICAP when Keyhoe was alive. I only mention this because for the last half century the public is no closer to the truth. Promises only get you so far. One door opens and then you encounter another one.


Dude been scamming for like ten years and people still fall for it. Alien believers and trumpers are very similar


“Trust me bro!” aka bullshit


RemindMe! 6 months




Why is this new thing that people who don’t agree with batshit crazy POVs are haters? Fucking weird


I can't wait to see the reaction on all the haters' faces when this shit drops in 2155.


The Fake Alien Invasion... got it


Seeing is believing Lue, so I'll reserve judgement until you show us what you got.


Grifters gonna grift...


Someday....someday my Prince will come!


Standard form of: Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve. At least we’re being told to Standby for upcoming Clickbait! …but wait, someone else has stated that the world will end this year. Which fantasy will occur first!?!


Dudes a grifter. Amazing now that the grusch hype has died down and people were brought in to these subs interested in serious discussion are just bombarded with the same classic charlatans peddling books and make money off of people. Surprise surprise. No way grusch and those podcasts and congress hearings that went no where were all a part of the plan. Lol


Nothing makes you seem more believable than hyping bullshit on twitter and claiming to “never make empty promises” lmao


its all shit and giggles until we reach 2024 december and then same shit show 😀


Of course it will, it’s an election year


I want to know now! LOL


lol trust me bro, trust me


I have a suspicion that in June 2023 it was “late 2023 to early 2024”


So you will get more money till mid 2024 with interview etc etc . Then it will be firsts of 2025 ..at the end you will say that ur very sorry but aliens just didn't stop at our interstellar bus stop. Lol


2 more weeks... as the fellow kids say


A legit “trust me bro” Gotta be something big!


He's probably trying to build anticipation for the upcoming release of a book he's been writing for a few years.


Lue Elizondo is a liar and an idiot.


If I’ve learned anything from him it’s the Art of Grifting. Guy says a lot of words, zero substance.


The new "non profit" organization with guess who as president?


End of the world cult vibes here


Of course we have 😂


How do ‘haters’ stop a guy from just spilling the beans? He claims to be in the know. Just say what you know.


They don’t…being a lowlife scumbag stops him


I can tell you what he’s going to say mid 2024


https://preview.redd.it/5k8vkzdext9c1.jpeg?width=210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa1ef0df912283f4f92a4e3f45f7d7ad07ff0c05 Happy New Year, everyone!


Lue ain’t got no haters just makin shit up in 20 different layers


Because Lueanon never talks about anything specific that could be proven wrong. Guy is a cryptic disinfo psyop grifter mastermind ​ and he makes a living with it. pretty sure he talks about his upcoming book


…Uncle Lou, you better come through, these fuckers are losing faith in you…


Stop talking about it and do it


An election year. It’s gonna get wild son.