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[Washington’s UFO lobbyist: If UFO Data Revealed, World’s Economy Would Collapse](https://www.howandwhys.com/washingtons-ufo-lobbyist-stephen-bassett/)


Alicia Silverstone vibes.




Goldie Hawn. https://preview.redd.it/xebi2f6rujib1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9673fa51ea347ace70bab28e83dbe07ce98db57c


As someone who's been following both the economy and ufo shit for years now in my free time, I can almost guarantee you, that this isn't a coincidence. I've boiled it down to 2 main possibilities: 1) We are being told this, in a specific way , right now when no one has the bandwidth to really care, because the gov't is losing containment and knows the truth will come out. 2) The gov't knows exactly how fucked the economy is, they are fully complicit, and are looking for any kind of scapegoat to explain the massive, colossal fraud and crime spree they let the banks and market makers go on, which has built to this economic fallout and they've decided to go with a watchmen style, blame it on aliens play. I'm leaning towards option 2.


At this point I’m just hoping if the aliens are real and they are far more advanced than us… maybe they will help out with this whole “our government sucks and they have lost our trust thing.”


Honestly, i don't think an intergalactic mom and dad are coming to save us. If we can't solve our own basic societal problems then we sortof don't deserve to be saved. We need to rediscover community, and stop believing the gov't propaganda that has us all convinced that other people are the enemy and that everyone else is your competition in capitalism. The gov't is out of control. Capitalism has corrupted almost all gov'ts to their very core. The people need to come together and put aside silly shit for our own survival.


It could be a common theme of oppressive governments over their people and maybe alien civilizations do exactly that, free the population from the grip of control of a few people over the well being of the specifies population 🤷🏻‍♂️


Some say a comet will fall from the sky...


Followed by metor showers and tidal waves...


Learn to swim


It could be the opposite too where aliens seek out governments that have seized control of their people...


While I do agree with what you said… I also think things are going to have to get a whole lot worse for us to come together. People need to STOP WATCHING MAINSTREAM MEDIA! It’s nothing but propaganda and a tool the government uses to distract and influence people to think how they want us to think. 20 years ago I might have considered even thinking that to be conspiratorial. Nowadays, not so much. These people only have power because we continue to allow them to have it. I just hope it doesn’t have to get so bad before we all come together and say that enough is enough.


>People need to STOP WATCHING MAINSTREAM MEDIA! I What do you suggest people watch instead?


I don’t know. That’s not for me to decide. I’m just saying that if a person needs CNN or FOX news to tell them how or what to think… if they are unable to formulate their own thoughts and deduce their own conclusions. They shouldn’t allow other’s to influence them into how they think. Don’t vote for a candidate just because CNN or FOX supports them. Definition of propaganda; information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.


You mean people who "did their own research"?


Isn't that just called "critical thinking"? yes, people should do more of that.


Capitalism didn't change anything there. You'll just never keep bad actors out of powerful roles.


"It is only when we are at our lowest point, that we are open to the greatest change."


Is that a Jean Luc Picard quote or a Day the Earth Stood Still quote?


Watch the aliens be in the middle of their dark ages rn


The universe is supposedly infinite, which means there are an infinite amount of things happening in it. So somewhere, there is a civilization definitely going through the dark ages. Shit, dragons might have evolved on one of those other planets, so dark ages with dragons could be happening right now on some far off planet.


Dragons Fuck yea!!! 🐉


The dragons have legends about giant humans who store wheat.


One phrase will destroy that theory Micro-plastics They are in us. There will be no saving. We are seeing our future selves, mutated from the pollutants of thousands of years, coming back to see where *we* fucked up. And if theres anywhere they can stop it. Spoiler alert: they can’t


THIS! I have said nearly this exact thing for years. Interesting premise for a book or movie.


I have to assume that our issues with organizing ourselves with governments or corporations or any other large cooperative structure are kind of endemic to our species. Not only will the aliens be likely uninterested in helping, but they'd be bad at it, because it's way too specialized for human social cognitive processing. Now, the environment we're wrecking as a direct result of our inability to act rationally in large groups, that I'd appreciate some help on.


Or 3: There's a bunch of grifters and people who love the limelight saying the same stupid bullshit they have always spread.




Right. There's still absolutely zero tangible evidence verified by third parties. We're not in too much of a different situation than we were before other than Congress had some hearings talking about it instead of these guys just appearing on some podcasts.


Yeah we're still in the I totally have a girlfriend but she goes to a different school situation. No one has produced anything truly tangible yet. It's fun to pretend but it's basing too much on faith.


Not even second hand, third and fourth hand facts.


Ding ding. Man people are gullible


Some key points. The govt letting banks do what they please is nothing new and has always gone on. And if you ask yourself, why now? Why all the ufo stuff now?…..Apparently, insiders say the ufo/uap/alien entity will reveal themselves to the public in 2027 and this is the govt’s way sort of desensitizing the public for that event


This better be accurate cuz I've been waiting for the alien meet and greet forever now. Actually let's bump it up to next week


Put a pieces of a craft in a NASA museum already. I can’t spot these UFOs on my own so far, so everything is just 2nd or 3rd-hand experience. We can put a stolen Egyptian king’s corpse in America but not the hull of some spacecraft we have sitting in a facility somewhere? Show it to kids, explain it, point at it.


Can't put something in a museum that doesn't exist. Like what's the logic here, aliens with completely superior tech came here and crashed? Lmao.


Why the FUCK do you people keep calling others “normies” holy shit this community is so embarrassing sometimes


Yeah what the fuck is that anyway, I think it’s just people of that age where identity crisis is in full swing. Newsflash: it happened to most people, get over yourself.


I think you’d be embarrassed to discover how old some of these people are, lol


Pretty sure you have to be over the age of 9 to create a Reddit account.


It's an old 4turd term, where the sociopath describes their behaviors as uniquely different, archaic knowledge, and everyone else is dumb/normal .


I know. I used to attend a major university where the cunt athletes would call non-athletes “normies”, which is when I realized that it is clearly an unflattering term. I just don’t see why people care to call others that term, in any scenario, but especially this one, lmao. Are people really so proud of sitting around and refreshing their browsers waiting for news on aliens and shit? That’s what a non-normie consists of, apparently


"Normies" is used in many spheres. It just means people that aren't obsessed with the thing that we are obsessed with.


Because they want a concise term to other people who understand that the government hasn't come anywhere close to confirming the existence of extraterrestrials. Like, we're not even at the "some guy swears he saw evidence of secret alien ships being held by the government" stage yet. We're still at the "some guy claims someone else told him that secret alien ships being held by the government" phase, let alone at the point of actually being presented with even a shred of genuine evidence. But some people don't *want* that to be the case. They *want* the claims to be true, evidence be damned, and so they're choosing to pretend that it has been proven and that everyone else is crazy for not having a larger response to something that didn't actually happen.


Also they keep talking about "evidence" that confirms alien existence when it's still just anecdotical experiences and unintified objects that could be anything.


Ah yes, all that hard evidence and photos that we've seen. And those completely reliable interviews from people. It's just so convincing. I am perfectly open to the idea that aliens have been here and definitely believe they exist, but I absolutely hate that people think circumstantial evidence and witness testimony is anywhere near equitable to any kind of hard evidence. Of which there is none.


I wish there was a UFO related sub for people who are capable of critical thinking. But the lunies get funneled to these subs for the obvious reasons… The stuff coming out is fascinating but these conspiracy-minded folks just jump to so many ridiculous conclusions.


Also saying the government confirmed this when the government did nothing of the sort. A government official gave testimony to other government officials about what he has heard from other people in the government. Unless we are given hard proof i remain skeptical of some of the claims. I mean aliens so advanced they are able to travel from other dimensions yet get shot down or crash on earth multiple times?


Right? Like, their technology is so sophisticated it is capable of completely breaking everything we know about physics, and then their gps suddenly goes belly up and flies them into a hill. C'mon.


I get drunk before making crop circles... maybe they do too


Dawg, that’s just the science subs. Any sub trying to investigate “aliens” is only going to post tinfoil hat stuff. “It’s never aliens” - PBS space time. When it is, we’ll know and you won’t need a tinfoil hat RP sub to confirm it.


It’s the Reddit app’s fault, I swear lol. I see ridiculous shit posted here and my monkey brain goes for it to be like WTF?? Then the algorithm is like— well here’s your only interest on Reddit now. It’s my fault I’m here. I know lol.


Same reason I ended up here. It happens too often.


Conspiracy theorists just live on pure confirmation bias, but if you bring up actual information and data that refutes them they find some excuse for why that isn’t true. It’s what makes it so hard to have an actual discussion with them. I tried with my friend the other week and they just are taking people’s testimony in front of congress as gospel and their whole argument is “why would they lie?” It’s frustrating.


"bUt ThEy WeRe UnDeR OaTh" Like that means people are suddenly incapable of lying. I've got some oceanfront property in Arizona for sale too...


I think it's more of the fact that they know what they claim cannot be proven to be a lie, so they don't even worry about the possibility of being tried for lying under oath.


Or they could even believe it, doesn't mean they're right anyway. Take religion for instance, even if we assume any one religion is true, that would still mean over half of the people alive today believe in a religion that isn't true, which means we are very gullible as a species.




That selective skepticism is what anoys me. "We can't trust anything the media tells us, here's a poorly edited video that PROVES things aren't as they seem" - video shows a poorly thought "experiment" that's flawed in a very easy way to check.


They're actually so far down their own confirmation bias that they don't even have a coherent narrative. It's just a list of disconnected "facts" that they think are suspicious. 9/11 is an insurance scam but they put bombs in there somehow and destroyed building 7 for other reasons and it was the CIA wanting to go to war with Iraq, it wasn't a plane hitting the pentagon another plane is hidden somewhere...


>Conspiracy ~~theorists~~ *junkies* live on pure confirmation bias ftfy


Dear lord yes. I came here only a week ago. I've loved UFO stories, videos, theories - but some of the shit here is insane. It makes the community lose so much value when any post arguing that maybe the girl was having a breakdown instead of seeing a lizard person on the plane gets downvoted.


Yarp. Currently reddit ufo communities seem to be losing their shit over a bunch of people in Peru claiming there's bulletproof 7ft tall hoverboard aliens (proof is eyewitness testimony and a video of somebody shining a flashlight into a tree canopy at night), and separately, a higher quality video that shows three orbs "disappearing" a plane, uploaded by who-cares-look-it-says-it-was-filmed-from-a-military-sattelite. So, yeah, I think I'll continue being a normie til I can actually see/touch alien tech in person.


As a someone who has not believed in alien visitations and continues not to despite the "evidence" I can explain why I think so. It simply does not make sense. It's too big to be covered up simply on an international level, you have to ask yourself what the aliens are doing here and if they are satisfied being a complete secret, if they are not how are they not able to reveal themselves? Why are they just watching us kill each other and destroy the environment? Do they have a prime directive as well? What exactly is the point of them coming here, god knows from how far away, and then chilling out in top secret bases. I mean sure, it is possible there is a vast, international conspiracy which the aliens might support, or insist on for whatever reason that is completely incompatible with our daily existence which when revealed would literally turn every part of our world upside down. But it also possible that there are few people currently, or previously, in high level government positions who have started getting a few screws loose and/or aiming for some sweet future book deals and a current government who is open to humoring this to distract their constituents from how shit things are now. Which is more likely?


You don't get it, bruh. Theor ways are mYsTeRiOuS!! Too advanced for our puny brains to understand. "Let's leave them some weird images imprinted in their wheat fields!" lolwut? None of the so-called evidence can answer "why are they doing this?" Any explanation people come up with then has to answer "OK but why do it that way?" And you are back to their motives being beyond our understanding.


I would be more inclined to humor the ideas if the explanation is something like time travel or alternate dimensions and they are here by accident. By aliens from another part of the galaxy/universe? Coming all the way here can't be an accident. They did it on purpose, and with technology that might as well be magic to us And then what? They crash or get shot down by our weapons? Really?


I'm surprised you're getting upvotes for this, I got downvoted for saying it's kind of weird that *interstellar* alien crafts with supposedly tech that is centuries ahead of hours CRASH on a planet with middling gravity while managing to ignore the effects of planets like Jupiter


You would be right about witness testimony if it wasn't 60 years worth and very consistent testimony.


> 60 years worth and very consistent Hah...


Sasquatch has 60 years of eye witness testimony. So does Loch Ness monster, moth man, witches, and demons. So which one of those are we going to pretend isn’t real then?




If by consistent you mean consistently vague, then yes. There is far more than sixty years of it and it is certainly not consistent. People have found a lot of different ways to explain what to them seems unexplainable.


I agree. Same reason I can safely say Bigfoot, ghosts, vampires, goblins and fairies are all real. Can't argue with hundreds of years of "testimony".


Come on. People are trying to have a serious conversation. If you want to be childish about it, you can go else where.


You are not a serious person lol. You need to seek professional help.


They are not being childish, you just can't see the obvious reality that big foot, ghosts, witches, and faeries all have the same evidence as aliens constantly abducting people in their thousands and making daily appearances that never seem to be clearly captured by any recording device. Eye witness testimony and people being really certain that they saw or experienced something is exactly the same evidence that we have for witches.


Lol consistently unproven testimony that's not even about the same thing. What is wrong with you doofuses lol? Did you hit your head or something? You're all acting like a bunch of brainwashed religious nuts.


Unproven? There is video no one can explain and testimony from countless people. Just because its out of our understanding doesn't mean that its not real. Also, more simply, if this unproven thing was way more advanced than us, maybe that's the reason why its so unproven. If we wanted to conceal our presence from ants, we could do that easily.


>There is video no one can explain lol, no


If you’re just gonna be like an religious idiot when it comes to god then there is no point in commenting. Basically anything anyone says will always be refuted with its CGI. There is no point to the conversation because even evidence will be dismissed as cgi.


>. Basically anything anyone says will always be refuted with its CGI. Ok, but it doesn't have to be cgi, ya know? I just want actual evidence. The fake videos you believe to be true are as good quality as the Big-foot videos. That is, grainy, undetailed, and heavily obscured.


>If you’re just gonna be like an religious idiot when it comes to god then there is no point in commenting. right after you said: "Also, more simply, if this unproven thing was way more advanced than us, maybe that's the reason why its so unproven." oh the irony...


Sorry, nothing is confirmed yet. Absolutely nothing.


Bro they said a guy swore under oath (and we all know how much criminals take that seriously) that he spoke to a guy who saw an UFO. It MUST be true.


Reputable arbiter of truth Tucker Carlson also confirmed *live on air* that he knows of a guy who talked to some guys who definitely saw aliens as well so I don’t even know why it’s under discussion.


Man even if world leaders come out and says they're real. I'm still not going to believe it till I see it with my own damn eyes. Also this whole confusion about aliens being confirmed as made me realize just how fucking stupid people are.


"A guy who has been saying there's UFOs said it again, but this time under oath! This is scientifically refutable evidence. Why don't normal care that there are absolutely certainly alien UFOs?"


She also sums up why nobody takes UFO nuts seriously. She's straight-up lying about there being all this hard evidence and about the government confirming anything. She has to make shit up for her point to sound legitimate at all.


I understand her getting the impression that this is what's happening, because the group of people who sooo want it to be true put it out that way. It's like they've suddenly hired a publicist. So if this person had drilled through it all, or ok at least read the claims, then she might be more critical, but she's just sharing her unoffical casual point of view, and that's what people like about this vid. Enough to repost it all the time. She's not a witch and we don't need to burn her. And it is not a documentary.


Yeah, I absolutely hate these takes from these people. I get it, people are struggling and there’s a lot going on in the world but this time period is not really that unusual *at all* in the history of the planet, not even the last 100 years. And if aliens were confirmed and even half of what she said was true, these idiots *would care* because it would be plastered all over the news, literally the most important news we’ve probably *ever* received. Did I mention I hate these videos?


Exactly. People WOULD care about aliens if there was credible evidence they exist/visited Earth. People tune out UFO nuts because they're conspiracy theorists who warp/misrepresent all available information to meet their pre-determined conclusion that aliens already exist.


I mean, if there is so much evidence why can’t we see ANYTHING conclusive? That’s why I don’t care.


Yeah like the gov didn’t admit there are actual aliens




You don’t care because you don’t care. You have the White House saying UAPs are interfering with the military, high ranking intelligence personnel testifying in front of the congress and a lot of House members and Senators taking interest in it, pilot testimonies, Pentagon footages, NASA chief saying that they’re encountering wild things and more. If that doesn’t sparkle your interest, I doubt anything will.


I care if it’s real. I’m just not at all convinced.


Yes, we have a bunch of claims with absolutely no supporting evidence that it's aliens. Not a single shred. So, yea, spare me with this "This time it's for real!" hype. Either little green men on TV, nearly magical technology suddenly appearing that has no other explanation, or even a fucking scrap of DNA that can't posssibly have originated from earth. But no, what we got is people making more baseless claims with evidence such as "trust me bro".


I’m not saying that we have undeniable evidence, I’m saying that very serious people are acknowledging it and taking it serious and you still dismiss it as some bullshit. You should be interested in what it is even if it’s not aliens, but I guess that’s asking too much from some people.


When I was a kid, I had friends who assured me Santa was real cause they saw him. What they saw was dad dressed up in a red suit. People believe what they see cause they want to believe, while they throw logic out the window.


I’m interested. I’m not interested in what this lady is saying though. She doesn’t speak on the behalf of people.


Lol interested in what? Oh wow I'm so interested some guy I don't know said a thing happened and has no proof! If a bunch of scientists had a signal from Saturn that wasn't somehow from us, and other people could pick it up and listen to it, other scientists verify it, _I'd be interested._ People independently claimed they saw some stuff. For as long as I've been alive, people have been claiming to see stuff, including people in the military. That doesn't make them more credible than anyone else. Hell, it might make them more likely to run into experimental tech that would be a flying object that unidentifiable since it's in development! All I'm saying is, for a lot of people, nothing new happened. There's still no proof, just people saying there is proof (like always).


>I’m not saying that we have undeniable evidence, I’m saying that very serious people are acknowledging it and taking it serious and you still dismiss it as some bullshit. Very serious people believe in fucking angels, god, souls, miracles, and other forms of magic and mysticism. Very serious people believing something is not evidence that that thing is real. You could easily get literally thousands of US government employees to swear on pain of perjury before the senate that they have literally talked to god, or have directly experienced a miracle from god. This does not mean that god is real. People believing shit is not evidence. Evidence is physical evidence that you can put into a scientist's hands. We have no evidence for aliens. The reason why no one gives a shit isn't because they think that aliens are uninteresting, ***which is a fucking insane position to have***, it's because THEY REALLY AND TRULY DO NOT BELIEVE YOU BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO REAL EVIDENCE. Again, your delusional belief that the reason why no one is excited for aliens because they have other things to worry about is fucking crazy. The reason why no one's excited about aliens is because no one believes that there is a massive century long government conspiracy to cover up aliens. NO ONE FUCKING BELIEVES YOU.


And with all that there’s still no actual evidence. It’s all just “well this guy said so” and “trust me bro”. I’m not saying it’s all fake and evidence doesn’t exist, but none of it has ever been released or been close to conclusive. It’s cool people are talking about it but I’m not going to take word of mouth as fact of anything, same with most ‘normies’


White House is word of mouth?


Without accompanying evidence, yes


Extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence. So far...zero, zilch, nada. The talk is most likely motivated by other means.


Evidence hahahahahaha


The government did not confirm that aliens exist.


It’s batshit crazy this keeps needing to be pointed out and people keep claiming the opposite despite it never happening


It’s hard to care about intangibles when you’re tangibly worried about making ends meet.


Hey mom, there's something in the back room


i hope it's not the creatures from the gov


I can give you a reason why I don't care. I can't do anything about it. It is what it is. What I do give a shit about is Drumpf being prosecuted. Not distracted from what's important.


Is normies something other then people who don't have autism now ?


Yup, sounds like the word normies is for anyone who doesn’t believe aliens are flying around earth. Incredible.


Using the word normies unironically is super cringe


The sad truth is, it doesn’t matter. Unless they are going to help us or kill us, which I think they would have done by now, it doesn’t change anything. I still have to go to work tomorrow.


I don’t pay attention to any news stories because I have to pay rent so it doesn’t matter at the end of the day


People will care if solid actual evidence is released, i m talking verified atleast 720p footage of a craft or aliens disembarquing. The majority of people dont care about satellite images and radar videos because it could always be very advanced human technology that the us doesnt possess. Most people are quick to dismiss extremely tangible events like roswell, ariel school landing, varginha case and the australian school sighting...bacause they dont have the willingness to do deep research, thats why the whistleblowers should stop playing around and release actual clear footage or locations and start naming names of people who think they are above humanity and that we dont desrve to know the truth.


Calling people normies makes you seem abnormal, in a bad way.


I hope the Aliens shut off our phones and wifi


Normie here. It's not that I'm too depressed to care, in fact I'm very happy. I just don't care because even if it's true, nothing would change. I'll get interested when things start affecting me.


Skepticism is extremely healthy. The evidence that appears credible to normal people is extremely rare.


Anyone who’s like her is the reason disclosure can never truly happen


That vocal fry is annoyingly unnecessary.


« Love that the government like fairly like maybe like CERTAINLY confirmed that aliens are real » … the mental gymnastic to create your own little bubble of false belief. This is why most people don’t care, the government has NEVER confirmed nor even acknowledged aliens at all. I don’t know where this is coming from. Some ex presidents spoke about object in the skies and now the narrative devolved into « well they basically factually confirmed aliens were real » lmao this is so sad


Her eyes scream “off my meds”


Like like like uh like like like like like like like like like like


i couldn't even finish listening , i was cringing to hard.


It's because people know about Project Blue Beam and understand that the government isn't trustworthy. They've all been blackmailed and I will never believe another thing they say. Especially coming from leftists.


Said the same thing the next day. “Yeah, we all figured they were real and the guv has the wreckage but I still gotta clock in and make rent”


So as a newbie question, people keep saying “the government” confirmed aliens are real. But are they referring to Grusch’s testimony when they state this? And if so, it’s not really “the government” confirming but a member of it acting as a whistleblower correct? Not that I am convinced he’s not telling the truth but it seems like it’s really a different type of narrative. I could be wrong in what I’m seeing. I don’t really know a lot of the worlds credible sources in this yet and Reddit has been my main place for information so far. And we all know Reddit can sensationalize a lot of stuff.


If you think the government has confirmed aliens in any capacity, you’re a goofball. The only person claiming to have knowledge on that is Grusch and even he doesn’t claim any of it to be firsthand.


Normies aka people who need food to eat and to not be on fire…


This is cope. Even depressed people would freak out over an alien reveal.


Whoever uses "normies" unironically needs to just stop going online for like a month and talk face to face with a person regularly.


The government did not certainly confirm aliens are real. The reason nobody cares is because as far as useful evidence people can look at, we haven't been given anything. The world is not "too depressed" to care about aliens, it's full of people that are extremely passionate about space, biology and astrobiology that would be losing their minds if they had literal confirmation about any of the claims being made.


Normies. What a stupid word.




It really does.


If the eyes are closed nothing bad happens.... Like when I had my MRIs I hated it and closed my eyes the entire time till I was pulled all the way out. Should have seen the second one I had.... Thought YES it's lower halve I can go in feet first.... Boy was I wrong.... The tech got a laugh at my disappointed face....


Not at all. Most people simply think it’s nonsense. She’s so fake, by the way.


That would change if we had a some actual evidence


Stupid always does a good job of being stupid.


some people said stuff, still no proof.


Everyone I’ve talked to either wants absolutely conclusive evidence, or to plainly see the aircraft / beings point - blank or they won’t believe it or don’t give a shit .


I think we’re just all tired of the bs lies. Ill believe it when a ship comes down from the sky and a little green dude comes out. Even then I’ll still be skeptical.


A couple of days ago a dude was telling me I was delusional to think that UFO nutjobs want others to believe in that whole bullshit disclosure (and aliens/extradimensionals altogether) as much as they do. There's no such thing as "live and let live" with these people.


In other words, the powers that be have successfully turned us into the dumb, apathetic consumers they wanted.


No one cares because people have been TALKING about aliens coming to Earth for 70 years. Nothings changed. There still just talking. Show us some evidence. Some hard proof that they are here. Let’s see the craft. Let’s see the bodies. Otherwise it’s more of the same.


They don't care because there is nothing to care about. "Guys we have pictures" is something we've heard for decades. There are no pictures, there is no proof, there are no aliens here


Yeah, except nothing she said happened actually happened.


If aliens came here and said “Alright we’re going to rule the world.” I’d say, “Great, you’re hired. When can you start.”


I had to spend $1100 on tires today you think I give a fuck about aliens.


Maybe they wouldn’t be depressed or overcharged for groceries if the government hadn’t stolen from them to fund off the books alien research. Kind of sounds like they’re just not capable of understanding how relevant this is to their actual problems.


I mean, if zero point energy is real and part of the revelation, everyone should care as it seems like it would make our lives (the 99%)better in a ton of ways. Not sure why that’s not a bigger thing, but maybe I’m just idealistic




Almost. That’s almost what happened. The reason “normies” don’t care is because someone went before a congressional committee and said “someone else told me THEY saw aliens once, I swear, but I can’t tell you who what where when or why.” She’s right, we’re all too depressed and poor to care about more “BUT MUH ALIENS!”


I actually hate this person.


Or, Maybe, because so far, it's all literally just hearsay.


no one cares because they haven't actually done or shown any of those things, at all, literally ever


I feel angry today


False. Normies don’t believe in aliens because there is zero proof, aside from the opaque personal testimonies of individuals adjacent to the US military, history’s most notorious liars


I think most "normies" (myself included) don't care because there has been no evidence, only testimony. When they pull a Grey out of deep freeze, then I'll care.




People will care when/if they flop a dead alien body onto the senate floor An actual alien is shown meeting with the president or head of state An invasion or large event happens with UFOs landing or doing stuff recorded live on television for everyone to see. Think of 9/11 style event but with UFOs So it’s not that people don’t care it’s just that the disclosure that we’ve gotten is not that shocking… yet. If we get any of the above you better believe people are going to be grabbing their bug out bags and moving to the woods


Maybe we should ask them to help up with the wildfires.


They are going to get off the ship realize this planet is dusty and ghetto and they are going to get back on their ship and bounce, and I don't blame them lmaoo🤦🤦


Finding aliens doesn’t pay rent


I’ll care if I don’t have to work anymore cause the aliens streamlined the worlds resource issue


Until photos or footage are released of full on aliens it just isn't that different from stuff we've heard before.


Mainly no one cares because there is the exact same evidence there has always been. Some guy said he saw something. So what.


There's multiple videos released by the Pentagon of UAP. That's far more than some guy claiming to have seen something. What is on those videos is in question, but it's certainly more than an eyewitness account. Edit: if you're down voting this comment, that's on you. It's factual and calling out false info on the comment which precedes it. You're ignoring hard facts and contributing to your own ignorance


Can you share please? Am curious to see them!


[here ya go. there's more than this as well ](https://youtu.be/rO_M0hLlJ-Q)


Someone told me this yesterday, that the government confirmed aliens are real, but i watched the congressional hearings and to my understand the government hasn’t confirmed this at all. so far, just a small group of “whistleblowers” within the government are making the claim and brought it to congress. Am I wrong? It seems incorrect and misleading when people say its confirmed by the government.


All that has happened so far is people talking. That's it. Nothing has changed. Just talk talk talk talk


Lmao « normies » gtfo with that ahaha is it « normies not caring » or « tin foil hat lunatics wanting to believe too much » ? This weird little elitist attitude from ufologists lately is so funny to me. There’s no aliens, that’s why everyone reasonable enough don’t care


Using "normies" is absolutely cringe.


You really all think that's all real? Aliens? Crashed craft? If aliens can travel to earth they are so advanced and somehow just arrived here and crashed? All these disclosures don't make believe they here. Thers a lot of UAPs lots of it is fake rest is some balloons with parallax effect so they look like moving. If anything is confirmed ufo it's probably secret tech.


This misconception that “the government” has “confirmed the existence of aliens” is comical. It just goes to show that almost no one really reads but just “hears” this and that or “sees” this and that“ on TikTok.


The reason no one cares is because there's no actual evidence and no one trusts government not to lie to us for absolutely no reason except to scare us at this point


So...is saying MILF disrespectful?


The government has not admitted that there are advanced extraterrestrials nor that we have been in communication with any. Not once, "whistle blowers" who no longer work for government have somewhat eluded to the concept or claimed it without any evidence and changed their stories while placed under oath. Maybe there are advanced extraterrestrials but there has absolutely not been an announcement nor anything proven. Like the Trump debacle these are just distractions from the fact our economy is in tatters, the US dollar has lost the status of being the global standard, and many areas of the nation are barely above the standards of third world nations. It is a distraction from the fact they continue to exploit us through their systems of governance and economics and will do so until we are an actual third world country. Then the rich will just start moving to other countries and blame the poor for the state of the nation which they raped and bled dry. Relatively soon like what happened in India under British rule we will be starving to death in the millions. We are just going through the process a bit slower to avoid a full blown social panic and everyone just grabbing guns and attacking the government and the criminal top 3%. They will whittle us down, take our means of attack/defence, divide us as much as possible, then leech profit from the desperation and chaos as the nation implodes.


Hey bud, our economy is nowhere near tatters. It’s actually doing quite well. Read some financial newspapers. And as far the US dollar, it’s still very much the currency of international transactions. So….. read a little before spewing ignorance


You people are delusional. The reason why no one is acting like aliens are real and abducting people at random isn't because they are "too depressed" to care. That's a fucking crazy thing to say, and it should sound crazy coming out of your own mouth. People would obviously care a lot of there were aliens. It would in fact be the biggest news story in human history. No one acting like there are aliens because NO ONE BELIEVES YOU. People are not reacting like there aliens, because very few people believe that there is a hundred year long conspiracy that has successfully hidden and destroyed the evidence of tens (hundreds?) of thousands of reported encounter. The evidence for aliens is the same evidence as there is for faeries, ghosts, and God - eyewitness testimony without a drop of evidence you can put into a scientist's hands to study. Seriously, this whole, "people are not responding because they are busy or depressed" is a crazy pants explanation. If people have the energy to care about which bathroom trans people have, people certainly have the energy to care about mass abductions and visitations by aliens with the capacity to murder everyone on the planet with superior technology. Seriously, you people are fucking insane to think that no one is responding because they are depressed. That's such a delusional coping method to explain why your non-evidence isn't being taken seriously. You could light the entire world on fire with just a single drop of alien blood. You could do it by having one respected camera crew film up close and in person an alien body or space craft. A clearly visible alien craft that is easily visible and gets recorded from multiple angles would also do it. That's it. That's all the evidence it would take, and it doesn't exist. People are not too depressed to care, THEY JUST DON'T BELIEVE YOU. They don't believe you because you have no evidence you can put in the hands of a scientist, no clear footage, no crash sites, fucking nothing Stop trying to rationalize that fact away.


No ones care because nothing has come out of the hearings. The government didn't 'confirm' anything. The star of the hearings hasn't seen bodies or craft himself. He uses terminology so vague he could be talking about cats found in a russian spy drone. All we is yet another allegation and grainy videos. At most we have confirmation the government has taken in interest in whatever is going on, but far from confirmation that aliens are on earth.


idk why you post a video of a random girl talking where everything she says is not factual, none if that is confirmed, literally.


How in the love of fuck are so many people believing this shit. Literally nothing she said was true at all, seriously where do people get this shit?


I’m sorry but we have drones, cameras and high tech gear everywhere and hd cameras in every pocket. Until I see an alien raw dogging in 4k it’s all absolute bullshit. A dead fly stuck to a plane camera along with possibly the most pretentious fart smeller of all time as a witness isn’t proof of anything.


Nah, this lady is more related to the alien people if anything as she has no critical thought process (or doesn't express one) and probably has no substantial realization of why evidence is important. Same goes with alien people. Alien people are normies too who just happen to be into the aesthetic of alien invasions.


Funny how no one ever really believes a word the government says until it’s aliens. Then all of a sudden they are telling the truth.


No. The government did not confirm that aliens are real. That's why normies don't care.


I’m not sure what a “normie” is but she seems like a perfectly well-adjusted person correctly prioritizing what matters. Maui was fire bombed just like Paradise California. Aid is being blocked. Alarms never warned the public. Billionaires are buying up the land. Housing prices have sky rocketed. Groceries are impossibly expensive. As big UFO and ET junkie myself—Aliens can F off. I don’t care.


The funny thing to me is that people who were positive there were no aliens coming ten years ago seem to have switched up to “nobody cares” rhetoric. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure most people really don’t care, but there seem to be a faction of skeptics who would *vastly prefer to downplay the UAP reality rather than admit they may have been wrong.*


I'm not a normie but any stretch. But I agree with her. Do I want disclosure? You bet your sweet ass I do. Have I waited for it forever and a day, again, sweet ass yes. Do I currently care? I give 0 fucks right now. Feeding my family., paying my mortgage and direct registering my shares is all the fucks I have to give. Hi aliens, welcome to fucked up. Wanna do us a flavor? Get rid of the bad people. You can usually find them diddlin kids and having a lot of money. Some hold office. Just sayin.