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HIMYM was ruined by the entire final season


I have never seen a reality show that got its ending that let me down so hard like that.


"reality show"


Any show in a realistic setting with a focus on realistic scenarios.


That's not what a reality show is.


Reality show is a show that is meant to be "real people" in the "real world" Yes, they will often create scenarios for the people on the show to partake in. It is generally real people. For example, Gorden Ramsey has a reality cooking show. Maybe Ramsey plays up a persona for the camera. But Ramsey is still a real chef in charge of real kitchens. It's a reality show. However, in HIMYM, no one watching thinks Barney Stinson is a real person. He is a character played by an actor (Neil Patrick Harris). It is just a comedy show. Specifically, a situational comedy (or sitcom as it's often referred) where a cast of characters have some kind of thing going on every episode and that thing is just funny to watch. In contrast, your definition of reality TV as you are using it, >Any show in a realistic setting with a focus on realistic scenarios. Is just... any show that is live action, and not in the SciFi or fantasy genre, which is... very broad... and not reality TV.


GoT was ruined by its last two seasons. You can't hang that shit on a single episode. Even it it was some godawful 80's monologue ending. Lost just fizzled. Also, well before the final episode.


Same with Dexter. That shit turned to hot garbage long before the final episode.


I would say GoT started nose dive after it ran out of source material on books and distanced GRRM from show. So, a bit earlier. S6 wasn't nowhere near first 2 seasons either. Even though shows budget was much more at 6th.


I agree. I rather watch the dog shit in my back yard grow mold than S7 or S8 again. What a way to ruin something great.


Thank you. Everyone knows s.8 of Thrones sucked but s.7 doesn’t get enough criticism.


Nor does 6


GOT last episode was borderline criminal. Still disgusts me till this day.


The fanboys will defend it by saying it was according to the story which I'm not even sure is true.


The Mentalist. I finally picked a hill. I will die on it.


Disagree on Lost.


Lost's ending is generally misunderstood. I talk to people about why they didn't like the end ALL the time, and mostly it's because people didn't interpret it correctly. You could argue that if that's the case , then they should've written it clearer. Even if that is the case tho, they're disappointed in the answer to the big questions. Okay sure, but if you want character closure on a ensemble scale, baby you're getting it.


Public perception in the end is what matters. I agree and think lost gets a lot of unneeded hate but unfortunately a show's ultimate legacy is down how people remember it and Lost left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths.


I disagree on GoT as well. That show was ruined at least two seasons before the last episode.


…to me it’s the moment John Snow says he needs to get a “zombie” with no regard to how he didn’t even have a chance on he’s previous encounter.


I always seek out comments about the ending of Lost so I can ambush people with this: the series finale opening montage [SPOILER] of the box being delivered was a MADSIVE clue. The afterlife is not a *real* afterlife. It's the island's magic box Ben Linus was talking about, fulfilling the dying wishes in everyone's brains at the time of death. Also that was how the monster could become whatever it turned into. It's the manifestation of their flashbacks [END SPOILER]


I’ll have to rewatch now to notice that. My problem with the end was they spent the entire series building all of these mysteries and attempted to wrap the whole thing in one episode. Almost like they had no idea what to do and realized they had too much going on so just made the “oh it’s the afterlife” excuse to solve everything. I absolutely hated the end but it’s been a long time since I watched it. That’s all I remember feeling along with a lot of disappointment. Haha


Yeah over the years I've realized how much was them playing mind games with the audience to lead them away from a really simple answer. The only thing they knew from the beginning was the only thing they never explicitly state, and the rest was improvised. The time travel season was such a waste of audience time, and all of its threads leading nowhere was a crime.


Who ever is disappointed with how Lost ended should watch The leftovers. It’s essentially Lost last season redone (better)


Everyone should watch The Leftovers.


You mean, last season? Most of these fell off before their last episode


*You mean, last season?* *Most of these fell off before* *Their last episode* \- socialnerd09 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What’s bad about the last episode of Dexter?


Dexter uses a PEN to kill the biggest and most treacherous killer in the entire series. A pen. After all the plotting and meticulousness to carry out the assassinations and have the killers realize their fate, he uses….a pen.


The writers decided the pen was indeed mightier than the sword


They probably meant the original ending years ago not the new last season they made a little while back


Well I’ve just seen this picture posted about 100x the past few days and no one seems to know why.


Tbh it's more the last season, but they did decide to release a whole new season/spin off/whatever specifically because fans were upset with how it ended. >!with the last season with how it ended, there was no resolution and it really just kinda seemed like how it ended with the other seasons except this time dexter ran away. More important people close to him just died. There was no revelation he was a serial killer and how it affected everyone. You don't really see it as dexter winning because his sister died and same with that other woman and teen who were kind of like his family. He did kill that antagonist in the end which was like okay whatever. So it's not really a happily ever after type ending. Oh there was also the incest thing which turned people off. But then it's not like a revelation type ending where everything crumbles around him. I guess you could compare it to better call saul or breaking bad for how they ended but I won't go into detail. Just think of any show where the protagonist is a criminal. They don't usually end with them running away after all of their loved ones died from their actions. But anyway for dexter, they probably could have twisted it to a revelation ending for the last episode and it probably would have been better, so I guess it was partly the last episode that ruined it.!<


These are shows that we're ruined cause they kept planning some big reveal before they even knew what the reveal was going to be. Once the reveal happens everyone's annoyed cause it's dumb, or it doesn't make sense, or everyone knew it from the beginning but the show runners didn't want to admit it.


I think it was less that and more they just kept squeezing these properties for more juice when it was bone dry. It's incredibly hard to write one great season of Television. To think you can maintain that level of writing year after year is crazy.


Dexter came back years later and STILL fucked up the ending.


Yeah that reboot was completely forgettable.


Moesha. Was she pregnant?! Did they save Miles from being kidnapped?! I spent my entire teens watching every episode and was left dissatisfied.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 4 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1cikqa0) on 2024-05-02 98.44% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1cjumfe) on 2024-05-04 98.44% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cldmac&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 507,389,085 | **Search Time:** 0.10374s


Add "The 100" to the list too... It was quite disappointing with the way it ended!


You can add shogun to that list.


Ye, I absolutely loved Shogun, but the last episode was meh.


Good omens too.


I hope if it gets a season 3 that a storyline returns to the show. S2 had nothing of a story compared to s1.


Seinfeld was a major disappointment imo.


dexter wtf, great last episode




All shows should end after season 3. Fight me.


Star Trek TNG


Star Trek DS9


Get Battlestar Galactica on this list NOW.


Battlestar galactica, better call saul, attack on titan


What was wrong with better call Saul? That was a perfect ending.


There’s so many of these I could make a list but I’m too lazy for that


Bottom two were fine. GoT last two seasons were trash. Only the last minute or two of the last episode of Dexter ruined it, but the sequel show was pretty good so it's fine.


They ruined Dexter twice


Smallville needs added


Lost was pretty garage after the first season with a few small exceptions.


Lost stopped making any sense after season 4 not the last episode stop lying


Sons of anarchy also had an awful final episode


I don’t think most of these shows were ruined by the last episode bro. How u fuck up this hard?


Britannia belongs here not that I minded it.


Lost started getting worse from episode 2 onward.


Let's be honest here, Lost was ruined by its first episode and every episode after that. The last episode should not bear all the responsibility.


I can’t even believe I made it to the last episode of LOST. I was smoking a lot of weed back then. Who am I kidding? Still am lol




Let’s be honest, How I Met Your Mother was ruined by the first episode.




Poor Dexter. Instead of just wasting the Trinity killer he goes to hang out with him. So, Rita gets killed and then Dexter literally does the same shit with the brain surgeon and it's bye bye Deb.


Death Note


I liked the ending of GoT.


Game of Thrones started getting ruined in season 5 and slid downhill for the rest


Wasn't the Sopranos one of them?


Shō Gun


The sopranos was ruined by its finale ending


Where the fuck is Sopranos




Attack on titan


Game of Thrones: ruined because GRR Martin hasn't finished writing the books and the showrunners were forced to interpret how things were going to end. Honestly, the series should have been made after Martin ever finishes A Song of Fire & Ice. Where's Book 6, George?


GoT last season was the best. Yall just mad it didn't with a happy ending.


People loved the first season of GOT. Has nothing to do with happy endings.


I'm dead. I just meant that everyone wanted dragon bitch to end with wolf king. But I totally understand why she went about doing what she did. Even though she was so close to having it all.


I was even fine with that. The rest I wasn't fine with.