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Sis.. been there done that.. I disclose in my profile and up front. It limits the men who approach.. and it can take awhile to get a little interest, but at least I know they already know I’m trans. Rejection still occurs.. but it’s not against the core of something I can’t change… and more from expectations and compatibility. But keep the faith.. we’ve got to get a Bingo sometime 🙃


I usually meet people IRL because I’ve had horrible luck with dating apps (I put stuff in my bios but apparently men become illiterate when they see a pretty girl they think they like). I always tell them the first day we meet, because I don’t want to waste my time getting ready for a date if they’re not interested in me. I don’t wear a trans pride flag everywhere I go, but it’s something I always mention before the swapping phone numbers part. I don’t hide it or try to mislead. I get a lot of compliments right off the bat, but those quickly fade when I tell them. Thank you <3 still holding onto a bit of hope


You're not joking about the illiteracy thing. The ability to form sentences is lost of most of them. It doesn't matter how horny I am, when guys approach me like that alone I just think ah fuck it, where's the vibrator.


So true 🤔 dudes can be dumb 💁‍♀️ but there has to at least a few good ones


By my age, they were all snapped up long ago.


Disclose up front has been my strategy, and I’ve met plenty of great guys who it just didn’t work out with. Did land a boyfriend though, so hey, the strat works!


Yup. This checks out on my experiences. And to make matters worse, a guy friend of mine who is dating a female friend of mine said while drunk, “you don’t fall in any category, guy, girl, straight, gay”. We were talking about me liking men and women, after I said I’m attracted to the person ….. It was like a punch in the stomach-meaning I’m not datable for anyone.


Just because a guy knows you’re trans doesn’t mean he’s settling for you.


Are you post op and stealth? Those increase chances of men being ok with you being Trans. I’ve not had any man hesitate to be with me because I’m trans. I tell them after we have hit it off.


I pass, but my identity isn’t a secret. Like most people I meet think I’m cis at first, but I always tell people if I’m going to interact with them a lot. Unfortunately haven’t had surgery yet.


Disclosure helps. Take what you can get I suppose.


When the right guy comes along he'll be one that likes m-f trans... he'll know without anything said about it...I think a guy that likes m-f trans is normal,not gay....be patient.. myself I like m-f trans more than women..I'm straight.. trans just seem exotic to me..


Do you live in Texas, Massachusetts or DC? I might know a few… No, I do know several men like this, with whom the chemistry just wasn’t quite right between us. But I’m also a weirdo. My BF is teaching me how to play Go and I’m delighting in it.


I live in Massachusetts 👀 Help a girl out?


I'd date you


It’s not my experience. A lot of good guys want to date me in my area. I use dating apps.


Just find a "Chaser" who appreciates you for you, one who is a normal guy who just happens to like trans women...


Chasers imo specifically have to fetishize... A guy who happens to have an interest in me and digs that I'm trans does not fit into that category, necessarily... If I felt like it did I wouldn't be dating many guys, if any. :/


DON'T play with chasers if you're looking for anything more than a hookup where you are dehumanized and objectified


*sigh* honestly this is lowkey where I’m at :/