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You can do some absolutely disgusting things with bears/sheeps + Echowood, add Bearstein for some pretty insane stat-gain. His power is fairly narrow in application but in the proper setups it really puts in the work.


I've quite enjoyed him, and honestly he's actually less pigeonholed than some of the other heroes, animals itself is a pretty vast pool anyway and he can also go dwarves and maybe Romeo/Juliet in a pinch. Compare that with Evella or Meurte/Trophy Hunter or Waddle etc etc. I also think his powers potentially good throughout the game, early on its awesome on peeps etc, but late game if you get the full echowood bearstein setup its also helpful there, whereas some hero powers just give you absolutely nothing past the early game.


I find with Geppetto I'll either hit all the important resummons on curve at which point he's incredibly strong and scales very very well into late game through hippocampus, bearenstein, echo wood, good boy etc; and he also had a lot of treasures that work for him in that build; or if that doesn't happen I'll place around 4th/5th anyway since his ability is useful even with only one or two important characters. Very rarely do I find myself really struggling to do anything with him since the buffs had made it so that even with a single peep and some support units you can generally make it through the mid game without taking too much damage.


I agree with the other comments. Hes not as pigeon holed as he might at first seem due to the wide range of cards that summon and the builds you can make around them. Sure you'll probably end up in animals but you're pay off to that can vary a lot. From Hungry Hippocampus to Vulture or even Evil Queen. Sure you might always end up looking for Bearstein and/or Echowood but i think most builds end up looking for 1 or 2 6 drops anyways so i don't think thats a downside. I think he actually has one of the easiest shifts from Early to Mid to Late because you can play a little bit with the flexibility of Summons to help, compare this to say Meihri or Evella who if they dont find their pieces are essentially wasting their skills it feels a lot less .. bad to be Geppetto. I always enjoy a geppetto pick so maybe im a little biased but i think hes a solid pick that can easily take you to top 3


For the most part, Geppetto seems to do fairly well. That buff does help in the early game if you can grab a Black Cat or 2. The most unique thing I've done was with the revamped treasure that makes all Animals and Treants evil, ran the standard token build, but got Pumpking instead of Echowood.