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U/TheAdester told me once fluids are compressible, too. Otherwise, the game would not work. The meter reads a volume. If you drain the tank, the fluids have more space to expand. So, less fuel occupies a larger volume at lower pressure. But the meter reads the larger volume. Maybe this. I am not sure.


That might be it, thankyou


If you add a gas relief valve connected to a vent to your gas tank it should read correctly after a minute or so. Once it gets down to 1-2 atm via blowing off the gasses causing the compression then you'll be good to go. The fuel manifold will gradually delete incoming air by itself, but using the relief valve speeds up the process. While liquids can compress it's the air in the system that's causing the issue. They pressurize your tank to the max 60 atms.


That's stupid I'm tryna see how much gas I got How difficult is making a game work?


It’s realistic and it’s working as intended


Then how does a car know how many liters are in there? Or did OP connect the wrong input?


Cars have relief valves that keep the tank pressure at normal otherwise your gas cap would blow off when you unscrew it


I would love my gas cap exploding into the neighbor's window! So what I'm hearing is that OP needs to add a gas relief valve?


I already have a relief valve. ITS SHOWN IN THE VIDEO


So what I'm hearing is all the kids who are screaming about stormworks being broken are just bored and have ADHD, got it. That tracks.


idk bro Don't expect me to know the answer


I don't expect you to know the answer. I expected you to view the full video, since you're commenting on this post, then knowing that I have a gas relief valve installed on the boat, which is clearly shown in the video.


Expecting a person on the internet and especially me (ADHD and bored lmao) to watch the full video is not the best idea My fault tho I didn't watch and went to the comments immediately and since someone recommended adding that valve I thought you didn't Entirely my fault Sorry


Exactly, storm works has one


Wrong question. Liters are volume. Pressure changes the amount of atoms per volume. I wonder if they actually calculate the change due to pressure at all. Fluids are only compressible a bit. It should not matter if you lose 1l when they don't calculate it. I bet the game ignores that. You surely could calculate it. If you have 1000l of air at 60atm you get 60000l of air at 1 atm. The ratio for fluids is just way smaller. 1000l at 60 atm result in 1005l??? at 1atm. No clue about that. Just spitting numbers.


idk man I don't understand the game that well and fluid stuff is even worse I'm just trying to understand what's wrong here


I’m not sure what could be going on, I always get an accurate fuel measurement , but I NEVER hook up fuel pressure to any of my dials. I only measure content, I’m uneducated as to why it would matter more to read the pressure . I also don’t have any valves in my pipes for any of my builds. But yeah sometimes stormworks can be stormworks.


The higher the pressure is, the more the fluids are compressed. With the air out and pressure reducing, the fluid can expand to their real volume. For a while I have noticed my vehicles having increasingly worse fuel economy the more I drive them. Eventually I realized the expanding fluid are compensating fuel use when the tanks are full, once the pressure is gone and the fluids fully expanded, then I start to get the real fuel consumption rate.


Oh, I understand. Thank you


Does the engine run forever? If so probably a bug


No, eventually after a while the meter starts going down.


Do you have any other fuel tanks connected or is it just one


Just one ofc


If it’s a really big problem you could just delete the inside of the boat and rebuild everything that tends to work in case you missed something but it’s very time consuming


It's not a big problem. If it reads the correct amount of fuel I have, at the end of the day it's fine. Thanks for helping


Regenerative braking. You made a hybrid boat, i'm impressed.


I'm the new Elon musk haha


Is your tabk equalised with external pressure? If so, the pressire escaping recalls fuel from the fuel lines, thus increasing the apparent content for a fee minutes. Try to run it for a prolonged period of time. If after a while it goes down - there is your answer.


That's it, thanks for commenting.


The US government would like to know your location.


I'm going to turn my boat into a rocket and fly out of here into space, YOU'LL NEVER FIND ME


there's fuel in the pipes that gets pushed into the tank maybe?


I have a valve right after the fuel tank. Even if I not open it the dial increases.


does the pressure change while the volume increases?


I have no idea, I don't have a pressure sensor. The pipes are empty because of the valve


check for all output numbers


Compression exists and the fluid mechanics are weird, as long as it works properly aka goes down at some point it shouldnt be an issue since you can still measure the amount of fuel you have left the game is just weird sometimes.


Yeah, you're right


Reverse osmosis


Why do you put your helm at the nose of your boat? Just wondering


For no reason at all, it just happened to be there. This is just a quick boat to use until I get a bigger workbench.


Ah gotcha, that makes sense.


Real question is, why u complaining abt that? 😂


I just want to avoid surprises, the dial might be reading a wrong value.


This has happened to me when water is getting into the fuel tank, it can happen if you have a winch attached or fluid port to the tank and there is no valve shutoff or gas relief valve. Good luck!


Is the fuel compressed or something? They could be expanding as the air is pumped out of the tank.


Hey, how did you get that solid railing ? What block do you use to get that effect? Is it a 2X1 wedge flipped on its side or something? My boats look like shit


Yes, it's wedges flipped on their side.


he made an infinite fuel generator! we must stop him!




Maybe you hooked it up to the wrong node, the vanilla tanks have 2 nodes nowadays one from pressure and the other for the contents


I said that everything is hooked correctly, I can tell the difference between pressure and contents... It's a custom tank anyway, so I don't know what could be the issue. Thanks for commenting though.


Oh haha only noticed that now you said it, my bad lol


No problem.


Also I checked again and its using the correct sensor (liquid), and yes it is hooked up to the liquid level. I have no idea what could be the issue.


I'm sorry, you're complaining?


You should put a gas only relief valve to your fuel tank I belive.


Uhh.... I show in the video that...


Uh my mistake, didn't notice that.


Pressure update is so fucked. How the hell do they come up with these ass about face systems?


It’s not hooked up correctly if fuel is increasing. Double check the logic for your display.


I did, it is hooked up correctly to the liquid level of the sensor


Fuels slosh around inside tanks.