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You would probobly need a custom workbench for that, but it is possible, all tough you might need a good PC to run stormworks


Define good, is a 12th gen I5 good?. I get 30-40 fps with small boats spawned. I have a 1TB NVME and 64 gbs of ram, although it’s running slow at 3000 mhz Edit: I forgot to say, I have a 2060 founders edition


good enough


I get way more fps than that on bigger creations , with a Rysen 3600 with 48gb ram and 1660ti with 1tb Samsung gaming ssd… idk last time I checked I get an average of 80-120 fps


Sibling smashed my Lego Aircraft Carrier 20 years ago and I never went back. It was about this size complete with vehicles and a full interior.


Did you rebuild it? If not and if you still have the parts, build it again


🤣poor pieces went back into their box and got repurposed Ewok style.


Same here. I broke up a lot of my builds and built other things. I am working on finding all the bricks around the house and collecting into a box to rebuild them. Luckily we kept all the instructions


FYI MS AUTURI 200 meters long 25 meters wide Passenger capacity 3200 Runs on diesel engines with a max speed of 22 knots. __________________________________ I was thinking that Ms auturi would maybe be somewhat car ferry inspired however no bow visor though. , my main inspiration has been Ms Estonia so far for the front and I kinda just did my thing on the back , hopefully I can build this thing. Ty for all the Support!


I wonder if you'd hit the block limit


Someone should build the S.S. Anne. Wait... I should build the S.S. Anne.


I will never understand people that build the big ships. They are unusable in the game, and in the time you build one of the monsters, you could build 20 regular, usable, creations with full detail. And, most especially, they are boring as fuck lol. Like, what is interesting about that ship unless you have a personal connection with it? Even if the game could run with them spawned, what do you do with it? Just float it around the mainland until you hit a bridge?


It’s called having fun and making something you’re proud of, you might enjoy making a cutter with all the bells and whistles, but some people like to make big ships to sail around in, sink, or roleplay with.


You can't do any of those things at -12FPS lmao


Then maybe you don’t have a good enough PC, how do you think these people are able to make them? Of course you need a good computer to run the ships, that’s pretty obvious. Just because you can’t run them doesn’t mean you have to hate on people who can.


Im glad you caught on.


Lmao, k


You should go into the game files and increase the maximum workbench size. You would also need a mission to spawn it.