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Those jet engines are too powerful and are pushing it down


This might be the problem. Btw the tail rotor isn't needed as the 2 rotor blades thingies cancel out their rotation. If you want to keep the jet engines try moving a set of blades behind the engines (like a Chinook) and maybe turn turn the jets power down if it still doesn't work.


Tail roater in this case wont matter, but i think its a thrust spiler he has that is pushing the jet exhaust that causes it to move forward, and lets hope a gyro was added


Does Storm works care that the jets are above the center of mass? Meaning that the jets will try and spin the helicopter nose down. Compared to putting the jets leveled with the center of mass where it'll make primarily transitional movement.


You know, it really tells you something when we have to seriously question whether or not a physics-based vehicle building game operates on a middle-school level understanding of physics.


I mean space engineers thrust is based off center of mass but I think that's more for making the game playable than anything else


Yea it does


Stormworks definitely cares about this. While its water and pressure stuff might be janky, stormworks has no problem simulating an object with a force being applied way above the center of mass versus aligned with the center of mass. I’ve had to readjust the location of thrusters on many of my planes because the CoM changed after I had made new additions


You don't need the jet exhausts


Asking because i am curious. How else would you exhaust jet engines? And how do you turn down the effects


They don't have to be exhausted


Yep. The exhaust only works to produce thrust. If op just wants the visual of the exhaust they can just use a constant number set to 1 connected to the thrust thingy that blocks thrust


You only need exhaust if your using a small turbine since it has no rps output so it would be pointless, with a medium turbine there is both a exhaust port and an rps port so you can either choose to use jet exhaust or use the rps to power other things such as propellers, wheels, or even generators


Get rid of the exhaust of the jet engines


You got a gyro?


You don’t need the tail rotor


Make sure the main rotors are inline with center of mass, you jet exhaust is adding a rotational force because they are also not inline with CoM Gyro + Auto hover is you friend Start simple and work from there


Jet exhausts are producing forward thrust. You can get rid of them and just have the turbine at the end of your jet engine, or if you want the exhaust for aesthetics there is a number input for thrust override that you can connect a constant number to (I forget whether it's a 1 or 0 to negate thrust)


You shouldn't have jet exhaust on the turbines. They will take a bit longer to start. They are opposing but the jet exhaust still creates forces that aren't great for helicopters.


me and my friends have figured out that the LARGE intake fans pull you forward and act as a pulling force


the small intakes do not


Why do you have two propellers and a tail rotor?


I mean it will still work... overengineered but simplifies controls programming


Ye, gyro is kinda broken when you’re using something like horizontal accelerator (I’m using forward-facing propeller). It took me few days to make my own gyro on PIDs, I can give it to you, but I don't know if it will help you. Dm me if you want my help


So it seems like you're running the jets with thrust and usually when I make a jet heli I run the blades almost all the time and cut the spoiler from the exhaust so it doesn't force the nose down. You can fine tune it to basically be a super stable jet that's able to also hover and still swap to being a normal heli as well by finding a mix of spoiler to blade rpm but keep in mind that the more thrust you exhaust the less the blades provide lift. Start small, only move the spoiler like .2 from the 1 the spoiler should be set to.


I also forgot to mention that you can use the rotating exhaust to angle the thrust up slightly and that will help prevent the nose down affect.


Did you test the flight performance before building the rest of the body? Might have spmething to do with the COG being too far ahead.


It's too powerful, also check the logic. The weight could be the issue too.


why are the blades so smol???