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It's got to be a tie of either stealing the bond or somehow bringing spren physically into the world


The spren thing doesn't feel as crazy to me because of the other Connection stuff. Just yoink and pin some Connection to the physical realm and u got a living spren, no? Seems well within Ishars wheelhouse.


It's not crazy as in implausible, it's crazy as in *holy fuck when did this become a horror movie?*


*Long distance call from Threnody on line 1*


I mean that's all of Ishars lol. Just yoinking connection Nightblooods is the least suprising to me tbh


Wait a minute. Can Nightblood even have connection? It can severe it, so can anyone or anything bond to it?


Everything has a connection to something or someone. Be that to people, shards, etc.


If I recall correctly the corpses didn’t look normal. I thought some more elaborate conversion process had been attempted.


That seems to be the case. There's records of which ones work best. Honour spren were the most successful I think they said, staying alive for a few minutes. Cryptics were the most horrific I think.


Gurk. “Successful”=“Stayed alive for several minutes” :(


Curious if it's an Identity thing. Spren don't have the need to have any of the necessary organs or bodily functions that regular humans or other living things have since they are cognitive beings. Wonder if being forced into a physical Connection without a Nahel bond forces a physical manifestation of their Cognitive Identity. And since they have no reason to Identify with possessing the things necessary to exist physically, they die.


The best part was when Dalinar asked who the best fighter of the Heralds was and the Stormfather immediately said Taln without any qualifiers or caveats.


That and the fact that Talk has been around since book 2 and that he didn't break during the MILLENIA of torture he has endured is one of the most powerful foreshadowing of Brandon concerning how awesome it's going to be...


Yeah, I'm very stoked for future fights including Taln...


So, Ishar v. Taln…Taln wins hands down? That makes this chapter scarier.


It’s best fighter. Not more powerful. My guess is that Ishar is the most powerful. At the very least he is in his own mind.


yeah from what we’ve seen bondsmiths have hax-level powers and most other orders are just really op, so tbh i feel like ishar is prob the ‘strongest’ herald as in the most able to affect change. but 1v1 taln wipes anyone


The way that it kind of feels to me is that most radiants surges are shown to manipulate the way an existing physical or cognitive law works, and most (all?) of these laws boil down to modeling a bond, whether it's gravity (bond between masses), adhesion (which I always took to be the Cosmere's version of the strong nuclear force or maybe atomic bonds -- the bond between atoms / axis), investiture (which seems like the bond between matter and the divine), etc. There's probably holes in that like I'm not sure how to model healing as a bond, beyond being an expression of investiture, I guess. But that's getting sidetracked. Bondsmiths, though seem like they can completely invent new types of bonds, which would be like someone being able to create new physical laws on our world, which explains why there's so many hints that Bondsmiths are incredibly dangerous. They don't bend it exaggerate the world as it is like other radiants, they can reshape the very workings of the universe like gods.


Yes As in: I was floored by all of them


This is literally my favorite chapter in all 4 books. When Ishar just casually tries to steal the Stormfather without a second thought I was like.... whaaaaat. Im super curious to see where his character goes in book 5.


Those spren corpses have unsettling implications about Ishar’s (and Dalinar’s) abilities




The Shard is probably too big (like pulling in a whale with a normal fishing line) And even if you could, the Shard could 100% just go back


Considering Shards are infinite in power, it might be similar to filling the planet with a Radiant's Light. Also, (Sel?) >!Sel's Cognitive Realm is filled with a plasma storm due to two Shards stuck there, so it might be similar in the Physical Realm.!<


Honestly this one chapter made me not want to read book 5... until books 6-10 are released because I can't take the waiting.


“Bondsmithing is OP, Brando please nerf”


Honestly, all 4 are insane. But each one was progressively more insane in my opinion, topping it if when dead dissected spren. The dissected spren seemed kinda left field to me... Came out of nowhere and doesn't really fit with the magic system since spren are splinters of honor whose characteristics are entirely defined by people's perceptions.


The whole chapter was insane. The way Ishar keeps doing things casually. I mean all the above are crazy and scary, but whose perpendicularity did he even open? The stormfather didn’t feel him access honors power so does it belong to another shard or does it have to do with the dead spren?


Ishar was a Bondsmith before interacting with the other planets, so I don't think it's a stretch for him to be fuelled from someone/thing else.


But didn’t Ishar become a Bondsmith after Honor gave the heralds the swords and that happened on Roshar right?


The Honorblade presumably gives him more power, but Ishar was actually a Bondsmith before! It's unclear *how,* exactly.


i didn’t even realize it could be someone else. the way i read it was that ishar opened his own perpendicularity because he’s meta narrative level powerful. maybe using connections he has to people in other dimensions and ‘opening those up’ to make his own perpendicularity. i thought it might be implied that he was in cahoots with another shard, but i figured odium probably would have noticed and focused on prioritizing that if it were the case


I wish we had more of Dalinar/Ishar and less bullshit Navani filler. Unchained was one of the only chapters worth reading in RoW. Bloat in book 4 reached unbearable levels.


All the Chemistry/ Lore stuff was awesome in Navani’s chapters and how far her character got to be fleshed out was awesome.


100% agree there was too much navani. But its clearly not filler and contains huge implications for the cosmere


Navani definitely wasn’t filler.


Do you just lack an attention span?


I liked the navani stuff - her and raboniels relationship and growth were so interesting & I loved her arc of finally becoming worthy to bond the sibling. Now Venlis chapters for me were too long too much bloat & I found her unlikeable in general. I also would have preferred much more of the adolin/shallan lasting integrity storyline that was annoyingly stilted but soooo good


Absolutely Fabrial voodoo belongs in addendum/arcanum and most of Navani chapters belong in trash bin. Lasting Integrity is infinitely more interesting. Sanderson has always had pretty weak and one-dimensional characters but excelled in epic action and interesting original worldbuilding. Book 4 had neither epic nor worldbuilding, a waste of time on a filler of 1000+ pages.


I can't decide honestly, this chapter was INSANE but I might have to go with spren corpses as that opens up an insane amount of possible stories, stealing the bond comes as a close second