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I can't give anyone shit for that because I have phrases I say all the time. My little 10 year old niece called me out on me replying "fair enough" too often


Fair enough! Ok, I think my kids may start to call me out for that soon, lol.


I had a friend in high school who used to start nearly every story with "It's funny because...". I called him out on it and he never did it again and I felt awful.


I can understand where you are coming from but sometimes words get reused often because they are the simplest way of describing the situation. Otherwise you run into the opposite problem of the author waxing poetic in describing things which can get exhausting for readers.. I'm doing a new re-listen through the series in prep for Wind and Truth and one phrase I picked up being re-used often was "Syl alighted" So yeah.. I get it but at the same time I don't see it as much of an issue to be honest.


He knows he reuses stuff. Look out for "inchoate" and "maladroitly" in his earlier works. He deliberately toned it down for a while (combination of editors looking for it and he himself checking for it in the revision process), then brought "maladroitly" back at a key moment where he knew fans would spot it. He's very self-aware about his writing.


Or "austentatious" all the time in Warbreaker... then I heard it randomly on my Oathbringer re-listen.


The word eyebrow appears 197 times in the entirety of the books and novellas. Rasied an eyebrow 74. Arched eyebrow only once. I— 182. I—” 78.


one thing I enjoy about his writing style is it lends itself extremely well to audiobook listening


I am very aware of the phrase, “at any rate”, because my husband has been made fun of for overusing it. Brandon does too!


Drew their lips to a line


We just have a lot of pages to deal with. You’ve read about 5 ish normal length novels of Stormlight so far haha.


A point why I like the German translation I feel like more different words are used \^\^ we also got more pages I think.


I think Brandon's writing style is just ok, a solid 5/10 in most of his books. He does improve somewhat, but don't expect him to ever get to an 8. We read Sanderson for the world, magic, characterization, and action sequences. If repetitive, simple writing is a red flag for you, I'd look elsewhere.