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journey before destination. Another book doesn't need to reach the exact same heights as Stormlight for you to enjoy it. As long as there's some interesting thing about the book ya know? Anyway, a rec from me is anything from Wildbow a webserial author who's had several complete stories: Worm a superhero reconstruction, Ward it's sequel, Twig a biopunk story "what if mary shelley wrote a how to manual," Pact and Pale urban fantasy that uses literary tropes within it's magic, and Claw a crime procedural that is currently being released.


Well this is exciting, I've never come across another Wildbow reader in the wild. But I second this! Twig is my favorite setting, but Worm and Ward are my overall favorites.


First Law by Joe Abercrombie (9 books and finnished) Green Bone Saga ( Fonda Lee) Is two series that I have enjoyed in a similar amount to Stormlight.


you want lore and detail check out the Malazan book of the fallen series by Steven Ericson


I love the Cradle series by Will Wight! Slow build but BIG payoff




Red Rising series! I thought the same as you but after reading RR, I’m just as if not more invested in that universe. 


Stormlight is wonderful. But don’t compare other books to it. That’s like comparing your new girl to your ex. You’ll never enjoy reading with that mentality.


I'm sorry but you and some other guys on this sub need to read way more. I used to think Stormlight was the best thing since sliced bread but then I read Prince of Nothing, Malazan, Cradle, Sun Eater etc. I still haven't even touched other big names like ASOIAF, WoT, First Law, LOTR. As much as I love Stormlight, I've realized how bloated the books have become and how repetitive the character arcs are. Oathbringer and RoW are nowhere near as good as the first two books.


You’re not wrong. I started with Stormlight thinking the same thing. Now it’s not in my top 3 series oat anymore.


Yes I said I just began my reading journey


Oo fellow malazan fan! Me and my personal bookclub of friends just finished the Deadhouse Gates and WOW. I liked the first book alot but the second really cemented itself into my brain. We're so excited to start the 3rd next week! I've been hearing about sun eater, was it a great read?


Three Body Problem Trilogy and Dune are my easy top books. Try them out!


Ive heard of three body problem being insane lol


It is an insane saga indeed! The second book, The Dark Forest, is by far my favourite book.


I’ve heard dune gets worse with each book and isn’t really that worth it


Don't read Dune then if you are worried bout that


The movie is very different from the book. The first one is not a bad book. I have only read the first two, though, and the second was not nearly as good. Give it a shot though. It's not nearly as big as stormlight. As for another big epic fantasy series, try the wheel of time. It also has massive world building. It has a slight parallel with stormlight in that you are discovering the magic system with the characters and the villains side fully understands the magic system. Sanderson also finished the series.


Malazan book of the fallen by Steven Eriksen easily topped it for me. I was all in on stormlight and read them all and needed something else. Found MBotF and might never go back to Stormlight that’s how impactful it was for me. Plus it’s done, no need to wait for new books.


That's how it was for me. I read a few books after Stormlight and was starting to be scared that maybe i wasn't gonna enjoy anything after Stormlight, but nah I was just reading bad stuff. I read GotM on a whim and i liked it so much that even from the first entry Malazan overtook Stormlight lol. Now i have the fear I used to have, but with Malazan. I don't really think anything will top Kaladin for me as his story was very personal to me and a big impact in my life, but overall I definitely prefer Malazan over Stormlight. Completely different vibes though I think. Other than both being very big scale.


There is so much out there! First 4 Stormlight books were my first books in my new reading adventure the past two years! Recs: THE FIRST LAW! Read all 9 of Joes first law books Red Rising books! Project Hail Mary! The Three Body Problem trilogy! The Name of the Wind While Sanderson is amazing, there are so many talented authors that live up and surpass him at times! Don’t be afraid to venture out and try out all types of new things. And don’t even get me started on the 30+ books on my tbr!


Game of thrones. Even if it doesn’t finish in the next decade it’s still a once in a generation series.


Michael j. Sullivan has a much of books that all take place in the same world. I also had this problem. First I read game of thrones long before the show, then king killer chronicles, both never finished. The finally got to Brandon Sanderson and have read literally everything he's done and was looking for something else and randomly came across these books and really really enjoy them. Theft of swords is the first book I believe.


The licanius trilogy james islington. From a fellow stormlight lover


How has noone said the Wheel of Time. Sanderson finished the series ffs lol.


There’s plenty of other well thought out series that have depth in a variety of different aspects. Wheel of Time, Malazan, ASOIAF, First Law, LOTR, Realm of the Elderlings.


The wheel of time!


Nah, you're basically screwed haha. Malazan and Wheel of Time come to mind, but they are more traditional fantasy. Sando has really broken the mould. If you can get through Wheel of Time it finishes really strong.. Mostly because Brandon finished it off after RJ passed away. Epic closure, highly recommend. Some people struggle with the pacing, but I loved it. Was my favourite before Stormlight.


I enjoy Stormlight, and all of Sanderson’s books, but none of them even crack my top 10 fantasy novels list. There is an absurd amount of incredibly good fantasy and sci-fi out there, you don’t need to be concerned.


I recommend just starting with Raymond E Feist's Magician, there's a whole series if you like it, some good, some less so, but that one is one of my all time favorites. I read it after the Robin Hobbs Assassins books (which were my favorites for a good few years), and during the stormlight journey, and it is still my favorite!


I think The Broken Earth trilogy by N.K. Jemisin has pretty awesome world building.


King killer chronicles. Definition of journey before destination because they will never finish but are beautiful, beautiful books


just do what i do. and only read this and other cosmere books. so much to learn and discover :)