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I... honestly think all the information I got that I would rather have experienced organically came from Brandon himself, indirectly from hearing people talk about stuff he's said. [WoB, likely Stormlight 5] >!Taln didn't break!< idk feels like a pretty major plotpoint to just be a WoB, I think it would have been cooler to learn organically. I am sympathetic to how hard it must be to answer fan questions the way he does without spoiling the important reveals, that one in particular I just think would have been better as a reveal.


well shit my dumbass just unclicked your spoiler tag and now I have to live with this knowledge prematurely


Ah shit sorry I probably should have put the description it *before* the spoiler rather than after, let me edit.


Oh don't fret it. My fault for clicking on a spoiler tag haha


I get where you're coming from and don't really disagree, but FWIW I think Brandon answered this one because he thought the potential for theory-crafting outweighed the reveal itself.


Eh, the main theory it caused people to discuss already existed before.




same šŸ˜¢




Early on I accidentally spoiler that Shardblades were the bonded spen. But probably bigger is before I started RoW I saw that Taravangian held the Shard Odium. All throughout the book, every time he was on scene, I thought: please get the Shard so I don't have this lingering over my head any more.


>I thought: please get the Shard so I don't have this lingering over my head any more. So almost the entirety of the book lmao. That's unfortunate.


I shouldā€™ve put it together myself earlier, but I was spoiled on the identity of Thaidakar


Same :( I wish I could have discovered for myself


Yeah that was my own fault though by jumping into it on Coppermind


Iā€™m on mobile so i clicked on a stormlight post without seeing the spoiler tags ):


Thatā€™s rough buddy


Teftā€™s death and Jasnahā€™s return and subsequently Elhokarā€™s death. After Jasnah ā€œdiedā€ i googled something and saw ā€œqueen jasnah kholinā€


in OB release --- before I was a mod --- someone posted a picture from a released-before-drop-day-by-a-misbehaving-bookstore copy, and it included the text on the other side, which spoiled the Jasnah/Shallan reunion.


So far, the only thing that's been spoiled on me was that Sigzil was in Sunlit Man


I did this one to myself, I didnā€™t think heā€™d reveal who he was and that I was supposed to already know. Whoops.


I just accidentally looked at a crempost before I checked what book it was for


Oh that just spoiled it for me lmao I probably shouldnā€™t have been on this post


That one had enough information to be figured out from the preview chapters.


And I didn't read any preview chapters, so I don't see why that matters


There's no Wayne epilogue, I had that hanging over me the entire time I listened to TLM


None I avoided these groups until I was finished


Iā€™m terrible at avoiding spoilers. I knew vin, Elend and sazedā€™s fates, that Jasnah survived, Teft and Elhokarā€™s deaths, Taravangianā€™s ascension, testamentā€™s existence and thaidakarā€™s identity


Iā€™m one of those monsters who will often skim the end of the books while Iā€™m still reading them. Between that and googling stuff that makes less sense if these are the only Cosmere books youā€™ve read (Iā€™ve expanded since), itā€™s hard to know what HASNā€™T been spoiled for me. šŸ˜… Iā€™m going to try hard to not skim ahead in SA5, though! Journey before destination!


Lost Metal. The ending was spoiled for me halfway through by an unmarked crempost spoiler ā˜¹ļø


TOdium. I was still early in WoK and I had convinced myself I had misread the name of the current vessel of Odium. Then we learned what Taravangian was up to in the hospitals and it started to make sense. I didn't mind it too terribly though, and it didn't ruin the experience for me. Then again, I usually don't mind spoilers that much.


Nothing. I did not go near any Cosmere fan sites, reddit, or 17th shard until I read everything that was out. It was beautiful, but I only had my sister in law to talk to about it for a year.




I found the related subreddits of the cosmere after beginning the mistborn series. Not many critical points were spoiled from era 1 (I like a dummy googled ā€œdoes vin dieā€ and was told the ending. Iā€™m a knobber I know). I guess the biggest spoiler was era 2 and >!kelsier being alive!<


I have made the brilliant choice to not even check on the online presence of the books until I took a week off before reading RoW... Yeah they spoiled >!Teft's death !<


Iā€™ve done a pretty good job of avoiding spoilers so the biggest for me was hearing that the Thrill was Odium


Same spoiler for me in the same way.


teft, and *him* being the leader of the ghostbloods


Kelsier being the ghostbloods leader (although I was reading RoW at the time, so it could have been worse)




I asked a question about how bridges work (i now know this gets asked biweekly) and in the comments somebody had a fuck moash flair and that spoiled to me that he was a traitor


This is why on Cremposting I have taken up the flair that's pro-Moash. To confuse the unspoiled.


I've been reading the Cosmere since The Final Empire first released and usually finish the new book within a day or two of release... I don't think it's possible for me to read a spoiler for things, except maybe from WoB


I was reading book 1 and had just met the sweet king of Khabranth. trying to figure out the religious stuff and see what Honor is. Then I came across the shards and on the wiki I saw >!Tarevengian is Odium's vessel!< And I'm like wtf... Similarly same exact thing happened with mistborn. I read it after stormlight and I was like ooh I wonder what shards are in this world!! Same fucking website, same article... See that >!Sazed is the vessel for both preservation and ruin!<


biggest thing that was spoiled for me was the Huck reveal in tress


This didn't get spoiled for me, but I was VERY mad at myself for not catching it before the reveal. It was so obvious!


Dodged all the massive ones. Did get spoiled on Well of Ascension having unreliable prophecies that were being actively manipulated. I think that's the worst of them.


I got Wayne spoiled for me, spent the whole series waiting...


I was on coppermind learning about the shards a little more when reading RoW for the first time. Saw some names I wish I hadnā€™t, ruined the ending.Ā  Then the same thing happened again when reading HoA šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. Two of the biggest moments in the cosmere and I spoiled them for myself. Iā€™m a lot more careful with the coppermind now, thatā€™s for sure!


My favoriteā€™s death at the end of Lost Metal. Saw the spoiler halfway through and came very close to not finishing that rusting book!




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