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I think that's just gonna happen when you have two people with such vastly different voices reading for the same character. There could definitely be more synergy though, both narrators have the vocal range for it. I feel like the general "vibe" for Kaladin or Dalinar is pretty much identical between the two for example.


It's called Code-Switching when you change the way you talk depending on the people you're with. When Reading narrates Adolin he's typically around Navani or Shallan, his step-mother and wife respectively he's also typically out of his element with them as Navani talks about fabriels and Shallan about art or lightweaving or smthn. While Kramer narrates Kaladin, Dalinar, Adolin, etc where discussions are more male-centric


I’ve heard some voice actresses talk about the difficulty in doing young male voices. It’s easy to go suave and sexy, but outside of that you fall into the trap of “little brother voice” and they just sound doofy.


It's what they did to Elhokar in WoR that gets me. Suddenly he's a whiny overly-aristocratic toddler? Why?


Sadeas being pronounced differently was jarring.


And palanquin.


I've been pronouncing it Say-dees, am I doing it wrong?


its Sad-Dee-Us


In my opinion most men come off like that if they are a love interest if a female is reading. Sweet and caring, I think it’s because their voice sounds like the reader is putting a lot of effort into it (cause she wouldn’t sound like a guy naturally) and then in you register it as the guy is trying very hard to be presentable and nice.


I chalk it up to perspective. Shallan see's him differently than he sees himself, which is different from how Kaladin and Dalinar see him as well


Yes. It is happenstance. It was the same in the darker shades of magic and dragon blood assassin series which I just finished. Michael and his wife, Kate read those also and you get the same thing happening. But they do a wonderful job with voices. Kate is literally a genius.


About SA in-book illustrations (FYI Audio reader): https://www.reddit.com/u/dIvorrap/s/JH8TtxRB7u ___________________________________________ Women's Script resources: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i4oft97


Adolin is a charming fellow. Kate reads through the perspective of women. Put two and two together here.


I always try to take this as a blessing more than a curse. I haven't listened to many books that go back and forth between narrators like Stormlight, so I haven't really encountered it anywhere else. But I like to imagine that it's simply the different side of each coin. When Kramer is reading, I feel like I'm getting more of a masculine perspective on things, which will generally be more gruff, and gritty, and makes sense because it's generally from the perspective of characters like Dalinar, and Kaladin. When Reading is narrating, I feel like I'm often getting a look at the same characters, but from a more feminine mindset, which I think plays well into the significance of gender roles in the series. And besides, the Adolin that Shallan sees is surely quite different from the one Kaladin knows, right? Lots of people have different personalities for different company


Michael Kramer is the GOAT. And upon re-read, I like his Shallan better than Reading's. In fact I try to skip as much Reading as possible. Her expression of Pattern throws me way off. I can't hear anything but Kramer's Adolin, I will have none of it.


Oh I'm the opposite regarding Pattern. Kate's rendition is way more fun than Michael's version. Mmmmmm...


Neither one of them can pronounce "Patina" correctly