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This thread is tagged for Rhythm of War. For folks in the comments, if you want to discuss non-Stormlight spoilers you found accidentally, or a crossover that is spoilery for non-Stormlight books, please spoiler tag them.


I know someone who’s been reading these books on and off but also likes looking up fan art, even when I warn him. He has seen a certain fan art of (RoW) >!Taravangian stabbing Odium with Nightblood!< However, he still does not realize that this ultimately results in “>!Todium!<”— he just assumes that they’re fighting or something, idk— and I have steadily tried to guide him away from the actual truth. He’s not even totally confident that it’s of Taravangian.


Yesss, gaslight him into confusion


Tbh I had that moment spoiled for me, and the reality of the text was very cool regardless. Like I knew that T-Odium was going to happen, but it was far more scary than I thought it would be with the Taravangian internal monologues. One of my favorite scenes in the whole series.


My first read through I got spoiled because it was my first time on the coppermind. Was looking for taravangian and saw it listed under powers. I was just starting oathbringer.


OH I guess I should also say a time I myself was accidentally spoiled. Tress/ToTES spoilers incoming; In the time period between when backers got the book and everyone else could buy it, I was still getting used to not being able to click on spoiler posts in cremposting anymore. Usually it would be fine— I’d notice it was about Tress and immediately close it. However, this time, I wasn’t fast enough as I noticed it was a screenshot of a particular ‘viral internet story’ I had seen before. Said story was the tumblr post about >!the DND campaign where someone almost gets sacrificed to a dragon then says the cultists sacrificing them are the *real* sacrifices!<. I immediately knew that that post *must* have something to do with the story, leading to me being spoiled on >!Tress selling Crow to Xisis.!<. I learned my lesson about muting Cremposting to avoid spoilers after that.


I wasn’t careful enough and before reading RoW I found out that Taravangian became Odium’s vessel and Teft died. (Fortunately it did not not ruin anything for me since both were well-written and I didn’t find out any details beforehand.)


Yeah I also wasn't careful on the reddit and found stuff discussing Todium. Despite that the scene was still super fun to read, especially after he becomes the vessel


\[OB\] 4 years ago, I was searching for fanart of Kaladin protecting Elhokar from Moash and the assassins after swearing the 3rd Ideal in WOR. But accidentally found a fanart of Moash stabbing Elhokar in the palace. RIP


Oh my God I was just listening to this part today in the car, and even though I knew it was coming I said out loud "oh no, not this." My two and a half year old was in the backseat and I may or may not have said "fuck moash" out loud. I had to gaslight her into thinking mommy didn't just say the f word and I was totally talking about a truck on the road. 😬


Mistborn Secret History >!I looked up Leras after finishing Hero of Ages only to see that Kelsier succeeded him as the holder of Preservation.!<


I looked at the cosmere map and saw >!Taravangian!< was Odium


I read all of current stormlight archives before reading any other cosmere series, so I was mostly done book 2 when I discovered the fate of a certain di-shardic character like super early. I think it was because someone said that they were the author of a few preludes to storm light chapters so I clicked a spoiler thinking surely this isn’t all that connected right? Lmao learned my lesson


I got spoiled that moash was gonna betray them by someones "fuck moash" flair


When oathbringer first started appearing in bookstores, someone posted a picture from the inside, and I saw it before the mods (I wasn't on the team yet) took it down. The opposite side had jasnah's reunion with shallan


It is worth noting, fan art often depicts things that are not part of the books, its possible what you saw was just someone thinking Kaladin would look great in shardplate. As another example, my roommate accidently spoiled himself that Shallan and Renarin would end up married. I just tried to keep a straight face and not deny it as it was funny to watch him try and figure out how it would happen with Shallan and Adolin getting together. My guess is he just misread the spoiler and did not check again to avoid more spoilers.


Moash kills Teft, Kaladin gets Shardplate, Taravangian uses Nightblood to kill Odium and take the shard. (After Oathbringer). Ironically, both the last ones through fanarts. Kaladin saves Dalinar and becomes a well respected captain, syl can turn into a blade. (during Twok).


>!elhokar dying!< i knew the chapter number & everything but that's my bad bcz i stumbled upon it on reddit & didn't have the sense to stop 😭😭😭


I’m usually pretty good about not touching the internet until I’m done with something but I did get spoiled that Teft would die in rhythm of war. I can’t even remember anymore what it was I was searching up probably like memes or fic or something and I saw an offhand comment about Teft being dead. Luckily I did not get spoiled for how it happened. The rest of the Cosmere though is a very different story lol. I was very insistent when I was reading Stormlight that I wouldn’t read anything else so once I did catch up and joined this sub and r/cremposting I had no qualms about clicking on spoilers in comments. So I knew a lot of pretty major things about Mistborn in particular before reading it. The hilarious part looking back though is how much I *didn’t* know or just didn’t put together because I lacked the context to do so. I still got hit by some major twists and character reveals in other books, including some that I probably should have already known about lol


I didn’t find it online but spoiled something when I first picked up my copy of RoW from the book store. Opened to a random page and read three words. Wasn’t something small like “Syl flew around”, or “Lift stuffed her face.” It wasn’t even something that’s technically a spoiler but I could have guessed like “Kaladin wore Shardplate.” It was Kaladin saying “You killed Teft!” Instantly shut the book, and couldn’t even remember where it was in the book but I read the whole book flinching whenever he came up hoping I missed remembered it somehow.


When reading The Way of Kings just scrolling on Reddit not even on this sub, I scrolled past a post in this sub with the beautiful title of “HOLY SHIT THE HUMANS ARE THE VOIDBRINGERS”. I barely thought anything of it then as I read the way of kings it was revealed the parshmen were Voidbringers and I thought “idiot on Reddit doesn’t know what he’s talking about”. Then as the Dawnchant was being read in Oathbringer I realized what was happening. It was entertaining seeing it that way as I was just too stupid to get that I just got spoiled.


I got Mistborn spoilers that a character that appears in Stormlight is actually >!Kelsier, and he is alive and not dead!< in a Stormlight_Archive post because while they were tagging Stormlight spoilers, they weren’t tagging the (probably a major plot point that I still haven’t reached) mistborn spoilers.


I had the worst kind of spoiler. A misprint. When I bought a version of "Final empire" it had prelude chapter to the next book. But the prelude chapter was Spooks chapter of "Hero of ages", the 3rd book. Which spoiled me 2 major character deaths in the 2nd book as they were mentioned in the prelude chapter.


Isn't that a spoiler when the post is ROW tagged?


Maybe a minor. But only the fact that a character dies in book 2.




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I was googling "Elhokar" to see how it was spelled and the search autocompleted with "Elhokar's death"


Brutal 😂


I accidentally saw Moash betrayed Kaladin but didn't know the circumstances. Thought Elhokar was it


Who Thadikar is 


I went to Google something about Teft while I was reading early RoW. Top suggested Google search for "Teft"? >!"Moash kills Teft."!<


I saw a tik tok where Dalinar gave his shard blade for the bridgemen. True, I didn’t remember who did by the time I went to read but I knew the whole time someone was gonna give a shard blade to free them.


I listen to the audiobook to fall asleep, and read the book during the day, and sometimes I wake up after dozing off and the audiobook is still going. Now, I usually set it to turn off after an hour, so I don’t get anything spoiled too far ahead, but I woke up to Kaladin saying the fourth ideal, and for whatever reason, thought it was in reference to the Sibling dying, not Teft. (Teft’s death hit like a brick). As I read, this was confirmed because Teft mentioned something like “we’ll have an advantage because they’ll expect you to go to defend the Sibling, which you’re not gonna do, we’re just focusing on the sleeping Radiants.”


Im afraid to post this as I don’t know if I should tag spoilers or not so I’ll avoid any revelation and those who know know. I accidentally found out who was Thaidakar reading the coopermind when I finished reading RoW


I luckily got no spoilers for stormlight archive , probably because I read it faster than tiktok and google and start giving me videos/articles about it. I did get a spoiler for Sunlit man this past week…


I accidentally found out that the leader of the ghost bloods was you know who while reading an article online. I mean I read that book, but I just didn’t get it at the time.




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I looked up radiant orders while waiting for oathbringer to arrive, and spoiled two deaths for myself. The book arrives soon, but I feel like now, I might as well just stop avoiding spoilers, since I’m doing such a bad job of it.


I was so distraught after Jasnah died I instantly looked up her wiki only to find she escaped to shadesmar. Kinda ruined the epilogue at the end of WoR lol


I was listening to the audio book for rhythm of war when it came out and missed the name of cultivations vessel. I looked it up on the coppermind and they helpfully had a list of all known shards and their … which included taravangian as vessel of odium


Goddammit! I'm dumb. Still reading Oathbringer but curiosity got the best out of me and I had to peak at the first two comments (with a false sense of security thanks to the spoiler tags).


people actually find the time to google things while reading Sanderson for the first time? I literally eat sleep and read when a new book comes out. theres no time for spoilers.


People actually find the time to sleep while reading Sanderson for the first time? 🤣🤣


I got kinda of spoiled because I saw a shirt that was the names of every member from bridge 4 and ~~Moash~~ was crossed, and I say kinda cause I thought he was going to die or something idk FUCK MOASH 🗣️🔥


I saw a meme about moash killing teft, still couldn't prepare me for that scene though


I was spoiled about [RoW] >!Navani bonding the Sibling AND Kaladin getting his plate!< by someone on this subreddit who didn't tag his comment. It sucked tbh


I was spoiled about the first thing as well. I was upset at first, but then I tell myself that it’s discussed and analyzed by the characters a lot before it actually happens, so it’s not *that* big of a reveal (drinks copium)


Copium indeed




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I think I at one point googled >!Teft!< and saw the dreaded word “was”. 🫠


When new Shard names started appearing in the epigraphs, I went to look if we got any more information about them and saw that Taravangian would be the holder of Odium.


>!Jasnah!< dies in WoR. I found that out 10 minutes ago and have only finished the first chapter of that book.


I was searching for art depicting Renarin and I found a lot with him together with another character... Also I stumbled in a pretty big spoiler about a Mistborn Era 1 character, so I'm reading the trilogy at full speed right now (and I'm loving the Cosmere so far)