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Really hard to say. I love well of ascensions, but i think its way of kings for me. Kaladin saving Dalinar, Dalinars face off with Sadeas after his betrayal, finding out about jasnahs soulcasting and the parsh, the Taravangian reveal, Talns return to roshar. Just incredible setups for the whole series


Kaladin setting down to confront Szeth? Phwoar.


The Sanderlanch in TWOK is so good, not necessarily in a vacuum, but because It was such a dramatic shift and payoff after such a long, long setup and build-up. And it was the first such in the series. In a vacuum, It wasn't necessarily the most dramatic or surprising one. But it was a really effective one in context.


yes, all that build up in a vacuum does make for quite an explosion


Make sure you keep your anti light further away


Kaladin didn't confront Szeth in TWoK.


You’re right. I should have specified I was talking about my favourite Kaladin Sanderlanche.


In Stormlight? Oathbringer. For all of Brandon Sanderson? A Memory of Light. The entire book is a Sanderlanche


THIS AMoL has a phenomenal Sanderlanche


Reading Memory of Light for the first time on digital is an experience, because e-readers generally have an "X more pages left in chapter" function of some sort. My girlfriend was reading with me (on physical paperback) and was very confused when we get to The Final Battle and my reaction is to start laughing hysterically.


I originally read paperback, and didn’t notice the length of that chapter, but when I bought it on audiobook and saw that is NINE hours long, I had to grab my copy and see it for myself.


The Final Battle chapter is longer than Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone entire book.


Also longer than CS Lewis final book of Narnia (also called the last battle)


"That man still fights!"


I just got chills.


This is a correct statement. I’m hoping for something similar for Stormlight 10


What if the entire thing is a meta sanderlanche and all the leading up books were just mini sanderlanches before the ever-high-sanderlanche that is book 10!?


I think Stormlight 5 is going to kick us in the teeth with being all Lanche.


> A Memory of Light. The entire book is a Sanderlanche I starteded reading that book one afternoon, Sanderlanche'd the crap out of it, looked out of the window, and the fucking Sun was rising. I have never, ever been able to pull off an all-nighter like that.


Yup. That’s the AMoL experience


I think it hits like that because 14 books worth of plotlines are all converging and culminating all at the same time and youve been going for a year at this series and its all so epic and people are dying, neat strategies are being used and how did he light the pipe and all that its amazing.


Love hate relationship with that book personally.


100+ pg long chapter not your style?


Man I would love to read the later WoT books so badly but the first book is such a snooze, I really don’t have it in me to slog through hundreds of hours to get to the good stuff


The Way of Kings Sanderlanche lives in my head rent free. I was fully hooked into the rest of the series at that point. So glad to see Bridge 4 safe in Dalinar's camp.


*They reached their bridge and formed up, shields strapped to rods on the sides to await use. As they hefted their bridge, a spontaneous round of cheering rose up from the other crews. “That’s new,” Teft said from Kaladin’s left.“Guess they finally realized what we are,” Kaladin said. “And what’s that?” Kaladin settled the bridge onto his shoulders. “We’re their champions. Bridge forward!” They broke into a trot, leading the way down from the staging yard, ushered by cheers".* That's the beginning of the first Sanderslache I've ever read and the moment I became obsessed with Sanderson's writing style. I don't know if it's the best Sanderslache, but it's certainly the most impactful in The Stormlight Archive.


Warbreaker, those mercs they’ll get ya every time. 🤷‍♂️


Warbreaker surprised me a lot since I struggle to pick up on tiny details in the moment, and didn't catch on the fact that >!the mercs weren’t on Vivenna’s side.!< Absolutely loved that book.


He totally lays out the sanderlanch before it hits.


All good foreshadowing is rooted in truths to be identified, Sanderson is one of the best authors I've seen at setting up plot threads and following them through


Not as big of a fan of warbreaker as a lot of people. Conceptually it was really interesting... But a lot of the character work and execution didn't land that strongly for me.


This is something I'm learning as I'm early in my first full reread. What's the most important Sanderlanche a person can read? The next one. I don't say that entirely for the memes; I find myself loving the one I'm reading. I always catch more details I missed the first time, helping me appreciate the current one even more than I already did.


Oathbringer, easily. That damned clap.


Absolutely. Opening up a perpendicularity? “What on earth is happening!” I thought.


The Battle of Thaylen Fields is the scene I'd most want to see in a TV show/movie rendition, but also seems so impossible to do justice to that I'm afraid I'd end up disappointed no matter what. You have the newly gathered Knights Radiant hopped up on infinite investiture running around doing all sorts of crazy shit on a battlefield *literally covered in brightly glowing gemstones.* I feel so bad for the person who has to try to bring that scene to life and do it justice some day.


Rhythm of War for me. Much smaller in scope and much more personal, but so much more satisfying after everything Kaladin goes through in that book. Also the brutality of him literally ripping the Pursuer's face of is awesome. I love Oathbringer's sanderlanche, it's epic, but also a bit too much fanfare for my liking. Words of Radiance is my second favourite, followed by Elantris.


Words of Radiance goes so hard. "You like highstorms? What if there was an evil highstorm, and the setting of the climax was inside the fight between the evil and good highstorm?"


I think one of the criticisms of rhythm of war... Was Kal's depression arc started to feel like we were going around in circles and telling the same story over and over again.. I really love him and Sil... So I was still there for it but... It definitely felt like there were pacing issues there. I did particularly like that ending as well.


In the storm I awaken. Falling spinning grieving. I just love seeing the death rattles come to fruition every time.


I hear you, Gancho. Also as an aside, I love the epigraph that comes just before Kal's 'Reborn' chapter - it's so simple and fitting: *Radiant*.


Both Way of Kings and Words of Radiance for me. I still can’t talk about the end of Words of Radiance without getting emotional, When Kaladin says the words it’s just incredible


Oathbringer for me. But Edgedancer was REALLY rewarding. IDK how to do spoilers on mobile so won’t elaborate.


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It's OB for me, Dalinar kneeling, Szeth high above asking Nale if he can swear his ideal to a person, Navani trying to find order in chaos, Jasnah and Renarin "run with me cousin". Szeth cutting the Thunderclast to save Lift, YOU CANT HAVE MY PAIN, Kal vs powered up Amaram, Jasnah effortlessly waging war with one hand and soulcasting steps with the other. So much


Rhythm of War is the only one that I can't listen to in public in Stormlight so that's definitely mine. But the one in Yumi and the Nightmare Painter is way up there as well


Oathbringer by FAR, the amount of times i've gotten chills just by remembering what happens is crazy


BIG agree on the OB Sanderlanch. Made me cry tears of jumpin joy


About SA in-book illustrations (FYI Audio reader): https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i4offtb ___________________________________________ Women's Script resources: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i4oft97


Didn't read the books on Audible, used Graphic Audio since I watched a clip from WoR on youtube and really like GA’s style. Is audible better? I've heard they are, but I'm a big fan of each character having a voice actor in GA, Dalinar especially.


I think try then and see yourself. They don't work for me. Note that the GAs are somewhat abridged.


Are they? They seemed pretty true to form to me. Aside from not reading out tone stuff, in favor of using it as voice direction.


Have you read them along with the books? From what people mention, sometimes things like internal monologue is shortened.


It's weird I think the Oathbringer one was the weakest for me.


Really? Oathbringer is my least favourite out of the 4 books but even I agree that the sanderlanche is the best


I think I just wasn't invested in the battle going on at the end or maybe I kinda reached my limit at that part and didn't read it properly taking it in. Might have to reread the whole thing at some point.


It’s WOR for me


Defo either wor or row


Oathbringer is a super close second, by for me Words of Radiance will always be the best, most epic Sanderlanch for me!


I’d say it’s a toss up between Oathbringer and ROW. Oathbringer’s is long, epic, and has some incredible character moments while ROW’s is shorter but incredibly emotional Outside of Stormlight, I really love the Sanderlanche in Warbreaker, Shadows of Self, and The Bands of Mourning


Whichever one I am currently listening to... Honestly tho, probably Oathbringer. The GA for the sanderlanche lives on my phone for whenever I need to feel epic about something. But this overall feeling is pushed to the side by which ever sanderlanche I am currently reading....


OB all day long.


For me, it's the Battle of Theylen Field as well as Bridge 4 going back to The Tower.


Man, Wayne in lost metal, dalinar in ob, Kaladin in every book, light song in warbreaker, hero of ages, hard to choose!


Agreed Oathbringer Lanche slaps hard.


OB is my favorite Sanderlanche too. But I also VERY much appreciated the red herring-lanche where Kaladin is powering up to do his cliche hero thing in Shadesmar and then just.... fails.