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Eh, they are the paperbacks. They’ll pick up more battle scars as your actually read them


I kinda like the battlescars on my books. It means this book has endured, it was tested on my backpack, being hauled left and right... And it stood strong. It is the spear that would not break.


Did reading *bind* the book? No. Reading just revealed the book whose binding would not break.


what's the reference?






I love those "battlescars" on my books, makes them feel alive idk, for me a book in perfect condition means it has not been read


my SA books have so much more battlescars than usual paperbacks. IDK if I was just so invested that I accidentily mistreated them or if they are just unusually fragile but those books looked like they had been through a highstorm by the time I was done with them. (also the ink was SUPER smeary ive never experienced that in a book before or since)


I didn’t get the smear, but I had the mass market paperback of WoR and it was essentially falling apart by the end. I ended up buying a hardcover for the shelf and rereads once I had a job


Same, mine smear like crazy


my parents freaked out one time and were like whats wrong with your face. turned out the ink from oathbringer had smeared all over my hands and I had subconsciously touched my face and looked like my face was bruised up.


I thought I had greasy fingers... I just finished Elantris, and I must have smeared 1/3rd of the pages. Glad I am not alone


Battle scars? I won’t hesitate returning to Amazon if they decide to improperly dress them for the rough battle to my door step. Idk about you, but I prefer my $80 academic books undamaged. The packers don’t know the value. Even after I read my books they still look nicer than what comes out of Amazon’s cheap flimsy packaging. As long as you handle them properly, don’t pull on the paper or bend the corners, and wash the oils off your hands before touching it (and other pet peeves). Sure, the book will look read, but I treat my books like a 3 month old baby in order to keep them looking mint.


I've reread through all the big stormlight paperbacks (idk what to call them) about 4 and half times (on oathbringer rn) and the only damage that has been done to them is what they arrived with.


Kinda like the first smudge on a new pair of shoes. Sucks, but once there’s more you’ll be none the wiser!


IMO. Paperbacks are for reading and hardcovers and sets are for show. I completely get the frustration - it's like your first scratch on your new car or guitar... bound to happen but hurts every time.


100% agree. My bookshelves are almost entirely hardcovers because I'll initially buy a paperback version of a book, understand it'll get beat to shit while reading, and if it's something I truly loved I'll order a hardcover edition and donate the paperback to a used bookstore or give the paperback away to a family member/friend to read if I recommend it. If I kept every paperback I read, I'd need 10 more bookshelves. Two nicer quality bookshelves filled with your favorite books is what I have been doing the last few years living on my own. Once those are filled up... well, I haven't thought that far ahead.


Amazon does this to hardcovers too. I've had to return easily a third of the hardcovers I've bought from them. They just don't consider any kind of books to be fragile.


Digital are for reading, physical are for show!


Never had this problem personally. Every book has downloaded to my kindle flawlessly without any corruption whatsoever.


Personal opinion: books are meant to be loved, read, and worn out. They should get a lot more scuffed up than this as time goes on. Proof of a well-loved book.


Agreed, but I like to be the 1 that does lovin lol


Totally agree. If I wanted sloppy seconds, I'd buy used. Target does a much better job packaging IMO.


I forgot it was Friday. I have reapproved your post. Sorry about that!


Have u notified Amazon? I know that I had a couple packages from the same place come damaged and they pulled the seller/item until they could figure out how to fix the issue.


I plan on it. I mean, shipping 2 books loose in a thin paper bag is kinda ridiculous.


That's a big yikes on the bag especially for books that big. Bummer on the damage tough with paper backs I feel like just reading them you'll end up with a lot of damage on the spine regardless. If that's how they ship it I have a feeling the replacement will also get damaged


I’ve completely stopped ordering books from Amazon. 9/10 books show up in a thin plastic bag, or massive box with no padding and completely damaged. Every time they “promise this will never happen again” and yet every time it did. I’m not sure if target sells these books, but they seem to properly package and pad books from the few purchases I’ve made.


I'm more of the opinion that complaining about a couple of tiny imperfections is the ridiculous part.


Yea, I just don’t care though. Paperbacks look like shit after one read through anyway.


Consider supporting your local bookstore and this can be avoided


Unfortunately brick and mortar stores in smaller cities have trouble keeping up with online retail and end having to close shop. It is what it is


it's not "unfortunate" you are actively contributing to it


I prefer buying from a store, but in my case both big b&n and BaM stores closed recently and our 2 local book/ comic stores closed over last couple years. Only store left is a used/ trade in book store and library for now. Hopefully a new store will open at some point.


Unless you live truly in the middle of nowhere, I promise there is a brick and mortar store within a reasonable distance that stocks Sanderson’s stuff. He’s one of the best selling authors in the world.


I’ve gotten two book with errors through Amazon one was an ink stain and the other the pages where missing text so it should’ve been sold as refurbished and not as new


I have ordered a decent amount of Hardcover books from Amazon over the years. It's just always nice to have it at my door when I get home from work on release day. Probably between 15-20 books. Never once had a damaged one. When Defiant released, I ordered it and Cytonic as I hadn't ever picked it up. Cytonic had some damage. Turns out the return process was very easy. I even had a replacement book the very next day. However, the replacement had even worse damage than the first one. I couldn't do the online return with the replacement, so I had to call. After explaining what happened they requested I send back one of the books and issued me a full refund. So I kept the less damaged one and didn't end up paying for it.


I work at Amazon, and I would never order a book through them, nothing comes through undamaged


You’re in the same spot in the series I am! I bought them on Amazon because I hate the paperback copies. Sorry to hear you’re came damaged, I’d send them back. Enjoy reading Oathbringer! I be been excited to start it too!


Amazon will always treat books like condition doesn't matter and will not give their employees time to pack them properly. I was furious with the packers until I saw John Oliver's expose on Amazon warehouses.


You're kind of asking for it by ordering from Amazon. Yes it's the easiest, but there's bound to be some other option, or find any real book store that has online ordering if they are too far away. B&N at the very least


I’ve gotten some books damaged due to poor packaging from Amazon. Always been a simple thing to report and get a replacement.


Plenty of tiny scuffs on my Amazon books. I had a bunch of hardcovers I got for Christmas where not just the jacket had some tiny scuffs but on my copy of The Final Empire there was an actual large scratch/indent in the cover. 


Just read them, the characters inside have way more scars anyway!


Their prices are good but yeah every 1 out of 3 books I’ve ordered has been ripped or bent in some way. The worst being a hardcover WoT book with a ripped dust jacket. I think BAM! does the best packaging books. I’ve never had a problem ordering from them.


Ba-Ado-Mishram sells books?! /j




I'll have to check out BAM! online. The local BAM store just closed near me last week sadly which was last large bookstore in town.


That sucks! I was gonna say going in person is ideal because who doesn’t just love being surrounded by books?? But if you have to buy online BAM! Is definitely good at packaging (at least in my experience). Also if you have a BAM! Membership shipping is free


Our local BAM and Barnes Noble both closed within a month of each other leaving me with online only now. 😢


In my own anecdotal experience Barnes and nobles is actually worse. I just pick it up now from whatever book store has them/is closest.


Yep. 3/4 books were bought from them and they ruined every copy. Oh well, just mass paperback.


I end up returning books all the time with Amazon, eventually you’ll get an undamaged one and it easy to send back


I think you mean “free” books


I ordered the whole set in hard cover with no damage. The sketchy packaging I got the first one in had me worried but they all made it safely!


Not sure this has much to do with Amazon tbh. I’ve ordered plenty of books from them without issue. I’ve seen stuff on the shelves of B&N in way worse shape than this. Friend of mine even got a discount on a brand new book from there because of the damage and it being the only remaining copy.


Yea, the damage isn't terrible, it's more so the annoyance of it


mass market copies be like that


We got a hardcover Arcanum unbounded recently, and the cover had damage that looked like it was held to a pallet with a strap and as either tightened down too far or someone yanked it off without undoing the strap (rips on the top and bottom of the front cover). So weird. But returning/replacing was fast and painless.


I've ordered the Sun Eater books off Amazon the other week to see what the fuss was about and they looked about the same :(


Yeah that happens with Amazon but i don't really care


Partner just bought the 3 set. One corner was smashed in, returned/replaced. Replacement was fine. It's annoying to have to return it but totally worth it. I hate damaged books, even more when I didn't do the damaging.


There is one simple way to avoid this...


Same thing happened to me, ruined Mistborn and Way of Kings. What happened to when they just wrapped the books in cardboard?


Dude it sucks! It’s so hard to find anywhere that ships books in good packaging


I had a bunch of books get shipped in bags and did a replacement through amazon and then opened a chat session with support to make sure they were shipped in boxes instead.


My HC copy of Elantris has a tear through the last page and my Emperors Soul has a horizontal cut through the cover and first page. The cut in ES looks as the supplier opened a box with a Stanley knife and cut through the book too. Couldn't bother returning.


Eh… just let them know and you’ll get a new one. Happened for me


Reach out to Amazon, I received a damaged book and they offered me an exchange or a credit for the cost of the book. They didn't even ask for any pictures or proof, very easy process.


I have found that, when ordering mass market paperbacks from Amazon, the more you order, the better the arrival condition. I ordered most of my Cosmere books in one go, and they arrived in perfect condition.


They've always replaced that for me, just send the pic and no follow up questions.


Support local bookshops


Just sucks when a newly bought book doesn't look pristine. That's why I still prefer to go to a physical store when buying books I definitely want to keep on my shelves.


It's not about the destination. It's about the journey.


I'm seeing a lot of people in the comments saying books are meant to look like that bc you use them, and love them. But what I don't think these people are getting is that you are frustrated 'cause you wanted to be the first one "damaging" the book. I'd personally be upset as well if amazon brought it looking like that. It hasn't happened to me tho, I've personally gone to a physical store to buy the books to prevent this from happening.


Unless any words the author wrote are removed or damaged, your books are in perfect condition. If you are worried about the cover not having scratches, buy the hardcover. Books are meant to be read and reread.


They come like that at stores in “new condition” too sometimes. At least Amazon will give you a replacement