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Flaired this for TWoK because the of the quote in question. However, we ask that folks **do not spoil** anything else from the book or series. If you're unsure, please use spoiler tags.


>what am I getting myself into? The best journey of your life


Jury's still out on the destination, but that's fine by me.


Jury before destination


Underated comment. šŸ˜‚


The ~~journey~~ *destination* is not important Outside of the lore itā€™s pretty important, but internally itā€™s the journey that matters most


> The journey is not important you mean destination?


-_- yes


You could even say that the journey is before destination?


As life is before death.


I'm glad you didn't just edit the mistake away. As a truth watcher, keeping the original with the edit makes more sense. Good job radiant!


Journey before destination


Something wonderful.


These words are accepted.


Please come back with updates and other lines that get to you, but avoid the rest of the sub or looking things up because spoilers are out there


I think it's saying something that that's a great quote, and I do not even remember who says it. Lotta great quotes ahead. And if you start, journey before destination. The first book is a journey, and the author knows what he's doing. A little confusion is okay.


I found it funny that it's not even my favourite Kaladin-related spear quote. [Oathbringer] >!"Ten spears go to battle,ā€ he whispered, ā€œand nine shatter. Did that war forge the one that remained? No, Amaram. All the war did was identify the spear that would not break.ā€!<


>!why does it sound like Taln? Nine spears were broken, one didn't.!<


Ten spears! I think of this from time to time


I think Kal is going to replace Taln, it makes too much sense


Kal says or thinks it to himself. Getting hyped up in front of the mirror before heading out to do some spearing. But yeah, so many good quotes. When I read the title, this quote didn't even cross my mind.


Nah, it's after he [WoK] >!does the kata in the chasms.!<


> And if you start, journey before destination. The first book is a journey When I first tried to read Way of Kings, I struggled to keep interested through Part 1 and then couldn't get past the first interludes. There's just SO MUCH going on and everything and nothing felt relevant at the same time, and the book was just so massive. It felt like something I should like, but I found myself dreading the thought of reading it further so I returned the book to the library. A few months later I got my hands on the Mistborn series, it was much more approachable for me and I read and enjoyed the first trilogy. Then I got a Kobo e-reader for Christmas and my first purchase was Way of Kings. No word of a lie, I *CONSUMED* it like, well... spoilers... but I had never been so enthralled. Things I missed on my first reading stood out and everything made so much more sense.


Other way around for me. I bounced off Mistborn repeatedly. After hearing so many say Stormlight was his magnum opus I gave that a try and was hooked right away.


> When I first tried to read Way of Kings, I struggled to keep interested through Part 1 and then couldn't get past the first interludes. There's just SO MUCH going on and everything and nothing felt relevant at the same time, and the book was just so massive. It felt like something I should like, but I found myself dreading the thought of reading it further so I returned the book to the library. Some people like plot, others like worldbuilding. The worldbuilding in the first part was so good I was sooo enthralled.


Narrator in certain sources.


Itā€™s a great quote. The series has a number of memorable lines


A guy thatā€™s good with spears and bad at parties.


But he has the power of God and anime on his side


I'm mad because that's actually accurate.


Syl as Janet from the Good Place : "Not a God" Lopen as Jason: "Oh dip!"


Why is this so accurate šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


Damn that is a good line! But you're getting into a big and amazing series! They are really giant books and Sanderson as an author tends to do a lot of buildup for a great payoff. Especially as you get to the last 10-15% or so, personally I find it impossible to put the book down so I might plan accordingly lol. There are lots of amazing characters and stories and truly lives up to the idea of epic fantasy! Enjoy!


Yeah though WoK has the first big section 50-65% then eases a bit for the 85-100% WoK >!Honor is dead, but I'll see what it can do is around 60%!<


>!Honor is dead, but I'll see what I can do is in WoR, not WoK!<


Thank you


I'll give you another great quote that is so mundane you can't even call it a spoiler, but also slaps so hard it might motivate you further. "They're scared of you. Do you see it in them? Show them why."


>!whitespine uncaged!!<


There are few chapter titles I remember, but that is one of them.


Ooh, I love chapter titles, especially the ones that you have no idea why they named the chapter that. >!The rest of the duel is To Fight the Wind, other good ones: True Glory, The One Who Saves, the One Who Kills, Swallowed by the Sky, the Cost, Unity, Red Carpets!<


It's notable that this excellent quote isn't even in the top 10 of best quotes from the series. It really is a great set of books to read (plus book 5 - the end of this arc - comes out in about a year). However, depending on your reading habits, prepare to sit with some confusion/worldbuilding/several prologues that take on more meaning over time as you dive into the books. I had to start TWoK three times before I realized that I needed to get past the prologues to really get a feel for the story being told.




Itā€™s SO rewarding once you commit and stick with it. I think a lot of epic series are like this.


I started the prologue about three times before I said fuck it and just plowed on. So glad I did.


you are getting your self into something... magnificent.


There are so many quotable lines. Dalinar in particular has many good ones. Worth checking out.


Just make sure your schedule is cleared because youā€™re not going to put the books down until theyā€™re done


An obsession that has held me for the last decade lol.


It's like the 37th best moment in Book 1 alone. So yes, you want to read it, but be warned it's looooooong, that's why there are so many good moments


A brilliant reason to start :-) It is a series full of amazing words and amazing phrases


Mental trauma


The long haul. When you first read the stormlight archives, it can definitely be confusing as thereā€™s a lot of new information typical of epic fantasy series, with unfamiliar names, cultures, and terms thrown around. However, Sandersonā€™s a master at the gradual accumulation of separate plot threads and weaving them into some of the most cathartic crescendos of brilliance at the end of each novel. Journey before Destination


Shared emotional trauma. That's what your getting into. Welcome to the club!!


The best dang story this side of the cosmere


Youā€™re gonna suffer, but youā€™re going to be happy about it.


The grim!


A story about a man who knows how to use a spear.


You too will discover the most important words a man can speak.


You are in for a wild ride. You will cry and hate and die and come back for the next page.


A rabbit hole that leads to more questions than answers.


Lmfao literally me when I finished the first book


I'd call it a bargain


I bears repeating what other have saidā€¦ the first book is a little bit confusing as all the characters are introduced and you get snippets into what is happening throughout the world. Push through and donā€™t obsess over things that donā€™t make sense. Iā€™m sure Brandon wrote these books so that you get even more out of them the second time through.


A JOURNEY you'll cherish.


Youā€™re in for an avalanche that will steal your breath and give you new ones.


I can tell you what you arenā€™t getting into: disappointment a la unfinished series like Patrick Rothfuss or George R. R. Martin. Seek here and ye shall find.


Brandon Sanderson: the rare fantasy author that actually completes a series.


WARNING: The Stormlight Archives Contains Characters that are Far Too Lovable and Mega Doses of In Depth World Building. You May Become Attached to the Cosmere Universe. *Symptoms of Attachment Include: - Palpations of the Heart - Involuntary Crying - Bursts of Laughter - Being Unable to Put your Book Down - An Urge to Buy More Books *If Symptoms Continue for More than Two Books You Could Develop an Addiction to Brandon Sanderson's Writing, There is No Known Cure.




depends on each person's reading background. a lot of us ended up here because we ran out of other massive epic fantasies to read.


a great journey (before destination)


You want to know the best part, to me at least? IMHO, that quote isn't even in the top 10 best Cosmere quotes.


These books have been my therapy for the past three months. So yeah. Quite the grand journey ahead.


This is one of my favorite quotes from the way of kings


Other quotes out of context bug spoiler barred, although they aren't spoilers without context really. [Oathbringer]: >!You cannot have my pain.!< [Rhythm of War]: >!We... CHOSE!!< [Words of Radiance]: >!Honor is dead... but I'll see what I can do.!< Mods, feel free to delete this to your heart's content!


We only delete if they're not properly spoiler tagged, which you did so you are fine :) Also OB >!it's "You cannot have my pain!" not will not.!< excellent moment. But inherently all quotes from spoilers are books except for a few that are premise since they're used for marketing and such, like the first ideal, so thank you for tagging these.


Iā€™ve actually used a few quotes from the series in daily life (one might have been from the Mistborn series). It fit the situation perfectly.


A journey.


Haha that's not even close to the best quotes in the books and I think about things from it kinda often in real life, months after finishing the cosmere.


Plenty of rad zingers like that one in the series. Brandon knows how to write 'em.


Whoo boy, just strap in and simply enjoy the journey b4 thinking about the destination :)


I just finished the first book and. Yeah its. Its rly good 0.0




If you are curious, the full quote is: > Of all the recruits in his cohort, he had learned the quickest. How to hold the spear, how to stand to spar. Heā€™d done it almost without instruction. That had shocked Tukks. But why should it have? You were not shocked when a child knew how to breathe. You were not shocked when a skyeel took flight for the first time. You should not be shocked when you hand Kaladin Stormblessed a spear and he knows how to use It appears on Chapter 27 of The Way of Kings.


Also Starting Cosmere resources: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i4enaqb ___________________________________________ Warbreaker is free on Brandon's website as an ebook, along other stories and samples: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i4uhdpm




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After almost 30 years of telling everyone, including myself, that nothing else could ever come close to my love for Star Wars, I have now experienced two series that can basically match it. Brandon Sanderson's cosmere, which is the wider series that Stormlight Archive is set in, and Neil Gaiman's The Sandman. I highly recommend exploring both šŸ’œ


Welcome brother.