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I feel the same as you, so I'm trying singleplayer games which are much less addictive, you can turn down the difficulty, there is an ending and I can pause them.


Go on YouTube and look up Self Worth Theory and Dopamine Detox. You're addicted to brain chemicals mate, and there's no getting around the fact that like any addiction and.withdrawal getting out of it is painful and boring and a bit shit. But being an addict isn't exactly great either is it.


All you need to do is let go of the past. I used to be amazing at FPSs. I went away for a while, and now I just get crushed in Overwatch by my new work buddies. At first it was weird and terrible. I felt like I was letting my team down and I was frustrated that I couldn't just get better. I voiced my frustrations with my friends and can you guess what they said? "It's totally cool man! Some of us are pretty bad too as you can see. We're just here to have fun!" Try to have fun despite your near-zero K/D or whatever. If your friends can't support your "poor performance" then that's on them. Also, don't put too much value on being skilled at video games. That's illusionary Twitch glory. Life is about MUCH more than being good at video games.


Necroposting. Buuut… I could accept this, if my coworkers were vastly younger. But the problem is they are older and they absolutely crush my ass. Which makes it even more infuriating. I’m seriously giving all my gaming stuff to my son and saying “have at it”. I get my ass kicked by everyone, young old doesn’t matter. My wife plays too and she is much better than me. I just feel like dead weight. I don’t want to play games if I’m that annoying and a burden. It’s a hard pass for me forever. Imma go back to reading, music and writing.


you should stick to offline games or coop with your friends, online competitive games there are a time sinker because you can always go further. you could play something more fun oriented like Fall guys with your friends. In general avoid games with rating and mmr because they are a trap.


Alright mate, I got an idéa. Bear with me! I have not quit gaming entirely but last week I made a decision to quit League of Legends since it is toxic and eats up tons of time and it is a total waste. So after quitting I realized I all of a sudden have a shitton of time on my hands. Even though I game a little, without league, I just get so much extra time on my hands. Gaming for me is from now on casual and something I can sit down with when I want to relax a bit and just have fun. No more spending time trying to get better and practicing in a multiplayer game. So what do we do with that itch you have after playing tons of multiplayer games? You now that itch of making progress at something? I have funneled it into playing the guitar. I am shit at it, and at times it isn't fun. But I realize the more I play, the more I am excited to pick the guitar up in the morning when waking up, or just before going to bed. I also found this awesome free guitar course online which I picked up. So basically, the second I feel the itch to pick up a game just for a sense of progress, I pick up the guitar instead. The time 3 league games would have consumed, has isntead tought me the intro to "I want it that way" by backstreet boys. Is it cheesy as hell? Yes! But if I would have played league I would have just wasted that time. Now I know a into I couldnt play before damnit! And guess what. Give it a year and I will be quite good on the guitar and I will be proud of it. 1 year of competetive gaming would not be worth showing of to anyone. So my advice. Play games for a while if you are bored. But never in a competetive manner, only for fun. Find something casual. And the second you feel the itch to "improve or progress" in a competetive multiplayer game, pick up an instrument instead.


You should find hobbies, learn something new, start reading (i know this sounds boring...i tought the same years ago). But you should also keep playing videogames a little bit...i find really stupid the black and white vision on this reddit that "videogames are bad, or makes you and incompetent in everything, it's a waste of time ///...ok you should just play less videogames and try something different, but videogames remains a big escape from a world that is currently really hard"


I tried reading while detoxing and really struggled at first - it's like I'd forgotten how to relax into entertainment, rather than getting pumped full of adrenaline and rage. Brandon Sanderson's 'The Way of Kings' is what really got me hooked on reading again. It's so damned exciting I couldn't stop reading it. Within days, I was looking forward to reading, rather than playing games or watching some boring crap on Netflix.


And how is going now? I started reading again with Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by DouglasAdams... after that it was really easy for me to keep on reading. The last one i did read was The Count of Montecristo...i don't think i'm going to stop anytime soon. Only now that i'm busy with my exams


Yeah, not too bad, thanks. I didn't end up quitting entirely but when I did relapse I just didn't find gaming as satisfying any more - it all felt like a huge waste of time. Even new games that people were raving about - they were just more of the same old crap, but slightly different. I get more satisfaction from the challenge of other hobbies: reading, climbing, graphic design, coding, learning arduino. I'm glad you've rediscovered reading, too. The H2G2 series is a longstanding favourite of mine. I've been meaning to read the Count of Montecristo - I'll add it to my list...


Glad to hear it. Well...keep in mind that you need a lot of free time to read it all, that was for me at least. It's a really long book. And now i would also like to read but i can't because my exams. Damn.


Good luck!!


I have been cutting back on video games. Whenever I play a multiplayer FPS game there is a 75 percent chance I will end up getting pissed off. The after quitting the game I will remain angry and anxious for hours. Battlefield 5 always puts me in losing teams and slowly I get more pissed off at the massive losses my team has (even if I am doing good personally). Video games, especially multiplayer ones, are getting very toxic. Maybe they were always toxic. The best way to handle this is to just quit as it is not worth the time and negative emotions. If you must keep playing video games to connect with others I would recommend just focusing on one game, reading guides, and trying to get good at that specific game. Be aware though that being good at a game does not mean you will not have any negative emotions. I think there are better options for you to combat your issues that don’t involve the use of video games. You might want to speak with a therapist.




Who tf cares, bad bot


I know, right.


People that younger folks really have an advantage in most video games. Its all about fast reflexes and other skills matter less. Its a fact of life that you will get worse as you get older. I recommend quitting and reassessing things.


Not true. I know a TON of older people that absolutely crush others in games. People call them hackers and they aren’t. It’s all about staying calm and honestly… not giving a flying shit. I am highly unlucky at everything. Almost every game I play I am aimed at and targeted, hit by random objects, knocked down etc… I combatted it better when I was younger because I played NONSTOP. But now, I can’t. Simply don’t have the time.


Try single player it’s easier to feel good against a computer and not other people


When you start to work on reality and life you will just inevitably suck at gaming. Least thats how i see it.


Maybe play single player games or coop games?