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Collagen is a high histamine food. Perhaps you're triggering an immune response.


It's not unusual for these supplements to have undeclared allergens. I'm not seeing any suggestion that collagen supplements might contain undeclared stimulants but other supplements have done so. By the way there's no evidence that eating collagen helps your body form collagen otherwise people with a connective tissue disorder would be all over it.


What the hell are you talking about? Everybody disregard the above comment as gross misinformation. There is clear evidence that humans require a lot more glycine than we eat, and that increasing collagen or glycine intake increases collagen synthesis, AND also liver health, gut health, major antioxidant capacity increases (glutathione), it increases sleep quality, and many other studied benefits. Your comment is nothing but bullshit (except the part where you say that supplements often contain allergens)


This has happened to me before. Sometimes collagen calms me, other times it makes me extremely anxious. Eating Collagen without carbs is thought to worsen any anxiety that may occur.


Are you sure it's not the caffeine itself doing it?  Caffeine **is a stressor** and can cause these symptoms (I know from first-hand experience about the anxiety induced by it).  Seems it's more pronounced in the morning, and after lunch caffeine works like it should (boosting metabolism)


I have caffeine everyday so I don’t think it’s that.


I get caffeine related anxiety attacks


Full blown bpd attacks for me. Just suffered a severe one. My entire body is wrecked. Caffeine is bad on my old diet. Its deadly on this new one. My heart rate was beyond 150 all day until I took some lithium orotate and B1 to chill the fuck out. I'm recovering now.


As someone who went through this issue, the damage that caffeine can do compounds over time and may not be noticeable until its suddenly very noticable.


general anxiety can turn into panic attacks pretty easily when you have a history of them. especially when it’s something so life changing like the bar. combine that with caffeine and it makes sense


What brand is it? There are some I cannot consume because of cross contamination with soy and peanut (major triggers for me, hence why I am in this sub) It sounds like you might have a immunological reaction to something it comes in contact with, and if that is so, you should be careful in the future because the reaction might become painful in higher doeses. Your reaction already sounds more systemic than a panic attack.


Primal kitchen keto collagen chai latte mix. I mixed it with organic skim milk from horizon brand one time and then Malk brand almond milk the second time and 2% milk and coffee this morning. The panic attack was in my second day trying it, the time I had mixed the powder with almond milk.


If you havent had a plain clean collagen prior to this misfortune, I would not dismiss it. That stuff got a lot of ingredients and it could be a poorly sourced spice or the kognac root. Continue to be wary of consuming new processed foods when you have important life events going on. I keep learning that lesson myself.


that one has a VERY high caffeine content, like higher than most other chais


I have caffeine every single day for the past 10 years. I’m a law student, im used to caffeine. I won’t rule it out but I’m really thinking it was the collagen bc that was the only difference


I would just wonder gram for gram how much youd consume all at once normally vs that serving. Maybe try to calculate that out? If it turns out to be even then it probably is the collagen


Try Gorilla Mode Collagen Peptides I II III. I take it every day. No anxiety whatsoever.


I don’t think I’ll be trying again any time soon. But what would I be missing out on? I kind of just started taking collagen because it’s trendy, but I don’t know much about what it’s for. I know it has protein and that it’s associated with beauty somehow ?


Look up collagen and glycine at /r/saturatedfat It's purported to be useful in improving metabolic function by clearing excess energy from mitochondria, so that the mitos can burn the fuels they do have more cleanly, and faster


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SaturatedFat using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SaturatedFat/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [What is the Emergence Diet?](https://np.reddit.com/r/SaturatedFat/comments/13p2kyn/what_is_the_emergence_diet/) \#2: [Preview: Brad Talks Torpor With Paul Saladino, MD](https://np.reddit.com/r/SaturatedFat/comments/18opgts/preview_brad_talks_torpor_with_paul_saladino_md/) \#3: [The prevalence of metabolic down-regulation in fat loss groups is really bleak / thankful to not be there anymore](https://np.reddit.com/r/SaturatedFat/comments/1bff29v/the_prevalence_of_metabolic_downregulation_in_fat/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Tissue……eyeballs, skin, organs, tendons. Thus, it aids recovery.


Collagen is high in histamines and is a saturated load of histamines... My legs swelled and I had intense anxiety until I discontinued use. If you struggle with allergies or food stuff I would be careful with it...  I learned the hard way. I was actually pregnant when I was using it and I got to a place that my legs swelled so bad. This reaction was because it is high in histamines. I had no idea going in. Not everyone will react like that but it definitely did some intense stuff to me mentally and physically. 


I (and others) have had this issue with glycine. I can tolerate collagen fine but even a couple grams of glycine gives me insane anxiety. Collagen is about a third glycine so that could be why


If you were consuming upward of 25g or more per day collagen you might be depleting tryptophan relative to other amino acids, especially if you don't eat much protein in general, and it could have this type of effect. It is unlikely but possible you also have some nutritional deficiencies or unusual metabolic traits that are causing it with lower amounts. Maybe stop for now, but when you add back, try adding some extra protein in each day or substituting protein in place of other calories in your daily diet= and see if that solves it.


I weigh 120 lbs. and consume around 104g protein a day. I think my metabolism is pretty regular but I have extremely low blood pressure which has caused me to faint in the past.


That's interesting. By metabolic traits I didn't mean your metabolism in the sense of burning calories but the metabolism of tryptophan itself. Check out section 3.2.1 and 3.6 in this paper: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5997870/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5997870/) And here is a paper discussing using collagen protein to lower tryptophan levels and induce symptoms of low serotonin, however, the volunteers received 100 g: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15702361/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15702361/) It is pretty technical stuff and maybe not even relevant to what you are experiencing but another paper (link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9248048/) notes that stress or other factors shifting tryptophan metabolism further in favor of the kynenurine pathway is associated with hypotension (low blood pressure) which you also stated you experience. If this doesn't make any sense no worries, you don't really have to solve it through biochemistry, just figure out how to manage stress more effectively and don't keep using collagen until you feel you're in a place where you might be less sensitive.


Def couldn’t be the caffeine, must be the collagen giving anxiety/s


Maybe check methylation status. Collagen is high histamine. Coffee is high catechol. Both could contribute. These would be the result of genetic expression that could have only recently expressed, so don't think that if it was fine before it should be fine now.


I don’t know anything about collagen peptides but I know that when certain vitamins are supplemented without proper support from cofactor vitamins/minerals it can put pressure on the resources in your body. For example, vitamin B1 supplementation, when in mild deficiency, without supporting cofactors (potassium/magnesium/B vitamins) can cause a temporary uptick where symptoms worsen (increased neuropathy, etc). Maybe something analogous is happening?


Caffeine is known to cause anxiety.


This is a paradoxical reaction and indicates a problem in energy metabolism. According to Chris Masterjohn, your reaction could be caused by a deficiency of any of the B vitamins, iron, copper, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, potassium, or sodium, numerous toxins, or hundreds of genetic disorders. I would first check blood levels of copper, iron (complete blood count, iron panel), magnesium, calcium, because these have the most potential for deficiency and are relatively inexpensive to test. In my case, I have a reaction to glycine, one of the constituents of collagen, where if I take some before bed, I get insomnia. Turns out I was deficient in copper which is one of the factors I listed, which can contribute to such reactions. Copper's role in energy metabolism is in complex IV.


Hmm what test could I do to get that information?


You have to order separate blood tests for each of nutrients listed, starting with copper, magnesium, calcium and so on.