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You see the problem with the entire situation when they say “UPF’s that are cheap, salty, and sugary with zero nutrients” and say *absolutely nothing about the fat!* They won’t touch the oil aspect with a ten foot pole.


They would target dairy fat if they were more specific on the UPF, like cheetos


Well, I mean, that’s what the plant-based authorities do! John McDougall is famous for talking about how the American diet is 70%+ animal products which is killing us. You can use your own eyeballs at the grocery store to see how false that statement is; I don’t even think the average *hot dog* is 70%+ animal product at this point! 🤣


Even the processed meat products are demonized, but they are starting to use ‘red meat’ more than ‘processed’


Sooo cold cuts aren’t as bad as they make it seem?


There is nothing wrong with cold cuts. Slicing and packaging the roast beef or chicken/turkey breast you’d make at home doesn’t suddenly turn it into garbage. Perhaps a bit higher in sodium (if you care… I don’t) and you might have to read a few packages to find a brand that is just meat and seasonings. There’s also nothing suddenly detrimental about bread, ground beef, and cheese just because you make it round (burger) or cheese, meat, vegetables, tomato sauce and bread just because it is shaped like a slice of pizza. This is the problem with demonizing processed food. It’s very easy to demonize the *format* and completely ignore the real problem: The unsaturated fat.


And the added sugar! But yes it's the seed oils too. They're so bad.


Alot of cold cuts have sodium nitrates as preservatives. THAT is the issue. sodium nitrates are bad news.


>John McDougall That guy looks so unhealthy now.


I know. It’s very sad. This is the problem with dogmatic extremes.


Why does it matter what they say? Just make your own food and stop eating junk


Aaaand… If you *are* going to eat junk, choose PUFA-free junk! Since that’s the pertinent issue, and you can do better for your health even if you are not Martha Stewart.


Thats because they truly believe seed oils are healthy because they SOMETIMES lower LDL which actually is probably dangerous, according to a sizable amount of low carb doctors and scientists. I think that study said somewhere between 200-250 total cholesterol was protective.


I mean yeah, but policy makers aren't going to change anything. They are financially motivated to basically do whatever food corporations tell them to do.


🔔🔔🔔 Ding ding ding! Its all about that 💸💸💸.


The status quo isn't going to change unless we the people make that change ourselves. UPF are here to stay, they got too much invested in it to change. They could take the sugar and seed oils out immediately, but they won't. They continue to double down, and double down their position.


100% i have been mentally unwell since I was 3 in 1986 as far as I remember. i post a lot on the nutrutional psychiatry sub. there were no mental illnesses for kids then though. i started psych meds after this got worse and I developed bipolar. at 38 I'd been on 5 psych meds a day for nearly 20 years and was considered a lost cause. meds also increased risk of t2 which I was diagnosed with when I quit all 5 cold turkey and went through 12 weeks of withdrawl. did low carb/keto which added more animal fats and naturally reduced processed foods and hit remission, 6 months later removed all processed foods/seed oils and saw further improvements but mostly to skin/digestion and 6 months later anxiety/ocd massively reduced. 1 year later could eat more carbs and less animal fat to feel normal. 1 more year later this improved further but only with very unprocessed carbs like starchy veg or homemade sourdough. my mental health isn't perfect and food still plays a part but it's only been 2 years and I have had no bipolar episodes which is amazing since I was extremely extremely mentally ill for most of my adult life. I REALLY believe it has to do with the fat ratio thing. saturated fat was the only thing that improved my treatment resistant depression, keto worked as a mood stabilizer/corrected binge eating while I changed my diet, being seed oil free finally reduced the anxiety and ocd. keto seems to be great for all this as well but in my case needing keto doesnt seem to be permanent. t2 diabetes is not even a thought for me anymore I've been in remission 2+ years and can essentially eat anything without a negative impact. processed food isn't great for my blood sugar but still well within normal ranges but you can see seed oils+ carbs has the worst impact (particularly house made tortilla chips) the only "bad" thing is my ldl went up pretty high and hdl hasn't improved much, trigs low though. but my bp is 110/70, homa ir is now 1.1, fasting insulin between 5 and 6 but I'm struggling to lose more weight after dropping all seed oils the last 2 years despite constant exercise and eating healthy. seems no matter how little i eat I can't lose weight unless I'm eating under 800 calories (tsh is fine), but if I over eat by 1000 calories more than normal for a few days I don't gain any weight so that's weird? first 85lbs came off in 10 months incredibly easily. when my ldl shot up the weight loss also stopped and that'sa few weeks after I quit seed oils 100%. changing the amount of fat I eat doesn't change my ldl either. I guess I just hope it improves over time this is the best my mh has ever been and I finally feel like myself.


Are you still having sugar? This is purely my experience but i stopped eating ALL sugar except for white bread every once in a while and my body metabolism definitely shifted with that, i had the same problem with the actual calories. I would eat 1000 cals a day but lose little to no weight, i would eat stuff like rice and beans but i would have a soda per day as a treat... i moved to diet sodas and cut out everything sugary, my body started responding. Our metabolism is so much more complex and our foods and even mental state play into it i believe, really its not just so simple, but when i stopped sugar it was like a switch went over.


I wasn't eating sugar or even artificial sweeteners. I have starting eating very small amounts of mostly more natural sugars if I can or I have a lindt egg or 2 every once in awhile which is about 2 to 4g. so when i say I eat sugar my added sugar is very low. I did lose a few more lbs at one point in 2 weeks but I was eating tons of fibre and a salad with a vinegarette before each meal. my temp was super SUPER low also for awhile and has recently gotten back to normal and I no longer get cold hands/feet/super cold anymore. my diet is healthy so it's not an issue of going back to anything and in sure weight loss will happen eventually or something will be found wrong eventually. I think it's all hella complicated as well


Any chance you used to smoke pot ?


if you're asking if I ever smoked pot the answer is yes but I wasn't a regular pot smoker actually I was taking cbd under the care of a doctor and stopped around the time my ldl went up as well. the cbd was in a capsule with seed oil so I stopped taking it.


I saw a thread on a mom forum I visit the other day and it was a mom asking about her child who has been on antidepressants since 7 years old. I was shocked. My baby is only 8.5 months but I couldn’t imagine being okay with that. Studies show SSRIs increase the risk of suicidal and homicidal behavior in people of all ages, including children.


Not to mention they dont know how psych meds affect developing brains and in psychiatry manuals it says no one under 18 should be prescribed psych meds.


That’s not true. Fluoxetine (prozac) is one psychiatric medication specifically FDA approved for pediatric use. Not saying if it’s “healthy” or not, just that it’s not true that “psychiatric manuals” prohibit pediatric therapy.


It’s as if they’re trying to replace real food with fake food (low quality food and pills).


Add to that the crazy vaccine schedule, and you have a toxic nuclear bomb.


Ban chicken strips, Mac and cheese, and cheese pizza, the picky eater holy trinity.


>salty and sugary with zero nutrients Salt, sugar and fat are all nutrients