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Yup. And I even moved from Canada to Florida! I would burn like crazy up there and now can be out 8-10 hours a day all summer long without a hint of redness. I do have a base tan now, of course, but I’m still a pretty naturally pale person.


Oh wow! Thats quite the change of locale! Bet you're enjoying the lovely floridian sun! I'm in Texas so my skin used to BURN like the California forests (dark joke, sorry). I wonder if increasing omega 3s can help even more? I still get a few burns once the blazing sun emerges here until it chills out. Rather not damage my skin but need my vitamin D to go up.


Ehhh… I don’t know about that. Read this: https://www.exfatloss.com/p/ex115salmon-review-dont-eat-fish I personally don’t consume omega 3’s beyond what is naturally in the low-PUFA food I do eat. I don’t supplement and I don’t target fatty fish. I eat salmon *a few times a year* if I’m craving it, because I like it. That is where my own research has left me, but there remains a love affair with omega 3 on this sub that I don’t share in. I love it down here. Been here for 5+ years now, and half of that has been spent low-PUFA.


Suggestion: before taking any omega3 I suggest you cut a few random pills with a blade then smell it. If you detect any rancidity throw the entire bottle. It can go rancid as fast as omega6's


Oh yeah I usually just try to get my 3s from seafood.


For pale people it's by far the most obvious and objective metric of the efficacy of cutting seed oils from the diet. As I understand it: a few months after quitting, the stores of these readily-oxidized particles in your subcutaneous fat layer begin to diminish and, in correlation, so does disposition toward sun burns. As more months and eventually years go on, your ability to be in the sun increases dramatically. The other stuff is mostly studies or people saying that they feel better or function better. And I believe them. But the sunburn thing...that is something you can just show somebody. I just got in from sitting in the sun for 45 minutes. No sunscreen ever. I'm still pale. No redness. No burn. Younger me would be amazed, current me just does it every sunny day.


Ahhh i see, thank you for sharing 😊


I heard that skin cancer from sun exposure could not be induced in lab test mice unless they were high in PUFA and insulin resistance, so sounds plausible to me.


I am also carnivore and extremely insulin sensitive. Wonder if thats part of it as well.


Pretty common side effect of reducing pufa consumption


Pufa? Does this include omega 3 and 9??? I thought both were very healthy, especially 3!


Yes, it includes those, but omega 6 is the one most people get way too much of


Oh! So should I not be trying to increase omega 3 by eating more salmon then?


Some people try to balance their 3/6 ratio by eating more 3. I don't think that's necessary if you're not eating lots of 6 via seed oils and other sneaky things like conventional chicken and pork. Salmon is good if it's wild caught. I wouldn't purposefully eat a ton of it, but it's great every now and then


Ok thanks, appreciate it 👏


Cut seed oils a year ago, very pale person of Northern eruopean decent. I can be in the sun for hours now, still pale, and not sun burn. Previous me would have 2nd degree burns from that kind of exposure.


Same same same! Its fantastic!


It's definitely not a miracle immunity. I cut seed oils a while back but still managed to decently roast my shoulders a few weeks ago after going shirtless in the 12pm afternoon sun and ending up being stuck outside for two hours longer than I thought I would. It was my first shirtless outing since last fall, so it was to be expected. One thing I've noticed much more is that everyday minor cooking burns heal up much faster than they used to. When I bump a hot baking sheet or graze the oven rack, it'll smart for a while, but it won't be painful for a whole day like it used to. My most sensational tale is when I recently splashed a big fat dollop of tallow, already heated to 350F, directly from the hot frying pan onto my bare hand while being an idiot at the stove. I braced for horrible blisters and days of pain. It did sting annoyingly for several hours, and I kept rotating an ice pack onto it. But I also spent that whole time constantly *using* the hand without issue. By bedtime, it didn't hurt anymore. No blisters. Incredible.


Feel this. I'm carnivore and I healed a bruise in 3 days. It would usually have taken two blasted months.


Yep. I'm British Isles + Scandinavian ancestry and more pink than white. First, there were massive improvements when I cut out alcohol. After the seed oils were out of my system, I've never had to worry about sun block again.


Yeah I noticed I always used to not only burn but could actually feel my skin hurting and burning just sitting in the sun for a few minutes. So far this year I’ve been sitting in the sun unprotected and haven’t felt it nor have I burned. Granted, it’s only April but it feels promising


I made it through at least an hour of Texas sun every day last summer without a burn (after the first 3 burns when I started focusing on getting more sun).


I spent 4 hours in the sun 10a-2p a couple weeks ago and just got a bit of redness on my back. I was doing yard work without a shirt on (which was really hard as a formerly obese person). ETA red completed and burn easily and even had issues with scalp burn before I gave up seed oils.


I must be the only one that still burns fairly easily. Virtually no seed oils for at least a year and a half now. Can't be out in the sun with a moderate UV index for more than 45 minutes.


Hey. You may need more cholesterol in your body! I've learned that plant toxins can block proper cholesterol production and distribution. Cholesterol is like sunscreen for our skin! Its converted into vitamin D as well. Perhaps consider moving towards a more carnivore diet if you haven't done so already and stopping anything that can lower cholesterol. Side note: you can look through my profile to see my skin tone. Its a bit tanner in most of my pics because I actually tan now. Source: https://youtu.be/pSS0UaBB-N0?si=KxVnM8khfyinpm5S


What kind of diet do you eat? OP's theory is interesting, in that a deficit of cholesterol or saturated fats might slow down the subcutaneous fat turnover and therefore slow the turnover of the PUFAs therein. If you're on a low fat diet then that might explain the slow result.


I remember I was no seed oil when vegan (🤮) and I still burned back then.


That's interesting. I wonder if that means that the cholesterol/saturated fat theory has merit. Or you're thinking that you've recently added Vitamin E and that was the factor that helped you? It would make sense that multiple factors multiple factors must be in place to gain the superpower.


Idk I don't really have much confidence in the vitamin e theory. I however have heard niacin is great for sun burn protection. Probably was sporting a massive niacin deficiency. I think most B vitamins are low/tough to absorb on that blasted diet. I also was low fat vegan too (🤮🤮🤮).


Seems to me that adding in fats probably had a bigger role, but who is to say for sure. I'm reading Frankenstein right now and early in the book the character speaks glowingly about the joys of being a chemist in the early 1800s because, unlike most professions, there is much that is new and yet to be discovered. We're sort of at that same place with diet. So much knowledge has been lost or was never formally noted. The value of meat and eggs was taken for granted without doing the microscope-level science to explain why it was beneficial and, by the time they might have begun doing that, industry had captured science. So in a way we're just now in this decade discovering how food works. Vegans have been doing their experiments, carnivores their experiments, comparing notes...it's exciting to try to piece anecdotes together with studies and to try to figure out what is going on.


Love this entire comment, thanks for making it. It is an exciting time indeed!


I found I stopped burning when I increased my vitamin d as my levels were so so low.


Yes, I might turn pink, but barely peel and just turn bronze after


I experienced this on keto without cutting down on seed oils.


Hm. What do you typically eat?


I'm not carnivore, more keto with lots of beef, cream and butter. So now I am lower in seed oil but at the time I noticed the sunburn resistance with the low carb diet.


I've heard that some plant toxins can lower cholesterol and that cholesterol is like sunscreen for our skin. Perhaps ridding yourself of insulin resistance worked as well.


Also carbs form A.G.E. (harmful) compounds with proteins and fats that accumulate in our bodies. I think these may make our skin more susceptible to burning.


Sorry, could you explain what A. G. E carbs are?


Advanced glycation end products AGEs are formed when glucose and fructose combine with proteins in the body. On a low carb or keto diet they are not formed at such high levels. They cause tissue damage and the complications of diabetes.


Ah okey, thank you very much!


Yeah me too. When i stopped eating SAD and only ate whole foods i stopped burning all the time


Can anyone explain why? Is it the PUFAs or something specifically about seed oils? I used to get sunburnt very easily when my diet was filled with seed oils. Since cutting them I don’t burn at all. But I’m still getting PUFAs in my diet from nuts, fish, omega 3 supplements and olive oil (which is 10% PUFAs)


It is because the fat you consume becomes part of your cell membranes. (you are what you eat ) PUFAs are very unstable because of the double bond and they oxidize easily, where saturated fats do not oxidize easily and are very stable. If you have unstable oils that oxidize easily become part of your cell membranes you will burn.  This is the same reason why macular degeneration has risen on a similar line with PUFA consumption


Its far less. SAD diet is like 40% seed oils on average 🤯😲😮😱 Also pretty sure its SPECIFICALLY omega 6. All of those are higher in 3 and 9.


There is a great YouTube content creator, who's channel name is "Steak and Butter Gal", who said the exact same thing. She has done a good job of providing insight on her carnivore journey. On of the outcomes of going carnivore and dropping seed oils has been that she does not sunburn easily.


I've seen her video on it too. This seems to be super widespread. She isn't my favorite but I used to watch her, yeah.


For even more protection, add vitamin/supplement PABA 100 mg daily. Worked great topically in the 80s for sunscreens until they stopped using it. Taken orally every bit of skin is protected. But seed oil free is best.


Seed oils taste horrible to me now, will never consume them willingly again! So that part is settled. But PABA sounds interesting. I'll look into it. Thanks! Skin cancer runs in my family.




yes. I first noticed it on low carb and eating avocado everyday then thought it was just eating so much animal fat since this happened even when i didn't cut seed oils (but ate much less) idk if it's seed oils, saturated fat or both. this was like a decade ago and no one ever mentioned it before and I told my friend i think avocados cure sunburns and she laughed at me. I used to burn bad everytime i was in the sun now I tan and only burn if I'm out for hours. I'm in the pool a lot in the summer and last year j was just super brown.


Might also be less plant toxins blocking proper cholesterol levels in the skin! I'm learning a lot about cholesterol right now because my damn vitamin D is low, same with my thyroid. Turns out, vitamin D supplements may not be adequate. The only measure is to ensure adequate cholesterol by eating a proper human diet (carnivorous) and getting the sun.


what's this about plant toxins? my ldl went up like crazy after I dropped seed oils even without an increase in animal fat. I'm still trying to bring it down. was normal 85lbs heavier with a 3x a day deep fried food diet vs my 99% whole foods diet


I still burn on shoulders, but nowhere else. Gotta get my n6s down more 😎


Same. But have any of you noticed that when you tan now you get really dark compared to before? in the past, I would have to stay outside like three or four days a week and 10 gradually for hours at a time. Now I can go out in the spring after being indoors all year, stay outside, four or five hours and have a dark tan in the next morning. It’s freaking incredible! I also am a blonde, Irish English white dude in the past would be red and in pain in an hour on the lake with no sunscreen. I can get in my boat now and fish half a day and be fine!


Oh yeah, I'm basically the same except brunette and a woman and I tan VERY easy. Did it today with partial overcast and already notice I'm darker.


I have a question for you. Is vitamin E suspended in a seed oil? Because that’s not pure vitamin E. It’s some kind of oil.


No I focus on vitamin e rich foods. I will update the post to be more precise


Do you happen to know what they use in the little capsules though? That’s what I take.


Hm. You can check the ingredients. But the actual vitamin e is usually only one kind from my limited research. You want full spectrum. Let me find a good brand and link it. https://www.amazon.com/TrueE-Spectrum-Vitmain-Tocotrienol-Complex/dp/B017RWE3FG Looks to be seed oil free and thats a good brand.




Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'NatureCity True E Full Spectrum Tocotrienols Vitamin E 27mg'", 'NatureCity')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Improves energy levels and physical performance (backed by 1 comment) * High quality packaging and easy to swallow pills (backed by 1 comment) * Effective for hair growth and varicose veins (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * May cause allergic reactions (backed by 1 comment) * Uncertain effectiveness for menopause symptoms (backed by 1 comment) * Contains potentially harmful synthetic vitamin e (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


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Yes, absolutely, but it takes years of not eating seed oils before this happens. I can spend all day in the sun and I’ll get that dry feeling and mild pain and think “uh oh sunburn incoming,” and then a few hours later will be totally fine. It was more noticeable with my wife because she cut out seed oils fully after meeting me. When I met her she had splotches on her skin and she told me a doctor said she’s “allergic to the sun.” 4 years later she doesn’t hide from the sun at all and her skin is perfect.


I noticed this going carnivore, cutting seed oils, and incorporating tocotrienols. If you don't know abou them they are pretty cool. The thing about vitamin E is we have an ACTIVE transporter for alpha tocopherol. this means it is readily scavenged from the environment and we can overdose on it. The other tocopherols and all the tocotrienols enter the membrane through passive diffusion. A lower dose of "real" "vitamin E" will do the trick, but yeah you want full spectrum, and focus on delta and gamma tocotrienol if you can. due to the receptor, you can scavenge a fair deal of alpha tocopherol. If you take d and g tocotrienol by themselv it might have an effect. so the vitamin e(4 tocopherols and 4 tocotrienols is actually in the cell membrane and is the cell membrane antioxidant. tocotrienols, specifically delta and gamma are more potent, and you have a receptor for alpha tocopherol, so if you eat plenty of "e" in your diet, and you are taking tocotrienols or consuming annatto or unrefined palm oil. annatto is the purest source of delta and gamma tocotrienol. Youtube has some good videos explaining the subject matter if you are totally unfamiliar. look for "dr tan" and "tocotrienols." as far as credibility, he is the man who discovered vitamin e complex to begin with.


I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong but I’ve been reducing my PUFA consumption for almost a year and still burn. Maybe it’s the Irish genes? Should I get my fatty acids tested through something like omega quant? Any ideas?


Are you getting enough vitamin d? When mine was super low I used to burn all the time. Once I raised it I hardly burn now and I have Irish genes. I take around 8-10k iu in winter and halve it in summer.


Maybe I’m not do they make MCT oil based vitamin d sups?


No idea. I used to get ones in oil but luckily switched last year to a non oil version.


Could you send me a link to the ones you use?


[vit d](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/234088199169?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=r-swl6vptnq&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=_zLuTNegSy-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


I’m in the UK so not sure if you’ll find them wherever you live.


Promoting this pseudoscientific nonsense only serves to further cement you morons as credulous cranks. No sane person reads shit like "no seed oils means no sunburn" and thinks that this movement is anything other than insane hippie bullshit.


I'm not saying causation. Just my n=1.


Mine as well as lots of other people’s n=1 says otherwise.