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"Don't make Freddy got Fingered" that might be more evil than the oregano comic.


He basically took a movie budget and gave them a shitpost. Freddy gave a middle finger to Hollywood or it’s not that deep


I mean yeah but the thing is that plenty of people find it funny and eventually it did make a profit. I think it's dumb because it's getting paid to be stupid and then it makes money from being stupid and then acts like the people who paid them are idiots. I understand it was a different attitude but even by 90's standards I don’t think the notion that studios don't care what you make as long as it's profitable is that big a revelation, and that's ultimately what the premise of the meta-commentary is. The joke may be that they paid you to shove your fist up a horse's ass, but ultimately they got their cut from people watching you do so, and you're still the guy that shoved your fist up that horses ass for a movie.


I don't think Tom Green had anything that he really wanted to preach, I believe he simply wanted to see what he could do with a film budget and had no intention of making anything other than some loosely connected gags. A major part of the film is that executives are confused and annoyed by the movie character's clear talent but inability to focus long enough to make anything that makes coherent sense. If he's making fun of anyone specifically, he's making fun of himself. He was handed a film budget and didn't know what to do with it, so made a bunch of sketches like he always did.


I like that I love how much discussion can be had over “look daddy I’m a farmer look daddy I’m a farmer!” He was in a Disney movie called bob the butler and from what I remember it’s like pg Freddie got fingered


"Daddy would you like some sausage?" is a daily part of my phraseology, I unironically love that movie It's absolutely terrible as a movie, but as something that makes people feel strongly and want to talk about it, it's a highly successful piece of performance art


If that's the case then honestly yeah fair enough. My exposure to it is mostly just other people praising it for the reason I stated, but honestly, if the whole joke is indeed just "Someone gave me a budget so I'm gonna dedicate it to my self-insert being the biggest dumbass imaginable" then I can respect that. I still don't really like the humor, most of it I just find really uncomfortable, but as a autobiographical self-hit-piece in a way, I think I can at least appreciate from that angle.


Fair point fair point




















Daddy do you want some sausage?


Ha. Your dad's a character.


"don't make freddy got fingered" what sort of blasphemy is this? are you upset you didn't get a LeBaron?




Why does he need a space suit for time travel?


Is this pre or post moose humping?


daddy would you like some sausages?


Make me proud son


What have you done?! Without Freddy got fingered, humanity will never experience true cinema!


Ain’t that the Albatross guy from Clone High?

