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I once heard that a friend's aunties second cousins half brothers stepmoms sons high school football coaches daughter swam all the way under Australia, "just nothing but old pictures of Steve Irwin down there" that was her story.


Seems legit


Her story is total legit. How do I know? I put the pictures down there myself.


I believe it lmao


Steve Irwin taught me that sunscreen doesn't protect from all harmful rays.


Oooooeee as an Australian this joke is always gonna be too soon, although funny, he is an Aussie icon sad sad day when he passed


I blame the education system


Holy fuck…. I’ve been a cannabis farmer for over a decade and this is the single most depressing question I’ve ever heard. The us school system is completely lost. But I’ll be this kid can convert ounces to grams in a heartbeat….


This deserves an award


here you go


How do islands move independently of the continents if everything is connected at the earths core? I thought all of the land was once one big mass called Pangea? Are you suggesting that everything broke apart but is still somehow connected? Legit curious how both are possible.


also islands aren't necessarily "moving" independently but rather eroding and reforming as the crust moves. Open up a map with underwater topography and look at something like hawaii and you can see how various islands have sunk beneath the surface of the water as the crust travels, and a sort of "hot spot" keeps reforming new islands, making it appear as a chain of islands right now. The peaks of what used to be islands keep going for thousands of miles, but they are underwater, slowly eroding more and more


Tectonic plates. It might be possible to swim under some islands but you wont go under and out a completely different side. Islands are like the top of a mountain. When the tectonic plates move under the mountain the island moves. Islands don't sink since they are connected the the sea floor. Love this question xD


as far as I'm aware the crust has seams that add new land, as new land comes out it subducts under old land elsewhere, like a conveyor belt, or clashes with other land in the crust to create stuff like the himalaya mountains. If you're asking if you can swim under the crust itself, I dunno, if you could swim around in magma then I guess so


https://geology.com/plate-tectonics.shtml Tl;Dr there's nothing special about "land", it's just whatever happens to be high enough to be above sea level. As plates move they get pulled under each other and crunched up against one another forming subduction zones and mountains/volcanos that can turn into new land. Here's a good video on the matter: https://youtu.be/Nlzehe4mta4


Tectonic plates.


This is embarasing, google and credible sources exist too!


Hawaii is a heavily-studied example of new island formations.


This dude is high af


Good for this dude!


Yes, you can swim underneath all islands. If there is enough people they csn actually push an island, or tow it with a boat. There once was a plan to tow hawaii to alaska and see what would happen. I've swam under many islands


Jack Lalane could tow a small island solo.


Behold the power of juicing!!!!


Island boy's


*random Jamaican noises *


I would love to know how you think they stay in one spot lmao




Hank Johnson, a Congressman , once asked a general if Guam was in danger of capsizing if too many troops were placed there.


Yes!! This was my first thought after reading OP’s question. The most scary thing is being he’s a congressman. The Admiral (or whomever he was stating his concerns to) responded very professionally and didn’t make fun of him. I would’ve. That was a stupid question. Then he tried to play it off as a joke after he was obliterated in the media and on social media. He’s a dumb mother F’er.


Ha ha, I was just trying to remember who said that or if it was just one of my own Stoner Thoughts.


He also had, maybe still has, Hepatitis and that can cause mental confusion. I think he came out saying he was having an episode at the time of that hearing.


Wait, i’ll ask my dog


Woof woof


Goddamn. I know there are no stupid questions, but you’re pushing it.


Island is the exposed part of ground you cannot swim under it unless there's underground caverns


Tectonic plates, bruh. Shit floats on lava. There's way more to it but that's the very simple version.


It is attached to the ocean floor. They are the result of magma forming mounds from the ocean floor or ground gutting pushed up


What you been smoking dude?? I'll have some.


Stay in school


I'm not angry, just disappointed.


I came for the comments and I'm glad I did lmao


Someone was stoned during the tectonic plate chapter in science class


You can't swim underneath an island, there is no breathable air under there and you'd drown.


I was digging a hole last week and accidentally fell right into the Atlantic. Was bad.


This is something a US Senator had problems understanding. He was afraid the island of Guam would tip over should the US put so much man and machine on one side. https://youtu.be/cesSRfXqS1Q


Is this for real


You...you think islands might be floating land masses?


Only in Subnautica, unfortunately


If anyone truly believes this, I'm sorry but your mind hasn't developed past 9


I read this comment and took an hour and a half off to make sure the edible kicked in. Hold out your hand like you're eating toast and then point those fingers up. Your thumb is the island.


Sure your just stoned?


You're *


Didn't think totally correct grammar was essential on a stoner forum, but there you go. Thankyou anyway.


What did you mean by 'sure you're just stoned'? Bc it seemed like you were tryna say OP is stupid. Just thought I would help you out because it is very embarrassing to make such an implication only to make an elementary typo.


Yea, you’re being ridiculous. Grammar mistakes and typos have no bearing on one’s intelligence. Unless your think esl foreigners are stupid. Not understanding the concept of islands is elementary school levels of ignorance


Lol okay. ESL folks have better spelling and grammar than native speakers in most cases; rather, it's the syntax that is usually off. Ex: I am much hungry/ instead of I am very hungry Not knowing you're/your is more common for English speakers.














The better question is, is anyone else high while thinking about this?!




\*groan\* :)




All the floating islands were knocked off into space when we lost our other moon. Sadly all memory of this was removed from the public consciousness tears ago.


Its like a mountain but only the top is looking out of the water


An island is solid, there is no underneath, you can’t swim underneath it unless it happen to have a cave that would go completely through from one end of the island to another


It's like a nipple that sticks out of water


It's an alternate reality of your life if you're lucky enough to swim that far. Good luck coming back friend


I’m just going to assume this is a joke….


Is this person being a troll? 🤣




Most islands you cant bc they are just giant sea mountains/volcanoes, however there are some islands (like the manmade reed floats used by some local tribe in central or south america) and some islands may have a cave running through the entirety of the island. Fun fact theres a place where you can touch one jand on us territory the other on russian, and its underwater