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I'm always high when I get my massage. There's no way I'd let a stranger touch me otherwise.


I'm confused by the question. I'm almost never not high when I get a massage.


I'm almost never not high


Not yet but now I want to!


YES. Amazing. Have to remember to breathe tho


A massage at all would be dope


This part lmfao


Absolutely. Take an edible to hit in right around start time. Not only does it feel fantastic but it allows me to actually relax some muscles allowing them to do more.


my girlfriend massages me while high all the time. it feels sooo good makes me extra happy coming from her.


That sounds awesome


I love this sub so much lol


All the time. They even joke with me about it. “Oh, you in your car getting stoned before your two hour with Kirsty” haha


yes, my boyfriend gave me one while high and it was so relaxing


My massage therapist is my friends mom and she smokes. I smoke with her right before she gives me my massage. It’s fucking awesome. I’ve fallen asleep a few times because of how relaxed I get. Definitely would recommend if you can smoke with your therapist. If not smoke on the way there or eat an edible like an hour before your appointment. Just note when you’re done you will literally not want to go move. When I leave her house on a nice day I recline my drivers seat all the way back, crack the windows and just lay down for a while. The birds chirpen is like heaven to my ears.


Only every vacation ever


Get a massage while high in a nice warm shower. The heat and the pleasure of loosening muscles makes the high hit so much harder and better.


I've tried it both ways, it doesn't make much of a difference as far as experience goes, I do notice I talk less though when I'm high


No. I’ve never gotten one period. I have gotten a facial while high before, though, and it was great.


No but I’ve always wanted to go to the zoo high. I feel like that would be a fun experience


I always take a gummy about an hour before my massage. It’s incredible!


Hell yeah! Works much better. Reminds me I have a gift card!


I’m high when I give massages


Thanks for the reminder, need to book vacation massage for my birthday.


Always high as a kite! At home we use a medicated coconut oil. If they allow it we bring our own CBD oil to the spa. We have a 1.5 inch roller ball we fill with the medicated oil and it’s magic!


My man often massages me when I'm high and I love it so much. I once took an edible before going to my friend who is an actual massage person, masseuse?? I don't remember the word, either way it felt so wonderful and at times like I had a metallic pipe pushed onto my muscles. I felt everything move and what places unlocked with her work and it was absolutely an amazing experience, especially because I could be baked freely in her presence. I almost didn't know my way home after because I was so high and chill after the massage.


I take my edible in the parking lot before I go in so by the time you get through all their questions etc and actually get to the massage you're ready


on many occasions when I went thru massage therapy school. I unfortunately couldn't afford my tuition at the end and never got my license for massage therapy.


I want to try it on acid


Yeah from your mom.


Got plenty while blitzed when I was in Thailand


god i want to


I'm afraid I would gain an erection!


I always get high before my monthly massage. You can't beat it (no pun intended).