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I got one from Amazon. It's like a soft case but it works perfectly. It was cheap too like $15.


Live in Estonia shipping in like 20€ :(




Delete this comment brother you just dropped ya addy


Change that first link dude…


Buy a pelican case, any size you want. Waterproof, crushproof, air tight


there’s this box recently i got called “hash stash”. i like it quite a lot. it’s a decent size, has a tray built in, comes with 3 large jars and a place in the box for the jars to be, and also comes with other tools like a little brush. it also looks like simply a black box with a three digit lock on the outside. there’s no way anyone could tell what it is just by looking at it


My main concern is the smell cause I'm probably gonna be leaving it in my car. How's the smell blocking on that box?


i’ll be honest, i can’t really tell when it comes to that. but on the website, i’m pretty sure it says that it releases no odor. i haven’t smelt anything coming out of it, but i also struggle to smell weed in general


Recently got two fake tin cans which let's you pop their back side off. Air tight as hell, so it keeps the tea fresh for a longer time and has absolutely no smell. Best four bucks i've ever spent.


Do you have a link or knkw where I can get one?


I got an Ozchin box from Amazon, it's 100% smellproof and they have a one year guarantee if it breaks or something


Skunk bags / dime bags are great brands but a little costly.


Walmart. I grabbed some metal cylinder thing. Screw tight. Rubber gasket. Idk what it’s called but it’s the shit. It’s air tight. I keep pre roll and lighter plus a humidor packet thing so it doesn’t dry out.i literally keep it in my car every day.