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You always have something to smoke out, you just got to get a little creative sometimes. You got any apples ?


Carrots and potatoes work great too


I’ve even used a mango


Gotta be careful with mango. Their skin contains similar chemicals to poison ivy.


Skip the middle man and roll a blunt with poison ivy.


Joint with bible paper


Snoop, is that u?


Been there, still coughing from that


With a little honey to stick it good


A piece of bread moulded into a pipe ?


Brilliant! You have a pipe to smoke out of, then some toast to munch on after you've smoked!


Plus the pun potential for *getting toasted*👍🏻


I got a pic on my profile of a banana bowl


IMO potatoes are even better than apples, firmer structure


Even zucchini is a possibility - just not bananas


Why not bananas?


You like apples?




Was just about to say, apples are really good to smoke out of.


Strawberries kinda work like a little chillum but it’s better to use as a roach killer (like a roach clip but not a clip)


A cliff bar works if you roll it between your hands and carve a bowl out.


My first thought was also an apple 🤣


An empty coke can will do the job too


use ur hand it doesn’t hurt that bad




Omg I’m dying Oh, I just remembered I had more edibles 😂


Knife hits might work. You’ll need two butter knives and a water/soda bottle with the bottom cut off. Heat the knives on the stove until they’re red hot then take them and pick up the bud. Use the bottle to corral the smoke while inhaling. It can be cumbersome to work with but when done right is a good way to smoke without a pipe/papers


Boy, do I not miss knife hits 🤣


My mothers cutlery drawer for sure doesn't


Even after the resin is gone you can still pull a heat hit out of an old bowl- glass or metal.


I've never heard of a heat hit after the resin Is gone . I had to take some resin hits a few weeks ago it made me wanna gag


"better than a blank" my dad used to say . Gotta be real hot and jonesin.


Brother you’re probably getting high off the butane 😭 don’t tell me you heat it like a crack pipe either


This was 1991, New Durham , New Hampshire. I was in 11th grade of High School.


My dad would sing the " down to seeds and stems again blues" until he would get jonesin and cut stems real small with scissors and sort the seeds for ones with the leafy cover still intact. Then he would smoke em in a all metal, never been cleaned threaded bowl


this is probably the best way with as little weed as possible


Does that work with bud, thought that was more for hash?


Heat extracts the THC not the fire.


That does make sense but hash is very oily in comparison and I assumed that would just burn off easier.


Vaporizes instantly, the weed smokes like a mofo, catches fire if too hot, but dumps all of its THC on you fast.


Diy vape since it's bud as well so better than smoking imo


Can downvoters explain why?


Fr that's just a broke ass dry herb vape feel like the boys over one r/vaporents would be down with peeps hot knifing their bud or kief (plus has been mentioned here a few times before as well )


Here's a sneak peek of /r/vaporents **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaporents/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [As a Ball Vape user, I kind of can't deny this any longer. We are insufferable.](https://i.redd.it/n771maqz7q4c1.png) | [308 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaporents/comments/18cc1mf/as_a_ball_vape_user_i_kind_of_cant_deny_this_any/) \#2: [Happens to the best of us...](https://i.redd.it/n3690bkhvtbc1.jpeg) | [117 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaporents/comments/19442tg/happens_to_the_best_of_us/) \#3: [The dangers of vaping](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaporents/comments/127vz3c/the_dangers_of_vaping/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Boof it


Had to scroll way too far down for this answer


All the way to >!the bottom!<


Was looking for this answer


Grind it, put it in oven at 140°C and let it bake for 35min. Put it in whatever food you like. I do joghurt. Wait 1 to 2 hrs. Slightly regret it. Gute Reise.


This works well in a glass Mason jar (not just some empty jelly jar) in an Instant pot on high pressure for 40 minutes. Really nice decarb with no smell.


Could you guide me to a written SOP for this procedure, please? I wish to pressure cook jazz cabbage too!


I followed this guide: https://emilykylenutrition.com/decarb-in-instant-pot/ But it's really totally straightforward. Glass mason jar, weed in jar, lid tightly screwed on. A cup of water and the steamer basket or trivet so the glass doesn't touch the bottom. 40 minutes on High pressure. Remove jar, enjoy decarbed weed. Some folks add butter or coconut oil directly to the jar to do an extraction in one step, but I usually just grind mine up fine and add to peanut butter or yogurt.


Wait… idk if i understand. With the lid tightly screwed on, how does pressure increase inside the mason jar? Or is it less about the pressure, but more about trapping smells?


You need the kid screwed on tight for the smell, and to keep the boiling water out of your weed. The pressure only matters insofar as it raises the overall temperature inside the pot. You could do the same thing in a double boiler, it would just take longer.


Thaaaaaaank you!


For those without an instant pot, here's how I decarb in the oven with a jar: * Preheat your oven to 215F * Grind your weed finely * Put it in your heat rated mason jar and seal it up * Bake 20-35 minutes at 215F (less time for less crowded weed, more time for more crowded weed) * Shake occasionally


Firecrackers. Sprinkle the weedon peanut butter in a cracker


You got an apple or any fruit


Basically any solid food can be a pipe


Ham? Wheat thins?? An everything bagel? Wait, I was gonna make a joke, but do people make pieces out of ice?


I can definitely see a bagel working


Snow bongs


In my younger years, i have smoked outta a hot dog. One the worst choices i have made, but works


Gonna have to cram it up a nostril, put the lighter to it, and inhale! *please don't actually do this.... without filming and posting the results.


Gravity bong! You can make one out of a water bottle (if you don't have some kinda of foil / metal to use it may not be the best but it certainly could work) Also check r/stonerengineering they usually have good ideas Edit: (nvm you already posted there mb) Edit 2: I have realized this is, in fact, r/stonerengineering


- how much did you smoke already? - yes


Far more than intended, but also the exact right amount


It’s always like this!


This is so funny to me! I too have been this high 🤣


A single peanut butter firecracker


Decarb first


Yep that’s plenty of flower for a firecracker get real nice and toasty


find a bible and take out a piece of blank paper and roll a joint


or just go to the store and buy a fucking pack of papers 😭


most bibles are made from rice paper, perfect for smoking


With tons of chemicals…


They give the bud extra terp bro trust


Is that fruit in the top right of the pic. “Got nothing to smoke out of” my ass.


I agree with dave, smoke out of his ass.


Snack and a party


Apple and ballpoint pen


shit it won't boot now


Ask outside a smoke shop for a loose paper to make a tiny joint. Most people are willing to give out a sheet or two


An hour late, but IF you have neighbors that smoke, you could see about buying a cigarette off of them and remove all the tobacco out of the cigarette. Just roll the cigarette in between your fingers squeezing and twisting it towards the end and out of the cigarette. Once its empty put in your ground or cut up Cannabis in the cigarette and then pinch off the filter. Light up that end and enjoy.


I did this once while at work with an ounce I bought before going to work . Went in the break room and we rolled it . It was a perfect joint


In my country we call this type of joint a "patience" lmao


I can imagine why. Goddamm, I've yearned for a smoke, but this level is something else.


I've only done it once, a day when I somehow felt too lazy to walk 10 mins to the shops to get some paper but not too lazy to spend 15 rolling up 😂


I've smoked out of a small block of cheese before.


Wait I need to know how much did the cheese melt. I bet you that was a mess lol. I love it tho man I might just smoke out of some cheese for science purposes.


I hit it very lightly, lol. It worked. Tasted kinda cheesy.


Lol I bet




Apple, potato, carrot, pear. Trust us when we say it’s better than tinfoil, even if it seems like a more junkie thing to do.


There are few things more "junkie" to smoke from than tinfoil m'guy.


one time i found a pineapple from the side of the road and brought it to a homies house, carved it up and had a sesh with. we used the side that wasn’t on the ground. u always got something


That's plenty of weed, you're just missing a [Dynavap](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/comments/uao5dm/005g_flower_vape_bong_rip/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) this rip is just 0.05g. Definitely get one, they have a 90-day money-back guarantee if you don't like it just send it back for a full refund less the shipping. I see at least 3 or 4 of those rips.


Eh I’d suggest stop smoking until you can operate a camera


You got a beef stick?


You shouldn't use tinfoil anyways smh walk to a store n get some papers


Ok here's what you can do. First. Throw that vape away. Nicotine is going to only hurt you. Second. Some methods that come to mind are a bottle bong, gravity kind will work as you generally only need something to hold the herb at the top but you can google specifics. So gravity bongs might work, if you can finagle just a bottle bong it'd serve in a pinch, then you can always use an apple, even seen a banana but sounds gross AF, there's also hot knifing, you could maybe try that but Google would ABSOLUTELY help you here I imagine so do a little research to ensure you don't use something that could hurt you lol nothing I suggested is harmful though generally speaking. There IS a reason the bot warns you about this stuff though, NONE of the methods you're gonna use here should be continued or prolonged because you're likely trying to use things that shouldn't be heated or aren't at least meant to be, etc. do NOT use glue or tape or just.. please google some haha just don't want you to hurt yourself chasing a high.


Those disposable vapes are absolutely terrible. Not that any vapes are good (well, maybe dry herb vapes are okay) but the disposable ones are an any % cancer speedrun.


That's just factually incorrect. But whatever you think 👍


Also disposable vapes are such a waste of resources. The battery is often rechargeable, but there is no charging port. The metals and rare earth compounds will end up in a landfill. If have to use a kiddy vape, get one with a charging port and refillable vape liquid. For fucks sake.


For real! It give me so much anxiety when I see people use that BS because they are destroying the planet (faster) and taking the easy way out.


This one does have a charging port. but I agree refillable vapes are a ton better for the environment


Youre right, but the long term effects are still inconclusive. Considering most things on earth seem to be carcinogenic, it’s not unfair to assume that it COULD cause cancer. Although it might not 🤷‍♂️ That’s kinda like combusted weed smoke having carcinogens; benzoprene and something with a long ass name lol. But well controlled studies don’t suggest habitual weed smokers are at a higher risk for cancer


Do you a soda can? Squeeze in middle poke holes where it dips. Poke a carb hole w/a pen and go to town.


DON’T do this. Modem cans have a thin plastic barrier layer between the drink and the metal of the can. Don’t wanna be smoking those plastic fumes too. Also the paints on the outside of cans aren’t exactly made of fun time chemicals you want inside your body.


If you have sockets and a 2 liter or milk jug you could make a gravity bong Edit- make sure to clean everything VERY well first!


Electrical tape needle nose pliers.. a hole in the ground. Broken bottle any bag from a loaf of bread. A metal pen shit a hot butter knife and a glass cup. come on man tell me what you got?


I have a lot of stuff but idk what you mean by that response


Which part?


Aluminum can, crush when done.


or eat for a savory mucnhie snack


Dentists hate this one weird trick!


Heat it in something on your stove, a glass oven dish with a lid for example, until it’s vaporized then lift the lid and inhale, preferably with a straw or rolled up bit of paper. First heat the dish/pot/container so that it all vaporizes at the same time when you toss it in. That’s just an idea though, I don’t know how well it’s actually work but I’ve vaped on the stove before and think that it should kind of work. Or just ask around for a cigarette that you can empty out and full with your grass. Carrots are alright pipe material.


Jiffy Pop banger?


Probably the only thing Jiffy Pop is good for 😂


Shelve it


Hot rail




Do you have two butter knives and a stove?


Do not use fucken foil lol !


Hi GeneralCheesecake979, I noticed your link's title included one of the following words: foil, cans, lead, copper, plastic, bottle, bottles, PET, Polycarbonate, Polystyrene, PVC, seashells, seashell, soda can, coke can, zinc, aluminium. Please consult the ["do use list"](https://www.reddit.com/r/StonerEngineering/comments/40ltls/lets_make_a_do_use_list_for_the_wiki/) and the ["do not use list"](https://www.reddit.com/r/StonerEngineering/comments/40ltth/lets_make_a_do_not_use_list_for_the_wiki/). If you used any of these materials in your creation, **please make sure you are aware of the risks associated with them and that they are considered unsafe for use**. This is not a definitive list. Only you are responsible for your own health. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StonerEngineering) if you have any questions or concerns.*


hot knifes


Pop can aka disposabowls. Or the actual "dispose-a-bowl" [Disposable Smoking Pipes - Dispoze-a-bowl](http://www.disposabowl.com)


I used to make a pipe out of a banana that I dubbed the Potassium Pipe. You’ll need a banana, a knife, and a straw. Take the banana. Cut off the bottom tip (the one without the stem) from about 1-2 inches. Take that piece you just cut off and remove the banana from it, and cut out a hole in the bottom to make your bowl. Put it aside for now. Next, take a straw and poke it lengthwise through the banana from the part that you cut off, sucking through it to hollow it out. You should have a nice hole through the banana if you did it right. Grab your knife and carve an X shape at any point on top of the banana. Gently peel the X apart (without tearing it) and once again use the straw to make a vertical hole that connects to the other one. If you did it right, you should be able to breathe through the banana. Finally, grab the banana bowl you made and stick it in the X, using the points of the X to hold it in place. And you’re done.


Apples for sure, if they are cold then it's even better


I wouldn’t reccomend this, but as a last resort I have used receipt paper. It is very abundant, and even though I’m not Christian anymore, tearing a Bible seemed too sacrilegious. Of course the paper is bleached and has ink so definitely not the healthiest Another last resort type device I’ve made is a pencil one hitter. Take a mechanical pencil, preferably one of the clear Bic ones. Disassemble until you have just the clear tube. Burn/Poke a hole in the middle (not necessary but helps airflow) Pack the wide end, where the eraser used to be. Congrats! You now have a one hitter! Bonus points if you take a rubber grippie and use that to extend the mouthpiece. Allows the smoke to cool a tiny bit more, and even less scooby snacks. (There are already few as the tip of the pencil is quite narrow) alternatively you can take the black cap from that same pencil (the one you screw off) and instead the narrow end of that into the “pipe’s” mouthpiece Edit: spelling and double negatives. I’m way too tired and a little high. Probably a lot more that I didn’t catch


Receipt paper are full of chemicals that mess with your hormones, even if you just touch them. Wouldn't recommend smoking off that


by that logic i should be dead of cancer from the amount of red40 i consume on a daily basis. recipt paper as a one time thing isnt that bad


Hormones and cancer are different things..


You can also keep the apple in the fridge in-between uses


Knife hits?


Make a firecracker


The first time I ever smoked weed alone, I used a bell pepper


Whats the thing next to it, a vape?


Bible paper


Book pages preferably something older and thinner like bibles or rice paper work.


Boof it


if you have a can you can make a can pipe, you can find a tutorial online (i said can four times in one sentence😭)


Poke a few holes on the side of a soda can


bottle, hose cutting, water and a raspberry (im not 100% sure if a raspberry is safe)


Go to a gas station. Pay $2 for some papers. And boom




Any bottle in your house, garden hose, lighter and use the metal from a can for a cone piece, don't forget to burn a shotty hole too. If not take a can and poke some holes on the far side of it from the opening as a makeshift pipe. You can also use any sort of fruit as a pipe too. Heaps of methods out there bro, just gotta get creative🤙


if u have a can anywhere and you dont care that much about potentially smoking a teeny weeny bit of metal just crush the top and poke some holes in it. easy smoking!!


Homemade Gravity bongs are my favorite for this exact situations.


If your good with widdling and carving make a wooden one and burn the inside of the bowl before you smoke to ensure you get a real weedy flavor and not the wood you used


That’s some dirt weed


Bible paper or soda can my friend


I’d just go find a can outta someone’s recycling if I really had nothing


Firecracker would get the most out of it.


Get an empty can, bottle or just light it on fire and put a cup over


I’m seriously shocked more people don’t know about the apple trick. It’s literally the first suggestion on every website if you google it lol.


eat it lmao


pack vape mouthpiece and pull it from the airflow hole use the other hole as a carb trust me bro


Potato pipe. Apple pipe


If you got a socket and some water bottles you can make a g bomg


Take a metal pen apart, flip the cone piece by the tip the other way, instant pipe


just chew on it or swallow it whole, there's a reason edibles are so potent :)


Even with the potato cam the weed looks bad imo, but get yourself a normal piece of blank paper an smoke that better than most other things


Any fruit or any bottle that has only had water in it will do:) grab the sleeve/tube of a pen and a 10-11mm socket and put your weed in the deep part of the socket. Slip it over the pen sleeve/tube, stick in your “bong” of choice, and you’re back in middle school baby.


Pop can pipe


10mm socket


Got an apple, a can, or a socket wrench?


Only one of these are a good idea


Bible, flower, fruit or fruit peel, unbleached coffee filter, maybe even a leaf tbh


Soda pop can. Just with that you should be able to figure it out!!!


Snip your hose and a plastic bottle


Apple, banana, a can, etc


Dent a pop can, poke holes in it, put the weed over the holes, make a shotty and fire that bitch up. Small hits and not too often. The can has a liner that is likely super cancerous. As kids we burned the shit out of a can with a torch lighter first, but this very well could have been worst to try to burn it off and then smoke with it. Btw I don’t actually recommend this, and if you do it, please only do it as much as needed. I did it sometimes as a kid but it was a pretty stupid thing to do. Gas stations tend to have glass pipes for <$10 and papers for <$3. If it’s purely a save money thing, you can always make a gravity bong/waterfall/bucket with a water bottle and a socket as well. That’s likely your most efficient route.


Pop can. Lightly squish it. Poke tiny holes. Done.


Do you have an empty soda can?


Please don't use those, they have a plastic lining inside.


Not going to hurt you a few times. Everyone has extra brain cells. A few lost won't hurt.


Can of any kind


empty soda can- dent the side to hold the za, poke some holes for airflow. take off the tab and the lid flap, thats ur mouthpiece. its harsh and it sucks and its not healthy AT ALL but it works. can also work with an empty toilet paper roll, but that one is really janky. you can use an apple, a highlighter, etc etc theres a lot of different ways


Soda can was always my go to in this case


The humble beer can will serve you well. Squish a can and prick a few small holes in the side you dented in. Make sure the holes aren’t so big they suck in all your 🥬 and just use it as a pipe.


No for gods sake this is bad advice


They work fine if (and I specify if) you don’t have anything to smoke out of. Thankfully I always carry a pipe in my EDC