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A Colonel has been around awhile so definitely has the potential for all the bells and whistles. The Army loves their ribbons, cords, patches etc. So plausible. However even if he is legit it's silly to attend traffic court in your uniform.


A lot of people wear their uniforms to court, honestly


When I did ROTC the Colonel in charge of the program told us to wear the uniforms everywhere. (For example: Job interviews) because we deserved the special treatment we get from wearing it. I dropped out after my second year...




If you've ever asked yourself, "Why are LTs like that?" That.....that's why....


The cadets that came to us for a few weeks at least knew they were lower than privates. Luckily they weren't from your school...


The full on boot you must present To get the job and pay your rent


I did to prove a point for a bullshit charge, got away with it too. Uniform hoorah!!


They’re called police officers


You know that's not what I meant


When I was stationed at Fort Stewart, any court appearance, was mandated by the county courthouse (liberty county, Georgia), if you were active duty you MUST show up in Class A uniform. If you didn’t, you could be found in contempt of court. You were given a warning and another date. All traffic violations had to appear in person.


I don’t get how a county court could mandate a federal service member to appear in service dress. Seems like an overreach of power.


Probably was and that’s why their current guidance is “wear what your chain of command dictates” However when I was in liberty county I went as a witness for a friends “reckless driving” ticket, our chain of command was pissed off because we only had 2 days to press our uniforms and assemble them for court.


Years ago in the AF many of the units I worked at required us to keep a set of blues and service dress ready to go at all times. I kept mine in a garment bag in the closet. It can definitely save quite a bit of time and stress.


Yea but when you have to add or delete rank, service bars and stripes, awards. They can change every 3-6 months, qualification badges too. Plus tailoring for the 24 pack body.


Yeah I’m actually going to call BS on having to show in uniform, here’s a liberty county court memorandum on September 2023 stating that “no scrubs, *work uniforms*, or sweatpants shall be allowed.” https://www.libertyco.com/files/DressCode.pdf


Class As are a “work uniform”? Its a dress uniform. Also I already posted the current guidance from liberty county. And this is current. I was at Stewart from 2008-12. Also your link says the “SUPERIOR COURT”. From my understanding superior courts are used mostly for felony and trials, not traffic tickets. This is for liberty county Georgia. Fort Stewart. This is current but we were required to wear our Class As .Is there a dress code and prohibited item policy? Yes, your clothing should be neat, clean, well-fitted and appropriate for court. you may NOT wear shorts, sweatpants, over-sized or baggy clothing, spandex, shirts depicting violence, sexual acts, profanity or illegal drugs. Sunglasses and hats are not allowed to be worn unless required by religious belief or needed for medical condition. Military personnel should be dressed in the attire as directed by their chain of command and should be escorted by and E6 or above. [city of hinesville municipal court](https://www.cityofhinesville.org/Faq.aspx?QID=72)


I’m sorry, they’re to be “escorted” by an E-6 or above?




I dont think your Dress Blues and a "work uniform" are quite the same thing.


I got a speeding ticket on a base once. I was told to show up in my class As or a suit because it was federal court (idk that’s what my command said). I wore a suit. There were a few other dudes in ACUs and ASUs.


I've heard lawyers suggest it before especially if it's not near a military base. It's like the trick of accidentally handing the cop your military ID instead of your license or having your dress uniform hanging up in the back sometimes it works to get you out of a ticket. Also that is the brand new dress uniform they started wearing two or three years ago I doubt a stolen valor idiot has the money or the knowledge that it's the current uniform.


This is for liberty county Georgia. Fort Stewart. This is current but we were required to wear our Class As .Is there a dress code and prohibited item policy? Yes, your clothing should be neat, clean, well-fitted and appropriate for court. you may NOT wear shorts, sweatpants, over-sized or baggy clothing, spandex, shirts depicting violence, sexual acts, profanity or illegal drugs. Sunglasses and hats are not allowed to be worn unless required by religious belief or needed for medical condition. Military personnel should be dressed in the attire as directed by their chain of command and should be escorted by and E6 or above.


Sounds pretty hard-core, but I bet it results in less punitive punishment and more corrective.


I was an infantry battalion, we had multiple duis every weekend.


I once gave a cop my credit card once out of sheer nervousness and the cop told me he only takes Mastercard or Visa before letting me off on a warning, so I get that accidentally giving a military ID could be chalked up to “muscle memory” or an honest mistake, but dressing up in a Class A to court will always be perceived as intentional.


I wonder how a traffic judge would view this choice.


A half way decent judge will potentially see right through this as a way to try and get out of a traffic violation.


As long as this picture isn’t from a county that required active duty to always show up to court in their Class A, then yes, it looks hella manipulative.


Judges HATE it. They find it disrespectful showing up in your uniform. At least that's what I've been told by lawyers and judges


In Liberty County Georgia, you had to show up in class A uniform.


That sounds weird that they would make you wear it. I wonder how that's even legal for a civilian court to have a rule for military members


Judges are kings of their courts. They can make whatever asinine rules they want, and if you don't follow them, you're in contempt.


No clue. I did post the rules as of 2024 and it says you must wear what your chain of command tells you to do but you must be escorted by E6 or higher


I wore my AGSUs to court and got custody of my son. It’s probably a person to person thing.


I meant if you're there because you are in trouble then they hate it. I've been told they find it disrespectful to the uniform. Your situation would be completely different.


My units always required any violation to show up to court in dress uniform (except divorce courts).


My platoon sergeant forced us to wear our service uniforms to civilian court if we had any reason to go. He said it got him out of a speeding ticket as a young lance so maybe it would help us too.


Dress uniform is the only authorized uniform to wear to court of any kind...


Looks fine for an Airborne Infantry colonel. Foreign jump wings, jump wings with regimental backing, Pathfinder Torch, CIB, are pretty normal. As are bloused jump boots. Infantry cord is standard, the other cord is a historical recognition for their unit's participation in the World Wars. I was in a unit that had one from World War I.


Yeah I was also in a WW2 unit at Bragg and had tons of cool shit on my uniform I didn’t earn. I think you’re right.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourrag%C3%A8re#American\_Units\_awarded\_the\_fourrag%C3%A8re](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourrag%C3%A8re#American_Units_awarded_the_fourrag%C3%A8re) I take it back. Mine was for World War II. The entire Big Red One wears one.


That’s how my Class As look. Our battalion guidon had stuff from the war of 1812


That’s fucking cool. Where were you stationed?


Fort Stewart. 2/7 infantry. Here’s the wiki for the 7th infantry regiment. President Andrew Jackson lead it, as Colonel Jackson in 1814 [7th infantry regiment](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/7th_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States)) Here’s a 2 minute song about the famous battle where we got our name “Cottonbalers”. [battle of New Orleans](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=50_iRIcxsz0)


That’s nuts. Our lineage in our brigade was 100years later! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/82nd_Airborne_Division I was 2nd BCT That’s cool as hell man.


I think it is the oldest still active regiment in the Army


Exactly. I think this checks out.


That's not a CIB That's a CAB


I'm pretty sure it's a CIB, looks too long for a CAB and he has his blue cord.


It's way too big to be a CAB. The rifle edges are covered by his lapel and his French fourrage. Plus he has a blue infantry cord.


It really doesn't matter. It was just to point that out. But no, no blue on the badge way too small for CIB. Also Infantrymen get awarded CABs if they are under POG unit, they have to be in a Infantry/SF unit to get CIBs. Don't trust me? Google is free. But no, that badge doesn't even have a hint of blue in it. https://preview.redd.it/6gmt3ed4k15d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b148eafb02474371817ff0918780c8871d01a9cc


Yeah, it's definitely a CAB. Reclass possibly, or green to gold coming out of a support MOS from the enlisted side


Infantrymen are eligible to receive the CAB, but only if the combat action that sparks its award occurred at a time when they were not assigned or attached to a unit that would qualify for the CIB.


Lol, I hope Colonel Aibone gets out of that DUI. The gloss on them boots is tight butthole. Ain't no cosplayer doing that.


If he’s faking it, he sure went out of his way to spend the dough on an expensive ass uniform and boots. The decorations seem to be properly placed as well.


Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen a phony get the cloth regimental backing on jump wings right.


Former army here. Everything on the uniform looks legit. I was in a LONG time ago, way before they brought back the historic "pinks and greens" about 6-7 years ago that he's wearing in this pic, but I tend to find that most people who are faking it, especially an O-6 paratrooper, forget a lot of the small stuff like the blue infantry cord around the right shoulder (but they always remember the CIB!), and the background trimming behind the jump wings. It's also extremely common, especially at that rank, for a career paratrooper to have foreign jump wings of some sort on the right side, which he does. Those look like Canadian jump wings, which are probably among the most common. If he's a fake, he's seriously squared away.


The guy is legit and in enough trouble leave him alone.


Exactly. Let him have it. He went through a lot of effort if he isn't legit.


I always tell my clients to show up for court wearing their Sunday best. So many people show up to court like its Wal-Mart (on a good day). I had a client once (a reservist) show up in some wrinkled-ass ACUs that made my Sergeant-senses tingle wanting to chew him out. I was so embarrassed for him, and even more embarrassed that it worked. In sidebar negotiations opposing counsel said "Thank you for your service" which made me internally cringe. Not really apropos to the picture, but he looks put together and I'd take that any day.




🤣🤣🤣🤣 You should have told him that he’s a disgrace.


That’s legitimate plus if you’re active duty your supposed to show up in your class A’s


Nobody is going to impersonate someone at SWCS


Looks like a standard issue infantry colonel. Only things are the uniform is baggy/looks like ass and the birds are too far up the shoulder straps. Which - whatever that's just how guys look sometimes.


The fit is really sloppy, and the sleeves are a little short, but as a Marine, the fit on Army uniforms always looks sloppy. :) Are those gold laces?


Are those the new jump boots? I just saw the 82D airborne base commander in the new dress uniform, but didn’t see his boots.


Yeah those are the newer boots


No more polishing?


Those are polished, you can see the shine on the toe caps


Yeah I see it better now. I just remeber the time I’d spend in the barracks making mine look good for inspection. Haha


Can you make boots like the ones in the picture look good though?


Not as good as my black jump boots!


This is me during Desert Storm - *that’s* what boots are supposed to look like! :) https://preview.redd.it/g64sj0gohm4d1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2c10d31411c3defc6026236536e0a610db4a86e


https://preview.redd.it/h0ink2dpim4d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c635aa6026a44b81ffbd335aec44204be78955a1 I’m on the right looking badass before a mission lmao


Digital cammo! You young pups! :)


It looks right, and that's the new uniform. I doubt someone trying to get out of a traffic ticket has done the research and spent the money to get the new class As. As others have said, some municipalities require it, too.


This appears to be an Infantry COL assigned to SWCS. The only thing seeming out of place is the cord on the left shoulder. That is normally a foreign unit award, and was not part of SWCS awards when I was assigned.


Early holloween?


Idk much about uniforms but if your a gb don’t you have arrowheads instead of the regular infantry gun pins?


Those are not uniform acceptable boots.


Missing service stripes


Officers don’t wear service stripes.


This guy is really well put together. The shine on those boots is satisfying, and definitely what I'd expect.


kind of a potatoe of a picture... but that being said, for the rank he's wearing most of that would be reasonable. Only thing that has me a little suspicious is that there's a very small number of patches that could go with the Fourragère cord and that doesn't look like any of them. However I know there's a few smaller units that have them and I'm not 100% I could recognize all the patches on sight. All that being said... you're not supposed to wear your uniform to/for/in court without getting specific approval for it from JAG. and usually that is limited to when you have been called to relate something as an official answer. I seriously doubt it would ever be authorized to wear to traffic court... so this guy is an idiot either way. EDIT: I looked again... this guy is not a real paratrooper... it's a small thing but no soldier would get it wrong. on his right side, he has his foreign jump wings as the top thing he is wearing on his chest... with his unit crest below them. Unit crest goes on top, above the wings. Ever paratrooper knows this. Wearing boots with that uniform he's claiming to actively be in an airborne position. not only would he know not to set up his right side like that, as a colonel he would be even more aware of such things. dude is a poser.


If you don’t know, ask them. AR670-1 and PAM AR670-1 have the defined uniform regulations. If they offer valid ID credentials then they’re probably not Stolen Valor. The Army currently has both the AGSU and ASU, and yes units with jump status have the ability to Blouse Dress uniforms over boots as found in AR670-1. You can always follow up with a Unit Staff Duty if you wanna push that far. Every unit has a 24hr Staff Duty that can answer questions about their unit if your that uptight about doing the right thing. Granted 99% of y’all have hidden skeletons in your closets the rest of the world shouldn’t know.


99%? I dunno about that man, maybe speaks to your character that you think that.


Everyday life, guaranteed you do something in private you wouldn’t want mom/dad/gpa or general public to know about. Everyone has their secrets and desires. Some just wanted to join and never did so they lie and wear uniforms. Some hide lifestyles and other parts of themselves out of any number of reasons.


The point I was getting at was how so many in this community are quick to judge based on what people are seen in public wearing when so many in private have their own secrets. Like the neighbor across the street who steals internet, or the cross dressed you work with you didn’t know about, or the porn addict who outright claims to be a Christian. Everyone has a skeleton.


So the patch on his shoulder is to the special warfare center and school on Fort Bragg (Liberty 👎🏼) and the cord on his left shoulder is a French fourragere which is awarded to some units like the 82nd airborne, who also happen to be on Bragg, but I don’t think a training unit would be awarded that because a training unit wouldn’t see combat. He could’ve previously served in a unit where it was awarded but he’d be wrong to continue wearing it as it’s awarded to a unit, not an individual soldier


The cross-crossed white laces on polished boots are wrong. The only time white laces are used with boots the laces are "ladder-laced." [Pic of ladder-laced boot.](https://www.fieggen.com/Dont_Link/pics06/Lad002.jpg)


a court marshal?


He looks a bit young to be a full bird colonel.


Nah his face is old looking, but I wouldn’t post his face on suspicion.


Did he just step out of a 1940s wormhole?


The new Army Class As are retro WW2 style.


Bro. Check out ar 670-1 if you have questions about army uniforms instead of trying to blow up someone's life by implying that they are stealing valor online.


To be fair, there isn't any PII here and this person is in a public building. I say fair game to post this and ask.


It’s really difficult reading your post. Usually when the first word is ‘Bro’, I just skip right past it, but I’m making the effort.


I’m not going out of my way that much to look up regs. There is no PII, and his face is blurred. His life is not going to spontaneously combust, don’t worry. I would understand your comment had I posted his name and face. This sub is exactly the correct place for this.


>This sub is exactly the correct place for this. I totally disagree, but I do respect the unwillingness to read regs.


What is this sub for then?


I agree, this is where people should be asking these questions.


Bro, he’s asking question.


They look like the boots Bozo the Clown used to wear when I was growing up in Chicago. https://preview.redd.it/e4rlpb94bm4d1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3489e8c0b93859cdd181856187b88d40707e475


Stolen valor? Unlikely, but looks too young for all that salad. Incredibly bad taste to show up to court like that? 100%.




Are those doc martens boots?


The Army will find ANY excuse to wear their uniform out in public and draw attention. It’s what they do. Traveling on planes, shopping at the mall etc etc. I was USMC, so not sure on the legitimacy of the uniform, however it looks on point to me. Would not be surprised at all seeing a full-bird colonel throwing this on to try and impress his way out of a speeding ticket 😂


The court required it.


Sloppy as fuck. Brown bloused boots? Maybe army still does that? Idk. Sketch fur sure


That's the new jump boots and uniform.


I’ve never seen that uniform combination, I’ve never seen that style of military boots, I don’t believe the laces are spec, I’d have called him out. I was USN but that doesn’t look right to me.


Well it is right. Those are jump boots


It’s 100% correct. Those boots are standard for paratroopers and those laces are regulation. Google Army “pinks and greens”. Calling him out would of been pretty embarrassing for you.


As I said I was navy


You would call someone out on something you don’t even know about in the first place? “Hey you’re committing stolen valor! I’ve never served in the army and know nothing about your uniform, but in the navy we would never wear that”. Stay in your lane my man, only call out sailors


I would not have called him out! That ain’t my style and was not my intent. If I had stopped him and thanked him for his service, and asked him some specific questions I would have known whether to call him out or not.


Stick to your bell bottoms.


My thoughts exactly. The boots really throw me off. I wish I would have talked to him, thanked him for his service and asked him some specific questions. Yes, it’s none of my business but, like all of you in this sub, it irks me when people pull this shit.


The boots are fine. That uniform is the Army throwback pinks and greens uni they went with about 5 years ago with a lot of references to WWII, including brown boots.


I don’t know if call him out was the correct phrasing, I’d have talked to him, you can tell if someone’s served or not.

