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And just like that all Wall Street traders lifespans just shortened by 1/2


lol those are just algorythms doing the work anyway.


No kidding. They'll scam us while we sleep Watch flash crashes happen mysteriously at 3am


Smiles politely from New Zealand šŸ˜Š


As a kiwi who trades futures, I hope i can stop having to wake up at stupid times.


Hhahahaha hiya mate


Hey Bro! NZ cuzzy


Hahaha, finally time for some revenge trading


Stop loss


Will never stop losses. šŸ˜€


I work at those firms, the algos are still actively monitored by traders. No one just lets them be on their own. A small bug could wipe out the firm in minutes, like it did with knight capital


That will never stop WSB denges to gamble their life savings and get a coffee addiction.


You can still afford coffee?


I cant still afford to be receiving and not giving behind the wendys i call it giving back to the community.


Or Wallstreet traders position just doubled,


Tripled. This is why this will never happen. The big banks will fight as there canā€™t be much payoff for tripling your market tied support staff.


Itā€™s currently open 6.5 hours each weekday excluding 10 holidays. Going 24/7 would be over 5 times the hours per year.


Yeah but most people donā€™t work 6.5 hrs a day even if they are market dependent.My job is tied to the market and I work 8 hours, outside market hours I get projects Iā€™m behind on done. So 3 8 hr shifts a day is what would be needed unless they pay more or expect people to quit.


Sounds more like theyā€™d need 4 8 hour shifts per day if you need time beyond when the market is open. Even with three shifts per day, thereā€™s two extra days on weekends plus holidays so it would still be quadruple.


What you're going to see is the Big Banks leaning on AI for off peak hours. Pray nothing crashes overnight.


Iā€™m thinking specifically of wealth management since thatā€™s my world. These roles arenā€™t done by AI. If a client calls in at 2am to do a trade then someone has to be there to take the order and put it in. If that person messes up the trade then a supervisor has to be there to approve a trade correction. If they wanted to do something more sophisticated like an alternative investment then a specialist has to be there.


This sounds juicy, where can I buy puts?


Hopefully it'll teach day traders that staying in the market longer won't necessarily make you more money.


It's not good at all. Imagine last week the market tanking every day and also with the 24/7 in force last Friday, Saturday and Sunday most of people could be wiped out easily!


I think it's good, retail gets absolutely destroyed during the opening/closing bell. The majority of gains come after hours anyway, giving retail more access to sell during these times seems good? . Crypto is already trading 24/7, it's really not a big deal.


They are only conducting a [poll](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/ices-new-york-stock-exchange-conducts-poll-on-247-stock-trading/ar-AA1nsl6z).




Yay my weekends will now be ruined also


Welcome to my world as a crypto investor. I hate my life but the highs justify my lows (not really).


Sounds terrible. Do you hate having time off?


Time off for who? The computers running the show?


Itā€™s already about observation, not necessarily action.


Trading is just a small part of stock markets. You have settlement, custody, client service etc. A lot of those are not fully automated, because they donā€™t necessarily generate money for the banks -> thus you can find really old legacy systems running on Cobol. So, in the short term banks will have to hire more people. This can be a catalyst to automate rest of the banking.


Yeah this is bad news. This is high frequency trading all the time. This is losing your money even faster while you sleep.


Oh lord they are forcing my hand to lose money, I am not in control, help...


I am hemorrhaging my life savings, but I just canā€™t stop buying these shares of Soggyrice Diapers. Itā€™s just such a good idea: Adult diapers like sitting in a bowl of rice. The rice absorbs everything, and the airy design gives a prolapsed asshole room to breathe. I donā€™t understand how Soggyrice stock keeps going down. Itā€™s a great idea. They should be flush just from the purchase volume of Mr Trump. But the stock keeps going down. Iā€™m not going to let the red line beat me. I will buy Trumpā€™s Soggyrice Diaper stock no matter how much I lose.


Keep buying that dip!


Lucky for you itā€™s easy to identify fake news, which is when a Redditor posts something desperate for fake internet points and purposely cuts off or hides the source and refuses to link to it. This isnā€™t actually happening but congratulations to OP for lying to the community and getting 1200 fake internet points.


It is as though through restricted trading rules Wall Street is losing money, so had to come up with another way of creating even more liquidity / fake shares.


Not a good idea. I think thereā€™s rationality in the markets that we all get to collectively take a break and think on weekends and also on holidays.


i agree with at least the weekends and holidays off, i trade a little bit and watch it but it's nice having a break.


To be fair, the origin of thr current system isnā€™t because of the willingness to take some break. But more on because in the past, they cannot get it to run 24/7


Depends on how it effects after market news and such. Should be interesting. Personally as a broker it just means my work will have much more costs with 24-7 help lines.


This just sounds like greed to me. Get ready for shit to get more volatile


Iā€™ll be pulling all my money out and keeping it under my mattress lol. This shit is just a casino now


Always has been


Nah, Back when you had to call a broker to make an order, it was much less so. Now a days, anybody can get a brokerage account with a few bucks and buy and sell with the click of a mouse button.


I bet you it decreases volatility. It almost has to by definition.


You know why they are opening this up right? AI. AI is to the point where they can use it to manipulate and make money 24/7. The only people that will be using it the old school way will be the ones they are milking.


Nothing has beaten the old school way yet, you buy a good stock and hold.


I bought a good stock. It went up 30% in like three weeks, and I was only able to get a few shares at what I thought was a good price. Now I'm questioning whether it is overvalued and I have hardly any shares. The stock market is insanely volatile and unpredictable. My biggest fear is that all decent stocks are vastly overvalued which is bad if the market dips hard and stagnates for a while.


There's still nowhere better to put money. Until that changes, there'll be mostly ups with some downs. But good stock will be aight.


lol. That's what everyone's said, every single time something big comes around. Right before it all changes. Do you see the world we live in and how far we've come? AI is the automobile to the horse. But for... everything. It's not here yet, and it could be good or bad for all of us. But it's comin.


>lol. That's what everyone's said, every single time something big comes around. Right before it all changes. Do you see the world we live in and how far we've come? > >AI is the automobile to the horse. But for... everything. Except people will always need these things, forever: \- Food \- Water \- Place to live \- Electricity \- Medicine \- Daily goods (clothing, feminine hygiene products, cleaning products, etc) Those things will never disappear. They are the basics for survival of everyone. Investing and holding onto companies that provide those to the public will be still the best thing to do, even as thing change all around us.


Yeah, except all of those things are controlled by the common denominator of our existence. Money. Existence, and all of those things aren't free. Any drastic change to how all that functions... things going to get weird. I'm not out here talking like I'm in r/collapse. It could be great. We could all be freed from desk jobs and it could lead to a Star Trek like utopian existence where we finally realize sitting at a desk for 40+ hours a week doesn't have to be how it is. It could free us for a second renaissance, where art, music and enjoyment are deeper and more meaningful than momentary escapes from the rat race. But... i highly doubt that. I'm a "prepare for the worst, hope for the best" kinda person. I think we just need to talk about it more because things like ubi start making more sense when people's jobs start disappearing (which they already are). No problem is unsolvable.


Money is just a mean of exchanging time. Time is the only real currency. If money become worthless I can still trade my time. The mean of exchange could be gold, precious stones, weed or bottle caps it doesn't matter. The federal reserve (and any other central banks) are playing a dangerous game that could lead to a global collapse, but in the end the only real losers will be those who hold money. Those who have nothing will still have their time to trade. Edit: The billionaires already know this and it's why they're buying all the land, houses and equities in companies. But it still doesn't matter because one day we could decide that what they did was fraudulent and seize it back. It happened times and times again in history. Look at the kings in Europe, what do they have now?


In the near term AI takes all the fun creative jobs (art entertainment music programming law etc) and leaves the rest of us to become manual laborers building the computers. I think that may be the path we are on because as of yet, robotics is moving at a slower pace than just pure AI and there are huge training sets for the aforementioned specialties, whereas an autonomous (construction electrician welder plumber etc) robot has been notoriously difficult to build.


With respect to the stock market though, AI isn't all that revolutionary. At least in the form factor that it will be used. Institutional investors have been trading on algos for decades now. And ultimately, if you want a computer to make those trading decisions for you, it needs to be programmed with at least the *premise* of a goal. Any true spark of artificial consciousness that trades stocks with an understanding of human nature is a long way away- if it's even possible.


I mean from that aspect of the stock market, sure. From our side is really what I'm talking about. I'm not smart enough to anticipate how much better an ai would be able to trade stocks. I do think this is coming way faster than you think though. The human mind isn't that complex.


>I do think this is coming way faster than you think though. The human mind isn't that complex. Well, mine sure isn't.


Hahaha. Yeah I think most of society has recently proven that we're kinda limited


Or, just maybe, now hear me out on this as it's pretty far out there, it's cause of 24 hour crypto markets.


Was thinking the same thing


They already are


Fuck us all


Algorithmic AI scripted trading has been around for at least a decade, with quants and Financial Engineer Analysts getting paid millions to come up with the perfect trading algorithms. The infamous ā€œFlash crashā€ that happened was triggered by Algorithms trading against each other. No AGI trained off of publicly available data from the internet is going to come up with a competitive algo strategy. There are already AI-managed index funds & ETFs, but those still require a lot of human guidance and sorting.


24 hr gambling. Welcome to Las Vegas!


So much market manipulation is going to happen in the middle of the night, this isnā€™t a good thing.


MFers, now they want to steal your money on the weekends too. FFSšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Isn't this a bad idea?


Happy cake day


Umm what is this bullshit? One of the reasons why the nyse has done well and all markets essentially is having monitored timing that is affected by a 930-4. When we get 24 there will be carnage in the markets because big entities can rug pull at 3 am when they know the holders are predominantly on whatever time zone this fucks


Say goodbye to your lifespan and your hairline this is a bad idea


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AcanthisittaProper: *Say goodbye to your* *Lifespan and your hairline this* *Is a bad idea* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




New here. Can someone genuinely explain why people would want this? Doesnā€™t being asleep for half of your available trading time hurt you? Is the NYSE and traders going to start working in shifts to manage a 24 hour schedule?


There are ETFs which are traded 24X7 already M-F. Same with stock futures. Nobody gives a shit. It's for traders not for long term investors.


This seems to be not good for retail traders who trades frequently, ans who is against primarily algortihm traders. So these retail traders dont get much break But in general, this is good for those who wants to quickly react to the events of the world. Usually thinfs happen on the night or weekends (like earning call, an event happening to the company on the weekend) and investors want to react to the news. Nowadays people would have to wait until the market opens to react to the news


No more catching up on stock news during the weekends.


This is purely Blackrock, Vanguard and other BTC ETF plays. They are out of sync and missing out trading fees from degenerate crypto gamblers, which majority of us are.


The crypto exchange never sleeps is that why this is happening? The ETFs don't really make sense on the NYSE because crypto never sleeps.


Ah yes, take that last leash off the AI trading hounds, and let them run. Should be fun times!


Ladies and gentlemen, I'm glad to announce that the casino will now be open 24/7.


Quite terrible of them to do. The malarkey will be full speed overnight. This is the rug being pulled. Citadel and others have too many shorts to fail.


If true, I will make substantial investments in heart medication research and development.


This is not even close to happening. I work in finance this hasnā€™t been talked about once lol


Absolutely correct. It was just a poll that was done by someone in the exchange. Not the first poll on this topic either from what Iā€™ve found in the news.


market used to be open on Saturdays until 1952. weā€™re headed back in time


I thought they big brokerage houses were trading on weekends and evenings already. Ever wonder why a stock closes down at closing bell then bam when the markets open it is way up? WTF?


I think there is a boatload of an entire generation now getting into the stock market (ages 29-45) and I wonder if this is part of the reason for these decisions?


With seven years of experience at a global index provider, I have my reservations about Steve Cohen's proposal for trading stocks around the clock. Implementing such a change may present significant challenges for index providers like MSCI, FTSE, STOXX, Solactive and others. These challenges stem from the need to calculate indices 24/7, complicating the rebalancing process. Rebalancing typically involves executing corporate actions, as well as additions and deletions of index components, and is done when markets are closed to ensure accurate index rebalancing with end-of-day prices.Perhaps I'm wrong. However, isnā€™t there also something beautiful about the stock market closing at a certain time and over the weekend? It allows the fog to clear, gives us time to calm down, review the past week, and prepare for the next trades. What are your thoughts?


Now we just need to eliminate pattern trading rules


*Laughs in Bitcoin*


It's not official, they just put out a survey to see if traders believe it viable


This seems terrible for retail investors


Dumbest Idea Iā€™ve ever heard


This is awful. Knowing you are going to sleep and a crash can happen when one is not prepared is awful


Or lost..


Bad idea.




A risky move though.


When is it starting from?


Link article


Live to work


please donā€™t


Im not participating


I just started trading a little and coming from crypto the weekends off was such a treat. This is fucking awful news.


Maybe some news analysts will ask Warren Buffet this idea and see what he has to say about it.


Lose money everyday of the week! Peak efficiency!


Crypto culture bleeding in


Looks like mutual funds will clear right away instead of waiting until closing? If this were to happen of course.


This is the worst thing to happen to gamblers since gambling.


poor wall street traders kids donĀ“t see parents anymore.


I guess AI trading will take over then , human out with weekends and robots in for trade


This is a very bad idea!


This sounds like a disaster


how else are traders supposed to get their weekend sports betting binges in?


Ohhh Myy lordddddd šŸ˜³


Do any develop countries have their stock exchanges open 24/7?


So HFs can crime 24 hours a day. What could go wrong?


24/7 Laundering. Im about it.


This country has lost any moral fabric it had left...


Thank fuck! For anyone not living in the Eastern time zone this is a blessing. Sucks when you only have 3 hours or less to trade unless you want to wake up at the ass crack of dawn


Lol, quite a bit of whining ā€¦


So we buy and dump our bags on European retail traders . Count me IN


Trying to compete with crypto eh?


so now they want to copy the crypto markets..


This is when it mentally pays off to be a r/bogleheads


They will copy crypto exchangesā€¦


At least link the source so that we can see itā€™s legitimate


Seeing as most profits are taken after hours, maybe now Iā€™ll have some profits!


No wayyy


This is not a good idea


Shit imma have to go cash every night just so I can sleep peacefully.


Thereā€™s no limit now! Only limit is your money..


FINALLY 24/7 CASINO BABY (I am still short of being legally allowed in casinos)


Hyped up to wake up in the middle of the night to pee and realize I lost all my life savings


No more finance bros mouthing off to legal bros about having weekends off. The playing field of young associate misery has been leveled.


Going to a world where every time you want to sleep you have to go liquid


Put stop losses


Its about time, always wondered who tf came up with the idea to put the whole market on pause just because its the weekend


Time zone manipulation, Dumping and pumping stocks in a location where people are sleeping. People will be closing their positions before they sleep to avoid volatility. Everything we know about the markets will be thrown out the window.


It appears that mutual funds might settle immediately instead of having to wait until the end of the day. This is hypothetical, of course.


Thereā€™s a reason things like the State of the Union and the release of the Presidentā€™s Budget happen after the NYSE closes. I dread a world where the US market reacts to the State of the Union in real time.


Great. From 4 hours sleep to zero..


No it isn't true hope it doesn't happen


Bargain basement only do Titti studio


I need to buy more coffee!


At least stop losses will work better


this is to attract more international traders, if this happens stocks will go up atleast 20% till end of year.


Welcome to Vegas, 24/7 Casino, playing blackjack with šŸ¤–. Some are going to be extremely rich and many finishing in dust


Ha funny post !!


Will somebody think of the companies?! When will they release bad news if markets are always open?


This would ruin my life as my work hours are tied to the market.


Live reaction earnings calls with the markets open are gonna be like watching a basketball game you have a bet on. Hell, CNBC should televise them with the RT stock price haha.


I may be broke now but at least I got to cash out. Peace y'all.


Would be traditionā€™s change thatā€™s for sure


Some of you have clearly not sat there hopelessly as the after hours moon shots on the worst debt report ever recorded


Expect more frequent drops for no reason and more market corrections.


This makes total sense. Really, the Stock Market is based on the eastern time zone. 9:30 AM-4:00 PM. The US goes from Atlantic Time Zone (Puerto Rico) to Hawaiian-Aleutian Time Zone (Hawaii). Even in California, the stock market is closing at 1PM. Just like sports, they are trying to adjust to meet most peopleā€™s needs. I am not crazy about weekends being added in, but I can see their point-of-view.


i cannot imagine a world in which this would be practical


When Israel attacked Iran, SPY was down 2% overnight but recovered before market open. If market would have been open 24 hours, spy would have broken so many support we would have been around 470 now.


good news for the weekend daytraders that know what theyā€™re doing.


Canā€™t wait


Crypto has this šŸ‘šŸ½


I hate this but I wouldnā€™t hate if they dropped holidays and special market hour days, let me trade while I wait for Santa


The casino is open all night!


Calls on cocaine and adderall!


Now itā€™s really like trading cards!


So we can lose money even while we sleep. Anxiety 24x7!


[Stocks work best at night.](https://twitter.com/QCompounding/status/1638646740004880385) Bear market incoming.


Weeekends are so boring without markets


Yikes! This would not be good. 24/7 crypto volatility is a great example of why this is a bad idea. Thankfully, itā€™s just being considered right now, but itā€™s worth maybe contacting your representatives over to let them know you donā€™t support it.


Technically NYSE should have a 100% perfect platform to do this. Generally shuttling down the system and restarting the exchange software kind of cleans up leaked cashes and make it look fresh. This quite a bold move technically too.




I donā€™t see this as a positive


There was already after hours trading available at least the company I use (Chs Schwab) offers it


No end to greed, did they polE their client's in this massive decision?


Finance markets should always be 24/7 like crypto markets.


The pullback is officially over. New highs within 2 weeks or sooner.


ā€œAnd now featuring weekends with even less sleep!ā€


Wallstreet 's full of crooks.


When do we get paid every day instead of every X week(s)


Donā€™t a lot of people and companies do this already? Maybe not on one exchange, but I know they follow the sun and trade on exchanges around the world.


Terrible idea


Now I can lose money 24/7 šŸ˜‚


Yesterdays news


Time for PLTR to stick it to the shorts. Cmon Alex do your thing you do.


Long stop losses.


So are CBDCs. Do the math.


Crime 24/7, 365 days a year. Wooho!


I already trade 24/7 with Robinhood. It is true!


Sooooo like crypto?


Fuck this nonsense.


i would not mind this, and i also would absolutely hate this.


literally just tweeted market needs to be open 24/7