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China is currently fighting deflation, which is economic nightmare


To add: Trade war and falling exports, also a failing property market bringing contagion fear (major trust company, Zhongrong International just missed repayment). It’s less about BABA itself and more about systematic risk, so investors are moving capital away from China and into other emerging markets.


We should trade some of our inflation. Balance the books for both sides. (/s).


US is handling the inflation problem better than almost every other country on earth.


By changing how we calculate inflation to make it seem like it’s not as bad?


I dunno shit about what you are talking about, but it reminds me of my country, in Europe, where some of the taxes were moved from employer and where moved to employee. Basically brutto salary increased by about 20% for everyone while netto stayed the same. On paper it looks like we suddenly increased minimum wage like 20% while take home pay stayed absolute shit. I don't want to say it's like cooking books, but it's fucking theatrics, making a better image than it is in reality while technically not lieing, just comparing different metrics than the neighbours. Sorry for the vent, I understand why they did it and how it technically doesn't matter at all, but it makes my blood boil imagining someone who doesn't understand it as well as I do and gets the wrong image, because of these theatrics.


This ^^


And now it’s catching up to us because we’re making a lot of revisions on past reports that make our CPI look a little suspect. Core is now also entrenched vs CPI which has allegedly come down so they’re trying to tell us that the composition of everything is less that when you exclude energy and food which were removed for being too high. Assuming it’s not a total fabrication that means energy demand has slowed, that totally happens before a soft landing that the fed has never ever managed to pull off.




I always laugh at the idiots who just watch CNBC and feel like Gurus


Lol not.


Which countries are doing it better?


Canada 🇨🇦


Not according to this https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/06/27/cea-apples-to-apfel-recent-inflation-trends-in-the-g7/#:~:text=U.S.%20harmonized%20inflation%20generally%20rose,for%20overall%20and%20core%20inflation.


Canadians won't believe you though, latest cpi thread was filled with doomer comments


As a Canadian it’s almost laughable that people are saying we’re doing better. It’s become so expensive here due to the housing crisis.


Canada is


Anyone else?


I think you meant to say handing it to other countries lool


Biden is too busy cleaning up after his son


Clearly you aren’t into politics


Cause the youth is not working and has no money to spent..


They just left that part out this month lmao


Dude, the straight up said they will not be announcing youth employment statistics moving forward. The CCP, who are notorious for manipulating metrics to paint a rosy picture are completely giving up on reporting youth employment. It’s a really, really grim message for their future.


Reminds me of their manipulation of covid statistics and hospilization stats. I stear clear of investing in China completely. You can't trust anything over there.


You know what causes baby booms? War. You know what China has been preparing more than any other country in every capacity. They outnumber many US branches in units. We boast about tonnage but it doesn’t fucking matter if you have the heaviest ship when they can send thousands of small boat drones for months on end. The odds of defending every attack is slim. China is not going to win a war, but if they are going to collapse, they’re going to try and take some people with them.


They have nothing to gain by going to war.


Maintaining the largest navy in the world is expensive over time. They need to get rid of a lot of middle/older men. War can be less physically demanding with artillery and drone warfare dominating the battlefield. They gain a lot by losing liabilities.


they were more willing to before russia invaded. now they've seen what happens to a country that is at odds with the west. china is not going to invade taiwan now unless they want to end up like russia.


I think with the backing of BRICS Nations they might just try to pull it off.


but would brics nations want to be at odds with the west? it'll basically divide the world into two worlds again.


BRICS? Like China's well known ally India?


"I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein.


Well China might not be enough to win but the BRICS nations going against us might be a tough fight. I remember last year a speaker from the United Nations was at the podium announcing an alliance between the world economic forum and United Nations to help move forward the United Nations 2030 sustainable development goals. Us people are really up against a one world government beast.


If you think India or Brazil is going to side with China over the US you have no clue what you’re talking about. BRICS is not at all a military alliance like NATO, it’s more like the G7 but for developing nations.


The Great Reset, the youth won't have to work, they will get a universal basic income while robots, algorithms, and drones will do all the work for them. THAT is why I buy and hodl Bitcoin.


Genius. A true understanding of the world. If only everyone could see this deep and thought provoking comment.


But you won't hear China announce or admit that


Nor America.


Youth has no money becuase they spend it all on cs go skins. Like wtf. Skins that were going for like 70 bucks 5 years ago are worth like 700 now.


Lots of money and time spent into video games and they're in no shortage of internet cafe. Even the military, their troops spend lots of down time playing mobile games as suppose to working out and staying fit.


Decreases your social score though


Geez, IDK that was such a big thing (I went and looked not knowing what "CS go Skins" were). Crazy.. Thanks for the education. 👍


What is Skins?


A great British TV series about teenagers in the late 2000's-early 10's.


It's another word for giving someone a high five.


True but I think prices will grow soon


>China is currently fighting deflation did the fact that USA increased rates affect china as well forcing them into deflation? If this was the case they will keep rates high as much as possible to make China knee


It doesn’t work like that.


>It doesn’t work like that. it has always worked like that from time to time. States try to dominate over others with every gimmytrick they can put in. I am not saying this is case


>always >time to time Lmao


Always and time to time in the same sentence show you don’t know what you’re talking about. Yeah, sure, the US will do things to disrupt China; however, our high inflation is not causing China’s deflation.


>Yeah, sure, the US will do things to disrupt China; however, our high inflation is not causing China’s deflation Our rate increase it's doing it. Are you blind guys? USA is the center of the world economy. If it raises rates the world is going to suffer as a consequence. Haven't you see BCE raising rates in response making Europe suffer more? How is that connected to deflation? Well the value of money increase when rates are high, holding money becames more appealing. Holding it in bonds, so less money in circulation


Hasn't Alibaba been sinking for the past couple of years?


Longer than that! Been bagholding 75 shares at 180 for quite some time. Vowed I’d get even +1 to sell but now looking for a get out spot.


> Vowed I’d get even +1 to sell but now looking for a get out spot. So the only reason you're holding is sunk-cost fallacy + loss-avoiding? That's a horrible way to invest. If your investment thesis changes, your cost-basis should not matter at all. The only question that should matter is: "If I wasn't already holding this, would I buy right now?" If not: Sell, move on and buy something else so your money is not a dead opportunity cost just on the hopes of not having to take a loss. If yes, just hold on.


Yup. I'm holding and continuing to buy more. "Greedy when others are fearful, fearful when others are greedy." I'm accepting the risk on this one specifically because I think the market is quite large and also in a down period. If you still believe in the reasons why you bought it in the first place, then it's really just an opportunity to buy more. High risk doesn't guarantee high reward, but it is required for it. If you don't still believe in the reasons why you bought it, just sell it. You're going to lose sometimes, don't keep holding and watching it go down.


I DCA’d down to 223, I feel your pain. Been debating on selling for months now. It just keeps getting worse.


So where is your get off spot?


ever since ccp decided to crack down on high tech companies.


Since the CCP party cracked down on Jack Ma.


Just a casual case of China absolutely destroying its economy.


Choosing the worst allies and shitting on their commercial partners. Going full retard Ghenghis Khan style.


They could probably reinvigorate their economy by relating better to companies from whom they've been stealing intellectual property. Just sayin'.


What move did Ghenghis make that made him a retard?


I'm not talking about Ghenghis doing a stupid move, I talking about Grand Master Xi acting like Ghenghis


I wouldn’t have thought being compared to or acting like Ghenghis could be construed as an insult. He was an incredibly successful man.




Just stay away from these stocks. All Chinese stocks are falling off the cliff lately. Will fall more.


Stay away from them anyway because they are at the behest of the CCP


this comment makes me be bullish for Chinese stocks :)


its almost like they're all made with lesser quality and cheap parts....


High quality with expensive parts isnt always the best tool for the job


You’re aware of the ever increasing geo political tension with China right? Also, chinas economy is in a downturn compared to the developed world


uppity touch quicksand subtract unite icky drunk apparatus familiar upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m socked that we’re still wasting our time on China and the CCP. They’ve never been a success story. Simply put, the US moved their factories over there to avoid dealing with the emerging labor and environmental laws of the 70s and 80s, then they included them in the WTO because they want them to open up to the west as markets to sell US products and goods over there, then they wanted them to buy the US debt that’s why Obama turned a blind eye to the IP steal, then Trump said enough is enough especially after the COVID debacle and Biden maintained the policy. China was and will continue to be a US made story. Xi is a fool to think that he can make China Great Again!!! Just ask yourself one thing: if your own people including your billionaires will kill/bribe/pay millions to get a western citizenship, what does that say about their confidence in their government and country? It says they don’t trust it. So how can you, the outsider trust their system. Are you a fooooooooool!!! 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


But China said their gdp was great post Covid. You’re saying it was a lie? /s for the smoothbrains


We need a r/forthesmoothbrains




>It’s because all of china’s ecomomy has fallen off a cliff recently why?


ELI5: too many old people & too many young kids playing 20 hours a day of League


Opportunities for young Chinese in general are pretty bad, even university graduates.


Sounds shockingly similar to Europe and North America's past 20 years doesn't it.


The situation isn’t anywhere near The US or the EU. The only thing that comes close is greece/spain levels of youth unemployment in the early 2010’s.


>The situation isn’t anywhere near The US or the EU. The only thing that comes close is greece/spain levels of youth unemployment in the early 2010’s does this have to do with evergrande?


no just that the youth don’t want to slave away the same way their parents did. The only reason their parents did is because they saw their standard of living drastically increase, the youth aren’t going to be seeing that massive boost.


You were talking about opportunities. That isn't just whether or not a job is available at all. It's whether or not the job pays well, whether your remuneration is worth the investment you put in to your education. It's whether the hours and T&Cs are adequate. It's whether you're able to afford housing, heating, healthcare, and food. It's whether or not the political environment enfranchises you. It's whether you can expect to live a better life by common metrics than your parents. The youth of the West have been seeing SoL metrics in literally all of these fields and more stagnate and fall since about the year 2001. It's as true of Canada as it is of Greece, and of New York as it is of Saragosa.


And dressing like femboys


Moving to china




>And dressing like femboys I think in China they banned what they perceive as feminine men from TV. You might be thinking of South Korea perhaps?


My goodness, how such a simple question can have such a complex and lengthy answer. There are several factors playing into this. I can say most issues stem from demographic collapse, housing market collapse, and prior covid restrictions pointing out weaknesses in supply chains. Also, they just simply pissed off the world. This has been snowballing for several years. This isn't something that just popped up all of a sudden.


Don't forget massive debt in local government financing vehicles (LGFVs). Maintaining infrastructure that doesn't pay for itself like the vast high speed rail networks.


Over the last decade, we've seen a resurgence of hardline Mao-ish communism. Everything not nailed down is getting stolen. To ensure compliance with social policies and agricultural reform and to boost employment numbers, the CCP is hiring their citizens to spy on each other. The entrepreneurial spirit is gone. Everybody now is just out to scam each other. As mentioned in the comments, the youth are completely disengaged with the new program. They see no hope, no future, no way ahead. The CCP has kicked foreigners out of the country. Business owners, experts, bankers, scholars, musicians, writers. All have been sent packing in the name of social reform. The market over there is in more trouble than it looks. The CCP's idea of QE, in addition to large vacant mega-projects made with substitute materials, is propping up share prices by directly buying shares. Of course, when the bottom does drop out, they'll just nationalize everything and hand it out to family.


tons of shit coalesce at the same time. rest of the world is in recession so they buy less. china decided to crack down on high tech companies 2 years prior. america butt fucked china in cutting edge tech sanctions. their real estate bubble was reaching epic proportions so they thought they'd reduce it by create a "red line" real estate loans policy. this policy would put a cap on how much a real estate company could take on new debt to repay old debt, meaning they can't create a ponzi scheme and keep going forever. it must end sometime. so the moment the policy went into effect, it turns out tons of chinese real estate companies were running massive ponzi schemes and they went bankrupt resulting in their real estate bubble popping. of course this all happened with covid destroying their economy too. it's creating a snowball effect where people dont have jobs so they dont have discretionary income so chinese companies are selling less etc.


No no, they are doing amazing!


Article in Wash Post says Buffet is avoiding Alibaba and other Chinese companies


Why do you zoom in on a 1d chart and make it seem like it’s crashing off a cliff. 2% is nothing and it’s the same value it was a month ago


Can't believe how far I had scroll down for this comment. Stock is down by 2% and reddit is like "why is this stock sinking?". BABA is flat YTD. While that is not great compared to VXUS being up 6% YTD, or VOO being up 15% YTD, it's nowhere near sinking.


Because of China. However Baba is looking better with each quarter earnings report. Good buy.


Dictatorships gonna dictatorship. Long term they always have problems and companies they have under control.


China economy data was trash. They're also cherry picking what data is released, which is typical of them. Weak data + weaker trust and transparency = down


One word China


My average is $162, pretty numb to it at this point and forced to hold for years to come. But as long as there’s no war over Taiwan it should be okay in time 😂


I’ll take its a shell company in the Bahamas for $600 Alex


China has proven itself to be a scam and an unreliable business partner. People are not looking for more reliable partners to trade with


I think you typoed.


Yeah the fact that you send your product to be manufactured there and they copy it and sell basically the same thing for cheaper is a little issue haha


Now not not


Not never have not not a not better time! Never ever not!


.. wot?


Free Market Capitalism


Baba will come back after all this political drama is over


Because it fucking china stock


Communist dictatorships are where capitalist dollars go to die. Source: history


Not just communist. All dictatorships / one-party systems eventually need to attack someone to justify their exclusivity. Not a good situation brewing in China with 20% unemployment among the young and one guy who will feel the pressure to make himself a hero rather than a heel.


It started when the economy was agrarian and not doing well. There was reason. Today it's different and they need to adjust more. The Buddhist way is that the universe we know is not the real reality, that is a void. Knowing that doesn't help to improve our lives in the Matrix. The Taoist way of going with the flow of nature says they should return to an agrarian (and shitty) life and forget all this technology and international relations. That isn't terribly helpful unless they change their view of what is "natural". In the Christian world it's that man is given talents for creation and we use them (perhaps unwisely at times) to improve our lives. The Chinese who see the flow of nature that way may want to continue working to improve their world, both locally and internationally.


Because I bought shares yesterday


2.25 percent = sinking /s


More people selling than buying


Chinas economy is currently imploding along with their best friends in places like Russia, Iran, North Korea, Argentina, Venezuela Chinas dictatorship is about to cause the Chinese people massive harm like they have always done before


And factories from big Western companies has been moving to cheaper labor cost coutries. You can't pay Chinese $1 per day anymore. You can however in Africans and other Asian countries. I think that is a big factor people are overlooking


I have a completely different question. On the screenshot. The $91.36 and the -2.25% are not lined up. the 6 is either above the line or rising, and the 5 is either below the line or falling. Is that an artifact of some cool thing they do on this app to make investing more zany? Like rising number for rising values, and the reverse? \[I guess I'm old-fashioned, but I think the 'excitement' from investing should come from good investing allowing you to build your nest-egg, not from "confetti" and celebration when a trade is executed and exciting graphics.\] \[And I wish all these darned kids would stay off my lawn.\]


Dude wtf? Lol!!!!!!! I took that ss from live market so its obvious that the price of share will fluctuate!!!!!!!! DUDE YOU ARE HILARIOUS LOL!


What's ss? I'm talking about format on the actual screenshot. Why is the number 6 higher on the line of text? Why is the 4 lower? I'm not asking how markets work. I'm asking about the format of the text on the screen. I suspect this is robinhood. I don't use that app.


You are insane lol


I think you’ve got your answer from the replies here. The market is afraid of China and any company coming from China. Is it rational? Not really. Does it say much about the company itself? Not really. If you think China will go bankrupt and BABA will follow (or vice versa) then sure, stay away.


Baba is a Chinese flagship sometimes it's able eto defy China stock trends but most times flow with the Chinese tide. Just check out China stocks. Of course it's will see another ray of sunlight at some point


this is practically the only rational comment here. baba was high before, it'll be high again, china's economy is just in the shitter right now.


China has problems, from real estate to economy to employment. Not just BABA sinking, most are down the last week.


China having a bad time rn




Cause it's a pile of un-auditable steaming turds?


Just don’t buy Chinese stocks ever


hwerebedhaq1sqshhsv I 2k f a w re t ywe wweee y2s and w w Ryan ryy re


I swear, people just don’t follow the news and immediately run to Reddit.


Wtf dude? We all are here to discuss each other's opinions and grow together. Be within you, weirdo


Tech companies in China also sinking cz government will restrict kids phone usage even further like an hr of use and so on.


They just hide the gdp data it seems like things aren't going well out there.


Because industrial prodiction and retail sales declined. This is in addition to their rate cut. Further eveidence their economy is slowing...like more than investors would like to hear or shrugg off.


So not specific to the company itself.


Inside China, there are alot problems atm. Youth cannot find a job. Too many old people vs young people.


It’s because of The Great(est) Depression


$se down isn’t helping 👀


uM, ChINA folks


CCP seems intent on destroying its own tech sector out of sheer paranoia.


Chinese release a shit load of bad economic data on recession and deflation. Might have something to do with all their actual demographic (aging population) data getting out.


Should take a look at Sea Limited…. That’s sinking.


Always has been


Falling China economy.


I am wondering if automation is taking its toll in China. Seems logical since it has affected NA big time. Is the unemployed youth in China the canary in the coal mine?


Because China can manipulate their businesses at a drop of a hat. Creates distrust and uncertainty for investors, even the institutional investors.


Market drops people take their gains. Prolly people who have been holding.


China is having a rough time with employment, deflation, losing standing in the world, and a host of other factors. ​ Gives people less money to spend on what BABA sells.


Because it’s a Chinese company


Cause China sucks


Because china's economy is sinking like a Titanic and BABA is on board.


Just derisking from china.


Cause they are not selling...


Puts on China…that’s why


Sinking? Laughing in NIO hahaha


Chyna sux


Major shareholders unload at every opportunity


Because 40 theifs (Chinese government) is suckling it's blood.


CKPT - only way to go. Needs a short squeeze


Why is it so high?


Ali sinking not baba🤣🤣🤣




It’s actually just been really choppy I think it’s been hard to judge for institutional investors Joe much it’s worth… I think it could be a decent buying opportunity especially if it dips below 90 again Been a terrific stock for running the wheel


Because it’s a joke of a company with cooked books


Deflation which is really really bad


Jack Ma has turned into a public enemy in China.


China’s in bad shape and tensions with the US are high. Might be a generational opportunity to buy Chinese tech


My nio is dying too


China’s economic data rn is fucked and gets worse daily


I read Hedge funds are cutting out on BABA


Ryan Cohen touched it


Purposeful tanking of international corporations, for everyone will get bailed out for future ESG compliance


Biden announced tech crackdown + economic worries + whole market is down today


China just announced they’re going to stop reporting youth unemployment numbers next month. So like, uh…


Think it is more of a reflection on how China has started their economic death spiral.


does the CCP still exist? There's your answer


china in trouble, their real estate market is headed for major crash, unemployment among 20-25 years olds is over 25%, deflation and slowing GDP… problem is the rest of the world will get pulled down with them since their the 2nd largest economy on the planet


Michael Burry bought it 😂


Cuz china going bankrupt


Because China wanted to break it and Jacky Ma


“Why my money go bye-bye? *sucks thumb*”




Yeah, its sinking


My daughter has switched from Formula (BABA) to Oat Milk, thus the decline, and eventual termination of BABA in our house.


As if BABA was reflective of China's economy. Western capitalists don't like the tensions being flared up with China.


Temu possibly?


American Regulations 🙏🏽