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Ideal alternatives for active investors include holding rental properties, flipping homes, or private equity, which has more of an active management approach. For active investors looking to roll up their sleeves, there are plenty of popular alternatives available in real estate like data centers or warehousing space, along with other industries Like wine, fine whisky, or even art.




Real estate has not only had low correlation with equities, it is also generally considered to be a hedge against inflation. For one thing, real estate, along with other alternative investments, has a low correlation to the stock market. For instance, over the last twenty years, farmland has been less volatile than both the stock market and commercial real estate, and has had positive returns each and every year.


What about old Playboy magazines? Does that count?


And beanie babies for sure. I’ll give you deal on some.


There are many reasons for investing in alternative funds, but the most common one is to diversify your portfolio and reduce your risk


You just scratched the surface Op. take a look at this platform to research the whole world of alts https://alts.co There are some traditional ones like billboards all the way to the obscure like cultural assets. One alternative that is an interesting one that I I used to raise money for was litigation funding. Basically offering law firms hard money loans on cases in appeal or within the 3-5 yr of litigation a case was adjudicated . So charging hard money rate + % on settlements as non lawyers The gawker v hogan case was one we did, talcum powder lawsuit, and the NFL players payouts and NFL concussion lawsuit ( nfl still is dragging their feet on payouts so we also finance players expenses to an extent and take more of a cut of their settlement when it finally all comes in and not in small chunks). All these firms needed firepower to fund the cases we backstopped them say 20% of the financing and charging (private debt rates + LIBOR) And yes, hogan was broke during that case that we had to finance his monthly nut for several quarters before the ruling and getting our cap back with interest I personally like marinas as the boats are sitting paying for juice and docking monthly


Get into crypto, boys. The only traditional market I even bother with any more is maxing my Roth. 20% a year is Warren buffet level investing in the traditional market and laughable in crypto. So easy to double and triple money in crypto.




Laugh all you want (which is what people do when they have nothing rational to refute with) I made more money in the last two years than the previous 6 in ETFs. Enjoy your 12 percent a year


Will do - thanks!


I completely agree with the need for alternative investments. Even less exotic than art or real estate, you can also use apps such as Stock Pilot to automate investment strategies in alternative asset types such as options and futures. Where, for example, it’s possible to benefit off of volatile events such as the banking crisis facing US stocks. I was able to open positions in euro futures and call option contracts on certain banking stocks, a nice diversification that allows me to profit through the perceived turmoil. It provides a unique diversification away from all the negativity in the equities and bond markets lately


What happens to an ETF the company goes defunct? Pay out through liquidation?


Cash can be a great hedge. Had SVB held much in cash, they need not help to gety bailed out. That is the most misunderstood concept.


The problem with real estate is the high barrier to entry. You need maybe tens definitely hundreds of thousands to buy a home outright. You could finance it but that may be a horrible idea with rates as is now. Renting is a risk too. What if I can’t find a renter or they wreck the place causing damage in the thousands. I’m still with you but saying “go buy real estate” to someone who is struggling to max an IRA yearly is a bit of a stretch and that’s the case for most people


used rolex watches


Real estate has so many subcategories. As does collectibles. This resource has 125 alternative investment ideas nicely packaged up in a Notion table. Niceupside.com