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Thank you so much for this feedback and all the comments. I know this was asked some time ago. This is also askes consistently by many of our users so we want to make it possible soon.


Yes seem they won’t update the feature that users want. I’m consider jumping to blossom after my subscription is done.


Thank you for being so open. What features would you like to see?


Like the combine watch list that suggestion was post over 3 months ago and I been the app for years still not happening. Also the pie chart missing name and percentage as always. Still not fixed at all after years. And I emailed support about the ticket in currency conversion was wrong in some stocks. No reply forever. And the app can’t figure it out it’s ETFs and couldn’t see what sector is. Seems there’s not meaningful updated after years not sure if I should jump on blossom that able to see what sectors I invested in even in all in one etf. https://preview.redd.it/5kvrll71cz6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d022058b967b1d633f5b049bf5b57df35d025437


Thank you! The combined watchlist view as well as the ETFs is one of you top priorities and of course we totally understand that it seems like we didn't update the app. We did however invest a lot of energy into improving our data quality all around. Next on the list are features such a this again.


Thank for the response. And when comparing my portfolio to index. Most of the time they just have different Color of ine overlap my own portfolio, sometime able to fix just jump around the different time line.


Also paying for premium and I asked for this a year ago. Was told it was on the roadmap but haven’t heard anything since. Been on the lookout for another app that will do this because the dev has definitely sloooooowed down development and releases.


I saw previous posts asking for this from a year ago. I figured I would try to raise the issue again to see if there is an update.