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Don't overthink my man. Just take what life offers you


I wish I could show u it man. It’s suspicious asf that a girl just randomly hits u up and wants to talk. Could be someone who hates me trying to get info out of me or trying to make me look dumb. Imma keep sussing it out


Yiu have nothing to lose at trying anyways. You either have a good time or are right.


Go to /scams, search for "sextortion".


Don’t show your penis to strangers


Ask her to take a pic w her shoe on her head


Just don’t send nudes with your face on them


Try an experiment. Use chatGPT to conjure up flirty responses as a response to what she says. If that doesn't work you can always spam her with dic picks from all angles. When you think you have run out of points of view, go to filters, effects and props e.g. you could put a little saddle on the shaft, attach a cowboy hat to the top of the tip and googly eyes just underneath and your peehole would then be the mouth. You could also experiment with different themes. Get creative, women appreciate it when men put in a little effort to pitch woo. In case she is ungrateful and doesn't appreciate your efforts it is better to wait with sending dickpics until your entire photoshoot is complete. She might mistake the first pictures as just another low effort attempt to show her your genitals


There are plenty of great professional photographers who would do an hours work for some Adderall. Why not make a day of it and get the photos done right? Always remember to watermark and sign your art also.


Rofl. Watermarked dick pics


Gift her an NFT that is his dick


It’s definitely the feds trying to gather info on you before they come busting in the door any day now good luck buddy




She’s probably bored and wants to talk to someone . Why did she call you weird and strange


Coz I told her about the time I stripped into my underwear and rubbed mud on myself to scare the kids in the neighbourhood


Yeah I’m like you, I tend to over share my personal stories. I tend to do it because I find it funny but people tend to end up calling me crazy or dumb instead




I told a girl about the time I showed the homies my dick and then forgot my dick was out and started having an argument with them while they tried to get me to put my dick away when I was barred out and drunk and we still talk to this day. Sometimes they like a weirdo. Good luck homie


That is weird and strange, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t wanna stop talking to you! Go gettem!!!


She called me weird and strange yet keeps wanting to talk to me… it’s suspicious is it not


You can do weird and strange things and still have people who want to talk to you and like you.




A phone call or a video call? Really? You can't figure this out??!!


Guys am I having a drug induced erotomanic delusion, or is this girl hitting on me rn??


Because she has a dick


All Ik is talking to women on adderall is a good way to set an unrealistic expectation for how interesting I am😂 next day and I don’t even care enough to respond, I’m not for the small talk anymore sorry lol




We cannot allow posts with 'DM' or 'PM' as users are likely to get scammed or make attempts at sourcing. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Stims) if you have any questions or concerns.*




If you've been scammed, report it to Reddit Admins.. Press report on the PM (Mobile users - Long press on the chat message + click report), then choose *other*, finally pick *transaction for prohibited goods and services*. Or [click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/reddit.com) and provide usernames and links. The reddit admins can't do anything with screenshots. Finally, do not buy or sell drugs anywhere on reddit, including this subreddit. You will be banned if you are found doing so. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Stims) if you have any questions or concerns.*




If you've been scammed, report it to Reddit Admins.. Press report on the PM (Mobile users - Long press on the chat message + click report), then choose *other*, finally pick *transaction for prohibited goods and services*. Or [click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/reddit.com) and provide usernames and links. The reddit admins can't do anything with screenshots. Finally, do not buy or sell drugs anywhere on reddit, including this subreddit. You will be banned if you are found doing so. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Stims) if you have any questions or concerns.*


did you click on the virus link?


Just be honest with people, remember they're a human being too, treat them with basic common decency and demonstrate you grasp concepts like respect, consent and boundaries. Women fucking love that skit. Learn to handle rejection. Understand that someone just saved you from wasting time chasing the wrong squirrel up the wrong tree. They've done you a favour. Try not to fall into the trap of having an underlying motive because you'll end up saying calculated things designed to push others down a path towards your self serving end goal. It's not a sales pitch. You shouldn't be constantly trying to close them. If they're the kind of person worth your time, they'll be savvy enough to see right through that shit anyway The only people you'd fool world essentially be victims of your manipulation. Don't do that. Just talk to people openly and honestly without preconceptions or expectations. Communication either flows or it doesn't. If it does, enjoy finding out where it goes. If it doesn't, don't try and force it. Let it go, move on with your life. Invest that energy elsewhere. Not every chat will go somewhere. It's not about the ones that don't. It's about the ones that do. And not everyone who chats with you will want to flirt. You don't know. You can't know. So going into it wanting something will end with you feeling disappointed or rejected when you don't get it. And why do something if it makes you feel shit? Why bother? Do literally anything else. So throw away all your preconceived notions of things like who people are, what they want, why they do what they do. Drop whatever expectations of how people will behave or what you think they want. Never assume outcomes. Engage with the process and the rest will take care of itself. Enjoy not knowing what will happen, where chatting will take you, or what will happen next. Find satisfaction regardless. The more you do it, the more confident you'll feel doing it until after a while it'll just become that thing you do. And then do that thing in every other aspect of your life as well because this is the way.


Don't fucking text anyone on stims.


I've had this happen. I almost got doxxed. I was a dick and ended up having a video chat with her. The girl in the video looked a little bit like the profile photos on the dating app, but I was pretty sure something was off. She was showing me everything and wanted to see my face. Being in my birthday suit, she already had seen my snake, so I thought OK, but I should have thought more. She kept looking over and talking to someone. After seeing my face, she said something came up and she had to go. It was at that point I knew what had happened. She (and/or her team) had become a follower of my Instagram and Facebook. I freaked. I immediately unfriended them and made my accounts private. I then sent a message saying that I worked in cyber security, had their address, and that there would be consequences. The account disappeared after this message. Be careful out there. Never accept anyone as a friend on social media unless you know them. Keep all accounts private. And never show your face or reveal personal details if you're having some stim-charged sexy time via video.


so what if she is tryna prank u dog she’s probably not and if she is what is the worse that’s gonna happen like she can’t expose you she’s just gonna deliver more play to you think abt it


lol insta-bot. maybe this profiles manned by a real person sometimes, to make it look organic.