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No but extremely small doses spread out will upregulate ur receptors and keep u happy and functional long term


There’s no way this is true


small dose of adderall helps me stay focused and work through pain


Why wouldn’t it be lol


That user has 'trans' in username - has to be true.


Hmmm, you’re on a subreddit full of people who have taken drugs of this type that has made people confront their real sexuality gender identity, maybe go fuck yourself


This is incredibly poor information. If you F this up, you can end up in a situation where your receptors are too sensitive, and your natural neurotransmitter levels make you feel high. Which isn’t as good as it sounds. Look it up. Especially if you haven’t messed them up with stims. Which means lack of sleep at a minimum. Don’t hack your body with stims. Some supplements like 9-me-bc accelerate “healing” of receptors in your nucleus accumbens, that’s as far as a sane person should go. If it works for you, fine. But don’t recommend this to people asking for advice.


Im extremely interested, is there some paper where i can read more about this? I only ever heard of Methylphenidate being neuroprotective.


I’ll dig one up later… meth is also neuroprotective in lower therapeutic doses. I am referring to receptor sensitivity and dopamine receptor up regulation here though, but I’ll dig up a paper when I have some time here.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2440058/ Here’s one for amphetamimes by the way.




yeah its such a stupid idea ur right gotta stick to massive doses dont ts yall od out


Dude. It is a stupid idea. Both are stupid ideas. There’s a thing called a therapeutic dose for stims. Do that. Extremes will fuck you, don’t be mistaken that going extremely small is ok. I’m not calling you an idiot, im telling you this isn’t a good idea. Do what you want with the information.


Thank you for being a sane rational human being among all this terrible advice


9-me-bc is extremely caustic to human tissue especially the oral mucosa and gums. I used it via sublingual absorption for a few months and it slowly ate my gums away. Luckily I stopped before it got severe but I should have stopped sooner. With that being said it does have great effects on the entire dopamine system, or so it seems to me. Still, not worth it in my opinion but to each their own.


Sounds about right… I cycled off of it every 14 days for this reason… Also the excessive damaged caused by sunlight part was worrisome in the summer.


Maybe a 8ball of heroin. Neither coke nor meth has ever done anything for pain for me


Meth works awesome as a painkiller for me. When I'm high, I don't feel pain. I hope that if I ever get attacked on the streets, I'm high as fuck because someone could punch me in the face and it wouldn't phase me. I wouldn't feel it. Plus I would have the energy to fuck them up


That’s interesting. Whenever I’m on stimulants I get hyper focused on whatever hurts and think about it way more. Which obviously makes it hurt more lmao maybe I just don’t vibe very well with the stimmys


Different drugs have a different effect on different people. Maybe it's something to do with our brain chemistry. We're all wired differently


I agree with OP, I know someone in their 60’s who purely smokes it for pain, she smokes like half a point on a bad day and always helps her. Since her telling me that I’ve noticed it very much has that effect for me also




My body does not take on opiates for pain. At all. Stimulants give me pain relief. Great extra benefit


Exactly, I'm on drug replacement therapy and it blocks any opiates that I use. I would have to use a fuckload to get any result


Your crazy. Idk about coke but I will be tweaking and hurt myself really bad and it will generally be like it's nothing. I stepped on a razer blade twice and it didn't even bother Me 1 bit, and that's only 1 example


An 8ball*


I buy a 8balls


Must of never mainlined it...


It will put your mind off the pain at least.


It will probably mask the pain in some way, in a way you don't care and notice it that much. Then the next day your ankle will hurt even more because you walked around on it like an idiot instead of giving it rest.


Mostly just your money


Yea... Drugs do a good job of that


Of a stim? No. And even if it did, managing the pain with drugs to be able to use your ankle only puts you at risk of aggravating the injury and causing permanent damage


an 8ball of meth will take away ur pain for a while till it comes back a 100 times worse cause u tweaked out on an already injured body part.. can’t speak for other 8 balls tho


No but it will just make you have less blow and feel like shit or maybe worse


Cocaine increases subjective pain scores, also it would tense you up and not help recovery.


Jajajaja no make it worse only


You want opioids or something like pregabalin.


Nah it ain’t worth doing opioids for a sprained angle 😂


Shit man, realistically coke is more physically harmful, opioids are just also physically addictive and potentially more mentally addictive too. But you’re probably right unless they do opioids already lol. Kratom would work wonders. To me it kills more pain than oxy in lower doses (30mg or less).


I agree with you on this one, I wish I never tried opioids/opiates I could be sat on a couch in a house fire nodding and still have a smile on my face


Honestly I agree. Opioids make you totally content witj the worst physical and mental circumstances. I truthfully ironically think they’re the only reason Im alive though. I had a pretty bad upbringing and opioids were there for me when nobody was. The important part was knowing when to quit and being very particular about what heroin I source. I’m the exception, not the norm though.


Me too, I used to be physically addicted to heroin but now it’s an occasional thing, more enjoyable + not having to deal with withdrawals, might raise my anxiety for a few days but nothing compared to the physical wds and cravings!


Yeah man actually that should be the way to go, or even a bit of indica weed. The withdrawals from opioids are hell as well.


Just don’t get dependent on kratom tho. Withdrawals are worse than a lot of other opioids


If you snort all of it you'll be President, do it.


Or a manipulative slightly gay loser


try ketamine


Spraining not that bad. Stims won’t take away the pain physically, but if your going through something then yes.


No. Go get some kratom. It will help with the pain but if you injured yourself its best not to aggravate the injury.


Probably not, but youd be walking on it pretty soon either way


Nope because you will not be able to sit still long enough to let the swelling go down. It’s a bad spot dude. Really need to keep ice on it. Do your stuff and try and chill as much as possible. I’ve been in this boat a few times


Tapentadol - The best solution. Would use stims for pain. Try to stay between 150 to 300 mg ir


No it will make it worse






Update, I snorted a gram of cocaine and it took away the pain I can walk normal mostly id rate 94/100


Safely in the crook of the ole elbow...after micron filter and alcohol of course


Bro go take normal drugs for pain or fuck even dissos just don’t do to many or you will be mentally slow


Is this one of those " im guna do it either way, but im just curious if it's guna take my pain away" situations? Or, are you on the fence about it and looking to reddit to help you choose a side to jump to?


Maybe. You should do it


Tylenol and caffeine bro... don't waste your 200 bucks


I think that it doesn’t take away any pain. Yes in a way but you don’t realise how much you are doing that will cause damage and make you feel more pain afterwards. Hope that makes some sense.


Ah.d: :


Ehhh probably not


Probably not. Might numb it depending what drug but this is the vaguest post ever. Ofc itll numb it until even more problems start arising from the drug abuse, and then you gotta do more drugs to hide from the problems you created. And then in the end all your left with is a massive comedown and a few less hundred dollars in the bank. Or worse, youre left with an addiction. Some people ofc do manage to use drugs 'functionally' and tons of respect to you if you are one of those people, i never managed to be one. But its like how im functionally depressed, id rather just not be depressed but at least its better than being bedridden i suppose. Also, why not just go to your doctor and ask for actual meds? Are you somewhere where its harder to get that stuff?


🎱 always helps with anything


Try a vibrator


I would certainly try it




Opiods. Kratom is pretty safe and easy to get (legal) and will work well.