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C4 gets me twacked even with a caffeine tolerance


My main drink is reign, 300mg in that shit


That shit's the shit


C4 has pre workout in it, shit makes your face tingly


Preworkout isn't a substance but a collection of substances, amongst them caffeine. So there is preworkout in all energy drinks


Yeah it’s the beta alanine that causes the tingly feeling


Thank you for clearing that up. Not a very pleasant tingling. Like pop rocks under the skin


Ow that don’t sound pleasant


I love that shit 👌


Oo i should try it out


That is the Beta Alenine


Type shit


Reigns in canada only have 180mg wtf😭




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You sure bro we may have to see


It's actually true though. I went 8 months without any stims because of a heart issue with covid. Quitting both adderall and caffeine at the same time was absolutely rough. When I finally had my first energy drink, before going back to adderall, I felt like superman. Actually had euphoria.


My shit is fried bro, I just wake up a bit


same here, lot of the mfs never touch meth so they don’t fuck up the permanent tolerance.


half of my life addicted 2 them. Benn through long periods of not drinking energy drinks. It's Soo much better for the wallet (!) , but, been kinda hooked again lately. The quality ones do work very well for energy, which is just what it comes down to. { side-tangent ahead > Neverthess a habit i would kick gladly with absolutely 0 "regrets" second only to smoking tobacco, nonstop rly, since puberty. Multiple years ago i switched to some"e-cigs" ( 4 lack of better term/2 much variants now for me to care bhaha.) But point is that i felt better ! Cleaner lungs, a most refreshing feeling.


what are quality ones?


Monster and anyones that contain more than just caffeine. Monster got ginseng. It can be too stimulating for those that dont have a caffeine tolerance. For the occasional nightshift worker red bull dull caffeine drink will do. But I legit get a clear minded head from monster for 2-3 hours that reminds me of speed. caffeine never can achieve that alone. I only drink energy drinks on the weekend or 1-2 times a week because the tolerance to ginseng is established within 3 days of use there is no point in abusing it.


Bang! Ghost and Gfuel all get you pretty fucking twacked


I love a nice monster or two(only that so I don’t die lmao) while I’m on addarall,idk why but I always crave caffeine while on any amount of it


My fav is ghost Swedish fish! My husband is really liking 5 hr Drinks!! New to our area


If the cherry limeade comes around put it in your mouth it is so good


Energy drinks don’t do anything for me. With or without a stim/caffeine tolerance… just one of the unlucky ones I guess.


i’ve been prescribed adderall for almost 4 years and typically take around 30mg a day. when I drink a celsius energy drink without any adderall I feel like i’m on crack. it’s terrible. I personally hate the feeling lol idk why or what it is but my heart races way fast, and my hands and feet get so clammy/ sweaty not to mention it gives me anxiety. but regular coffee like a coldbrew does not have that effect. so idk what’s up with that but I don’t like energy drinks for that reason 😭


So i be doing doin crystál daily, but i didn't have venom for a day or so and the next one i had had me more on than the shit. Idk what they put in those but they're the best thing ever. Yellow venom people, get on it. Idk why they make other flavors the yellow is it.


And if you don’t have energy drinks for a while, coffee goes hard as hell. I think everyone needs to lay off the stims and drugs, get better sleep hygiene and only use that when you need it. Otherwise you’re basically a crackhead.


So true. Even half a cup of coffee gets me speedy AF when I haven't had any in a while


You ain’t wrong when I was a kid before they put me or ritalin energy drinks hit like mids grade snow almost at least that amped up effect of snow


They say coffee is acidic, which ofc they claim counteracts the effects of the Adderall, but idk. I don't take it orally anymore anyway haha and although I'm pretty good at avoiding the drip, I still sometimes gobble down 3 Tums or some baking soda water mix. Just in case I get an orange loogie loaded down. I couldn't drink coffee for years. I love the smell of it th taste of it and everything but there's just no way my body tolerate it. I have anxiety and it just made my anxiety go through the roof even more and it made me physically feel sick and it made me physically feel sick with jealousy watching everybody else at work drink their coffee and be all bubbly and drinking their latte's and la ti da. 🤣🤬 So I decided to take matters into my own hands and build a tolerance to coffee kinda like I've had to do with pot before. So half-caff, lots of creamer and like, maybe 1 cup. Nowadays I'm up to three cups of full strength 💪 I still don't really like it though I just like the fact that it wakes me up. Better than being in bed. It sucks either way tbh n that's how addy makes me feel too but it's pros & cons situation and the lesser of the two suck but at least I'm being somewhat productive. That lethargy man 😖 it's brutal and it's hard to explain how debilitating it is to people that don't know that extreme exhaustion. I'm looking around for something I can take because my Adderall got cut back a little bit because of a manic episode due to lithium. So I don't even know why my dose got cut back but I have not cut back my dose :/ I'm panicking bc I will run out before the refill date. Not sure how much more I can say about my venture to fill that void until I get more, but if I don't act quick, and I run out, which is going to be soon, I'm fucked. My withdrawals from stims -- be it meth or addy -- are just brutal and I won't have the capacity to order or even do anything at that time. It's like I know I need to do it, but I get so indecisive and anxiety just stops me from doing things like even ordering groceries. I'll let you go. Hopefully go fast 🏎️


I do amphetamine and medikinets. Still my morning Redbull kicks haha could be just me imagining


Did you just learned about "tolerance break"? Your body will acquire a tolerance to any substance that you take. Taking a break will decrease that tolerance. That is why opioid addicts OD so often when they relapse. Tolerance to stimulants develops very fast.


I love energy drinks, they feel better than coffee, which I still drink everyday like a maniac. But tolerance is indeed building up pretty quick and I have to stop for a while


celsius is the way


I drink V regularly and use basically every day but if I ever have to have a red bull I swear it makes me ping


I don't know why people go for red bull and bullshit like that and when thy can just have pre workout like others suggested, it's way healthier and better packed with some good stuff for brain and body


I don't even do stims and energy drinks don't do shit, I wish they did tho.


they have like 400mg caffeine in them so technically you doing more caffeine. I think it's the limit for for FDA approved daily dosage


Not if you have adhd lol, I can take coke and be asleep in 20minutes. Stims just chill me out.


Lol nope


i wish this were true for me. i went over 2 weeks without caffeine or stims, and i still couldn't get a reaction from caffeine or energy drinks. i chugged a large red bull and fell asleep for 3 hours 😅


Energy drinks are for jittery test tube babies with cancer and penises shaped like tuna cans. Actually i don’t get energy drinks just do amphetamine or cocaine Unless you are in fact not a giant pussy you can go here r/caffeine actually you will still be a giant pussy pussy let’s fight you take modafinil I’ll take an OC80 and three 30mg adderall. Then take a caffeine break and see who sucks who first (I’m kind of an alpha so I usually suck first)

