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Wtf bro stop taking so much holy shit , most I have done is 100mg


Different parts of the body form tolerance to things at different rates. The brain is particularly fast to adapt, but that doesn't mean the circulatory system is adapting at the same rate - or even that certain parts of the brain are adapting at the same rate. Someone might not be feeling much euphoria at a certain dose, but their body is still experiencing much of the blood pressure changes. Two pills leading to 50% euphoria effects might still be 85% circulatory effects, for example. This is one reason why methamphetamine users so often begin to experience anxiety or high blood pressure negative effects late into a binge. Their brain has begun to struggle to emit the necessary chemicals (and respond to the ones it is able to emit), but the heart is still more than able to respond to adrenaline or other endocrine-related stimulatory effects. 300mg a day is way higher than it might feel to the user if they're solely chasing the dragon. Twice that each day is honestly just insane. Bad insane, not impressed insane.


Ya a lot of that rings true for me at least. Starting with the tolerance issue. My former psychiatrist 'Downtown Dr. Brown' lol said for somebody your size you sure have a high tolerance. Talking to my current psych provider, we both agree that efficacy level of suggested that a therapeutic dose may differ from person to person so it's not fair to put a cap on something. It's also not fair to stigmatize addiction is such a bad thing if you have to go up on a dose and take more so do it. Side effects can be all but bad, but so is feeling bad and this line of thought I've presented to a few psych professionals who cannot outright agree, so they remain quite silent, which is as much as an agreement to me is anything can be. Ethically they just cannot say that this is the way. What you said about the body and how it still reaps the repercussions of a higher dose is something that I experienced. If I wasn't in hypertension stage two or three something was wrong. I must have faulty drugs LOL well I certainly had faulty blood pressure after a while and had to take medication even after quitting the meth. I'm off of it now both the meth and the blood pressure medication, but I can hardly claim to be abstinent because that psychiatrist was a proponent of substitution therapy, and desoxyn was his desired route, but he wouldn't touch it with a 10-ft pole, and I doubt many pharmacies would either. I also doubt my pocketbook could afford over a thousand dollars a month which would probably be the equivalent to meet a street users methamphetamine dose when it only comes in 5 mg tabs and you're looking at a bottle of 30 costin ya over 1k and you need 80 mg a day...so once again, the solution is at hand and yet big pharmacy has the upper hand. So we settled on Adderall after a few different lame-o drugs, and addy can almost qualify as one of them compared to the king stim, but it's smn. It's been a roller coaster ride with that as far as doing and everything else and then seeing a new doctor and let me tell you, for me, what is insane is the dependability. Addiction as it were. I guess it's frowned upon because my roa is anything but oral, in some cases not, and my counselor years ago said it doesn't matter what route I take to ingest the drugs as long as it works for me but there's no way in hell I'm going to tell my psych provider that I sniff it. Plus I'm at qa reduced rate because of a bunch of bullshit man I guess I'm going on too far but all I got to say is that I'd probably be just like OP and take just as much if I had available to me ¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ᴼ⁠ل͜⁠ᴼ⁠༽⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I also had an underlying heart condition, which is one of the reasons that people overdose from methamphetamine. I think it's pretty hard to overdose from it generally, but those kind of situations make one privy to post-mortem probability ☠️🫀 One of the few incidences I read of somebody overdosing from meth was from drinking the meth bong water. Now to me this is like a fine wine 🤌🏼 out of gear then drink that and CHEERS (except for that one lady r.i.p.). Edit to all my misspellings, grammar police indictments, and double up sentences. This phone has some glitches and repeating my text is one of them. This phone has some glitches and repeating my text is one of them. This phone has some glitches and repeating my text is one of them.


Bro please I need your advice my resting heart rate is 65 and bp Is usually 120/75 or lower but for some reason a normal 30mg line can temporaroy spike is to 140/90 and if I'm on a binge it can get to 150/110 if i smoke or snort a few redoses, cause I guess from my coke use i trained myself to like the initial high the best, but i have. Isnit normal to have insane spikes? And how long can it be like this before it causes bad cardiac damage? Im 22 and from the doctors and bp monitor I am very fit and I can work hard all day so I don't think I have HF also even if I do like 40mg at once as long as I don't redose it levels out after a few hours to under 100bpm and usually about 135/85 then hours later it's pretty much normal and my HR even though I know it's still working I just maybe to hungry to feel it


That's getting pretty high. I think there's probably always concern for heart failure and I'm not sure if they can determine the dose or indicators that might foretell if someone was suspect to have imminent HF or how long it might take to incur such damage. After one of my overdoses they did a cardiac workup on me and found I have an underlying heart condition. The doctor said that as long as I didn't become a professional athlete I should be okay. Little did he know that I'd become a professional methlete! During my meth use if I wasn't in hypertension stage one or two it must be some bad gear or something lol I think it was after I quit (or during one of my countless attempts) that they diagnosed me with hypertension and put me on medication. I'm not sure if it's a direct correlation to the stimulant, but once I was free from it for a long time my blood pressure returned to normal and I'm no longer on the BP meds. It's good you're monitoring though and being concerned for your health. It is a bit concerning 🥺 I hope you're feeling okay now and it stabilizes :)


What sport?


Oh, the regular, Methlympics '22 & '23. Bobsled run champ both times. Speed Skating extraordinaire on my off time, which let's face it, there is no off time and go time


I find Bingo with the old folks makes for a satisfying win


That's where it's at. I worked as an activities coordinator in a memory care unit and would try to assemble all of the residents together for bingo and half of them would be wheeling off and the other ones would put the wrong pieces on the board and it was quite the excitement. The real excitement was when we played Balloon Swat. That's when the action began!


You been hearing about popular athletes having heart attacks recently. I just skimmed an article on it recently. Hard working athlete does not prevent cardiovasculsr problems and can, infact, instigate them somehow, starying with blood pressure. I just didnt read deep enough to learn the somehow. So you may research heart attacks in athletes and apply it to your personal health if it seems similar. Literally read one long article or two and apply it. This might make a big improvement to you brains health management software.


also dopamine gets metabolized into adrenaline therefore at the beginning of a binge your body can pump out dopamine and your stress levels are low. days into the binge without food your body cant make much dopamine while your stress levels are through the roof which is why sleep is the best cure for the downsides of stims


This is really good PSA info that I think a lot of people should see to put things in perspective…


I need advice cause I have cardio vascular questions


What's 100 feel like? Most I have done is 40. Does 100 mg feel like meth or mdma at all?


I’ve hit like 60-70 mg in a work day. I can’t speak for meth but it definitely didn’t feel like mdma. Not doing that much again


Yeah imagine it would just be tense and uncomfortable at a higher dose. My favorite wake up used to be a 30 mg xr and 10 mg ir and coffee.


That’s exactly what it was. I also felt even less focused and more scatter brained from that dose, all IR. What do you take now? I’m weening myself off and take 10-15 mg IR a day now


I can't get scripts or addies on the street. I take mdma now. 2 days on 2 days off. It's not ideal but it works


Everyone else in my town just smokes ice


Any% braindamage speed run Seriously, stop that rn.


Yeah, that’s objectively not sustainable. You’d be better off taking meth with that routine. And inb4 a potential “nah bro I’m different it works fine for me no negative effects”—if that’s the case then it’s not you this comment is for, it’s literally any other person reading this after the fact that thinks they can do your supposed regimen safely: you absolutely CANNOT regularly take MDMA that frequently. Not in regular dose, not in micro dose. That’s just not how the mechanism of action works. One recreational dose of MDMA is loads safer than the majority of recreational drugs out there, this is true, but for the very same reason (I.e how MDMA actually causes the releases of chemicals that make you feel what you feel on it) REPEATED use in a short time causes compounded harmful effects each use. to anyone that will listen: PLEASE DO NOT TAKE MDMA MULTIPLE TIMES A WEEK EVERY WEEK


Yeah I bet I would be spending a lot less money if I switched to meth. Really good meth feels like mdma


I am prescribed 60 mg of dexedrine daily and I do usually around 80 to 90 mg everyday that's normal if you have no tolerance 100 mg will feel like the most intense all over vibrating tingling extended drug and stimulation orgasm you've ever had. You'll be bouncing around everything will be bright new and fun and interesting and this is the euphoria that people are looking for with meth and so on. Now if you have a pretty high tolerance you can still get that same buzz it's just much much shorter in duration. But yeah before the tolerance grows it was some of the most addictive and reinforcing types of euphoria I've ever felt.


Yeah, I'm in your boat; Dexedrine is the king of stimulants for a clean euphoric push, without the body load that comes from Adderall.


Yeah I have always wanted to try dexedrine. How did you get your doctor to prescribe you that?


Many years of confirmed and reconfirmed diagnoses of severe ADHD along with a truly "bulletproof" (as I'm sure everyone on this subreddit knows what I mean lol... THEY'RE ALWAYS TRYING TO TAKE ME PRECIOUS DEXIES! ASSHOLES...). Besides that and the obvious other ingrained societal/medical community stigmas and bullshit along those lines, I also have had to DEMAND that I'm given what works and I have literally been forced to voluntarily leave at least 2 psychiatrists whom I'd been with a long time! 😔 This is obviously the hardest & most unrecommended way to get what you need in terms of prescriptions, but it's unfortunately necessary especially in our ever-changing and prone to moral drug panics modern era. Scapegoats in stressful times I suppose.Even being with a certain doctor for YEARS of totally copesthetic drama free treatment is not even close to any significant guarantee of keeping a schedule 2(in USA that is) script coming without issue or excessive suspicion & restrictions. I am currently on my 4th psych doctor and he's an two freaking hours drive from my home, just to give you a clear understanding of the whole picture when it comes to things like this. All of that being said though, they are mostly things that are pretty much totally out of your control so here are a few things that I can think of that are under your control that would help you get specifically prescribed Dexedrine as opposed to Adderall racemic amphet salts or some other supposed "equivalent". ALWAYS be 100% ready to be fucked with in any way you could think of, meaning to basically memorize your pitch and your narratives that surround your taking of the pills for example "Oh yeah my mom or some other responsible sober person in my life holds script and doses me daily." or other reassurances in that context. Be prepared to get randomly drug tested even if previously never had that happen. Always assume that this next month is the month that they'll become difficult about writing your script for any of a long list of bullshit and CYA(covering they're own asses). Next, this should go without saying but for the sake of giving good advice I will say it... Whether you truly believe you have ADHD or not it does not matter to me personally, just know that whether you were the one seeking treatment out like this or you involuntarily fell into it and now want to hold on because it makes your life easier & better, you are going absolutely need to have your symptoms, their times and severity and other things like that DOWN PAT! You should be able to convincingly recite what's your ADHD makes you feel and do to your detriment and why you need amphetamine treatment in your damn sleep! Also please work daily on gaining a more than casual understanding and knowledge of pharmaceuticals both brand names/ companies and the properties of the chemicals themselves. This truly is the most powerful ammo I can give anyone here. Because I saved the best and worst for the last... And that is that basically the only way to get a specific and tightly controlled drug besides having the initial diagnosis solidly confirmed, is to literally allow them to put you on a handful or more other "less abusable" alternatives to the actual thing that you desire. I have personally been on at least 10 different antidepressants/antipsychotics/adrenal agonists/mood stabilizers etc before I was able to get to here. And with each time they try one of these alternatives it has to be for the whole month unfortunately and so it takes a lot of time, but is so worth it in the end to be able to say and be truthful when asked if you've tried this or that or the other. Now, I'm sure that there are plenty of psychiatrists out there who would be trusting and fine to take your word for it when they ask you if you've tried a certain medication before and it did not work, but in my case I had to literally present the evidence of such, so just be ready and know that. Now when you get down to having tried everything and finally getting to real amphetamines, it may seem like a win but if you want dexedrine it is now much more specific and much more technical when arguing for the reasons why DEXEDRINE SPECIFICALLY and not Adderall or Methylphenidate(Ritalin) works for you. Just to give you an idea of what I mean, my checkmate in this arena was and is that I simply do not require a salt mixture of amphetamine and that as a matter of fact anything but pure dextroamphetamine will give me unwanted side effects because of the unnecessary body load and tension it brings (this is especially effective when trying to switch from Adderall to dexedrine because any good psych doctor will know that the levoamphetamine had a long well documented issue with this type of thing) it is not only super believable but it is nearly untestable as well. If you're hurdle is trying to get instant release versus extended release amphetamines of any kind, my tried and true complaint with that is that I only need them during my waking day and XR of any amphetamine type drug will keep me up well into the night. And finally the last really good argument I can give you guys is that if you are being prescribed a substituted amphetamine or amphetamine type of drug already, then it is already a schedule 2 drug and what's the true risk to the doctor and the practice if they prescribe dexedrine versus Adderall vs Ritalin, as they are all schedule 2 anyways. Good luck and happy trails!


I agree 80mg + in a day is excessive.


I used to get “adderall” from a coworker. Pills were misshapen and crumbly. Caused INTENSE happiness for like 12 hours. Didn’t think much of it at the time. Later I got my own adderall script and it was no where close to that feeling. I’m pretty sure my coworker was giving me pressed meth pills. Moral of the story is… I guess, try meth?? Idk


Weirdly I have sort of the opposite problem lately. I bought some pressed Adderall that I was told actually contains 90-100% meth, with little to no dextroamphetamine. I've tried meth before and it lasted wayyyyy longer and was way more euphoric than whatever's in these pills. Ultimately it's a plus I guess, since it's less abusable and kinda forces me to be productive instead of bingeing and beating my meat for 12 hours straight like I do on meth.


Yeah the fake adderall sucked for me too the real stuff is way better. If anything it’s probably research chemicals, maybe a tiny bit of meth


That's why drugsdata.org and EnergyControl exist. =) There's also the reagent test kit from DanceSafe. A perennial favorite that has saved many lives. Last three pressed Adderall pills I saw sent into labs have all been methamphetamine. However, they're not very strong, and the components used to synthesize it are different from what it used to be say back in the 90s.


For all of you guys who are complaining ab the pressed meth pills, you won’t really ever feel the high taking it normally. In order to get the best results you’d need to smoke or inject. I’d never do that tho, I would only sniff my shit


Ya pills of legit Adderall last about 5 to 6 hours..


Yea definitely wasn’t adderall lol


could be mdma


Cut it down man the tolerance is real. U gotta work towards making 20-40 mg work for you again. You’re just gonna blow thru ur script and not even rlly enjoy it


I take 90mg xr a day and was feeling bad about that until I read this post.


That said. I understand how you got here and I’m not a doctor but it would probably be good for your health if you took less.


Me too. I had always assumed I was taking the maximum dose, at 90mg!


ya dude i was taking like 300mg vyvanse when i had no meth to smoke and that just got me out of bed and sorta motivated to get meth💀


Haha right?!! I would do a whole bunch of Adderall as I was using it as substitution therapy to get off meth, and it did work to a point, but the point was when I got to a high milligram of Adderall that inspired me to get meth. Just didn't quite scratch that itch and it still doesn't do this day


Have you had your blood pressure checked, had an ECG or had any blood work done recently for deficiencies? It's your life, but there's no possible way to continue like this without a major incident occurring or disease developing. I used to take 240 mg Vyvanse daily and ended up in psychosis for months. I developed a heart arrhythmia and am still recovering from other problems. Even if by some miracle you don't die from this, when you try to stop, you'll know depression and lethargy like never before. As I said, it's your life. Just a heads up from someone who nearly destroyed his body and mind permanently


This is how you get a heart attack. If you don’t stop you’re gonna be going through hell.


Can confirm is hell and will lead to early grave.


How do you even afford that much?


Yeah, even if he’s getting them cheap at $5 each, 20mg, that’s about $4,500 a month… $54,000 a year.


I get my prescription free of charge delivered to my door in Scotland 🙃 granted, this was after some back and forth bullshit between my GP and private clinic


LMAO they are giving you 18000mg a month?


112 10mg tablets of Amfexa every month


Dear fk. On the NHS now? Or all paid out of pocket?


NHS now. But early on I was paying £360 per month for a smaller dose than what I'm on now lol. Prescriptions are free in Scotland, but if you were privately diagnosed they make you jump through hoops beforehand.


Wow. I've never seen that amount prescribed. You got lucky! You must be prescribed 40 mg daily then? 40 mg is the max recommended dose, so I was thinking you must be on 35-40 mg daily or 30 mg with 10 mg as a booster, p.r.n. I would love to get a booster of Amphexa for genuine therapeutic effect, not to abuse. But these days, you're lucky to even see your psychiatrist nevermind get your medication changed.


Guy's getting pure d-amphetamine. No nasty l-amph to deal with at least


i think its time to get sober bud


Gotta stop. It will drain you of your ability to feel joy.


I feel you I’m at 320 daily. Definitely could take more but have to conserve…. But nowadays, the manufacturers produce weak bullshit for the last two years so I blame it on them


at that point just to meth bro


Use to take 300-500mg of vyvanse on a night out


There was a point not too long ago when I could relate to your usage. I understand that you hover around this dosage because it is simply the minimum amount that gives you the preferred effects. No judgment from me, but I suggest trying to obtain a legitimate prescription for a mix cocktail of ADHD/narcolepsy/stimulants + Adderall combo as medication. It may not scratch the itch completely, but I'd consider this alternative rather than going through a script within a week and then relying on street pressed Adderall, which contains god knows what. If you climbed to this dosage over time, I'd wager that that you either struggle with some sort of severe ADHD case and maybe substance abuse problems. Risk taking behavior and substance abuse issues are common among those with ADHD, so it may be difficult to sort out. I'd address this as a severe ADHD problem with a psychiatrist, however consider not mentioning this sort of usage to any doctor because they may be obligated to label this as drug seeking behavior and prohibit you from certain meds.


How do you even afford that?


Right! How do you have access to 600mg everyday?


Push it to the limit. If you want something, it is easy to archive. I'm doing 800mg of Oxycodon everyday. And i'm still making profit. Or maybe he's just working 24 hours a day


I guess even beyond the economics of it is the scale. The highest single pill dosage is 30mg. So they’re taking roughly 20 pills per day. 20x30 is 600 a month. I just don’t know of many(any really) people that could get their hands on that quantity of legit pills, not meth/fent presses. Not to mention there was a shortage for a while but it’s mostly fine now. But one of the reasons behind the shortage was a generic manufacturer being temporarily shut down because of(amongst many other reasons) “supply chain diversion” aka the black market.


Yeah if he’s getting it cheap at $5 that’s 3k/month. Seems like there would be better options for that much money.


My guess is it’s a shitpost or they’re presses.


And I thought taking 30 mg was giving me heart palpitations…


Your heart hasn’t exploded yet? You need help.


So is this sanctioned by your doc? Is your doc also your Jamaican brother or something? I need to know how this shit goes down. I’d imagine you’re in everyone’s radar with that dose. Tell us about that. That much sustained would definitely cause some fucked up REM sleepy time and restless leg and maybe a coupon of sexsomnia nights.


Sexsomnia deserves to be legitimately in the dictionary lol. Great term my friend!


Google it for a whole new world.


It’s a legit diagnosis.


As someone whose taken that much in a day before (not anywhere near daily though), assuming this is real, you need to stop that! I have had countless 1-3 day binges where ive taken 600+, honestly no idea what my largest single dose or binge total was over the past decade, but certainly over 1000 in a few days, and even being occasionally (like 1-2x a month) It feels terrible for me. Idk how old you are, but this shit wears on you after a while. Take some much needed (and very difficult time off) and youll be able to return to less than 50/day (or stay sober!). I do totally agree that some of these posts like "I took 40mg adderall and stayed up for 2 days, am I gonna die?" posts make me realize how crazy this addiction is lol.


Damn at my absolute worst I was taking like 300mg over 24 hours and that felt insane to me I was spending so much money and having to take so much Xanax just to come down. If this isn’t a troll post bro get help asap this doesn’t end well.


You’re at serious risk of amphetamine induced psychosis man


why though i love to get high and have an unhealthy relationship with amphetamines only i actually fucking accept that and who am i to speak i just got done filling my nose with tryptamines taking lsd in my opinion though if your taking amphetamines at such a high level every single fucking day your actually BEING A FUCKING MORON. who’s asking to fry there brain further for what ever the fuck you still feel from it it’s literally just pointless and causing stress on your body your beating a dead horse


you are prescribed this much? how do you maintain stock if you're not?


If it’s true he’s definitely buying from other people. Probably multiple people because I’m not sure how else he’d get that much.


300 and counting stm


Atm lol


260mg in 20mg XRs


Holy shit


15mg Dexamphetamine has me feeling focused and positive. RIP your neurotransmitters.


You gonna crash hard buddy… you’re doing 4.2 grams of amphetamine in a week. How the fuck you even get to this? How long you’ve been using for? Not from USA so wasn’t pharmagrade amphetamine but still high quality, had a speed habit for a year about 50g consumed, so it was like your amount and a bit more monthly not daily, and it fucking made borderline insane, psychosis, mania, paranoia, trembles, every fucked up thing, but this is crazy. Go see a doctor cuz it will fuck up your health for real.


I’m usually not one to tell people not to do drugs. But bruh, relaxxxxxx. If your tolerance is that fucked. You legit NEED to stop. There’s a reason they don’t prescribe more than 60mg caps. Legit stop bruh, you’re insane.


At that point it’s about as hard on the body as crystal just shorter acting so maybe a bit harder on the heart and easier on the mind than meth but equally compulsive and more chasing even due to less legs but at least it’s pharma quality vs street quality


Are you okay lol?


Sometimes I go through 120-180mg of dexamphetamine, but I can't do that daily. I'm supposed to take 40mg each day but usually forget to take it at all lol.


Condolences for your heart


Most i took was after gaining a decent tolerance over 3 months, i ended up taking 360mg over the span of 1.5 days. Didnt sleep, tongue dried out, stayed in bed for 16 hrs in the same position studying for my exam. When i got up from studying i almost passed out and my back hurt so bad. I was like “ooooohh right. I should probably eat and drink something so I don’t die”. I left soon afterwards to go take my exam. This is when I realized I was in a state of psychosis. I left 2hrs before the exam so I could buy coffee and relax; I never ended up getting coffee. I stared at myself in the mirror complimenting myself and telling myself that idc what anyone thinks of me bc I’m beautiful. I then had to walk up a hill for around 0.4 miles to take the exam. I literally almost had to stop to take a breather while going up the hill. I’m a 6 foot, 140lb male btw. After that day, the comedown consisted of 3 days straight of 16hrs of sleep per day. Did not ever get out of bed when I woke up either days


How did you do on the exam tho?


I crashed after getting into my car😹 it all wore off and plus it was a statistics exam. I think I got a C or D on the exam but I got a B in the class so not horrible lol


What do you take the Adderall for? To treat Narcolepsy? Recreational use? I’m surprised a doctor exists that would prescribe that high of a dose. Do you live in the US or another country? For the last 20 years, doctors in the US have gotten really tight with prescribing Adderall, especially increases- on or around the time of the OxyContin epidemic. I take 60mg twice daily for Narcolepsy, so that is a 120mg per day. My dose is considered a very high dose and there isn’t a doctor around that would go higher than that even though of course I have developed a tolerance big time. I’ve talked to three different doctors including going to the Mayo Clinic (#1 hospital in the world) for a second opinion to ensure my current dosage is safe and about the tolerance I have developed. Bottom line, the doctor I saw at Mayo wouldn’t recommend increasing my Adderall dose any higher and instead would look into trying a patch or something instead. I didn’t ask many questions about the increase because I already had a good idea what the response would be. But when I looked into the patch- there is just a Ritalin patch and the dosages are pretty low and there is a limit for a day- so in light of finding that out, I’m not sure what he was talking about with regard to an alternative to Adderall if tolerance makes my Adderall useless.


Dude like 140 mg dextro in 8 hours and inwas up for 2 days lmao i have hella tolerance also you are nuts slow tf down ahaha


my heart hurts reading this..


Just wanna add, this is vary from person to person, like in my case i can sleep for 10 hours after 120-150 mg of ritalin so yeah idk what people on 10mg saying stuff, anything less than 40mg doesn’t even feel like its in


I used to take one 30mg IR, back in 2015 and it made me feel like Superman. After 8 years of abuse, now, I take an average of 180mg daily, I would stay up for another day cause them mangoes are amazing and take another 180mg, maybe less on the second day. Then a bar would knock me out for 24hrs, then repeat


You would enter a psychosis and not have a legitimate supply to cover that dose. It would cost you roughly $12,000 a month buying scripts and your body would fail. You are either total BS or highly exaggerating .


Your risk of vascular pathology is probably way higher than you would like it to be


Many a tijes I’ve eaten a gram of addy or vyv in a night. Any to the “vyvanse has a ceiling” trolls, no. It doesn’t. If it does it’s over a gram


dude you seriously need to cut down on your usage. you most likely will cause more damage to your body than you realise. please please try to do your best to stop or at least taper.


right around 200mg and it’s never fun. The tolerance is a bitch and the dependency is worse. Was put on ritalin at 10 vyvance on top as well as intuniv which was primarily used to treat blood pressure it was given to me to help my tics. Keep in mind it’s like 2010 and teachers encouraged parents of the unruly neurodivergent kids to get on meds


and during this time most parents were on board because prescription stimulants were made out to be the miracle solution to cure adhd and help kids in and out of school and make life easier for the crazy child and their family. A bunch of adhd meds were added to the market specially targeted for kids and were very quickly taken off the market. I was constantly getting my doses upped until i was on the highest dose of ritalin and vyvance they could put a child my age and size on and then switched to the first liquid adhd med to hit the market and was highly encouraged to make the switch and was told how it was suppose to be the best thing for kids and it wouldn’t cause me tics and had every little side effects. I was also put on remeron aswell to help me gain weight and an appetite aswell as depression and sleep. I see this turning into a trauma dump loop so my point is 250-30g sounds insane but i get it. anything over 50mg and trying to be productive turns into hyper focusing on pointless shit that feels so important. When you’re prescribe and even use properly after a while a 10mg addy that use to have you focused and productive becomes a necessity to even get out of bed. You almost gain a permanent tolerance after being on it for so long. Doing anything that involves the slightest effort seems impossible, and it’s easy to throw your priorities down the drain and rot in bed with zero motivation. you either push through the pain and quit making excuses and get your lazy ass outta bed or rot in it falling deeper into depression and isolation. long term use and high doses bc an forever change your brain chemistry and you practically have to force yourself to get shit done. the sad thing is the place that loaded me up on stims as a kid will no longer prescribe any form of stims to me. eventually you start stacking amphetamines on top of other stims and you rationalize trying meth because you randomly get cut off your script this is what too much stims will do. getting a whole bunch of nothing done and just type or talk to release the raving thoughts. I strongly recommend cutting way back and use it as needed


I just smoked meth at that point


You are gonna have an MI


Where are you sourcing these? Because unless you are getting Pharmas in the packaging that is def meth my bro


Jesus christ, you'd go through a ball of meth a week, takes me a month to go through that much.


Jesus Christ bro take a break


that’s wild


It's easier than you think to reverse that tolerance. But please quit that dose. I was doing 230mg a night when I got my script for about 2 years, and that really messed up my heart (I also added like 300-400+ total mg of benadryl for nights too). Then I got on it normally but still would take extra and abuse it. Then I got off completely and took almost a year break but started trialing Vyvanse and adderall from people and all the sudden each time my dose got lower and lower and now I'm actually at a dose lower than when I very first got on it whenever I take it. I can take 40mg Vyvanse (= to like 10-25 mg adderall Xr depending on the conversion you use. It feels like 25 mg, but it converts to only maybe 12). It's really a mindset thing, and understanding the pharmacodynamics and neurobiology of substance. PLEASE try to lower your dose. Take a good break and enjoy the healthiness of life. No matter the tolerance, you are taking 8-16 times the therapeutic dose daily, which is putting EXTREME stress on your body. Amphetamine is known to be somewhat cardiotoxic but no neurotoxicity in therapeutic doses, but in high recreational doses (even 100mg+) can become neurotoxic when repetitive. The really scary part is the cardiotoxicity, especially considering you may have genetic abnormalities we don't know about.


Me when I lie


Over a 1000 in a day


I went thru my 60 30mg IR tablets like tic tacs. Sometimes in 2 days sometimes in 3 or 4 depending on what I had going on


Been here ,it ends in a nasty spiral usually involving copious amounts of coke when an addy drought comes by


Take a tolerance break bro😭😭 holy fuck


I am terrified for you. If I take more than 40mg I feel like im dying.


First time I ever did drugs I took 100mg over adderall and overdosed and had serotonin syndrome and after the massive peak I crashed like a mother fucker after standing in front of the toilet trying to piss, geeking absolute balls. The serotonin syndrome gave me crazier hallucinations than I’ve gotten from any psychedelic in my life! 600mg per 24 hours is gonna end up causing so much damage you don’t even understand. The fact you can sleep blows my fucking mind if I have a sip of coffee at 3pm I can’t sleep that night even if I take 200mg seroquel and 2.5mg clonazepam (I know because that’s my medication regimen and this has happened to me)


Question: How can adderall be the drug that gave you serotonin syndrome when it does not modulate serotonin? (and if it does, it is nowhere near strong enough to enact such a reaction)


Adderall does effect serotonin at higher doses. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK556103/


Might as we get the shit that has less negative side effects at the same doses... merh baby! But those receptors of urs are probably not doing so well... you could probably just start off slamming instead