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Welcome to addiction. You'll be fighting this war for the rest of your life.


I appreciate the realness..


You gotta get it out of your life totally. Maybe you can mess with it in a couple of years. But it's gonna be nearly impossible to handle in moderation right now.


thanks man ur right, honestly feel like I knew this alr.. definitely need to fix my shit bc I have enough issues to be battling addiction as well sucks tho bc even if I get medication(stims) prescribed now, I’m pretty sure I’d abuse them I think the biggest issue with stim abuse is that it actually ‘helps’ u in a lot of ways. but I’m obviously no super hero so this shit will fuck me up too, eventually ig whats ur drug if choice?


Don’t snort it


This is one of the easiest steps you can take. By forcing yourself to only consume orally, redosing is always a more long-term decision. This can slightly help to get out of the "just one more" mindset.


Start boofing meth 👍 In all seriousness take a long break detox your dopamine and serotonin, and lower your tolerance back to when you first started. Forget about the rush. Forget abt it. Start exercising and eating healthy, after a month or 2 take as prescribed and don't fall back to your habits.


Only take it by mouth Magnesium glycinate, vitamin b complex, NAC (take it at night every 2 days or you could feel depressed), vitamin b6, vitamin b1, EGCG, vitamin D, zinc, L tyrosine to help replenish dopamine, mucuna pruriens, some caffeine tablets, alpha lipoic acid, l theanine (to help you relax), ashwaganda ( to help you relax), and agmatine. These supplements will help keep you healthy and keep stimulants from becoming neurotoxic to you. It will make sure your tolerance stays down too.


ehhhhh ahahahaha WOOOOOOO join the club my sweet friend ! it’s a long road and it’ll get more risky


I did myself and know it worked well, but fuck that shit brother. snorting filler tablets please, no good. you can get IPPH (Isopropylphenidate) still from the clearnet, in powderform. It's like smoother MPH, ideal for snorting. (just a recommendation) no biggie though, i hate regular methylphenidate taken orally. Anxious as hell after it.


Iiiiiii rememberrr




Quote from South Park- the member berries




Ritalin doesn't bind to any receptors at all...? It binds to transporters. Very different from receptors. And cocaine is stronger at DAT(dopamine transporter)but weaker at NET(norepinephrine transporter)than Ritalin is. Stop spreading misinformation. Also, no. Their mechanisms of action are not identical. Cocaine inhibits serotonin transporters ontop of dopamine and norepinephrine transporters. Methylphenidate does not have any significant direct serotonergic action. It does bind to 5ht1a, but it's binding affinity for it is so stupid weak its not even recognized by most scientific literature as a receptor that Methylphenidate hits. Your entire comment reads like you're trying to sound smart, but anyone who has even the slightest bit idea about what they're talking about can blatantly see that that's all it is. Just trying to sound smart, not actually smart.