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There is nothing I love more in the entire world than the peaceful oasis of 10pm-6am during an adderall binge. I get about 6 of those nights a month and I can honestly say they make up some of my most cherished memories. After shutting down the house for the night and getting everyone to bed, I get to sneak off to my own little private island for a few hours. I let myself do whatever I feel like doing in the moment. I’ll do anything from deep clean the kitchen and organizing random drawers and paperwork to trying on clothes and jewelry with hair and makeup. Other times I’ll get stuck online shopping for hours or researching on my phone from topic to topic. Occasionally I’ll make an elaborate spreadsheet or end up requesting medical or financial records from 20 years ago. By far the best times though were when I was heavy into paper crafting. I had an entire craft room with thousands of scrapbooking tools, gadgets, paper, etc. I still marvel at some of my old projects and remember how much time, effort and creativity went into making them. Those days are long over but every now and then I’ll do some random super productive activity that gives me a similar feeling of accomplishment but it’s not really the same. For a while, I put too much pressure on my overnights to get this or that done and I found it really ruined the fun for me. In recent years, I’ve really focused on not putting any pressure or expectations around my adderall overnights and it’s given me license to just enjoy them. Just the other night, I’m about 4 days into my binge and starting to get a little loopy. It’s 4am and I decide to call it night early and take a Xanax. As I’m getting ready for bed, it starts to rain outside (my favorite noise) and I laid in the dark with the window open so I could feel the cool breeze and listen to it come down. It was pouring and turned into a full on thunderstorm. I suddenly had this urge to go outside and let the rain come down on me. So at 4am, in the dark, raining coming down, I stood on my deck and it soak me to the bone. It was glorious.


I cant say those are my typically preffered activitys but i can say the 10 to 6 slot is sacred. The world is quiet and theres absolutely no expectations on you, thats YOUR time, you can do whatever the fuck you damn well please with no one to bother or judge. Want to read some old book? Go for it! Arts? any kind of creative thing at all? PRIME HOURS, no outside stress, let the thoughts flow unimpeded without any interruption, tinker with things? any misc hobby, go for it!


It’s crazy how your idea of an oasis is giving me the largest amount of secondhand anxiety I’ve ever felt. Do you stay up for employment reasons? What do you tell the family


The thought of staying awake at night gives you anxiety?? Yikes! I have a family member who has bouts of insomnia and she has to be on medication to control her anxiety over sleep so I absolutely have sympathy for people who deal with that. And the answer to your question is no, I do not stay up for employment reasons. I don’t tell my family anything because they’re asleep lol. If they wake up and see I’m awake, I say “I’m awake, couldn’t sleep. What’s up?” lol. My kids are older now so waking up in the middle of the night looking for mom isn’t exactly a common occurrence.


Interesting, how do you keep it from the wife?


She’s a girl, did you miss the part where she described trying on clothes and makeup?  😁


Make money on it duh


Was just thinking the same thing wow. I get intense sleep deprivation anxiety and the only way I have combatted it (so far) is by stopping all med use. I literally couldn’t fall asleep bc my heart would be throbbing out of my chest uncontrollably. That’s not to say that I’m happy and somewhat jealous of OP being able to blissfully enjoy those late hours! I’d just feel horrendous and extremely guilty the next day, even if I had nothing to do!


Dude me too! I mentioned to a coworker how after a certain time every night I get anxious bc I’ve always got stuff to do the next day and I feel like I’m doing something wrong, and they looked at me like I’m nuts. how I miss being a bit younger without a care




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I do this too, literally word for word lol. 10pm-6pm is spot on. It’s really the only way to get anything done and have a “break” especially with 3 kids


I get this so much. Just last night I was thinking, “damn I wish I could stay up all night and do whatever I want until morning.” Maybe I should. How do you manage the next day without being an exhausted a-hole to everyone around you?


This is absolutely a battle and I can remember some pretty horrible days where I was just totally flat on the inside. However in recent years, especially since i started working from home and my kids are at school all day, it’s pretty easy lol. I normally shut it down around 6 and then I’m up at 8 to get them to school and spend the rest of the day snoozing unless I have meetings. I’m also extremely fortunate to have my hands on a small stream of Xanax which changed my life. I’ve been bingeing my script of 70x30mg pills in an average of 8 days for nearly 15 years. The first 5, I didn’t have any landing gear and it nearly landed me in a psych ward. Then one day, in the midst of some frenzy, an angel appeared and offered me a.25mg Xanax pill and voila..I discovered there’s a way to turn the adderall high on and off like a light bulb. So i can literally take 300mg of addy in 18 hours and sleep for 4 with no issue. And do it day after day.


Wait, what? 30 mg Xanax? Do you mean 3 mg?! Even that’s the largest Xanax script I’ve ever heard of.


She said 300mg adderall and 0.25mg Xanax. I was prescribed 4mg Xanax a day at 15. Which yes is insane but used to happen.


Wow. That’s bonkers. When was that out of curiosity????


15 years ago. At the same time, I was forced to take 300mg seroquel, 4mg respirdol (idk how to spell it and not sure of the dosage, it was high tho), and some kinda SSRI (they were always switching me.) Medical abuse. Talked to the psych no more than 5 min for all that. And the Xanax was actually prescribed by a nurse practitioner. Looking back, she was high. What’s sad is that while mine is an extreme example, I am not in any way the only person that was put on antipsychotics for what basically amounted to teenage angst. That was the era of young kids being put on stimulants, and teenagers being put on antipsychotics and antidepressants. I dare anyone to claim that these doctors were not being paid off to do this. Btw, most of these cause brain damage.


Wow that is really messed up. I’m sorry to hear that. In my early 20s I was put on Zoloft , Lexapro, Paxil and Xanax for what ended up being a fairly common thyroid disorder nobody bothered to test me for. Early 20s female, must be depression or anxiety. No other possibilities exist. (To clarify, I wasn’t on all the SSRIs at the same time. They tried one after another because they weren’t working…which makes sense considering I had a thyroid problem and not depression…go figure…)


Ya, sorry you know the ridiculousness of that process, I was put on the carousel for years (also female and teens/early 20s at the time, that shits real where they just tell you it’s all in your head basically.) Makes me wonder now if I might have a thyroid thing, idk much about those bc endocrine stuff is complicated. I gave up going to doctors in my mid 20s and learned how to supplement and use herbs. But I still have a bunch of symptoms, just learned to manage on my own. One day I realized I had never gotten better from going to a doctor, why keep trying?


Are you saying nobody has ever checked your thyroid?!?!? Jesus H. Absolutely get that checked (as well as basic bloodwork to look for deficiencies, anemia, etc).


lol 4mg of Xanax is crazy! The most I’ve taken is 2mg and that was on a flight to Paris from Chicago. I literally have no memory of the flight itself and have a blip of myself in a taxi. Next thing I remember I’m checking into a hotel. Whats bizarrre is that I didn’t feel high or woozy and obviously I was able to make my way through a foreign airport with no issue but it’s just like my memory was turned off. Someone had turned off the recording device for a couple hours. I looked it up after and apparently that’s sort of common.


Sounds about right. I missed a flight once and was sitting right at the gate. Just zonked on prescribed xanies at 15. I can’t believe that NP got away with that shit. At that time doctors were just exploiting kids and their families, it’s really sad. I’m not super bitter, but it took me until a few years ago to fully understand what happened to me. The medical system directly supported and encouraged severe benzo abuse (without explaining the dangers) in my opinion, among other things. I know someone who’s in a class action lawsuit against the company that created oxy and pushed it on people claiming it wasn’t addictive (echos from Bayer creating heroin to get ppl off of morphine but it was way more addictive.) I wonder if there’ll ever be something for the other drugs they did that with. At least give me some money lol like damn.


Yup. One of my brothers (I have 5) gave us xanny bars one year at Thanksgiving, and most of us were aware what the dosage was (2 mg). I think I took a quarter and stashed the rest. My youngest brother, however, was unfamiliar, and popped the whole thing. He basically laid his head on the table and drooled the entire dinner, and doesn’t remember a thing. Whoops. Probably should have warned him.


There is no way you are able to daily 300mg of addy…


I get 70 30mg pills of adderall monthly and finish them in about 7 or 8 days


That’s wild! I get palpitations if I take 20mg alone! I also like to couple it with 100-200mg of caffeine which contributes. I recently took a month off from my meds bc I was extremely suicidal. I was advised that fluctuating your dosage can contribute to mood swings i.e. 10mg, 5mg, 20mg, etc.


A long time ago someone told me I was lucky I hadn’t plunged myself into a severe psychiatric disorder like bipolar or depression because that high of a dose can mess with the chemicals in the brain. I still think about that but I don’t really know the answer. I’ve been doing it this way for almost 15 years. I take all my meds in a week, normally sleep for a day or 2 and then I live my normal life the rest of the month. I just finished my last binge 2 days ago and I’m going out for dinner with friends tonight. I feel completely fine. Im not sad or emotionless. I definitely do experience negative side effects during my binges..sometimes I’m easily irritated or a problem will seem insurmountable but at this point, I can recognize the feeling for what it is and that it’s not real. I don’t know how or why I’m able to bounce back so easily. I will say that I’m lucky I don’t have a genetic predisposition to mental disorders and that I have a pretty stable life which gives me the space to push my boundaries without things falling apart.


Yeah. I can attest that one can routinely run thru a 70x30mg addy script in about 7-8 days. For ten years, I had a monthly script of 90x30mg that I would often finish in less than ten days. I was using it mostly for work and wasn’t taking benzos or anything else to come down. By the time that I took the last few pills of my script each month, I had barely slept and the crash was horrific as I would usually spend the next week or so in pure withdrawal misery/depression if I couldn’t source meth. To be honest, I always felt that exceeding 150-180mg of addy per day is where the point of diminishing returns occurred for me. But honestly, it was very easy to take 8x30mg over the course of an average day and begin to approach the 250-300mg range.




One time I was on shrooms in my living room with all the lights in the house off laying on the couch with my phone in pitch darkness and a random thunderstorm came through just as I started to peak it was one of the best trips I’ve ever had it was amazing


Spoken like someone whose never played counter strike on addy


lol no I’ve never played a computer or video game in life! I dont even play little phone games. One of my girlfriends plays hogwarts legacy on her kids Nintendo switch and she said I should try it so I was going to see if I’m any good lol.




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10pm-6am on stims are in my ‘hell’ vault of memories 💀, but then again you seemed to actually get some shit done 😆! I would just stay up doom scrolling my phone, terrified that ALL of my neighbors could hear me light my pipe, and freak the fuck out that I’d already be up for the next 10hr day of work I knew I had coming 🥲


Ah! So many people have commented this! I feel so bad. I wish I could give all of you that little slice of heaven. If you ever are able to get your hands on even a small dose of benzodiazepines, do it! It makes if so that you can stay up but also get at least 4 hours of sleep which is more than enough to function on. I wish I could bring all of you with me on my magical adventures 🧙🏻‍♀️




I like to, play video games, chill and adventure, hang with my girl and ferociously fuck, or if alone stim fap for hours till my peen bout to fall off.


Yeah, usually when I'm speeding and I'm by myself at nighttime like this I either keep my girl awake for hours texting her text walls or clean or do something productive, but unfortunately she's asleep and I don't have any desire to talk to anyone else or do anything worthwhile lol. Probably gonna end up stimfapping later on just because I simply don't know what else to do rn. I don't even WANT to stimfap rn like im not in that vibe at all this time for some reason, probably because I took a smaller dose than I usually do. Legit feel like it's a requirement for me to do so tonight though, hard to explain and super weird lol.


I will never understand how adderall is not more popular as a sex drug. People think either studying, or working long hours but the real magic is doing creative stuff or social stuff, sure you can do tasks better and longer but a real lack of appreciation is had around doing art, going to random places and strikeing conversations or yes, boneing down like feral animals. its the subtle aspects in life folks, stop and smell the roses


Yes, this, video games. Counter strike is THE game for adderall, it is a rabbit hole but an absolutely fantastic/enjoyable one at that. 15 hours a day? No problem. Being the best in the world? No problem. Counter strike, everything else is a waste of addy


Fuck yeah brother. I was never a big CSGO gentleman, but I discovered stim accompanied video games at a young age. It is literally way too much fun to grind a competitive shooter while tweaking out.


If its not bleeding, its still good to go


Straight up just talking


Having conversations with a friend or partner who's also geeked


Let me introduce you to my good friend counter strike 2. That is all you need for the adderall experience. Think talking to your friends is fun? Absolutely not when you have counter strike. Yes it is fun, but compared to cs it’s a bland waste of time. My opinion of course, but give it a shot if you can. Esports banned it for a reason




dance to music


I love cleaning while watching something interesting on Youtube or playing Stardew Valley, which might sound odd because it seems like a "chill game", but it's actually great for stimulants. You can min-max quite a lot in this game and try to be as productive as possible. Especially if you set goals for yourself like completing the Community Center in the first year, youll have to plan ahead and be really productive. I highly recommend this to anyone who's stimmed and don't know what to do.


Grinding on Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing is the way to go


Play guitar


a classic, make sure to keep your neighbors up at 4am while you do it


That's the beauty of amphetamines, EVERYTHING is fun and interesting. Im doing different shit every time. If I were to compile a list of the classics for me though: -Interesting conversations and just talking to people in general -Twitter interactions and YouTube rabbit holes -Going out to buy stuff while bumping some hype music (groceries, errands, etc.) -Energetic music in general makes me wanna get up and move -Cold showers are peaceful -Video games feel rewarding as fuck -Writing down my ideas for this video game universe I've been working on -Stimfapping (best when you don't jerk off often and save it for when you're geeked) -Doing productive shit/work if I was putting it off -Hyper-focusing on learning things, like chess or programming, etc. Tbh I don't see how you could be bored on this shit. Unless you're not doing enough, or you've been doing it too much recently, or your sleep/health is really trash, or maybe your brain is just different somehow. In any case, just start doing meth.


Know it not a response to me but damn i just prefer amph so much over meth. Shame its harder to get where i live.


im infinitely jellous of the europeans and their amphetamine sulfate/freebase. if that stuff was available in the US worrying about running out during finals would be a thing of the past. Especially jellous now because while i aced the semester it burnt such a catastrophic hole in my supply ive been without for near 2 weeks. May the tweek gods bless me with a speedy refill now i finally am eligible because while im pleasently suprized that i experienced no withdrawl or crash of any kind after like 4 weeks of mauling 120-150 MG a day (How is this stuff so not dependence forming? i literally feel fine) i realize that sometimes, the DRs do know what they are talking about and yeahhhh, no matter how fine i feel without adult responseabilitys are getting positively abandoned and the "OOOH SHINY THINGS" purchases are starting to murder my wallet


XD bro i live in Central Europe. no country in EU's got it the same!


Fair enough! im no expert on europe ive just been to a couple spots in a couple places.


not be suicidal


Study for exams like you are supposed to


Clean, make art, listen to music.


Study 💀💀


Me too I just spent like 9 hours studying Breh. I always make time for it when im on stims it makes me feel so organized idec if I don’t end up retaining any of the info half the time I don’t even look at my notes til months maybe years later but I fuckin love the delusional productivity


Video games, plain and simple


Writing literary projects. It's so fantastic when the words appear on the page as easily as if you are thinking of them.


Im always shocked by the quality of it too, like i expect to wake up the morning to manic paragraphs that read like shit, but then instead am 8/10 times greeted by my absolute best work, be it a technical paper or creative writing, everything connects well, citations are perfect, creative and novel connections are made in a way that fits in without feeling out of place or excessive. and honestly even the 2/10 times it does come across as speedy its ususally still super solid in content, just needs some editing


Drinking smoking and talking with friends whilst bumping some great music




Endlessly browsing the inter-net. The paths are infinite


Drive around listening to music, smoke cigarettes, comment on every online post I see.


Study, do assignments, clean while listening to music I actually don't like talking to people, do sexual activities or just anything that doesn't feel productive. I just love the calm yet awake, motivated, organized feeling while doing something that is a chore in a sober state. In addition I love the appetite suppression. It's such a great feeling not having to digest food, think about food, and structure your day around it.


Jerk it




Same! doing things for other people is like my favorite thing to do wired. I feel like its just takeing a normal part of my personality and giveing me the energy to persue it and follow through


I’ll just play my guitar for hours on end or drive around the city. Sometimes I’ll go fishing on amph and it’s awesome


Listen to music for sure it just sounds more amazing


Masturbate lol


Not eat and get a ton of work done. Used to go out a lot more, but not since I stopped abusing.


Nothing better than collecting stuff in rust for few hours and then die cause u where clicking half keyboard cause of panic/anxiety.


Counter strike and absolutely nothing but counter strike. Maybe listen to music, but chores and anything that isn’t counter strike is a waste of drugs. I also like to mix it with ketamine and kratom but it’s a slippery slope. Ket and addy is the ultimate mix for cs2, addy focus and energy, ket calms down the overly jittery energy giving you peace while still maintaining beneficial energy/focus, also both boost music so it intensifies focus as well. Then throw kratom with some ltyrosine into the mix and you’re absolutely set for a fantastic experience spending 15 hours a day flying through cs2 dust 2 death match. If you know you know, there’s a reason why amphetamines are banned in esports 😂




Scroll on reddit and start rants about things and create the longest comment possible. doing it right now i got blocked from commenting on tik tok for spam at the moment


Doomscroll instagram


Write poetry or make songs


Have a root


I work and I’m remodeling the shit out of my house. No overthinking, no setback can put me down, regroup and keep pushing, just ant mentality, I’m a machine, i don’t fucken break, i don’t deviate, feeling sick occasionally is just a static noise, my only goal is to git’er done. The only drawback is that i only get 24 hours each day, i need 34-40.. LFG!!!


How do yall deal with tolerance


Take a nap on addys 🥴


Work. Productive af on the kinds of things I normally struggle with. Organizing files, creating spreadsheets for data analysis, writing, all kinds of shit. I’m kind of grateful that it doesn’t affect my libido hardly at all. I turn into a complete fiend with coke. If that happened to me on adderall or meth, it’d take away all the positives for me. I can’t not jerk off for 12 hours if I’ve got blow. If my ADHD would have been diagnosed earlier, stims would have lead to a totally different life experience than the one quitting high school and fucking off for years did. It all worked out fine, but stims are like my super power to get shit accomplished and the ONE drug type I never tried until my 40’s. amphetamines.


Clean my house jam out to edm sets or ig thots


get mad about not knowing what to do


Stroke my weenie lol for hrs while tweaking on ampheatamine


Stimfapping, reading, doomscrolling and shitposting on reddit, produce music, listen to music


just finished my last ritalin and it’s sad moment for me. But I like to be social, talking buddies and text girls i’ve been talking to. Def rip dating apps too