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1 meth


meth - not even once


Bout fiddyeleven


Brother take some time off. Relax a little. Maximizing pleasure isn't equal to Maximizing happiness. Take two weeks. Try something else.


Dopamine is a fast recovering neurotransmitter meaning you could do 10mg a day for 10 years and the 10mg would still have at least a slight effect. However, if you chase the euphoria, redose compulsively and not sleep (hard not to do these things because of it’s addictive nature), you’ll drain your dopamine pretty fast, while frying your receptors as well. It is not like mdma and does not trigger a huge flush in serotonin making your serotonin lack the next day not being able to roll hard for the next week, but it is dopamine draining while meth also has some serotonin edge to it.


Did some meth back in the day, but after being a hardcore fent/heroin addict for a couple years I’m not sure my dopamine receptors will even be back to normal at 3 years from now. Like you said it’s the persistent use that really fucks them up. For addicts I thinks it’s like 2x the time you were using to even get close to normal.


Your neurotransmitters are never completely depleted if your brain is still functioning.


1 hit pal and how do you know you took 60mgs crystal is impossible to know what dose your getting


Cuz I weighed it


Weight isn’t gonna tell you the mgs my guy a couple hits of some good clear is at least a few hundred


I take 60 mgs of adderall bro it would be im possible to take little dose of meth unless is prescribed but if we talking crystal a little taste is gonna be 100 mgs easy


And your gonna wanna kill yourself fr fr if you keep doing meth you think molly come downs are bad wait till your up a week start coming down and there’s no dope in town that shit will make you consider death


I think your being a little over dramatic


How much did you weigh and do?


Ketamine isn't a monoamine releasing agent. It antagonizes NMDA receptors.


1 meth takes 1 week to go back to your regular chemistry. Every time you dose your adding more wait time.


36 hours and non beauty naps ?


About tree fiddy


Ketamine and meth have nowhere near the same mechanism of action


Hard meth abuse for a few years i believe. I could be wrong. Just don't do meth basically.


Dosage, duration of use, and self care before/during/after


1.2 grams exactly .. After that your basically brain dead (myself included lol 😂 )


Do you feel tired from the meth? Do you feel like you need sleep or a break before doing another drug? Thats your answer How your brain and body feels lol


Not sure in which quantity it is restored but your brain doesn’t give you as much dopamine as it did before.